
Defines functions pplr_browse keyword_subset select_by_criteria default_vars vars_check vars_spell taxa_nest

Documented in pplr_browse

#' Browse the metadata of projects contained in the popler database
#' pplr_browse() reports the metadata of LTER studies contained in the popler database. 
#' The user can subset which datasets, and which metadata variables to visualize.  
#' @param ... A logical expression to subset the table containing the metadata of 
#' datasets contained in popler
#' @param full_tbl logical; Should the function returns the standard 
#' columns, or the full main table? Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param vars A vector of characters in case the user want to select 
#' which variables of popler's main table should be selected?
#' @param view If TRUE, opens up a spreadsheet-style data viewer.
#' @param keyword A string used to select individual datasets based on
#' pattern matching. The string is matched to every string element in the 
#' variables of the metadata table in popler. 
#' @param report logical; If \code{TRUE}, function produces a markdown 
#' report about each study's metadata, and opens it as a html page. 
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A data frame combining the metadata of each project 
#' and the taxonomic units associated with each project.
#' @return This data frame is of class \code{popler}, \code{data.frame},
#' \code{tbl_df}, and \code{tbl}. 
#' @importFrom utils View 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # No arguments return the standard 16 columns of popler's main table
#' default_vars = pplr_browse()
#' # full_tbl = TRUE returns the full table
#' all_vars = pplr_browse(full_tbl = TRUE)
#' # subset only data from the sevilleta LTER, and open the relative report in a html page
#' sev_data = pplr_browse(lterid == "SEV", report = TRUE)
#' # consider only plant data sets 
#' plant_data = pplr_browse(kingdom == "Plantae")
#' # Select only the data you need
#' three_columns = pplr_browse(vars = c("title","proj_metadata_key","genus","species"))
#' # Select only the data you need
#' study_21 = pplr_browse( proj_metadata_key == 25)
#' # Select studies that contain word "parasite"
#' parasite_studies = pplr_browse( keyword = "parasite")
#' }

# The browse popler function
pplr_browse <- function(..., full_tbl = FALSE, 
                   vars = NULL, 
                   view = FALSE, keyword = NULL,
                   report = FALSE){
  # load summary table
  summary_table <- pplr_summary_table_import()
  # stop if user supplies both criteria and a keyword
  if( !is.null(substitute(...)) & !is.null(keyword)){
         pplr_browse() cannot simultaneously subset based on both ",
         "a logical statement and the 'keyword' argument.
         Please use only one of the two methods, or refine your ",
         "search using get_data().")
  # error message if variable names are incorrect
  vars_spell(vars, c(names(summary_table), "taxonomy"), default_vars())
  # update user query to account for actual database variable names
  logic_expr <- call_update(substitute(...))
  # subset rows: if keyword is not NULL ---------------------------
  if(!is.null(keyword)) { 
    keyword_data <- keyword_subset(summary_table, keyword)
    subset_data <- keyword_data$tab
    keyword_expr <- keyword_data$s_arg
    # subset rows: if logic_expr is not NULL
  } else {  
    subset_data <- select_by_criteria(summary_table, logic_expr)
    keyword_expr <- NULL 
  # select variables (columns) -------------------------------------
  if( is.null(vars) ){ # if variables not declared explicitly 
    # select columns based on whether or not the full table should be returned
    out_vars <- if(full_tbl == TRUE) {
    } else {
      subset_data[ ,default_vars()]
  } else { # if variables are declared explicitly
    # select cols based on vars, including 'proj_metadata_key' if not in vars
    out_vars <- subset_data[ ,vars_check(vars), drop = FALSE] # drop=F in case only length(var)==1 
  # collapse taxonomic information for each project into a list 
  out_form  <- taxa_nest(out_vars, full_tbl)
  # write output
  if(view == TRUE) {
  # attribute class "popler"
  out <- structure(out_form, 
                   class = c("browse", class(out_form)),
                   search_expr = c(logic_expr, keyword_expr)[[1]])
  if(report == TRUE){ 


#' @noRd
# implements the 'keyword' argument And operator in pplr_browse() 
keyword_subset <- function(x, keyword){
  #function: index of keywords
  i_keyw <- function(x, keyword) {
    ind <- which(grepl(keyword, x, ignore.case = TRUE) )
  # row numbers selected
  ind_list <- lapply(x, i_keyw, keyword)
  proj_i <- unique(unlist(ind_list))
  # projects selected
  if(length(proj_i) > 0){
    proj_n <- unique(x$proj_metadata_key[proj_i])
    statements <- paste0("proj_metadata_key == ", proj_n)
    src_arg <- parse(text = paste0(statements, collapse = " | "))[[1]]
  } else { 
    src_arg <- NULL
  # return values
  out <- list(tab = x[proj_i, ],
              s_arg = src_arg) 

# function to subset dataframe by criteria and do error checking
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl_df
#' @noRd
select_by_criteria <- function(x, criteria){
  if(!is.null(criteria)) {
    # if criteria are specified, subset the dataframe accordingly
    out <- subset(x, eval(criteria))
  } else { 
    # if no criteria are specified, do nothing
    out <- x
  # if no results are returned, return an error
  if(nrow(out) == 0) {
    stop("No matches found. Either:
          1. the name of variable(s) you specified is/are incorrect or 
          2. the values you are looking for are not contained in the",
         "variable(s) you specified")

# Store possible variables
#' @noRd
default_vars = function(){ 
           "duration_years", "community", "studystartyr", "studyendyr",

# check that at least proj_metadata_key is included in variables
#' @noRd
vars_check <- function(x){
  if(!"proj_metadata_key" %in% x) {
    x <- c("proj_metadata_key", x)

# Error for misspelled columns in full table
#' @noRd
vars_spell <- function(select_columns, columns_full_tab, possibleargs){
  #Check for spelling mistakes
  if( !all( is.element(select_columns,columns_full_tab) ) ) {
    opt <- options(error=NULL)
    stop(paste0("Error: the following 'argument' entry was misspelled: '",
                setdiff(select_columns,possibleargs),"' "))

# expand table (to nest/unnest taxonomic info) 

#' @importFrom dplyr group_by %>% 
#' @importFrom tidyr nest one_of
#' @noRd
taxa_nest <- function(x, full_tbl){
  # select taxonomic information (based on full_ or standard_table)
    taxas <- c("sppcode", "species", "kingdom", "phylum",
               "class", "order", "family", "genus")
  } else {
    taxas <- c("sppcode", "kingdom", "subkingdom", "infrakingdom",
               "superdivision", "division", "subdivision",
               "superphylum", "phylum", "subphylum", "class",
               "subclass", "order", "family", "genus", "species",
               "common_name", "authority")
  # load summary_table
  summary_table <- pplr_summary_table_import()
  # check "x" variable names
  # if no taxonomy information provided 
  if(!any(names(x) %in% taxas)) out <- unique(summary_table[ ,names(x),
                                                             drop = FALSE])
  # if only ONE of the taxonomic variables is provided
  if(sum(names(x) %in% taxas) == 1){

    nested_var <- taxas[which(taxas %in% names(x))]
    out  <- x %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.dots = setdiff(names(x), taxas))  %>%
      tidyr::nest(taxas = tidyr::one_of(taxas))
    # Names of taxonomic lists
    names(out)[2] <- nested_var 
  # if more than ONE of the taxonomic variables is provided,
  # then these multiple taxonomic variables are group under "taxas"
  if(sum(names(x) %in% taxas) > 1){
    # nest data set
    out  <- x %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(.dots = setdiff(names(x),taxas)) %>%
      tidyr::nest(taxas = tidyr::one_of(taxas))
    # Names of taxonomic lists
    names(out$taxas)  <- paste0("taxa_project_", out$proj_metadata_key)

AldoCompagnoni/popler documentation built on Nov. 15, 2019, 9:48 a.m.