
## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
  fig.width = 6,
  fig.height = 5.5,
  collapse = TRUE,
  warning = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"

## ----load_data, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
#  library(movAPA)
#  pac=read.csv('arabidopsis_thaliana.SRP093950_amp.high_confidence.PAC.annotation.tpm.csv', stringsAsFactors =F)
#  ## Rename annotation columns.
#  ## In a PACdataset, the annotation column names must be named as (gene/gene_type/ftr/ftr_start/ftr_end/UPA_start/UPA_end).
#  ## Other non-sample columns will be also retained in the @anno slot of the PACdataset.
#  pac=dplyr::rename(pac, UPA_start = 'start', UPA_end='end', gene_type='biotype')
#  colnames(pac)
#  ## Describe the sample columns and corresponding group(s) in a data.frame
#'Amp','Amp','Amp'), ncol=1, dimnames=list(paste0('Amp311_R',1:3), 'group')))
#  ## Read the PAC file into a PACdataset
#  PACds=readPACds(pacFile=pac, colDataFile=colData, noIntergenic=FALSE, PAname='PA')
#  PACds

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  # For example, users can remove internal priming artifacts
#  library("BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9")
#  bsgenome <- BSgenome.Athaliana.TAIR.TAIR9
#  # Please make sure the chr name of your PAC data is the same as the BSgenome.
#  seqnames(bsgenome)
#  PACdsIP=removePACdsIP(PACds, bsgenome, returnBoth=TRUE,
#                        up=-10, dn=10, conA=6, sepA=7)
#  length(PACdsIP$real)
#  length(PACdsIP$ip)
#  # Base compostions and k-grams
#  faFiles=faFromPACds(PACds, bsgenome, what='updn', fapre='updn',
#                      up=-300, dn=100, byGrp='ftr')

## ----fig.dim=c(6,4), eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------
#  faFiles=c("updn.3UTR.fa", "updn.CDS.fa", "updn.intergenic.fa", "updn.intron.fa")
#  ## Plot single nucleotide profiles using the extracted sequences and merge all plots into one.
#  plotATCGforFAfile (faFiles, ofreq=FALSE, opdf=FALSE,
#                     refPos=301, mergePlots = TRUE)

## ----load_data2, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
#  ## Read a BED file
#  pac=read.table('arabidopsis_thaliana.SRP093950_amp.high_confidence.PAC.bed',
#                 header=F, stringsAsFactors =F)
#  head(pac)
#  # We only keep the chr/strand/coord, here we used the start position as the coord.
#  colnames(pac)=c('chr','coord','x','dot','strand')
#  pac=pac[,c('chr','strand','coord')]
#  # We don't have any expression level of the sample,
#  # so we only read the PAC list and set the expression as 1.
#  ## Read the PAC file into a PACdataset
#  PACds=readPACds(pacFile=pac, colDataFile=NULL, noIntergenic=FALSE, PAname='PA')
#  PACds

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Please download the genome annotation file of Arabidopsis TAIR 10
#  # in gff3 format from the tair website.
#  athGFF="Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.42.gff3"
#  # First we parse the gff3 file.
#  gff=parseGff(athGFF)
#  # Please make sure the chromosome name of your PAC data
#  # is the same as the gff file (and the BSgenome)
#  head(gff$anno.need)
#  # You can also save the parsed gff file as an rda object for further use.
#  # save(gff, file='TAIR10.gff.rda')
#  # Annotate the PAC data
#  PACds=annotatePAC(PACds, gff)
#  PACds
BMILAB/movAPA documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 11:09 p.m.