
Defines functions run.sim_obj run

Documented in run

#' Run the simulation
#' @description This is the workhorse function of \pkg{SimEngine} that actually
#'     runs the simulation. This should be called after all functions that set
#'     up the simulation (\code{set_config}, \code{set_script}, etc.) have been
#'     called.
#' @param sim A simulation object of class \code{sim_obj}, usually created by
#'     \code{\link{new_sim}}
#' @return The original simulation object but with the results attached (along
#'     with any errors and warnings). Results are stored in \code{sim$results},
#'     errors are stored in \code{sim$errors}, and warnings are stored in
#'     \code{sim$warnings}.
#' @examples
#' sim <- new_sim()
#' create_data <- function(n) { rpois(n, lambda=5) }
#' est_mean <- function(dat, type) {
#'   if (type=="M") { return(mean(dat)) }
#'   if (type=="V") { return(var(dat)) }
#' }
#' sim %<>% set_levels(n=c(10,100,1000), est=c("M","V"))
#' sim %<>% set_config(num_sim=1)
#' sim %<>% set_script(function() {
#'   dat <- create_data(L$n)
#'   lambda_hat <- est_mean(dat=dat, type=L$est)
#'   return (list("lambda_hat"=lambda_hat))
#' })
#' sim %<>% run()
#' sim$results %>% print()
#' @export
run <- function(sim) {

#' @export
run.sim_obj <- function(sim) {

  if (sim$vars$run_state!="pre run" && !sim$internals$update_sim) {
    stop(paste0("This simulation has already been run; use update_sim() to add",
                " or remove replicates"))

  sim$vars$start_time <- Sys.time()

  # # This allows for update_on_cluster() to be run locally
  # if (sim$config$parallel=="cluster" && !running_on_ccs()) {
  #   sim$config$parallel <- "none"
  # }

  # Set up parallelization code
  if (running_on_ccs()) {

    if (is.na(sim$config$n_cores)) {
      sim$config$n_cores <- sim$vars$num_sim_total
      assign(x="..flag_batch_n_cores", value=T, envir=sim$vars$env)

  } else if (sim$config$parallel) {

    n_available_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
    if (is.na(sim$config$n_cores)) {
      sim$config$n_cores <- n_available_cores - 1
    } else {
      if (sim$config$n_cores>n_available_cores) {
        warning(paste(sim$config$n_cores, "cores requested but only",
                      n_available_cores, "cores available. Proceeding with",
                      n_available_cores, "cores."))
        sim$config$n_cores <- n_available_cores

    # Create cluster and export everything in env
    ..cl <- parallel::makeCluster(sim$config$n_cores)
    parallel::clusterExport(..cl, ls(sim$vars$env, all.names=T), sim$vars$env)
    ..packages <- c(sim$config$packages, "magrittr")
    parallel::clusterExport(..cl, c("sim","..packages"), environment())
    parallel::clusterExport(..cl, "..env", .GlobalEnv)
    parallel::clusterCall(..cl, function(x) {.libPaths(x)}, .libPaths())
    parallel::clusterEvalQ(..cl, sapply(..packages, function(p) {
      do.call("library", list(p))

  } else {

    sim$config$n_cores <- 1


  run_script <- function(core_id) {

    # Get sim_uids corresponding to core_id
    .core_id <- core_id
    ind0 <- which(sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$core_id==.core_id &
    sim_uids_to_run <- sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$sim_uid[ind0]

    run_sim_uids <- function(i) {

      ..start_time <- Sys.time()

      # Set up references to levels row (L)
      ind1 <- which(sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$sim_uid==i)
      .level_id <- sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$level_id[ind1]
      ind2 <- which(sim$levels_grid$level_id==.level_id)
      L <- as.list(sim$levels_grid[ind2,])
      L$batch_id <- sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$batch_id[ind1]
      levs <- names(sim$levels)
      for (j in 1:length(levs)) {
        # Handle list-type levels
        if (sim$internals$levels_types[j]) {
          L[[levs[j]]] <- sim$levels[[levs[j]]][[L[[levs[j]]]]]
      for (obj_name in ls(sim$vars$env, all.names=T)) {
        obj <- get(obj_name, envir=sim$vars$env, inherits=FALSE)
        if (methods::is(obj,"function") && !is.null(environment(obj))) {
          assign(x="L", value=L, envir=environment(obj))
      assign(x="L", value=L, envir=sim$vars$env)
      rm(levs, L)

      # Set the seed

      # Actually run the run
      # Use withCallingHandlers to catch warnings and tryCatch to catch errors
      .gotWarnings <- character(0) # holds the warnings
      .catch_errors_and_warnings <- as.logical(
        sim$config$stop_at_error==FALSE || running_on_ccs()
      if (.catch_errors_and_warnings) {
          expr = {
            script_results <- tryCatch(
              expr = do.call(what="..script", args=list(), envir=sim$vars$env),
              error = function(e) { return(e) }
          warning = function(w) {
            .gotWarnings <<- c(.gotWarnings, conditionMessage(w))
      } else {
        script_results <- do.call(what="..script", args=list(),

      runtime <- as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), ..start_time), units="secs")

        "sim_uid" = i,
        "runtime" = runtime,
        "results" = script_results,
        "warnings" = .gotWarnings


    res <- pbapply::pblapply(sim_uids_to_run, run_sim_uids)



  # Set up progress bar
  if (sim$config$progress_bar) {
    pbapply::pboptions(type="txt", char="#", txt.width=40, style=3)
  } else {

  # Set core_ids based on whether sims are running on cluster
  if (running_on_ccs()) {
    core_ids <- sim$internals$tid
    if (core_ids>sim$config$n_cores) {
      stop(paste0("This simulation has n_cores=", sim$config$n_cores,
                     ", so this core will not be used."))
    if (!sim$internals$update_sim) {
      num_batches <- max(sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$batch_id)
      if (core_ids>num_batches) {
        stop(paste0("This simulation only contains ", num_batches,
                       " replicate batches, so this core will not be used."))
  } else {
    core_ids <- c(1:max(sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$core_id))

  # Run simulations
  if (sim$config$parallel && !running_on_ccs()) {
    # Run in parallel
    results_lists <- parallel::parLapply(cl=..cl, core_ids, run_script)
  } else {
    # Run serially
    results_lists <- lapply(core_ids, run_script)

  # Combine lists
  results_lists <- unlist(results_lists, recursive=F)

  # Error handling
  r_names <- names(results_lists[[1]]$results)
  if (any(r_names %in% disallowed_names())) {
    index <- min(which(r_names %in% disallowed_names()))
    stop(paste0("Your simulation script cannot return a key-value pair with th",
                "e key `", r_names[index], "`."))

  # Stop cluster
  if (exists("..cl")) { parallel::stopCluster(..cl) }

  # Separate errors from results
  results_lists_ok <- list()
  results_lists_warn <- list()
  results_lists_err <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(results_lists)) {
    if (methods::is(results_lists[[i]]$results, "error")) {
      results_lists_err[[length(results_lists_err)+1]] <- results_lists[[i]]
    } else {
      results_lists_ok[[length(results_lists_ok)+1]] <- results_lists[[i]]
    if (length(results_lists[[i]]$warnings) > 0) {
      results_lists_warn[[length(results_lists_warn)+1]] <- results_lists[[i]]

  # Generate completion message
  num_ok <- length(results_lists_ok)
  num_err <- length(results_lists_err)
  num_warn <- length(results_lists_warn)

  # Helper function to add level variables to results/errors/warnings dataframes
  add_level_vars <- function(df, return_batch_id) {

    # Add level_id (and possibly batch_id)
    sim_uid_grid_vars <- c("sim_uid", "level_id", "rep_id")
    if (return_batch_id) { sim_uid_grid_vars[4] <- "batch_id" }
    df <- dplyr::inner_join(
      by = "sim_uid"

    # Add level variables
    df <- dplyr::inner_join(df, sim$levels_grid, by="level_id")

    # Reorder columns and sort result
    df %<>% dplyr::relocate(
      .after = "sim_uid"
    df %<>% dplyr::arrange(.data$level_id, .data$rep_id)



  # Convert results to data frame and pull out complex data
  if (num_ok>0) {

    # Handle standard results
    results_lists_ok2 <- lapply(results_lists_ok, function(r) {
      r$results$.complex <- NULL
      if (length(r$results)>0) {
        c("sim_uid"=r$sim_uid, "runtime"=r$runtime, r$results)
      } else {
        list("sim_uid"=r$sim_uid, "runtime"=r$runtime)
    results_df <- data.table::rbindlist(results_lists_ok2)

    # Change invalid columns names
    ..rdf_names <- names(results_df)
    ..rdf_names_valid <- make.names(..rdf_names, unique=TRUE)

    if (!identical(..rdf_names,..rdf_names_valid)) {
      names(results_df) <- ..rdf_names_valid
      warning("Some invalid column names were changed.", call.=FALSE)

    # Handle complex results
    if (!is.null(results_lists_ok[[1]]$results$.complex)) {
      r_sim_uids <- results_df$sim_uid
      names(results_lists_ok) <- as.character(paste0("sim_uid_",r_sim_uids))
      sim$results_complex <- lapply(results_lists_ok, function(r) {

    # Add levels variables and attach to sim
    results_df <- add_level_vars(results_df, sim$config$return_batch_id)
    sim$results <- as.data.frame(results_df)


  # Convert errors to data frame
  if (num_err>0) {

    results_lists_err <- lapply(results_lists_err, function(r) {
      list("sim_uid" = r$sim_uid,
           "runtime" = r$runtime,
           "message" = r$results$message,
           "call" = ifelse(is.null(r$results$call), NA,
                           paste(deparse(r$results$call), collapse="")))
    errors_df <- data.table::rbindlist(results_lists_err)

    # Add levels variables and attach to sim
    errors_df <- add_level_vars(errors_df, sim$config$return_batch_id)
    sim$errors <- as.data.frame(errors_df)


  # Convert warnings to data frame
  if (num_warn>0) {

    results_lists_warn <- lapply(results_lists_warn, function(r) {
      list("sim_uid" = r$sim_uid,
           "runtime" = r$runtime,
           "message" = paste(r$warnings, collapse="; "))
    warnings_df <- data.table::rbindlist(results_lists_warn)

    # Add levels variables and attach to sim
    warnings_df <- add_level_vars(warnings_df, sim$config$return_batch_id)
    sim$warnings <- as.data.frame(warnings_df)


  # Set states
  if (num_warn==0) { sim$warnings <- "No warnings" }
  if (num_ok>0 && num_err==0) {
    sim$errors <- "No errors"
  } else if (num_err>0 && num_ok==0) {
    sim$results <- "Errors detected in 100% of simulation replicates"
  } else if (num_ok==0 && num_err==0) {
    stop("An unknown error occurred (CODE 101)")

  # Update variables
  sim$vars$run_state <- update_run_state(sim)
  sim$vars$end_time <- Sys.time()
  sim$vars$total_runtime <- as.numeric(
    difftime(sim$vars$end_time, sim$vars$start_time),
    units = "secs"
  sim$internals$sim_uid_grid$to_run <- F

  # Remove global L if it was created
  suppressWarnings( rm("L", envir=.GlobalEnv) )

  # Clear the batch_cache
  assign(x="..batch_cache", value=new.env(), envir=sim$vars$env)
  assign(x="batch_levels", value=sim$config$batch_levels,
         envir=get(x="..batch_cache", envir=sim$vars$env))

  # Display completion message
  pct_err <- round((100*num_err)/(num_err+num_ok),0)
  pct_warn <- round((100*num_warn)/(num_err + num_ok),0)
  if (pct_err==0 & pct_warn == 0) {
    message("Done. No errors or warnings detected.\n")
  } else if (pct_err > 0) {
    message(paste0("Done. Errors detected in ", pct_err,
                   "% of simulation replicates. Warnings detected in ",
                   pct_warn, "% of simulation replicates.\n"))
  } else {
    message(paste0("Done. No errors detected. Warnings detected in ", pct_warn,
                   "% of simulation replicates.\n"))

  return (sim)

Avi-Kenny/SimEngine documentation built on April 16, 2024, 11:42 a.m.