
Defines functions sd.lisst sd median.lisst mean.lisst lstat lfit lrings

Documented in lfit lrings lstat mean.lisst median.lisst sd sd.lisst

#' Sum of ring values
#' The function performs a sum over the specified rings.
#' @param x     A lisst object.
#' @param rings The rings to be summed.
#' @details
#' If parameter rings is not supplied, sum will be performed over all rings.
#' @export

lrings <- function(x, bins) {
	lmodl <- attr(x, 'lmodl')
	linst <- attr(x, 'linst')
	if(missing(bins)) bins <- 1:lmodl$nring
	if(max(bins) > lmodl$nring)
		stop(paste0('Maximum rings in LISST-', lmodl$mod, 
			ifelse(linst$X, 'X', ''), " is ", lmodl$nring), 
			call. = FALSE)
	rs <- apply(as.matrix(x[, bins, drop = FALSE]), 1, sum, na.rm = T)
	units(rs) <- units(x[, 1])

#' Fit a PSD model to the lisst data
#' The function performs a fit of the available models of PSD.
#' @param x     A PSD ('vol' or 'pnc') lisst object.
#' @param model Curently ignored. Only Junge model implemented.
#' @export

lfit <- function(x, model) {
	typ <- attr(x, 'type')
	if(!(typ == 'vol' || typ == 'pnc'))
		stop("A PSD model fit can only be performed in a 'vol' or 'pnc' lisst object", 
			call. = FALSE)
	x <- lget(x, 'pnc')

	linst <- attr(x, "linst")
	lmodl <- attr(x, "lmodl")
	lproc <- attr(x, "lproc")

	bins  <- as.numeric(lmodl$binr[[lproc$ity]][, 3])
	junge <- numeric(nrow(x))
	mat   <- as.matrix(x[, 1:lmodl$nring, drop = F])
	id    <- which(mat[, 1] != 0)
	for(i in id) {
		jfit <- lm(log10(mat[i, ])~log10(bins))
		junge[i] <- as.vector(coefficients(jfit)[2])

#' Descriptive statistics for lisst objects
#' The functions calculate the average or the median per variable of a lisst 
#' object, for the whole data or in intervals. The dispersion of the dataset or
#' intervals is also retrieved and stored.
#' @param x    A lisst object.
#' @param brks A vector with the breaks (intervals) for the aggregation. See 
#'             details.
#' @param fun  A function to perform the aggregation (mean, median, sd). 
#'             Defaults to mean.
#' @param ...  Arguments to be passed to aggregation functions.
#' @details 
#' The breaks (intervals) are passed directly to the subset function, so must 
#' now be supplied in final form.
#' The resulting time indexing will always be the average of the time of the 
#' imput records. In the case of aggregation by depth, time indexing will most
#' likelly not be regular or monotonic. In these cases, plot functions that can
#' have different ordinates should always be by 'depth'.
#' @export

lstat <- function(x, brks, fun = 'mean', ...) {
	if(missing(brks)) stop("brks missing, with no default", call. = FALSE)
	if(!is(brks, 'list')) stop('brks must be a list', call. = FALSE)
	if(missing(fun)) fun <- 'mean'
	else if(!(fun == 'mean' || fun == 'median' || fun == 'sd'))
		stop("fun must be 'mean', 'median' or 'sd'.", call. = FALSE)

	# Should be removed if just fluctuations...
	id <- which(drop_units(x$OptTrans) < 0.3)
	x$OptTrans[id] <- NA
	x$BeamAtt[id]  <- NA

	xl <- list()
	for(i in 1:length(brks)) {
		xl[[i]] <- x[brks[[i]], , drop = FALSE]
		if(nrow(xl[[i]]) == 0) {
			xl[[i]] <- matrix(rep(NA, ncol(xl[[i]])), nrow = 1)
			xl[[i]] <- as.data.frame(xl[[i]])

	xb <- do.call(rbind, lapply(xl, fun, ...))

#' @describeIn lstat Compute the mean for lisst objects
#' @examples
#' mean(donkmeer_bin)
#' @export

mean.lisst <- function(x, ...) {
	if(nrow(x) == 1) return(x)
	if(nrow(x) == 0) return(x[1, , drop = F])
	xm <- x[1, , drop = FALSE]
	xm[1, ] <- as.data.frame(sapply(x, mean, na.rm = TRUE, simplify = F))
	rownames(xm) <- format(mean(ltime(x)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS1 %Z")

#' @describeIn lstat Compute the median for lisst objects
#' @examples
#' median(donkmeer_bin)
#' @export

median.lisst <- function(x, ...) {
	if(nrow(x) == 1) return(x)
	xm <- x[1, , drop = FALSE]
	xm[1, ] <- as.data.frame(sapply(x, median, na.rm = TRUE, simplify = F))
	rownames(xm) <- format(mean(ltime(x)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS1 %Z")

#' An S3 generic for sd
#' @export

sd <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("sd")

#' @export
sd.default <- stats::sd

#' @describeIn lstat Compute the median for lisst objects
#' @examples
#' sd(donkmeer_bin)
#' @export

sd.lisst <- function(x, ...) {
	xm <- x[1, , drop = FALSE]
	xm$Time <- numeric(1)
	if(nrow(x) == 1) return(xm-xm)
	xm[1, ] <- as.data.frame(sapply(x, sd, na.rm = TRUE, simplify = F))
	rownames(xm) <- format(mean(ltime(x)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS1 %Z")
AlexCast/lisst documentation built on July 17, 2021, 12:58 a.m.