
Defines functions plot_partial_dependencies is_valid_type is_valid_probs is_valid_nrepetitions get_predictors plot_multiple plan_process plot_multiple_numerical plot_multiple_categorical plot_single plot_single_numerical plot_single_categorical

Documented in get_predictors is_valid_nrepetitions is_valid_probs is_valid_type plan_process plot_multiple plot_multiple_categorical plot_multiple_numerical plot_partial_dependencies plot_single plot_single_categorical plot_single_numerical

#' Function for plotting the partial dependencies of the created NeuralNetwork
#' \code{plot_partial_dependencies} creates the partial dependence plot for
#'   the specified predictors.
#' @param neural_net The NeuralNetwork instance, see:
#'   \code{\link{NeuralNetwork}}
#' @param predictors Vector of predictors of the neural network for which to
#'   plot the partial dependencies.
#' @param probs Vector of lower and upper bound probabilities for the confidence
#'   interval. If both are 0, intervals will not be plotted.
#' @param type Either 'ggplot' if the plot should be created using 'ggplot' or
#'   'ggplotly' if plotly should be used.
#' @param nrepetitions Number of samples used within bootstrap for confidence
#'   intervals.
#' @param parallel Boolean specifying if for the bootstrap confidence interval
#'   the plotting data creation should be parallelized.
#' @param use_stored_data Boolean specifying if the stored data within a model
#'   should be used. Raises an error if no stored data is available.
#' @return Created figure
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example: Numeric
#' library(MASS)
#' neural_network <- NeuralNetwork(f = medv ~ ., data = Boston,
#'                                 layers = c(5, 3), scale = TRUE,
#'                                 linear.output = TRUE)
#' plot_partial_dependencies(neural_network, predictors = "crim",
#'                           probs = c(0.2, 0.8), type = "ggplotly")
#' plot_partial_dependencies(neural_network, predictors = c("crim", "age"))
#' plot_partial_dependencies(neural_network, probs = c(0.1, 0.9))
#' # Example: Categoric or Binary
#' library(datasets)
#' model <- NeuralNetwork(
#'    Species ~ Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width,
#'    data = iris, layers = c(10, 10), rep = 5, err.fct = "ce",
#'    linear.output = FALSE, lifesign = "minimal", stepmax = 1000000,
#'    threshold = 0.001, scale = FALSE)
#' plot_partial_dependencies(model, predictors = "Petal.Length")
#' plot_partial_dependencies(model,
#'                           predictors = c("Sepal.Length", "Petal.Length"))
#' plot_partial_dependencies(model, type = "ggplotly")
#' }
#' @importFrom plotly ggplotly layout
#' @name plot_partial_dependencies
#' @export
plot_partial_dependencies <- function(
    neural_net, predictors = "all", probs = c(0, 0), type = "ggplot",
    nrepetitions = 50, parallel = FALSE, use_stored_data = FALSE){
    if (!all(probs == 0)) {

    predictors <- get_predictors(neural_net, predictors)

    if (length(predictors) > 1) {
        figure <- plot_multiple(neural_net, predictors, probs, nrepetitions,
                                parallel, use_stored_data)
    } else {
        figure <- plot_single(neural_net, predictors[[1]], probs, nrepetitions,
                              parallel, use_stored_data)

    if (type == "ggplot") {
    } else {
        return(ggplotly(figure) %>% layout(margin = list(l = 75, b = 75)))

#' Checks for valid type of plot.
#' @keywords internal
is_valid_type <- function(type){
    allowed <- c("ggplot", "ggplotly")
    if (!(type %in% allowed)) {
        stop("Please specify allowed type for plot: either ggplot or ggplotly!")

#' Checks for valid prediction interval probabilities.
#' @keywords internal
is_valid_probs <- function(probs){
    if (!is.numeric(probs) || length(probs) != 2) {
        stop("Please specify the prediction interval probabilities as a vector
             of two numbers!")
    if (sum(probs) != 1) {
        stop("The prediction interval probabilities have to add up to one!")
    if (any(probs <= 0)) {
        stop("The prediction interval probabilities have to be bigger than 0!")

#' Checks for valid nrepetitions for the bootstrap confidence interval.
#' @keywords internal
is_valid_nrepetitions <- function(nrepetitions){
    if (!is.numeric(nrepetitions)) {
        stop("Please specify an integer for the number of bootstrap
    } else if (nrepetitions < 2) {
        stop("Please specify an integer of at least 2 for the number of
         bootstrap repetitions")

#' Returns the predictors for which to plot the partial dependencies.
#' @importFrom dplyr syms
#' @keywords internal
get_predictors <- function(neural_net, predictors){
    if (length(predictors) > 1) {
        if (any(predictors == "all")) {
            stop("You cannot use multiple predictors including 'all'
                 as a predictor!")
    } else {
        if (predictors == "all") {
    if (any(!(predictors %in%
              neural_net$neural_network$model.list$variables))) {
        stop("Please specify predictors that were used in the
    } else {

#' Plots partial dependencies for multiple predictors. Default behaviour is that
#' computations for data preparation will run parallely.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster detectCores stopCluster
#' @keywords internal
plot_multiple <- function(neural_net, predictors, probs, nrepetitions,
                          parallel, use_stored_data){
    if (isTRUE(use_stored_data)) {
        if (is.null(neural_net$stored_data)) {
            stop("There is no stored data available. Please create a
                 NeuralNetwork with the options argument specified!")
        } else {
            prepared_data <- neural_net$stored_data[
                neural_net$stored_data$predictor %in%
                    as.character(predictors), ]
    } else {
        prediction_names <- ifelse(neural_net$type == "categorical",
                                   yes = 2, no = 1)
        num_clusters <- ifelse(isTRUE(parallel), detectCores(), 1)
        clusters <- makeCluster(num_clusters)
        plan_process(parallel, clusters)
        prepared_data <- predictors %>%
            map(~ prepare_data(neural_net, .x, probs, nrepetitions)) %>%
            map(~ gather(.x, "predictor", "values", prediction_names)) %>%

    if (neural_net$type == "numerical") {
        return(plot_multiple_numerical(prepared_data, neural_net))
    } else if (neural_net$type == "categorical") {
        return(plot_multiple_categorical(prepared_data, neural_net))

#' Function for enabling multiprocessing.
#' @importFrom future plan cluster sequential
#' @keywords internal
plan_process <- function(parallel, clusters = NULL){
    if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
        plan(cluster, workers = clusters)
    } else {

#' Plots partial dependencies for given predictors with numerical dependent
#' variable.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line facet_wrap vars labs theme_minimal geom_point
#' @keywords internal
plot_multiple_numerical <- function(prepared_data, neural_net){
    return(ggplot(aes(values, yhat, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr),
                  data = prepared_data) +
               geom_line(size = 1) + geom_point() + geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.25) +
               facet_wrap(vars((predictor)), scales = "free") +
               labs(title = paste("Partial dependence plots for",
                    y = "Partial Dependence",
                    x = "Predictor") +

#' Plots partial dependencies for given predictor with categorical dependent
#' variable.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line facet_wrap vars labs theme_minimal geom_point
#' @keywords internal
plot_multiple_categorical <- function(prepared_data, neural_net){
    return(ggplot(data = prepared_data,
                  aes(values, yhat, color = class, group = class, fill = class)) +
               geom_line(size = 1) + geom_point() + geom_ribbon(
                   aes(x = values, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), alpha = 0.25) +
               facet_wrap(vars(predictor), scales = "free") +
               labs(title = paste("Partial dependence plots for",
                    y = "Partial Dependence",
                    x = "Predictor") +

#' Plots partial dependencies for single given predictor.
#' @importFrom  magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster detectCores stopCluster
#' @keywords internal
plot_single <- function(neural_net, predictor, probs, nrepetitions, parallel,
    if (isTRUE(use_stored_data)) {
        if (is.null(neural_net$stored_data)) {
            stop("There is no stored data available. Please create a
                 NeuralNetwork with the options argument specified!")
        } else {
            prepared_data <- neural_net$stored_data[
                neural_net$stored_data$predictor %in% as.character(predictor), ]
            prepared_data <- prepared_data %>% rename(!!predictor := values)
    } else {
        num_clusters <- ifelse(isTRUE(parallel), detectCores(), 1)
        clusters <- makeCluster(num_clusters)
        plan_process(parallel, clusters)
        prepared_data <- prepare_data(neural_net, predictor, probs,

    if (neural_net$type == "numerical") {
        return(plot_single_numerical(prepared_data, predictor, neural_net))
    } else if (neural_net$type == "categorical") {
        return(plot_single_categorical(prepared_data, predictor, neural_net))

#' Plots partial dependencies for given predictor with numerical dependent
#' variable.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line geom_ribbon labs theme_minimal geom_point
#' @keywords internal
plot_single_numerical <- function(prepared_data, predictor, neural_net){
    return(ggplot(data = prepared_data,
                  aes(x = !!predictor, y = yhat, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr)) +
               geom_line(size = 1) + geom_point() + geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.25) +
               labs(title = paste("Partial dependence plot for",
                    y = "Partial Dependence",
                    x = paste(predictor)) + theme_minimal())

#' Plots partial dependencies for given predictor with categorical dependent
#' variable.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_line labs theme_minimal geom_point
#' @keywords internal
plot_single_categorical <- function(prepared_data, predictor, neural_net){
    return(ggplot(data = prepared_data,
                  aes(x = !!predictor, y = yhat, color = class, group = class,
                      fill = class)) +
               geom_line(size = 1) + geom_point() + geom_ribbon(aes(
                   x = !!predictor, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr),
                   alpha = 0.25) +
               labs(title = paste("Partial dependence plot for",
                    y = "Partial Dependence",
                    x = paste(predictor)) +
AlexAfanasev/NeuralNetworkVisualization documentation built on Sept. 23, 2019, 2:29 a.m.