
Defines functions angle_normalise surrogate_arsimulate0 surrogate_arsimulate surrogate_arfit surrogateCrawl surrogateCrawlModel surrogateAR surrogateARModel calc_distbearing randomize_track

Documented in calc_distbearing randomize_track surrogateAR surrogate_arfit surrogateARModel surrogate_arsimulate surrogate_arsimulate0 surrogateCrawl surrogateCrawlModel

##' Compute surrogate track by randomizing the steps of an observed
##' track
##' Converts a track to a distance/bearing representation, and then
##' reconstructs a new track by randomly perturbing the bearings of
##' each increment, and otpionally, randomly reordering the
##' increments.
##' @title Randomized track
##' @param lonlat a 2-column matrix or dataframe with longitude and
##' latitude of each point
##' @param rotate a 2-element numeric vector giving the lower and
##' upper limits of the random rotation to apply to the randomized
##' track
##' @param reorder should the track steps be randomly reordered.
##' @return A dataframe with columns
##' \item{\code{lon}}{the longitude of the randomized track}
##' \item{\code{lat}}{the latitude of the randomized track}
##' @export
randomize_track <- function(lonlat,rotate=c(-pi,pi),reorder=FALSE) {
  ## distance and final bearing for each step
  db <- calc_distbearing(lonlat)
  ## Randomize the step order
    db <- db[sample.int(nrow(db)),]
  if (!is.null(rotate)) {
    db[,2] <- db[,2]+runif(1,min=min(rotate)/pi*180,max=max(rotate)/pi*180)
  for (k in 2:nrow(lonlat)) {
    lonlat[k,] <- destPoint(lonlat[k-1,],db[k-1,2],db[k-1,1])

##' Calculate distances in metres and bearing between successive
##' points along track.
##' This is an internal function used by \code{\link{randomize_track}}.
##' @title Distance and Bearing
##' @param lonlat a 2-column matrix or dataframe with longitude and
##' latitude of each point
##' @return A dataframe with columns
##' \item{\code{lon}}{the longitude of the randomized track}
##' \item{\code{lat}}{the latitude of the randomized track}
calc_distbearing <- function(lonlat) {
  nr <- nrow(lonlat)
  dst <- distVincentySphere(lonlat[-nr,],lonlat[-1,])
  ## Why is this the final bearing??
  brg <- finalBearing(lonlat[-nr,],lonlat[-1,])

#' Fit first-order vector-autoregressive model to track
#' This function fits the vector AR(1) model used as the \code{model}
#' argument to \code{\link{surrogateAR}}.
#' @title VAR(1) track model
#' @param lonlat a 2-column matrix or dataframe with longitude and
#' latitude of each point
#' @return An object of class "ar"
#' @seealso \code{\link{ar}}, \code{\link{surrogateAR}}
#' @export
surrogateARModel <- function(lonlat) {

    ## Fixed at 1st order model for now. Might allow this as a param,
    ## but needs surrogate_arsimulate code updated to handle higher
    ## model orders first
    model.order <- 1

    ## Calculate distance increments dx, dy for each time step
    nr <- nrow(lonlat)
    lonlat <- lonlat[, 1:2, drop = FALSE]
    dx <- distVincentyEllipsoid(cbind(lonlat[-1, 1], lonlat[-nr, 2]), lonlat[-nr, ]) * sign(lonlat[-1, 1] - lonlat[-nr, 1])
    ## eastwards movement has positive sign

    ## the sign of dx will be wrong when the track crosses the date line
    ##  noting that we can have a track segment going from positive longitude (say 179E) to negative longitude (179W) crossing the date line, but also a segment crossing the zero line (1E to 1W) - the latter will be correct
    tempdx <- lonlat[-nr, 1] - lonlat[-1, 1] ## x difference on given coords
    tempdx2 <- lonlat[-nr, 1] - (lonlat[-1, 1] + 180) ## lon difference but with starting point shifted 180 degrees eastwards
    tempdx3 <- lonlat[-nr, 1] + 180 - lonlat[-1, 1] ## lon difference but with ending point shifted 180 degrees eastwards
    idx <- which((lonlat[-nr, 1] > 0 & lonlat[-1, 1] < 0 & abs(tempdx2) < abs(tempdx)) | (lonlat[-nr, 1] < 0 & lonlat[-1, 1] > 0 & abs(tempdx3) < abs(tempdx)))
    dx[idx] <- -dx[idx] ## change the sign of these

    dy <- distVincentyEllipsoid(cbind(lonlat[-nr, 1], lonlat[-1, 2]), lonlat[-nr, ]) * sign(lonlat[-1, 2] - lonlat[-nr, 2])
    ## northwards movement has positive sign

    ## Fit AR1 to distance increments
    dxdy <- data.frame(dx = dx, dy = dy)
    ar(dxdy, order.max = model.order, aic = FALSE)

#' Generate new tracks from a VAR(1)
#' Given a fitted VAR(1) model and a template track, this function
#' generates a new track of the same length that coincides with the
#' template at the start point and optionally other specified points
#' along the track.
#' The template track must be supplied as a matrix representing a
#' sequence of locations where each row is a location and the columns
#' represent longitude and latitude.  The locations must be
#' equispaced in time, and can be generated as the "p" location types
#' from \code{crwPredict}.
#' The model object is generated by \code{surrogateARModel} from a
#' fitted crawl track.  This fits a VAR(1) model to the increments in
#' longitude and latitude.
#' Locations from the template track can be marked as fixed with the
#' \code{fixed} argument. In the current implementation the first
#' location must always be fixed.
#' Additional constraints can be placed on the path by rejection
#' sampling through the function \code{point.check}.  This function
#' must accept a state and return a boolean indicating whether the
#' point is acceptable.  For example, the track can be constrained to
#' the ocean by supplying a \code{point.check} function that compares
#' the state to a land mask and returns \code{FALSE} for states
#' corresponding to locations that fall on land.
#' @title VAR bridge sampler
#' @param model a model generated with \code{surrogateARModel}.
#' @param ts the times at which the track is sampled
#' @param xs the template sequence of states
#' @param fixed a logical vector indicating which locations in the
#' template path are to be held fixed.
#' @param point.check function that accepts a state and
#' returns boolean indicating whether the state is acceptable.
#' @param random.rotation the upper and lower limits (radians) of the
#' rotation applied to the VAR(1) model.
#' @param partial if \code{TRUE}, a partial track is returned if the
#' sampling fails.
#' @return An array of states the define the simulated path.
#' @export
surrogateAR <- function(model, xs, ts = seq_len(nrow(xs)), fixed = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), c(1, nrow(xs)-2, 1)), point.check = function(tm, pt) TRUE, random.rotation = c(-pi, pi), partial = FALSE) {

    if (is.data.frame(xs)) xs <- as.matrix(xs)

    xs <- unname(xs[, 1:2, drop = FALSE])
    n <- nrow(xs)

    ## Construct that fit that would have been obtained had the data been
    ## rotated with rotation matrix R.
    rotateVAR1 <- function(model, theta) {
        if (abs(theta) > 1e-09) {
            nms <- names(model$x.mean)
            R <- matrix(c(cos(theta), sin(theta), -sin(theta), cos(theta)), 2, 2)
            model$ar[1, , ] <- R %*% model$ar[1, , ] %*% t(R)
            model$var.pred <- R %*% model$var.pred %*% t(R)
            model$x.mean <- model$x.mean %*% t(R)
            names(model$x.mean) <- nms

    ## Simulate forward from k0.  Returns the index of the last fixed point reached if an acceptable next candidate cannot be found.
    sample <- function(k0, A, U, mu) {
        z <- double(2)
        for (i in 1:100) z <- drop(A %*% z) + drop(rnorm(2) %*% U)

        ## Simulate forward from k0
        x <- xs[k0, ]
        k <- k0 + 1

        ## Find remaining fixed points
        kfixed <- if(k <= n) (k:n)[fixed[k:n]] else integer(0)

        while (k <= n) {
            if (fixed[k]) {
                ## Skip fixed points
                while (k <= n && fixed[k]) {
                    x <- xs[(k0 <- k), ]
                    k <- k + 1L
                ## Find any remaining fixed points
                kfixed <- if (k <= n) (k:n)[fixed[k:n]] else integer(0)
                ## Re-initialize z
                z <- double(2)
                for (i in 1:100) z <- drop(A %*% z) + drop(rnorm(2) %*% U)
            } else {
                ## Try at most 100 new candidates
                for (r in 1:100) {
                    ## Trial z - simulate from centred VAR(1) model
                    z1 <- drop(A %*% z) + drop(rnorm(2) %*% U)
                    ## Trial x - take step in lon then lat.
                    x1 <- as.vector(destPoint(destPoint(x, 90, z1[1] + mu[1]), 0, z1[2] + mu[2]))
                    ## Nudge - this seems a little aggressive
                    if (length(kfixed)) {
                        this_nudge <- xs[kfixed[1], ] - x1
                        this_nudge[1] <- angle_normalise(this_nudge[1] / 180 * pi) / pi * 180
                        x1 <- x1 + (this_nudge) / (kfixed[1] - k + 1L)
                    ## Test current candidate
                    if (point.check(ts[k], x1)) {
                        ## Accept candidate
                        z <- z1
                        xs[k, ] <<- (x <- x1)
                        k <- k + 1L
                    } else {
                        ## On failure return last fixed point
                        if (r == 100L) return(k0)
        ## Return n+1 on success
        return(n + 1L)

    ## Try 100 rotations of the model
    for (roti in 1:100) {
        theta <- if (is.null(random.rotation)) 0 else runif(1, random.rotation[1], random.rotation[2])
        model0 <- rotateVAR1(model, theta)
        A <- unname(model0$ar[1, , ])
        U <- chol(unname(model0$var.pred))
        mu <- as.vector(model0$x.mean)
        k <- 1L
        fails <- 0
        for (i in 1:50) {
            knew <- if (i < 25) sample(k, A, U, mu) else sample(1, A, U, mu)
            if (knew == k) fails <- fails + 1L ## failed to find valid new point
            k <- knew
            if(k > n) return(list(xs = xs, ts = ts))
        if (fails == 50) warning("Failed to find acceptable point at step ", k, ". If surrogateAR fails to return a track, this might indicate a location from which it is not possible to step to another, valid location.")
    ## Return partial track or NULL
    if (partial) {
        xs[k:n, ] <- NA
        list(xs = xs, ts = ts)

##' Generate Transition and Covariance Matrices for a simple Crawl Model
##' Generates the transition and covariance matrices of the state
##' space model for time increment \code{dt}, corresponding to a
##' fitted crawl model with no drift and no covariates.
##' Currently no polar adjustment is made.
##' The matrices are generated assuming the state variables are stored
##' as a vector in the order longitude mu and nu then latitude mu and
##' nu.  The parametrization is defined as in the crawl source not the
##' paper, which differs by a factor of \eqn{\beta^{2}} in the
##' definition of \eqn{\sigma^{2}}.
##' @title Crawl Movement Model
##' @param fit a fitted crawl object
##' @param dt the fixed time increment
##' @return A list containing
##' \item{\code{A}}{the transition matrix}
##' \item{\code{Q}}{the covariance matrix}
##' \item{\code{dt}}{the time increment}
##' @export
surrogateCrawlModel <- function(fit,dt) {

  ## Components of the transition and covariance matrices
  a <- function(beta) (1-exp(-beta*dt))/beta
  b <- function(beta) exp(-beta*dt)
  v11 <- function(sigma,beta) (sigma)^2*(dt-2*a(beta)+a(2*beta))
  v12 <- function(sigma,beta) (sigma)^2*(1-2*b(beta)+b(2*beta))/2
  v22 <- function(sigma,beta) (beta*sigma)^2*a(2*beta)

  ## This matches the code but differs from the paper.
  n.err <- fit$n.errX+fit$n.errY
  sigma1 <- sigma2 <- exp(fit$par[n.err+1])
  beta1 <- beta2 <- exp(fit$par[n.err+2])

  ## Transition and covariance matrices
  A <- matrix(c(1,0,a(beta1),0,
  Q <- matrix(c(v11(sigma1,beta1),0,v12(sigma1,beta1),0,

##' Generate new tracks from a Crawl model
##' Given a fitted crawl model and a template track, this function
##' generates a new track of the same length that coincides with the
##' template at the start point and optionally other specified points
##' along the track.
##' The template track must be supplied as a matrix representing a
##' sequence of states where each row is a state and each column a
##' state variable.  The states must be equispaced in time, and can be
##' generated as the "p" location types from \code{crwPredict}.
##' The crawl model object is generated by \code{crawlModel} from a
##' fitted crawl model.
##' Locations from the template track can be marked as fixed with the
##' \code{fixed} argument. In the current implementation the first
##' location must always be fixed.
##' Additional constraints can be placed on the path by rejection
##' sampling through the function \code{point.check}.  This function
##' must accept a state and return a boolean indicating whether the
##' point is acceptable.  For example, the track can be constrained to
##' the ocean by supplying a \code{point.check} function that compares
##' the state to a land mask and returns \code{FALSE} for states
##' corresponding to locations that fall on land.
##' @title Regressive bridge sampler
##' @param model a list with the transition and covariance matrices
##' corresponding to the fitted movement model.
##' @param xs the template sequence of states
##' @param ts the times at which the track is sampled
##' @param fixed a logical vector indicating which locations in the
##' template path are to be held fixed.
##' @param point.check function that accepts a state and
##' returns boolean indicating whether the state is acceptable.
##' @param Verr error covariance for fixed points.
##' @param partial if \code{TRUE}, a partial track is returned if the
##' sampling fails.
##' @return An array of states the define the simulated path.
##' @export
surrogateCrawl <- function(model,xs,ts=1:nrow(xs),
                           point.check=function(tm,pt) TRUE,
                           partial=FALSE) {

  ## Extract model matrices
  A <- model$A
  Q <- model$Q
  QI <- solve(Q)

  ## Enforce fixed first state
  fixed[1] <- TRUE

  xs <- unname(xs)
  n <- nrow(xs)

  ## Priors
  ms <- xs
  Ps <- array(0,c(nrow(Q),ncol(Q),n))

  ## Forward pass - generate priors from movement model
  for(k in 1:n)
    if(fixed[k]) {
      ms[k,3:4] <- 0
      Ps[,,k] <- Verr
    } else {
      ms[k,] <- A%*%ms[k-1,]
      Ps[,,k] <- A%*%Ps[,,k-1]%*%t(A)+Q

  ## Reverse pass - recursively sample by Bayesian regression,
  ## starting from x[k0,]
  sample <- function(k0) {
    x <- ms[k0,] + drop(rnorm(nrow(Verr))%*%chol(Ps[,,k0]))
    xs[k0,] <<- x
    for(k in (k0-1):1) {
      P <- Ps[,,k]
      PI <- solve(P)
      b <- PI%*%ms[k,]+t(A)%*%QI%*%x
      #b <- PI%*%ms[k,]+t(x%*%QI%*%A)
      ## Sample from N(V^{1} b, V^{-1})
      R <- chol(t(A)%*%QI%*%A+PI)
      ## point.check/rejection loop
      for(r in 1:100) {
        x <- drop(backsolve(R,backsolve(R,b,transpose=T)+rnorm(length(b))))
        if(fixed[k] || point.check(ts[k],x[1:2])) break
        ## If fail, return last fixed point
        if(r==100) return(k0)
      xs[k,] <<- x

      ## Allow discontinuity at a fixed point
      if(fixed[k]) {
        x <- ms[k,] + drop(rnorm(nrow(Verr))%*%chol(Ps[,,k]))
        k0 <- k
    ## On success, return 0

  k <- n
  for(i in 1:50) {
    k <- if(i < 25) sample(k) else sample(n)
    if(k==0) return(list(xs=xs,ts=ts))

##' @rdname surrogateARModel
##' @export
surrogate_arfit <- function(lonlat) {
  warning("surrogate_arfit is deprecated and will be removed: ",
          "use surrogateARModel().")

##' Simulate track from fitted vector autoregressive model
##' Note that land masking uses a built-in land mask image, and it
##' only covers the southern hemisphere. A future version will do
##' something about this.
##' @title Simulated VAR(1) tracks
##' @param arfit fitted object of class "ar" as returned by
##' \code{\link{surrogate_arfit}}
##' @param n number of points to simulate
##' @param startlonlat 2-element vector of starting longitude and latitude
##' @param fixed a dataframe or matrix in which the first column is
##' the index (from 1:n) of each fixed point, and the second and third
##' columns give the associated longitude and latitude
##' @param endlonlat a 2-element vector with ending longitude and
##' latitude. If NULL, no end constraint is imposed except for land
##' masking (if land masking is used). This is a simple way of
##' imposing a return-to-starting-location constraint; for more
##' complex constraints use the \code{fixed} argument
##' @param do.test.land a logical or function. If TRUE, use the
##' included land mask to avoid land. Alternatively, a function can be
##' passed that returns TRUE (point is okay, not on land) or FALSE
##' (point is on land) for a given lon,lat. Note that land masking is
##' ignored for fixed points. Note also that it is possible to create
##' a sitation where tracks are difficult or impossible to simulate,
##' because a fixed point is sufficiently far onto land that the track
##' cannot reach it.
##' @param random.rotation a 2-element vector giving the range of
##' the rotation to apply to the randomized track (values in
##' radians). use \code{random.rotation=NULL} for no such rotation. The
##' angle can be restricted using
##' \code{random.rotation=c(min.angle,max.angle)} - this may speed up
##' computation by avoiding impossible angles (e.g. tracks over a land
##' mass)
##' @param verbose an integer 0-3, if >0 spit out extra information
##' which may be helpful if things don't work as expected. Larger
##' numbers mean more output
##' @param return.all.points if TRUE, return points that were proposed
##' but rejected due to land masking (may be helpful for debugging). If
##' TRUE, the returned data.frame will have an extra column named
##' "valid"
##' @param intermediate.tries when land-masking, try how many times to
##' find a valid point at each step before giving up and starting
##' again? Higher values may improve overall run-time, but too-high
##' values may yield tracks that aren't a good representation of the
##' fitted model
##' @param original if \code{TRUE}, use the original algorithm.
##' @return 2 or 3 column dataframe with the longitude and latitude
##' of simulated track points (and point validity, if
##' return.all.points is TRUE)
##' @export
surrogate_arsimulate <- function(arfit,n,startlonlat,fixed=NULL,endlonlat=NULL,
                                 original=FALSE) {
  if(original) {
    xs <- surrogate_arsimulate0(arfit,n,startlonlat,fixed,endlonlat,do.test.land,
  } else {
    warning("surrogate_arsimulate is deprecated and will be removed: ",
            "use surrogateAR().")
    if(verbose>0) warning("Only the original surrogate_arsimulate supports verbose")
    ## Translate fixed point specification
    xs <- matrix(NA,n,2)
    fxd <- logical(n)
    xs[1,] <- startlonlat
    fxd[1] <- TRUE
    if(!is.null(endlonlat)) {
      xs[n,] <- endlonlat
      fxd[n] <- TRUE
    for(i in seq_len(NROW(fixed))) {
      k <- fixed$index[i]
      fxd[k] <- TRUE
      xs[k,] <- c(fixed$lon[i],fixed$lat[i])
    ## Translate landmask specification
    if(is.logical(do.test.land)) {
      do.test.land <- if(do.test.land) landmask_init() else function(tm,pt) TRUE
    ## Use variant algorithm.

##' @rdname surrogate_arsimulate
##' @importFrom geosphere destPoint
##' @export
surrogate_arsimulate0 <- function(arfit,n,startlonlat,fixed=NULL,endlonlat=NULL,
                                 verbose=0,return.all.points=FALSE,intermediate.tries=10) {

  if(!is.null(endlonlat) && !is.null(fixed))
    stop("only one of fixed or endlonlat can be supplied")

  ## change to inbuilt land-mask
  if(is.logical(do.test.land) && do.test.land)
    do.test.land <- landmask_init()

  if (!is.null(random.rotation)) {
    this.rotation <- 0
    ## apply rotation to arfit parms
    for (ntries in 1:100) {
      rotate.by <- runif(1,random.rotation[1],random.rotation[2])
      if(verbose>0) cat(sprintf("Rotating track by %.1f degrees\n",rotate.by/pi*180))
      Rm <- matrix(c(cos(rotate.by),-sin(rotate.by),sin(rotate.by),cos(rotate.by)),nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
      rotated.arfit <- arfit
      rotated.arfit$ar <- Rm%*%matrix(arfit$ar,2,2)%*%t(Rm)
      rotated.arfit$var.pred <- Rm%*%as.matrix(arfit$var.pred)%*%t(Rm)
      rotated.arfit$x.mean <- as.vector(arfit$x.mean)%*%t(Rm)
      ## call simulate on rotated parms
      simtrack <- Recall(arfit=rotated.arfit,n=n,startlonlat=startlonlat,fixed=fixed,endlonlat=endlonlat,
      if (dim(simtrack)[1]>0) {
  ## convert to "fixed" format
  if(!is.null(endlonlat)) {
    endlonlat <- as.numeric(endlonlat)
    fixed <- data.frame(index=n,lon=endlonlat[1],lat=endlonlat[2])

  ## add starting point as a fixed point
  if(is.null(fixed)) {
    fixed <- data.frame(index=1,lon=startlonlat[1],lat=startlonlat[2])
  } else {
    if(is.matrix(fixed)) {
      fixed <- data.frame(index=fixed[,1],lon=fixed[,2],lat=fixed[,3])
    fixed <- rbind(data.frame(index=1,lon=startlonlat[1],lat=startlonlat[2]),fixed)
  ## ensure ascending order by index
  fixed <- fixed[order(fixed$index),]

  A <- matrix(arfit$ar,2,2,byrow=FALSE)
  fitted.var <- as.matrix(arfit$var.pred)
  fitted.mean <- as.vector(arfit$x.mean)
  tempchol <- chol(fitted.var) ## calculate chol decomposition once
  xsim <- matrix(0,n,2)
  ## burnin for 100 steps
  xsim[1,] <- fitted.mean
  for (k in 1:100) {
    thisrand <- drop(rnorm(2) %*% tempchol)
    xsim[1,] <- t(A %*% (xsim[1,]-fitted.mean))+fitted.mean+thisrand ## simulated dx,dy for this time step

  simtrack <- matrix(0,1,3)
  simtrack[1,1:2] <- as.numeric(startlonlat)
  simtrack[1,3] <- 1 ## valid
  sidx <- 1 ## pointer into simtrack matrix of last valid point
  for (k in 2:n) {
    ## k is index into xsim, the model of x- and y- step lengths/speeds
    point.okay <- TRUE
    if (verbose>0) cat(sprintf("Step %d, current location is %.3f, %.3f\n",k,simtrack[sidx,1],simtrack[sidx,2]))
    for (land.tries in 1:intermediate.tries) {
      thisrand <- matrix(rnorm(2) %*% tempchol,nrow=1)
      xsim[k,]  <- t(A %*% (xsim[k-1,]-fitted.mean))+fitted.mean+thisrand ## simulated dx,dy for this time step
      ## calculate track point from steps
      tempx <- destPoint(simtrack[sidx,1:2],90,xsim[k,1]) # x step
      tempx[1] <- (tempx[1]+180)%%360-180 ## ensure longitude is in range -180 to 180
      tempy <- destPoint(simtrack[sidx,1:2],0,xsim[k,2]) # y step
      ## note that destPoint will handle the case where a step crosses 90S or 90N
      simtrack <- rbind(simtrack,c(tempx[1],tempy[2],NA)) ## 3rd entry (valid) is NA for now
      ## as we get closer to the next fixed point, increasingly nudge the random point towards the designated fixed location
      next_fixed <- if(any(fixed$index>=k)) which.max(fixed$index>=k) else NA
      if(verbose>1) cat(sprintf("  proposed point %d is at %.3f, %.3f\n",k,simtrack[nrow(simtrack),1],simtrack[nrow(simtrack),2]))
      if(!is.na(next_fixed)) {
        if(verbose>1) cat(sprintf("    the next fixed point is at %.3f, %.3f in %d steps time\n",fixed$lon[next_fixed],fixed$lat[next_fixed],fixed$index[next_fixed]-k))
        ## next_fixed is row index into fixed
        a <- diag(1/(fixed$index[next_fixed]-k+1),2)
        simtrack[nrow(simtrack),1:2] <- simtrack[nrow(simtrack),1:2]+a%*%(c(fixed$lon[next_fixed],fixed$lat[next_fixed])-simtrack[nrow(simtrack),1:2])
        if (verbose>1) cat(sprintf("    the proposed point has been nudged to %.3f, %.3f because of the next fixed point\n",simtrack[nrow(simtrack),1],simtrack[nrow(simtrack),2]))
      if(is.function(do.test.land)) {
        if(is.na(next_fixed) || fixed$index[next_fixed]!=k) {
        } else {
          if(verbose>1) cat("    not checking land-mask for this point, because it is a fixed point.\n")
      if(point.okay) {
        if (verbose>1 & is.function(do.test.land)) cat(sprintf("    this proposed point does not lie on land, accepting\n"))
        simtrack[nrow(simtrack),3] <- 1
        sidx=nrow(simtrack) ## update pointer to valid location
      } else {
        if (verbose>1) cat(sprintf("    this proposed point lies on land\n"))
        simtrack[nrow(simtrack),3] <- 0
    if(!point.okay) {
      ## could not find a valid point at this step: give up
      if (verbose>0) cat(sprintf("  could not find valid point, abandoning this track and starting again\n"))
      simtrack <- NULL
  if(return.all.points) {
  } else {

angle_normalise=function(x) { (x+pi)%%(2*pi)-pi } ## normalize angle to range [-pi,pi)
AustralianAntarcticDataCentre/availability documentation built on Oct. 11, 2023, 7:26 a.m.