#' Function plotLDA
#' Plots topic document distribution and topic descriptions.
#' @param lda Object of class LDA.
#' @param labels character vector with document labels.
#' @param srt Numeric value specifying the rotation of the x-axis (between 0 and 360 degrees). Defaults to 45.
#' @details Plots topic document distribution and topic descriptions based on a topicmodels::LDA object.
#' @keywords plotting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l=af.lda(c("Hello world","Hallo Welt"));plotLDA(l)
plotLDA <- function (lda = NULL, labels = NULL, main = "Topic distribution over documents",
border = NA, space = 0, stopwords = NULL, cex = 0.7, srt = 45,
plot = T)
if (is.null(labels))
labels = rownames(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)
lda.probs.terms = topicmodels::posterior(lda)$terms
rem2 = NULL
if (!is.null(stopwords))
rem2 = stopwords
lda.probs.terms = lda.probs.terms[, is.na(match(colnames(lda.probs.terms),
lda.top.terms = apply(lda.probs.terms, 1, function(x) names(sort(x,
decreasing = T)[1:5]))
topic.descriptions = apply(lda.top.terms, 2, function(x) paste(x,
collapse = ", "))
if (plot) {
bp = barplot(t(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics), names.arg = rep("",
dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[1]), col = rainbow(dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[2]),
xlim = c(0, dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[1] *
1.5), main = main, border = border, space = space)
if (dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[2] < 5)
legend("right", paste0("Topic ", 1:dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[2],
"\n(", gsub(", ", ",\n", topic.descriptions),
")\n"), bty = "n", fill = rainbow(dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[2]),
cex = cex)
else legend("right", paste0("Topic ", 1:dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[2]),
bty = "n", fill = rainbow(dim(topicmodels::posterior(lda)$topics)[2]),
cex = cex)
if (length(bp) <= 30)
text(bp + 0.5, 0, paste(labels, " "), srt = srt,
pos = 2, xpd = T, cex = 0.8)
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