#' Simple effects calculation
#' \code{BANOVA.simple} is a function for probing interaction effects in models where
#' both moderator and explanatory variables are factors with an arbitrary number
#' of levels. The function estimates and tests simple or partial effects, also known as simple main
#' or conditional effects. Both single-level and multi-level models with any of the distributions accommodated in
#' the package can be analyzed.
#' @usage BANOVA.simple(BANOVA_output, base = NULL, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975),
#' dep_var_name = NULL, return_posterior_samples = FALSE)
#' @param BANOVA_output an object of class "BANOVA" returned by BANOVA.run function with
#' an outcome of the hierarchical Bayesian ANOVA analysis.
#' @param base a character string which specifies the name of the mediator variable used as a base
#' for calculation.
#' @param quantiles a numeric vector with quantiles for the posterior interval of the simple effects.
#' Must include two elements with values between 0 and 1 in ascending order, default c(0.025, 0.975)
#' @param dep_var_name a character string with a name of the dependent variable, for the Multinomial model only,
#' default NULL.
#' @param return_posterior_samples logical indicator of whether samples of the posterior simple effects
#' distributions should be returned, default \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Returns a list with the summary tables of the results; optionally returns the
#' samples drawn from the posterior simple effects distributions.
#' \item{\code{results_summary}}{a list of tables with summaries of the posterior simple effects distributions
#' for all factors and their combinations that are interacting with a moderating variable.}
#' \item{\code{samples_simple_effects}}{if \code{return_posterior_samples} is set to \code{TRUE}
#' a list of tables with samples of the posterior simple effects is returned. The tables include results
#' for all levels of all factors and their combinations that are interacting with a moderating variable.}
#' @details The function identifies all factors and their combinations that are interacting with a moderating of "base"
#' variable. For each interaction, it determines all possible level combinations of the involved regressors,
#' which are further used to combine the posterior samples of the selected regression coefficients to calculate
#' simple effects.
#' When the default effect coding scheme is used the simple effects are calculated for all levels of the
#' interacting variables, as specified in the data. If a user specifies different contrasts for any of the interacting
#' variables the simple effects for these variables are reported for the user-defined
#' regressors. This distinction is reflected in the labels of the reported results: in the default case labels from the
#' original factors are displayed; in the case of user-defined contrasts, the name of the regressor is displayed instead.
#' The summary of the posterior distribution of each simple effect contains the mean,
#' standard deviation, posterior interval, which by default reports a central 95\% interval,
#' but can also be specified by the user, and a two-sided Bayesian p-value.
#' Note that for a Multinomial model intercepts and between-subject regressors have choice specific
#' coefficients and thus simple effects are reported for each possible choice outcome. To perform the
#' calculation for a Multinomial model an additional argument \code{dep_var_name} with a name of the
#' dependent variable must be specified.
#' @examples
#' # Use the colorad data set
#' data(colorad)
#' \donttest{
#' # Build and analyze the model
#' model <- BANOVA.model('Binomial')
#' banova_model <- BANOVA.build(model)
#' res_1 <- BANOVA.run(y ~ typic, ~ color*blurfac, fit = banova_model,
#' data = colorad, id = 'id', num_trials = as.integer(16),
#' iter = 2000, thin = 1, chains = 2)
#' # Calculate simple effects with "blurfac" as a moderating vriable
#' simple_effects <- BANOVA.simple(BANOVA_output = res_1, base = "blurfac")
#' }
#' @author Anna Kopyakova
#' @export
BANOVA.simple <- function(BANOVA_output = "NA", base = NULL, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975), dep_var_name = NULL,
return_posterior_samples = FALSE){
check.quantiles <- function(){
#quantiles must be real numbers
if(!is(quantiles, "numeric")){
stop('The "quantiles" must be of a class numeric, which mean you need to specify
this argument as a vector with two real numbers between 0 and 1, in an ascending order')
#check if specified quantiles are each in range betrween 0 and 1
if (sum(quantiles < 1) != 2){
stop('Each specified quantile value must be below 1. Please check the "quantiles" argument')
} else if (sum(quantiles > 0) != 2){
stop('Each specified quantile value must be above 0. Please check the "quantiles" argument')
# update.regressor.names changes names of the regressors in the two-level models, as if they would
# be regressors in a single-level models. It removes "(Intercept)" in the interacting regressors.
update.regressor.names <- function(names_regressors_output){
if (BANOVA_output$model_name == "BANOVA.Multinomial"){
#Multinomial model has choice specific intercepts and thus generic name is not needed
name_regressors_updated <- c()
} else {
name_regressors_updated <- c(intercept_name)
for (regressor_name in names_regressors_output){
#split the name into interacting variables
name_string <- strsplit(regressor_name, ":")[[1]]
#remove spaces around the strings
string_elements <- c()
for (j in name_string){
string_elements <- c(string_elements, gsub(" ", "", j))
#select all interacting variables except for the intercept
non_intercept_vars <- string_elements[string_elements != intercept_name]
if (length(non_intercept_vars) > 1){
#if there are at least 2 interacting variables concatenate them via ":"
variable <- paste0(non_intercept_vars, collapse = ":")
name_regressors_updated <- c(name_regressors_updated, variable)
} else {
#if a single variable is left add it to the updated regressor names
name_regressors_updated <- c(name_regressors_updated, non_intercept_vars)
# make.formula combines regressors in the fist and second levels of the two-level models into one
make.formula <- function(pvalue.table, dep_var){
# select names of level one variables
l1_variables <- rownames(pvalue.table)
if (BANOVA_output$model_name == "BANOVA.Multinomial"){
# For Multinomial models choice specific intercepts are skipped from a variable list
l1_variables <- l1_variables[-c(1:(n_categories-1))]
} else {
if (length(l1_variables) == 1){
l1_variables <- c() # if there is only the intercept keep an empty string
} else {
# if other variables are present remove the intercept
l1_variables <- l1_variables[which(l1_variables != intercept_name)]
# select names of level two variables
l2_variables <- colnames(pvalue.table)
# if there is only the intercept keep an empty string
if (length(l2_variables) == 1){
l2_variables <- c()
} else {
# if other variables are present remove the intercept
l2_variables <- l2_variables[which(l2_variables != intercept_name)]
# combine the variables in a single string separated by "+"
single_vars <- paste0(c(l1_variables, l2_variables), collapse = " + ")
# if there are non intercept variables in the first level create their interaction with second
# level variables
interaction_var_list <- c()
if (length(l1_variables) != 0){
for (i in l2_variables){
for (j in l1_variables){
term <- paste0(j, ":", i)
interaction_var_list <- c(interaction_var_list, term)
# combine the interactions of first and second level variables in a single string separated by "+"
interaction_vars <- paste0(interaction_var_list, collapse = " + ")
# conbine all variables
if(interaction_vars == ""){
all_terms <- single_vars
} else {
all_terms <- paste0(c(single_vars, interaction_vars), collapse = " + ")
#create a final formula
formula <- paste0(dep_var, " ~ ", all_terms)
perform.calculation <- function(){
# build.title creates title for the tables with results
build.title <- function(){
non_base_string <- ""
and <- ""
for (i in 1:length(non_base_vars_names)){
if (i > 1){
and = ":"
non_base_string <- paste0(non_base_string, and, non_base_vars_names[i])
title <- paste0("Simple effects of ", non_base_string, " at each level of ", base, " factor" )
# create.table creates tables with results used for printing
create.table <- function(remove_last_level = F){
# is.effect.coded checks if the user specified contrasts are a variation of effect coding scheme
is.effect.coded <- function(coding_matrix){
#if a contrast with only one column is used it must be converted to a matrix
if (class(coding_matrix) == "numeric"){
coding_matrix <- as.matrix(coding_matrix)
n = dim(coding_matrix)[1]
k = dim(coding_matrix)[2]
default_contrasts = contr.sum(n)
#check if there is the same number of regressor in the coding schemes
if (ncol(default_contrasts) == k){
#check if the contrast is exactly the same as default
if (all(default_contrasts == coding_matrix)){
} else {
#check if all elements in the matrices are the same
condition2 = all(sort(default_contrasts) == sort(coding_matrix))
#columns sum up to zero
condition3 = all(colSums(coding_matrix) == 0)
#the same level must be considered as a reference
condition4 = sum(rowSums(coding_matrix == -1) == k) == 1
#only one row should sum to k (the reference row)
condition5 = sum(abs(rowSums(coding_matrix)) == k) == 1
if (condition2 && condition3 && condition4 && condition5){
# fill in the results
result_table <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_cases, ncol = ncol(table))
result_table <- table
Q_1 <- paste0(" Quantile ", min(quantiles))
Q_2 <- paste0(" Quantile ", max(quantiles))
colnames(result_table) <- c(" Simple effect", " SD", Q_1, Q_2, " p-value")
colnames_return_table <- c("Simple effect", "SD", paste0("Quantile ", min(quantiles)),
paste0("Quantile ", max(quantiles)), "p-value")
# fill in the level indices
index_table_names <- list(NULL, colnames = c(base, non_base_vars_names))
index_table <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(effect_matrix), ncol = n_selected_vars,
dimnames = index_table_names)
# if user defines contrasts different labelling is used
# the unspecified levels of the variable must be skipped from the table, as it is not meaningful
contrasts <- BANOVA_output$contrast
if (!is.null(contrasts)){
variables_with_contrasts <- names(contrasts)
index_table <- matrix(as.factor(level_index[, index_table_names[["colnames"]]]),
ncol = n_selected_vars, dimnames = index_table_names)
# update default index_table for the variables with user defined contrasts
for (var in variables_with_contrasts){
if (var %in% index_table_names[["colnames"]]){
if (!is.effect.coded(contrasts[[var]])){
# level labels in the table are strins with variable name and regressor number
index_table[, var] <- matrix(as.factor(level_index_strings[, var]), ncol = length(var),
dimnames = list(NULL, var))
remove_last_level <- TRUE
} else {
#default index_table
index_table <- matrix(as.factor(level_index[, index_table_names[[2]]]), ncol = n_selected_vars,
dimnames = index_table_names)
# combine tables
result <- cbind(index_table, result_table)
rownames(result) <- rep('', n_cases)
# drop last level(s) if user defines contrasts
if (remove_last_level){
for (var in variables_with_contrasts){
if (var %in% colnames(index_table)){
levels_factor <- unique(index_table[, var])
n_contrasts <- dim(as.matrix(contrasts[[var]]))[2]
last_levels <- levels_factor[(n_contrasts+1):length(levels_factor)]
for (level in last_levels){
result <- result[result[, var] != level,]
return(list(result = result, colnames_return_table = colnames_return_table))
##### Main calculation ####
var_names <- attr(design_matrix, "varNames")
var_interactions <- attr(design_matrix, "interactions")
var_classes <- attr(design_matrix, "dataClasses")
var_levels_index <- attr(design_matrix, "assign")
interactions_index <- attr(design_matrix, "interactions_index")
n_regressors <- ncol(design_matrix)
var_values <- attr(design_matrix, "varValues")
var_index <- c(1:(length(var_names)))
# check if the base variable is in the model
if (!(base %in% var_names)){
stop("The specified base variable is not in the model. Please check the base argument.")
# check the classes of interacting variables
if (var_classes[base] != "factor"){
stop("Base variable must be a factor")
# check if there are interactions between factor variables
if (length(var_interactions) == 0){
stop("There are no interactions between factor variables.")
} else {
if (!single_level_multinomial){
var_values[[1]] <- NULL # remove y var
var_index <- var_index-1 #move the index such that counting starts from zero
#allign var_interactions indices with var_levels_index
for (i in 1: length(var_interactions))
var_interactions[[i]] <- var_interactions[[i]] - 1
# find base variables and indices of it's levels
base_index <- var_index[var_names == base]
base_levels_names <- names_regressors[var_levels_index == base_index]
# find which variables base interacts with
base_interactions <- c()
for (i in 1:length(var_interactions)){
interaction <- var_interactions[[i]]
if (base %in% names(interaction)){
base_interactions <- c(base_interactions, i)
simple_effect_return <- list()
# for each combination of interactions (block) with the base variable
for(block in base_interactions){
selected_vars <- var_interactions[[block]] # variables in the interaction
selected_vars_values <- var_values[selected_vars] # select values of relevant variables
n_selected_vars <- length(selected_vars) # number of variables included in an interaction
n_non_base_vars <- n_selected_vars-1 # number of non-base variables
# obtain effect matrix with intercept, regressors of the interacting variables, and thier interactions
effect_matrix <- effect.matrix.interaction(interaction_factors = selected_vars_values, assign = var_levels_index,
selected_vars, index_inter_factor = interactions_index[block],
numeric_index = attr(design_matrix, 'numeric_index'),
contrast = NULL)
n_cases <- nrow(effect_matrix) # number of possible combinations of caseses
# order the effect matrix
level_index <- attr(effect_matrix,"levels") # combinations of levels in the effect matrix
vars_names <- colnames(level_index) # names of selected variables
non_base_vars_names <- vars_names[vars_names != base] # names of selected non-base variables
# if user defines contrasts then it might be that a different number of regressors are analyzed
# remove columns of effect matrix that correspond to non existing coefficients
keep_columns <- intersect(colnames(coefficients), colnames(effect_matrix))
effect_matrix <- effect_matrix[,keep_columns]
# create a level_index tables with string labels (as is in the BANOVA.run: var_name1, var_name2,...)
level_index_strings <- level_index
for (i in 1:ncol(level_index_strings)){
factor_levels <- unique(level_index_strings[,i])
num_levels <- length(factor_levels)
for (j in 1:num_levels){
level_index_strings[,i][level_index_strings[,i] == factor_levels[j]] <- paste0(vars_names[i], j)
#order of the base variable (for a two way interaction)
base_order <- order(level_index_strings[, base])
temp_index <- level_index_strings
level_index_temp <- level_index
effect_matrix_temp <- effect_matrix
if (n_non_base_vars != 1){
#first order in the non base variables if there are more than one of them
for (i in 0:(n_non_base_vars-1)){
order_index <- order(temp_index[, non_base_vars_names[n_non_base_vars-i]])
temp_index <- temp_index[order_index, ]
effect_matrix_temp <- effect_matrix_temp[order_index, ]
level_index_temp <- level_index_temp[order_index, ]
level_index_strings <- level_index_strings[order_index, ]
base_order <- order(temp_index[ ,base])
#order the effect matrix on the base variable
effect_matrix <- effect_matrix_temp[base_order, ]
level_index <- level_index_temp[base_order, ]
level_index_strings <- level_index_strings[base_order, ]
#intercept and the levels of the base variable should not be included in the simple effects
effect_matrix[, intercept_name] <- 0
effect_matrix[, base_levels_names] <- 0
coef_temp <- coefficients[, colnames(effect_matrix)] #coefficients of relevant regressors
simple_effect_samlpes <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(coefficients), ncol = n_cases)
table <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_cases, ncol = 5)
for (j in 1:n_cases){
simple_effects <- coef_temp %*% (effect_matrix[j,])
mean <- apply(simple_effects, 2, mean)
sd <- apply(simple_effects, 2, sd)
quantile_025 <- apply(simple_effects, 2, quantile, probs = min(quantiles), type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
quantile_975 <- apply(simple_effects, 2, quantile, probs = max(quantiles), type = 3, na.rm = FALSE)
p_value <- pValues(simple_effects)
table[j,] <- cbind(mean, sd, pmin(quantile_025, quantile_975), pmax(quantile_025, quantile_975),
simple_effect_samlpes[,j] <- simple_effects
# Format the tables
table <- format(round(table, 4), nsmall = 4)
title <- build.title()
create_table_result <- create.table()
table <- create_table_result$result
table <- t(as.matrix(table, nrow = 1))
dimnames(table)[[1]] <- ""
return_table <- data.frame(table)
table <- as.table(table)
#format pValues
n_columns <- ncol(table)
p_values <- as.numeric(table[, n_columns])
table[, n_columns] <- ifelse(round(p_values, 4) == 0, '<0.0001', table[, n_columns])
# Print results
print(table, right=T, digits = 4)
# Prepare values to be returned
var_names <- names(selected_vars)
n_vars <- length(var_names)
rownames(table) <- NULL
colnames(return_table)[(n_vars+1):ncol(return_table)] <- create_table_result$colnames_return_table
sol_tables[[title]] <- return_table
#Prepare optional posterior samples
var_names <- c(base, var_names[var_names != base])
interaction <- paste0(c(base, var_names[var_names != base]), collapse = ":")
label <- paste0("Simple effects for ", interaction)
var_name_levels <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_cases, ncol = n_vars)
for(i in 1:n_vars){
var <- var_names[i]
var_name_level <- paste(var, table[,var], sep=":")
var_name_level <- paste0("(", var_name_level, ")")
var_name_levels[, i] <- var_name_level
colnames(simple_effect_samlpes) <- apply(var_name_levels, 1, paste0, collapse = ":")
simple_effect_return[[label]] <- simple_effect_samlpes
return(list(results_summary = sol_tables, samples_simple_effects = simple_effect_return))
} else {
return(list(results_summary = sol_tables))
#Perform input checks
if (!is(BANOVA_output, "BANOVA")){
stop('"BANOVA_output" must be of a class "BANOVA", which is an outup of BANOVA.run function')
if (!is(base, "character")){
stop('"base" must be of a class "character", which mean you need to pass it as a string')
sol_tables <- list()
model_name <- BANOVA_output$model_name
single_level_multinomial <- FALSE
# Multinomial models ----
if (model_name == "BANOVA.Multinomial"){
intercept_name <- ("(Intercept)")
if (BANOVA_output$single_level){
# for a single level model design matrix is extracted from BANOVA_output
single_level_multinomial = TRUE
design_matrix <- BANOVA_output$dMatrice$X_full[[1]]
names_regressors <- colnames(design_matrix)
coefficients <- BANOVA_output$samples_l1_param #select semples of the lvl1 parameters
colnames(coefficients) <- names_regressors
colnames(coefficients)[1] <- intercept_name
} else {
n_categories <- BANOVA_output$n_categories
l1_vars <- BANOVA_output$dMatrice$X_original_choice # list of length n_categories
l2_vars <- BANOVA_output$mf2 # matrix with between subject variables
n_l2_regs <- ncol(BANOVA_output$dMatrice$Z_full) # number of lel2 regressors
# check and select the dependent variable
if (is.null(dep_var_name)){
stop("The label for the dependent variable is not specified")
} else if (!is(dep_var_name, "character")) {
stop('The label for the dependent variable must be of a class "character",
which mean you need to pass it as a string')
dep_var <- as.data.frame(BANOVA_output$data[, dep_var_name])
colnames(dep_var) <- dep_var_name
# create a temporary data frame for used to create a design matrix
l1_df <- as.data.frame(l1_vars[[1]]) #needed to create a formula
data_temp <- cbind(l1_df, l2_vars, dep_var)
# create a formula
formula <- make.formula(BANOVA_output$pvalue.table, dep_var_name)
design_matrics <- design.matrix(l1_formula = formula, l2_formula = 'NA', data = data_temp,
contrast = BANOVA_output$contrast)
design_matrix <- design_matrics$X
names_regressors <- colnames(design_matrix)
# select original coefficients and rename them
original_coefficients <- BANOVA_output$samples_l2_param #select semples of the lvl2 parameters
all_reg_names <- update.regressor.names(rownames(BANOVA_output$coef.tables$coeff_table))
colnames(original_coefficients) <- all_reg_names
# select coefficients that are not choice specific
common_coefficients <- data.frame(original_coefficients[, intersect(names_regressors, all_reg_names)])
colnames(common_coefficients) <- intersect(names_regressors, all_reg_names)
for (k in 1:n_categories){
sol_tables <- list()
# select coefficients relevant for this choice
if (k > 1){
index <- c(1:n_l2_regs) + n_l2_regs*(k-2)
coefficients_choice_specific <- original_coefficients[,index]
} else {
coefficients_choice_specific <- original_coefficients[,c(1:n_l2_regs)]
coefficients_choice_specific[,] <- 0
colnames(coefficients_choice_specific) <- setdiff(names_regressors, all_reg_names)
coefficients <- as.matrix(cbind(coefficients_choice_specific, common_coefficients))
label <- paste0("For choice ", k, " simple effects are:")
} else if (model_name == "BANOVA.multiNormal"){
intercept_name <- colnames(BANOVA_output$pvalue.table)[1] #how intercept is labeled
results <- list()
names_dv <- BANOVA_output$names_of_dependent_variables
if (BANOVA_output$single_level){
design_matrix <- BANOVA_output$dMatrice$X
names_regressors <- colnames(design_matrix)
for (i in 1:BANOVA_output$num_depenent_variables){
name <- names_dv[i]
coefficients <- BANOVA_output$samples_l1.list[[i]] #select semples of the lvl1 parameters
colnames(coefficients) <- names_regressors
title <- paste0("\nSimple effects for ", name,"\n")
results[[name]] <- perform.calculation()
} else{
dep_var_label <- colnames(BANOVA_output$mf1)[1] #name of the matrix with dep vars
dep_var_matrix <- BANOVA_output$data[, dep_var_label] #matrix with dep vars
combined_data <- cbind(BANOVA_output$data, dep_var_matrix) #data set with y as a matrix and columns
for (i in 1:BANOVA_output$num_depenent_variables){
name <- names_dv[i]
# for a two level model design matrix is created by "rewriting" two equations into one
formula <- make.formula(BANOVA_output$pvalue.tables.list[[i]],
design_matrics <- design.matrix(l1_formula = formula, l2_formula = 'NA', data = combined_data,
contrast = BANOVA_output$contrast)
design_matrix <- design_matrics$X
names_regressors <- colnames(design_matrix)
coefficients <- BANOVA_output$samples_l2.list[[i]] #select semples of the lvl2 parameters
colnames(coefficients) <- update.regressor.names(rownames(BANOVA_output$coef.tables.list[[i]]$coeff_table))
title <- paste0("\nSimple effects for ", name,"\n")
results[[name]] <- perform.calculation()
# All other models ----
else {
intercept_name <- colnames(BANOVA_output$pvalue.table)[1] #how intercept is labeled
if (BANOVA_output$single_level){
# for a single level model design matrix is extracted from BANOVA_output
design_matrix <- BANOVA_output$dMatrice$X
names_regressors <- colnames(design_matrix)
coefficients <- BANOVA_output$samples_l1_param #select semples of the lvl1 parameters
colnames(coefficients) <- names_regressors
} else {
# for a two level model design matrix is created by "rewriting" two equations into one
formula <- make.formula(pvalue.table = BANOVA_output$pvalue.table,
dep_var = colnames(BANOVA_output$mf1)[1])
design_matrics <- design.matrix(l1_formula = formula, l2_formula = 'NA', data = BANOVA_output$data,
contrast = BANOVA_output$contrast)
design_matrix <- design_matrics$X
names_regressors <- colnames(design_matrix)
coefficients <- BANOVA_output$samples_l2_param #select semples of the lvl2 parameters
colnames(coefficients) <- update.regressor.names(rownames(BANOVA_output$coef.tables$coeff_table))
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