
Defines functions readwind windfiles

Documented in readwind windfiles

##' NCEP2 wind files
##' Files containing NCEP2 wind vector data
##' @title Files containing NCEP2 wind vector data
##' @param data.source ignored, reserved for future use
##' @param time.resolution  time resolution data to read, 6hourly only for now
##' @param ... reserved for future use, currently ignored
##' @return \code{data.frame} of file names and dates
##' @export
windfiles <-
  function(data.source = "", time.resolution = c("6hourly"),  ...) {
    time.resolution <- match.arg(time.resolution)
    wf <- dplyr::rename(raadfiles::ncep2_uwnd_6hr_files(), ufullname = fullname)
    lens <- purrr::map_dbl(wf$ufullname, ~ncmeta::nc_dims(.x, "uwnd")$length[4])
    times0 <- purrr::map(lens, ~seq(0, by = 6 * 3600, length.out = .x))
    wfU <- dplyr::slice(wf, rep(dplyr::row_number(), lens))
    wfU <- dplyr::group_by(wfU, .data$date)
    wfU <- dplyr::mutate(wfU, band = dplyr::row_number())
    wfU <- dplyr::ungroup(wfU)
    wfU$date <- wfU$date + unlist(times0)

     wf <- tibble::tibble(date = wfU$date, ufullname = wfU$ufullname, 
                      vfullname = gsub("uwnd", "vwnd", wfU$ufullname), 
                      band = wfU$band, 
                      root = wfU$root)

##' Read wind
##' Read wind data
##' @title readwind
##' @inheritParams raadtools
##' @inheritDotParams raadtools
##' @param magonly return just the magnitude from the U and V
##' components
##' @param dironly return just the direction from the U and V, in degrees N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270
##' @param uonly return just the horizontal component of velocity, U
##' @param vonly return just the vertical component of velocity, V
##' @return raster object
##' @details The \code{inputfiles} argument may be used to speed up individual reads, see the examples. Note that 
##' this must then ignore the \code{time.resolution} argument, which is also set by \code{windfiles} - and no
##' warning is given.  If using this argument you must give the same \code{time.resolution} as was used to create the files
##' \code{data.frame}. 
##' @examples
##' # Speed up individual read calls. 
##' ff <- windfiles(time.resolution = "6hourly")
##' t1 <- system.time({readwind(max(ff$date))})
##' t2 <- system.time({readwind(max(ff$date), inputfiles = ff)})
##' \dontrun{
##'  dts <- seq(as.Date("2000-01-01"), by = "1 days", length = 350)
##'  library(animation)
##'  ani.start(ani.width = 800, ani.height = 800)
##'  for (i in seq_along(dts)) {
##'     x <- readwind(dts[i]);
##'     if (i == 1L) crds <- coordinates(x[[1]])
##'     plot(sqrt(x[[1]]^2 + x[[2]]^2), xlim = c(40, 180), ylim = c(-90, -20));
##' x1 <- crds[,1]
##' y1 <- crds[,2]
##' x2 <- crds[,1] + values(x[[1]])/4
##' y2 <- crds[,2] + values(x[[2]])/4
##'     arrows(x1, y1, x2, y2, length = 0.06);
##'     plot(m, add = TRUE)
##' }
##' ani.stop()
##' }
##' @export
readwind <- function(date, time.resolution = c("6hourly"), xylim = NULL, lon180 = TRUE,
                     magonly = FALSE, dironly = FALSE,
                     uonly = FALSE,
                     vonly = FALSE,
                     latest = TRUE,
                     returnfiles = FALSE, ..., 
                     inputfiles = NULL) {
  time.resolution <- match.arg(time.resolution)
  if ((magonly + dironly + uonly + vonly) > 1) stop("only one of magonly, dironly, uonly or vonly may be used, exiting")

  if (is.null(inputfiles)) {
    #files <- windfiles(time.resoluti= time.resolution)
    files <- windfiles()
  } else {
      files <- inputfiles
  if (missing(date)) date <- if (latest) max(files$date) else min(files$date)
  if (returnfiles) return(files)

  files <- .processFiles(date, files, time.resolution)

  nfiles <- nrow(files)
  if (nfiles > 1L & !magonly & !dironly & !uonly & !vonly) {
    warning("only one time index can be read at once unless 'magonly', 'dironly', 'uonly' or 'vonly' is TRUE")
    files <- files[1L,]
    nfiles <- 1L
  if (!(magonly | dironly))
    rasterfun <- function(x1, x2) {
      x <- brick(x1, x2)
      names(x) <- c("U", "V")
  if (magonly)
    rasterfun <- function(x1, x2) sqrt(x1 * x1 + x2 * x2)
  if (dironly)
    rasterfun <- function(x1, x2) (90 - atan2(x2, x1) * 180/pi)%%360
  if (!(magonly | dironly)) {
    if (uonly) rasterfun <- function(x1, x2) x1
    if (vonly) rasterfun <- function(x1, x2) x2
  cropit <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(xylim)) {
    cropit <- TRUE
    cropext <- extent(xylim)
  r <- vector("list", nfiles)
  for (ifile in seq_len(nfiles)) {
    r1 <- raster(files$ufullname[ifile], band = files$band[ifile])
    r2 <- raster(files$vfullname[ifile], band = files$band[ifile])
    r0 <- rasterfun(r1, r2)
    if (lon180)     r0 <- suppressWarnings(.rotate(r0))
    if (cropit) r0 <- crop(r0, cropext)
    r[[ifile]] <- r0
  r <- stack(r)
  if (magonly | dironly | uonly | vonly)  {
    r <- setZ(r, files$date)
    names(r) <- sprintf("wind_%s", format(files$date, "%Y%m%d"))
  } else {
    r <- setZ(r, rep(files$date, 2L))
    names(r) <- sprintf("%swind_%s", c("U", "V"), format(files$date, "%Y%m%d"))
  ## get alignment right (put this in raster?)
  extent(r) <- extent(c(xmin(r) + res(r)[1]/2, xmax(r) + res(r)[1]/2,
                        ymin(r), ymax(r)))
  if (is.na(projection(r))) projection(r) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0" 
  ## need to determine if "filename" was passed in
  dots <- list(...)
  if ("filename" %in% names(dots)) {
    r <- writeRaster(r, ...)
AustralianAntarcticDivision/raadtools documentation built on June 11, 2024, 9:15 a.m.