scPACds: A demo PACdataset of mouse sperm cells

scPACdsR Documentation

A demo PACdataset of mouse sperm cells


A dataset of the PACdataset class from mouse sperm cells, containing 771 PACs from 396 genes located in chromosome 12. There are total 2042 cells from three cell types (SC, Spermatocytes; RS, Round spermatids; ES, Elongating spermatids). This dataset contains the gene Psen1 (ENSMUSG00000019969) presented in Shulman et al, 2019. The original PAC dataset was obtained from Shulman et al, 2019, but re-annotated by the MM10 genome annotation (TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.ensGene).




A PACdataset with 771 PACs from single cells.


<Shulman et al, 2019. Nucleic Acids Res>

See Also

Other PACdataset functions: PACdataset-class, PACds, annotateByPAS(), annotatePAC(), createPACdataset(), get3UTRAPAds(), get3UTRAPApd(), length(), makeExamplePACds(), mergePACds(), normalizePACds(), plotPACdsStat(), rbind(), readPACds(), removePACdsIP(), subscript_operator, summary(), writePACds()

BMILAB/movAPA documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.