
Defines functions post_process_rnaseq_align

Documented in post_process_rnaseq_align

#' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' post_process_rnaseq_align
#' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#' @title post_process_rnaseq_align 
#' @description 
#' Joins individual sample files into one tsv file.  Also converts ucsc names to hgnc_symbol|entrez_ids
#' and outputs the gene level counts.
#' @param input_file_paths Named character vector of paths to the pipeline output data. Samples will be named by the names of the vector. If not named thye will be named after the quant file.
#' @param output_dir Path to the output folder.
#' @param gene_biotypes The type of biomaRt gene_biotypes that should be output to the gene level output.
#' @param file_prefix Output files will have this prefix string appended to them
#' @param output_entrez_id_matrix T/F
#' @param output_hgnc_matrix T/F
#' @param output_log2_upper_quartile_norm T/F
#' @param output_piped_hugo_entrez_id_matrix T/F
#' @param output_transcript_matrix T/F
#' @param output_upper_quartile_norm T/F
#' @param counts_or_tpm 'counts' or 'tpm'
#' @param ref options 'grch38' with ensemble output or 'hg38' with ucsc output
#' @param this_script_path Path to script that runs this function for documentation purposes
#' @param sample_key String to name the sample identifier column.
#' @return A vector of paths to the files.
#' @family mart
#' @export
post_process_rnaseq_align = function(
  this_script_path = '',
  input_file_paths,# = system(paste0("ls ", RAW_DATA_DIR, "/pipeline_output/star_salmon/*/*_quant.sf"), intern = TRUE)
  output_dir,# = file.path(base_dir, "post_processing", "star_salmon")
  ref = "grch38", # options 'grch38' with ensemble output or 'hg38' with ucsc output
  gene_biotypes = c('protein_coding', 'from AnnotationDbi',
                    'IG_C_gene','IG_D_gene', 'IG_J_gene', 'IG_V_gene',
                    'TR_C_gene', 'TR_D_gene', 'TR_J_gene','TR_V_gene'),
  file_prefix = "",
  output_transcript_matrix = TRUE,
  output_hgnc_matrix = TRUE,
  output_entrez_id_matrix = FALSE,
  output_piped_hugo_entrez_id_matrix = FALSE,
  output_upper_quartile_norm = TRUE,
  output_log2_upper_quartile_norm = TRUE,
  output_conversion_table = TRUE,
  counts_or_tpm = "counts",
  sample_key = "Run_ID"
  message("post_process_rnaseq_align will be depricated soon in favor of using quantsf_to_matrix and convert_ensembl. These have more reliable gene mapping, are faster and don't duplicate the norm and log2 function that already exist in binfotron.")
  dir.create(output_dir, showWarnings = F)
  if(file_prefix != ""){file_prefix %<>% paste0("__")}
  readme_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(file_prefix,"readme.txt"))
  if(file.exists(readme_path)){ file.remove(readme_path)}
  a = function(...){
    my_output = paste0(...)
      write(my_output, readme_path, append = TRUE)
  a(paste0("## Making isoform counts matrix: ", this_script_path))
  if(length(names(input_file_paths)) == 0){
    names(input_file_paths) = gsub(".quant.sf$", "", basename(input_file_paths))
  a("Reading in files from input_file_paths:")
  counts_or_tpm = tolower(counts_or_tpm)
  if(counts_or_tpm == "counts"){
    salmon_column = "NumReads"
  } else if (counts_or_tpm == "tpm"){
    salmon_column = "TPM"
  read_data = lapply(input_file_paths, function(input_file_path){
    a("  ", input_file_path)
    counts_df = fread(input_file_path, select = c("Name", salmon_column), data.table = F)
    return_list = lapply(counts_df[[salmon_column]], function(x)x) # rbindlist needs a list so we turn this into a list
    names(return_list) = counts_df[["Name"]] # Name the list items so they get assigned to the right column
  # convert to a data table according to the names of the list 
  #   (ie, use.names = T won't assume the genes are in the same order)
  dat = rbindlist(read_data, use.names = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
  output_paths = c()
  # add the sample names
  dat = data.frame(Run_ID = names(read_data), dat)
  if (sample_key != "Run_ID") names(dat)[names(dat) == "Run_ID"] = sample_key
  row.names(dat) = NULL
  if (ref == 'grch38'){
    # some grch38 references put decimals at the end of the names. need to drop these so we don't loose
    #  a gene due to its transcript being a version behind the biomart and AnnotationDbi results
    names(dat)[2:ncol(dat)] %<>% substring(., 1, 15) 
    # if (ref == 'grch38'){
    #   isoform_output_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(file_prefix, ref, "_transcript_", counts_or_tpm,".tsv"))
    # } else if (ref == 'hg38') {
    isoform_output_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(file_prefix, "trans_", counts_or_tpm,".tsv"))
    # }
    fwrite(dat, isoform_output_path, sep = "\t")
    output_paths = c(output_paths, isoform_output_path)
    if(output_upper_quartile_norm || output_log2_upper_quartile_norm){
      norm_dat = binfotron::normalize_rows_by_quartile(data.table(dat))
      output_upper_quartile_norm_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(file_prefix, "trans_", counts_or_tpm,"_norm.tsv"))
      output_paths = c(output_paths, output_upper_quartile_norm_path)
      fwrite(norm_dat, output_upper_quartile_norm_path, sep = "\t")
        log2_norm_dat = binfotron::log_transform_plus(norm_dat)
        output_log2_upper_quartile_norm_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(file_prefix, "trans_", counts_or_tpm,"_norm_log2.tsv"))
        output_paths = c(output_paths, output_log2_upper_quartile_norm_path)
        fwrite(log2_norm_dat,  output_log2_upper_quartile_norm_path, sep = "\t")
  a(paste0("## Making gene counts matrix: ", this_script_path))
  a("Using saved biomaRt.")
  if (ref == 'grch38'){
    BM_results = data.table::fread(PostRNASeqAlign::get_biomart_grch38_path(), data.table = FALSE)
  } else if (ref == 'hg38') {
    BM_results = data.table::fread(PostRNASeqAlign::get_biomart_hg38_path(), data.table = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop(paste0("Unrecognized ref: ", ref,".  Please use either 'grch38' or 'hg38'."))
  BM_results$gene_biotype = factor(BM_results$gene_biotype)
  # drop all bm transcripts that aren't in the data
  BM_results = BM_results[BM_results$transcript %in% names(dat)[2:ncol(dat)], ]
  # for debugging this it's best to look at the BM_results matrix and make sure
  #   each step is filling in data the right way...
  a(paste0("* Starting with gene_biotypes: ", paste0(unique(BM_results$gene_biotype), collapse = ", ")))
  a(paste0("* Restricting gene_biotypes to: ", paste0(gene_biotypes, collapse = ", ")))
  BM_results = BM_results[ BM_results$gene_biotype %in% gene_biotypes, ]
  missing_ids = which(is.na(BM_results$entrezgene))
  #lots of blanks in symbols
  missing_symbols = which(BM_results$hgnc_symbol == "")
  fill_in_ids_using_symbol_indices = missing_ids[missing_ids %ni% missing_symbols]
  fill_in_symbols_using_id_indices = missing_symbols[missing_symbols %ni% missing_ids]
  symbols_to_use = BM_results$hgnc_symbol[fill_in_ids_using_symbol_indices]
  a("* Used hgnc symbols to fill in missing entrez ids.")

  # mclapply takes 3x longer
  fill_in_ids = unlist(lapply(1:length(symbols_to_use), function(x){ # very slow but mclapply runs into errors
    gene_id = as.character(paste0(unlist(annotate::lookUp(symbols_to_use[x],'org.Hs.eg','SYMBOL2EG')), collapse = ","))
  BM_results$symbols_to_use = NA
  BM_results$symbols_to_use[fill_in_ids_using_symbol_indices] = symbols_to_use # just marking these to make sure we are converting the correct things
  BM_results$fill_in_ids = NA
  BM_results$fill_in_ids[fill_in_ids_using_symbol_indices] = fill_in_ids
  ids_to_use = as.character(BM_results$entrezgene[fill_in_symbols_using_id_indices])
  a("* Used entrez ids to fill in missing hgnc symbols.")

  # mclapply takes 3x longer
  fill_in_symbols = unlist(lapply(1:length(ids_to_use), function(x){ # very slow but mclapply runs into errors
    gene_name = as.character(paste0(unlist(annotate::lookUp(ids_to_use[x],'org.Hs.eg','SYMBOL')), collapse = ","))
  BM_results$fill_in_symbols = NA
  BM_results$fill_in_symbols[fill_in_symbols_using_id_indices] = fill_in_symbols
  BM_results$ids_to_use = NA
  BM_results$ids_to_use[fill_in_symbols_using_id_indices] = ids_to_use
  BM_results$fin_symbols = BM_results$hgnc_symbol
  BM_results$fin_symbols[fill_in_symbols_using_id_indices] = fill_in_symbols
  BM_results$fin_ids = BM_results$entrezgene
  BM_results$fin_ids[fill_in_ids_using_symbol_indices] = fill_in_ids
  # do any of the hgnc or entrez id's convert to multiple?  I've never seen this but it's possible
  if(sum(grepl(",", BM_results$fill_in_ids)) > 0){
    warning("Some hgnc converted to more than one entrez id.  Need to figure out how to resolve this...")
  if(sum(grepl(",", BM_results$fill_in_symbols)) > 0){
    warning("Some entrez ids converted to more than one symbol.  Need to figure out how to resolve this...")
  BM_results$fin_ids[BM_results$fin_ids == "NA"] = NA
  BM_results$fin_symbols[BM_results$fin_symbols == "NA"] = NA
  BM_results$fin_symbols[BM_results$fin_symbols == ""] = NA
  BM_results = tidyr::unite(BM_results, combined_names, fin_symbols, fin_ids, sep = "|", remove = FALSE)
  # drop dat columns that aren't in BM_results
  dat = dat[, c(sample_key, names(dat)[names(dat) %in% BM_results$transcript])] # went from 190K to 130K probably from loosing gene biotypes
  make_matrix_of_cols = c()
  if(output_hgnc_matrix) make_matrix_of_cols = c(make_matrix_of_cols, "fin_symbols")
  if(output_entrez_id_matrix) make_matrix_of_cols = c(make_matrix_of_cols, "fin_ids")
  if(output_piped_hugo_entrez_id_matrix) make_matrix_of_cols = c(make_matrix_of_cols, "combined_names")
  if(output_conversion_table) fwrite(BM_results,  file.path(output_dir, paste0("conversion_table.tsv")), sep = "\t")
  for(make_matrix_of_col in make_matrix_of_cols){
    BM_results[[make_matrix_of_col]][is.na(BM_results[[make_matrix_of_col]])] = ""
    my_dt = dat[,1, drop = FALSE]
    if(make_matrix_of_col == "fin_symbols"){
      this_file_prefix = "hgnc_"
    } else if (make_matrix_of_col == "fin_ids"){
      this_file_prefix = "entrez_"
    } else if (make_matrix_of_col == "combined_names"){
      this_file_prefix = "hgnc_entrez_"
    } else {
      stop("Unknown make_matrix_of_col")
    this_file_prefix = paste0(file_prefix, this_file_prefix)
    my_genes = sort(unique(BM_results[[make_matrix_of_col]]))
    my_genes = my_genes[my_genes != ""]
    # tried lapply and mclapply with no speed increase. mclapply was the worst
    # my_range = 1:1000
    # start_time = Sys.time()
    # my_dt0 = my_dt
    for (my_gene in my_genes) {
      # get the transcripts it matches to
      my_transcripts = unique(BM_results$transcript[BM_results[[make_matrix_of_col]] == my_gene])
      if(length(my_transcripts) == 1){
        my_dt[[my_gene]] = dat[[my_transcripts]]
      } else if(length(my_transcripts) > 1){
        my_dt[[my_gene]] = apply(dat[,my_transcripts],1,function(x){sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)})
    my_unnorm_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(this_file_prefix, counts_or_tpm,".tsv"))
    output_paths = c(output_paths, my_unnorm_path)
    fwrite(my_dt, my_unnorm_path, sep = "\t")
    if(output_upper_quartile_norm || output_log2_upper_quartile_norm){
      norm_dat = binfotron::normalize_rows_by_quartile(data.table(my_dt))
      if(output_upper_quartile_norm) {
        norm_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(this_file_prefix,counts_or_tpm,"_norm.tsv"))
        output_paths = c(output_paths, norm_path)
        fwrite(norm_dat,  norm_path, sep = "\t")
        log2_norm_dat = binfotron::log_transform_plus(norm_dat)
        log2_path = file.path(output_dir, paste0(this_file_prefix,counts_or_tpm,"_norm_log2.tsv"))
        output_paths = c(output_paths, log2_path)
        fwrite(log2_norm_dat,  log2_path, sep = "\t")
Benjamin-Vincent-Lab/PostRNASeqAlign documentation built on Feb. 14, 2024, 8:31 a.m.