
Defines functions Volcano

Documented in Volcano

# Volcano Plot, in progress
# Scott Presnell, SPresnell@benaroyaresearch.org
# Started spring 2018, Formalized July 13th, 2018
#if(getRversion() >= "3.1.0") utils::globalVariables(c("expr", logFC", "lop"))
# Create a Volcano Plot
# run theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(face=fontFace, size=14), plot.title = element_text(face=fontFace, hjust = 0.5)))
# as part of your setup and repel font face will take from the current theme fontface
#' Create a Volcano plot
#' Make a volcano plot, using cuts, ggrepel, optionally write out as image, optionally write out DEG list and all gene list to .csv
#' @param fit A fitted linear model object from limma/eBayes (MArrayLM), or a data frame with slots like the result of topTable
#' @param target Name of the contrast target to plot, or the corresponding column of the model matrix (string)
#' @param title Title for the plot (string)
#' @param writeTopTable Write gene list to CSV file (see \code{target} string, boolean)
#' @param write deprecated in favor of \code{writeTopTable}
#' @param saveImage Write out an image (boolean)
#' @param imageWidth Width of saved image in inches (floating point)
#' @param imageHeight Height of saved image in inches (floating point)
#' @param extImage Image type/extension (string)
#' @param ext deprecated in favor of \code{extImage}
#' @param cutFC Fold Change cutoff for significance (floating point)
#' @param cutPvalue p-valut cutoff for significance (floating point)
#' @param numLabels  Number of labels to print (integer)
#' @param labelList List of label names to render, only those (vector)
#' @param labelSize Size of text in repel for labels from labelList - default is the same as the repelSize (integer)
#' @param labelSource Name of the column for gene names (string)
#' @param colors vector of up/right point color, down/left point color, and not significant color (vector of three strings)
#' @param legendStrings vector of up, down, not significant (vector of strings)
#' @param repelFontFace Name of fontface for labels (string)
#' @param repelSize Size of text repel labels (integer)
#' @param pointSize Size of geom_points (integer)
#' @param annLocation Location of side annotations (string)
#' @param leftAnnText Text for the left side annotation (string)
#' @param rightAnnText Text for the right side annotation (string)
#' @param ...  Additional function calls from the ggplot2 package to be added to ggplot, such as \code{xlim=xlim(-5,5)}, \code{ylim=ylim(0,9)}
#' @return A dataframe of differentially expressed gene information, in the form of topTable().
#' @author Scott R Presnell, \email{SPresnell@@benaroyaresearch.org}
#' @seealso Associated or similar limma functions \code{\link[limma]{topTable}},  \code{\link[limma]{volcanoplot}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' Volcano(fit, "SPvsDP", "Single Positive vs Double Positive")
#' @export
#' @import limma ggplot2 ggrepel
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
Volcano <- function(fit,
                    cutFC = 1.5,
                    cutPvalue = 0.05,
                    labelSize = 4,
                    labelSource="hgnc_symbol",  # mgi_symbol for mouse
                    colors=c("red", "blue", "grey"), # right, left, not significant
                    legendStrings = c("Up regulated", "Down regulated", "Not significant"),
                    repelFontFace = theme_get()$text$face,  # get the fontFace from the current theme by default.
                    ...) {

  if (!missing(write)) {
    warning("argument 'write' is deprecated, please use writeTopTable instead.", call. = FALSE)
    writeTopTable <- write

  if (!missing(ext)) {
    warning("argument 'ext' is deprecated, please use extImage instead.", call. = FALSE)
    extImage <- ext

  # copy of the repelSize to the labelSize if labelSize is not set.
  if (missing(labelSize)) {
    labelSize <- repelSize

  # get all genes, sorted by p.value
  if (class(fit) == "MArrayLM") {
    topResults <- topTable(fit, coef=target, sort.by="P", number=Inf)
  } else {
    topResults <- fit[order(fit$P.Value),] # assume it's a dataframe, sort it like we dod with topTable.
  topResults$lop <- -log10(topResults$adj.P.Val) # easier to keep in the dataframe
  topResults$expr <- ifelse(topResults$logFC >= log2(cutFC) &topResults$adj.P.Val < cutPvalue, "up",
                         ifelse(topResults$logFC < -log2(cutFC) &topResults$adj.P.Val < cutPvalue, "down", "non"))
  if (!is.null(labelSource)) {
    topResults$labels <- as.character(topResults[[labelSource]])
  } else {
    topResults$labels <- as.character(rownames(topResults))

  # Old way uses global variable,  used when the gene list was not provided to DEGList()
  #topResults$labels <- gene_key$hgnc_symbol[match(rownames(topResults), gene_key$ensembl_gene_id)],topResults)

  # Only the differentially expressed ones for labeling.
  degFrame <- subset(topResults, expr != "non")

  # If we want a limited set of labels, then find the indicies for those labels, and copy them onto a background of empty strings
  # (if we use NA, geomp_text_repel complains, and it doesn't calculate the "bumps" correctly)
  if (!is.null(labelList)) {
    newLabels <- rep("", length(degFrame$labels)) # label text strings
    newSize <- rep(repelSize, length(degFrame$labels)) # label text size
    indices <-  which(degFrame$labels %in% labelList) #indices of desired labels
    nDEGCount = nrow(degFrame)
    maxLabels = nDEGCount

    #determine the number of labels to render.
    if (nDEGCount > numLabels) {
      maxLabels = numLabels

    # combine top numLabels and the requested labels
    if (maxLabels > 0) {
      newLabels[c(1:maxLabels, indices)] <-degFrame$labels[c(1:maxLabels, indices)]
    # ... or just the requested labels
    } else {
      newLabels[indices] <-degFrame$labels[indices]
    newSize[indices] <- labelSize
    degFrame$labels <- newLabels

  myPlot <- ggplot(data=topResults, aes_(x=quote(logFC), y=quote(lop))) +
    geom_point(aes_(color=quote(expr)), size=pointSize) +
                        breaks = c("up", "down", "non"),
                        label  = legendStrings,
                        values = c("up"=colors[1], "down"=colors[2], "non"=colors[3]))

  # grab the variable argument list from the elipsis in the function definition.
  variableArguments <- list(...)

  # Loop over it to add elements to the plot - assumes variable arguments are only to be fed to ggplot()
  # If variableArguments is an empty list, loop doesn't happen, no error.
  for (arg in variableArguments) {
    myPlot <- myPlot + arg

  if (!is.null(labelList)) {
    myPlot <- myPlot + geom_text_repel(data=degFrame, aes(fontface=repelFontFace, label=labels), size=newSize)
  } else if (nrow(degFrame) > numLabels) {
    subFrame <- degFrame[1:numLabels,]
    myPlot <- myPlot + geom_text_repel(data=subFrame, aes(fontface=repelFontFace, label=labels), size=repelSize)
  } else if (nrow(degFrame) > 0) {
    myPlot <- myPlot + geom_text_repel(data=degFrame, aes(fontface=repelFontFace, label=labels), size=repelSize)
    # fall through - no differentially expressed genes, hence no labels.

  myPlot <- myPlot +
    # do this outside the function
    # theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(face="bold", size=14), plot.title = element_text(face="bold", hjust = 0.5)))
    xlab(expression(log[2]~'Fold Change')) + ylab(expression(-log[10]~'Adj. p-value')) +
    ggtitle(title) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(cutPvalue), linetype = "dashed") +
    geom_vline(xintercept =  log2(cutFC),      linetype = "dashed") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = -log2(cutFC),      linetype = "dashed")

  # starts with b, for bottom, or l for lower, otherwise assume top or upper..
  if (grepl('^[BbLl]', annLocation)) {
    yPosition <- -Inf
    vjust <- -1
  } else {
    yPosition <- Inf
    vjust <- 1.33

  if (!is.null(leftAnnText)) {
    myPlot <- myPlot + annotate("text", -Inf, yPosition, hjust=-0.2, vjust=vjust, label=leftAnnText, fontface="bold")

  if (!is.null(rightAnnText)) {
    myPlot <- myPlot + annotate("text", Inf, yPosition, hjust=1.2, vjust=vjust, label=rightAnnText, fontface="bold")


  # as of ggplot2 v3.1.0, svglite is the driver used by ggsave() to render svg files.
  if (saveImage == TRUE) {
    ggsave(filename=paste(target, extImage, sep="."), width=imageWidth, height=imageHeight, dpi=320)

  # write out the top table topResults to a CSV file with all the data, remove redunant information
  if (writeTopTable == TRUE) {
    topResults$lop <- NULL
    topResults$B <- NULL
    topResults$labels <- NULL
    write.csv(topResults, paste(target, "all.csv", sep="_"), quote=F)

  # return only the differentially expressed genes.
  # invisible keeps the variable from being printed if the function call result is not assigned
  # pepare to return.
  if (nrow(degFrame) > 0) {
    degFrame$lop <- NULL
    degFrame$labels <- NULL
BenaroyaResearch/DGETools documentation built on July 2, 2022, 12:19 p.m.