
Defines functions search_fulltext

Documented in search_fulltext

#' Full text search
#' Performs a search across all objects, and selects the closest matches.
#' Generally, the user will provide the search term via the \code{query}
#' parameter, with optional filtering via \code{fq}.
#' @references Associated ALA web service: \url{https://api.ala.org.au/#ws1}
#' @param query string: the search term
#' @param fq string: (optional) character string or vector of strings,
#' specifying filters to be applied to the original query/
#' These are of the form "INDEXEDFIELD:VALUE" e.g. "rk_kingdom:Fungi".
#' See \code{ala_fields("general")} for all the fields that are queryable.
#' NOTE that fq matches are case-sensitive, but sometimes the entries in the
#' fields are not consistent in terms of case (e.g. kingdom names "Fungi" and
#' "Plantae" but "ANIMALIA"). fq matches are ANDed by default
#' (e.g. c("field1:abc","field2:def") will match records that have field1 value
#' "abc" and field2 value "def"). To obtain OR behaviour, use the form
#' c("field1:abc OR field2:def")
#' @param output_format string: controls the print method for the "data"
#' component of the returned object. Either "complete" (the complete data
#' structure is displayed), or "simple" (a simplified version is displayed).
#' Note that the complete data structure exists in both cases: this option
#' only controls what is displayed when the object is printed to the console.
#' The default output format is "simple"
#' @param start numeric: (optional) (positive integer) start offset for the
#' results
#' @param page_size numeric: (optional) (positive integer) maximum number of
#' records to return. Defaults to the server-side value - currently 10
#' @param sort_by string: (optional) field to sort on. See
#' \code{ala_fields("general")} for valid field names
#' @param sort_dir string: (optional) sort direction, either "asc" or "desc"
#' @seealso \code{\link{ala_fields}}
#' @return a named list with the components "meta" (search metadata), "facets"
#' (search facet results), and "data" (the search results, in the form of a
#' data frame). The contents (column names) of the data frame will vary
#' depending on the details of the search and the results, but should contain
#' at least the columns \code{guid}, \code{name}, \code{commonName},
#' \code{rank}, \code{author}, and \code{occurrenceCount}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  # find information ALA holds on red kangaroo
#'  search_fulltext("red kangaroo")
#'  search_fulltext("Heleioporus australiacus")
#'  search_fulltext("urn:lsid:biodiversity.org.au:afd.taxon:
#'  31a9b8b8-4e8f-4343-a15f-2ed24e0bf1ae")
#'  # find genus names like "Oenanthe"
#'  search_fulltext("oenanthe", sort_by = "rk_kingdom", fq = "rank:genus")
#' }
#' @export
search_fulltext <- function(query, fq = "idxtype:TAXON",
                            output_format = "simple", start, page_size,
                            sort_by, sort_dir) {
    output_format <- match.arg(tolower(output_format), c("simple", "complete"))
    this_query <- list()
    if (!missing(query)) {
        if (is.factor(query)) {
            query <- as.character(query)
        this_query$q <- query

    ## need to check fq whether or not it has been specified
    ## can have multiple fq parameters, need to specify in url as
    ## fq=a:b&fq=c:d&fq=...
    check_fq(fq, type = "general") ## check that fq fields are valid
    fq <- as.list(fq)

    ## check if index field has been specified
    idx <- which(sapply(fq, function(x) {
        sub("\\:.*", "", x)
        }) == "idxtype")

    if (length(idx) == 0) {
        ## no default has been set so can restrict search to taxon
        fq <- c(fq, "idxtype:TAXON")
    names(fq) <- rep("fq", length(fq))
    this_query <- c(this_query, fq)

    if (!missing(start)) {
        ## server-side is zero-based count, so subtract 1
        this_query$start <- start - 1
    if (!missing(page_size)) {
        this_query$pageSize <- page_size
    if (!missing(sort_by)) {
        ## check that this is a valid field
        valid_fields <- ala_fields("general", as_is = TRUE)$name
        if (! sort_by %in% valid_fields) {
            stop(sort_by, " is not a valid field for sort_by. See ",
                 "(\"general\", as_is=TRUE)")
        this_query$sort <- sort_by
    if (!missing(sort_dir)) {
        sort_dir <- match.arg(tolower(sort_dir), c("asc", "desc"))
        this_query$dir <- sort_dir

    this_url <- build_url_from_parts(
        getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$base_url_bie, "search.json",
        query = this_query)
    x <- cached_get(url = this_url, type = "json")
    x <- as.list(x)
    ## server may return a message saying e.g. "400 error"
    if (any(names(x) == "error")) {
        stop("Error. The message from the server was: ", x$error)

    ## reformat data into a more concise structure
    ## for newer jsonlite (> something like 0.9.5) there is a top-level
    ## x$searchResults and other parts of the structure differ slightly
    is_old_jsonlite <- TRUE
    if (identical(names(x), "searchResults")) {
        x <- x$searchResults
        is_old_jsonlite <- FALSE
    ## x is a named list. Each component of that list is itself a named list
    ## with a single element "searchResults".
    ## first collate the metadata, which is everything except "results" and
    ## "facetResults" elements
    out <- list(meta = x[!names(x) %in% c("results", "facetResults")])
    if (is_old_jsonlite) {
        ## collapse the singleton "searchResults" structures
        out$meta <- lapply(out$meta, function(z)z$searchResults)
        out$data <- x$results$searchResults
    } else {
        out$data <- x$results
    if (is.list(out$data) & length(out$data) < 1) {
        ## no results
        if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
            warning("no matching records were returned")
        out$data <- data.frame()
    } else if (! is.data.frame(out$data)) {
        ## something wrong
        stop("structure of json not as expected. ",
    } else {
        ## rename some columns
        names(out$data)[names(out$data) == "classs"] <- "class"
        names(out$data) <- rename_variables(names(out$data), type = "general")
        ## remove unwanted columns
        xcols <- setdiff(names(out$data), unwanted_columns("general"))
        ## also some additional ones specific here
        xcols <- setdiff(xcols, c("hasChildren", "image", "thumbnail"))
        ## hasChildren seems always to be false, even for taxa that ought to
        ## have children (e.g. Heleioporus)
        ## image and thumbnail appear to be internal paths, not full URLs
        ## 2016-09-16 - these don't seem to be returned now, but leave this
        ## code in place anyway
        out$data <- subset(out$data, select = xcols)
    for (n in intersect(names(out$data), c("name", "nameComplete",
                                           "scientificName", "species")))
        out$data[, n] <- replace_nonbreaking_spaces(out$data[, n])
    out$facets <- x$facetResults$searchResults
    class(out) <- "search_fulltext"
    attr(out, "output_format") <- output_format

#' @method print search_fulltext
#' @export
"print.search_fulltext" <- function(x, ...) {
    cat(sprintf("Search metadata:\n"))
    cat(sprintf("\nFacet results:\n"))
    cat(sprintf("\nSearch results:\n"))
    cols <- names(x$data)
    if (identical(attr(x, "output_format"), "simple")) {
        if ("commonNameSingle" %in% cols) {
            cncol <- "commonNameSingle"
            } else {
                cncol <- "commonName"
        cols <- intersect(c("name", cncol, "rank", "guid"), cols)
    print(as.matrix(format.data.frame(x$data[, cols], na.encode = FALSE)))
AtlasOfLivingAustralia/ALA4R documentation built on Sept. 16, 2021, 4:33 a.m.