
Defines functions .predict_combined .predict_sobolev .predict_fisher .predict_kendall .predict_spearman .predict_pearson .ambiguous_method_origin .ambiguous_enrichment .ambiguous_score_sort .ambiguous_score_rev_sort expression_prediction

Documented in .ambiguous_enrichment .ambiguous_method_origin .ambiguous_score_rev_sort .ambiguous_score_sort expression_prediction .predict_combined .predict_fisher .predict_kendall .predict_pearson .predict_sobolev .predict_spearman

#' GAPGOM - expression_prediction()
#' Predicts annotation of un-annotated genes based on existing
#' Gene Ontology annotation data and correlated expression patterns.
#' This function is specifically made for predicting lncRNA annotation by
#' assuming "guilt by association". For instance, the expression data in this
#' package is actually based on mRNA expression data, but correlated with
#' lncRNA. This expression data is the used in combination with mRNA GO
#' annotation to calculate similarity scores between GO terms,
#' @param gene_id gene rowname to be compared to the other GO terms.
#' @param expression_set ExpressionSet class containing expression values and
#' other useful information, see GAPGOM::f5_example_data
#' documentation for further explanation of this type. If you want a custom
#' ExpressionSet you have to define one yourself.
#' @param organism where to be scanned genes reside in, this option
#' is neccesary to select the correct GO DAG. Options are based on the org.db
#' bioconductor package;
#' http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html#___OrgDb
#' Following options are available: "fly", "mouse", "rat", "yeast",
#' "zebrafish", "worm", "arabidopsis", "ecolik12", "bovine", "canine",
#' "anopheles", "ecsakai", "chicken", "chimp", "malaria", "rhesus", "pig",
#' "xenopus". Fantom5 data only has "human" and "mouse" available depending
#' on the dataset.
#' @param ontology desired ontology to use for prediction. One of three;
#' "BP" (Biological process), "MF" (Molecular function) or "CC"
#' (Cellular Component). Cellular Component is not included with the package's
#' standard data and will thus yield no results.
#' @param enrichment_cutoff cutoff number for the amount of genes to be
#' enriched in the enrichment analysis. (default is 250)
#' @param method which statistical method to use for the prediction, currently
#' there are 5 available; "pearson", "spearman", "kendall", "fisher", "sobolev"
#' and "combine".
#' @param significance normalized p-values (fdr) that are below this number 
#' will be kept. has to be a float/double between 0-1. Default is 0.05
#' @param go_amount minimal amount of gos that a result needs to have to be 
#' considered similar enough.
#' @param filter_pvals filters pvalues that are equal to 0 (Default=FALSE).
#' @param idtype idtype of the expression_data. If not correctly specified, 
#' error will specify available IDs. default="ENTREZID"
#' @param verbose set to true for more informative/elaborate output.
#' @param id_select_vector gene rowname(s) that you want to keep in the
#' dataset. For example, let's say you need to only include protein coding
#' genes. You then make a vector including only ids that are protein coding.
#' Most importantly, this is used in the GO term enrichment. Meaning that this
#' vector should only contain genes that are annotated in the GO databases.
#' @param id_translation_df df with translations between ID and GOID. col1 = ID,
#' col2 = GOID. (this may be generated with ".generate_translation_df()" but 
#' this is not officially supported. It might be useful for running anylyses on
#' the same expressionset because it improves performance.)
#' @param go_data from set_go_data function. A GoSemSim go_data object.
#' @return The resulting dataframe with prediction of similar GO terms.
#' These are ordered with respect to FDR values. The following columns will be
#' in the dataframe;
#' GOID - Gene Ontology ID,
#' Ontology - Ontology type (MF or BP),
#' FDR - False Positive Rate,
#' Term - description of GOID,
#' used_method - the used method to determine the ontology term similarity
#' @examples
#' # Example with default dataset, take a look at the data documentation
#' # to fully grasp what's going on with making of the filter etc. (Biobase 
#' # ExpressionSet)
#' library(Biobase)
#' # keep everything that is a protein coding gene (for annotation)
#' filter_vector <- pData(featureData(GAPGOM::expset))[(
#' pData(featureData(GAPGOM::expset))$GeneType=="protein_coding"),]$GeneID
#' # set gid and run.
#' gid <- "ENSG00000228630"
#' result <- GAPGOM::expression_prediction(gid, 
#'                                         GAPGOM::expset, 
#'                                         "human", 
#'                                         "BP",
#'                                         id_translation_df = 
#'                                           GAPGOM::id_translation_df,
#'                                         id_select_vector = filter_vector,
#'                                         method = "combine", verbose = TRUE, 
#'                                         filter_pvals = TRUE
#' )
#' @importFrom plyr ddply .
#' @importFrom fastmatch %fin%
#' @import Biobase
#' @export
expression_prediction <- function(gene_id, expression_set, organism, ontology,
  enrichment_cutoff = 250, method = "combine", significance = 0.05,
  go_amount = 5, filter_pvals = FALSE, idtype = "ENTREZID", verbose = FALSE,
  id_select_vector = NULL, id_translation_df = NULL, go_data = NULL) {
  old <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, warn=-1)
  on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
  starttime <- Sys.time()
  # check inputs
  if (!(.check_ifclass(gene_id, "character", "gene_id", accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_ifclass(expression_set, "ExpressionSet", "expression_set",
                       accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_organism(organism) &
        .check_ontology(ontology) &
        .check_ifclass(enrichment_cutoff, "numeric", "enrichment_cutoff", 
                       accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_method(method) &
        .check_ifclass(significance, "numeric", "significance", 
                       accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_ifclass(go_amount, "numeric", "go_amount", 
                       accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_ifclass(filter_pvals, "logical", "filter_pvals", 
                       accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_ifclass(idtype, "character", "idtype", accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_ifclass(verbose, "logical", "verbose", accept_null = FALSE) &
        .check_ifclass(id_select_vector, "character", "id_select_vector") &
        .check_ifclass(id_translation_df, "data.frame", "id_translation_df") &
        .check_ifclass(go_data, "GOSemSimDATA", "go_data")
  )) {
    stop("Error: one or more arguments are faulty!")
  # prepare the data with some special operations/vars that are needed later
  gene_id <- as.character(gene_id)
  # first check if gene_id is even in the expressionset
  if (!(gene_id %in% rownames(assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]]))) {
    message("Could not find any similar genes! (gene id not present...)")
  # check if selection vector is defined, if not, include everything.
  if (is.null(id_select_vector)) {
    id_select_vector <- rownames(assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]])
  expression_data_sorted <- assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]][(rownames(
    assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]]) %fin% id_select_vector),]
  expression_data_sorted_ids <- rownames(expression_data_sorted)
  # check if expression_data sorted has anything at all
  if (nrow(expression_data_sorted) == 0) {
    stop("Selection of id_select_vector is empty!")
  # Target expression data where gene id matches
  target_expression_data <- assayData(expression_set)[["exprs"]][gene_id,]
  # Generate the translation df using gosemsim.
  if (verbose) {
    message("Looking up GO terms...")
  if (is.null(id_translation_df)) {
    id_translation_df <- .generate_translation_df(
      go_data = go_data)
  # make args list for ambiguous functions
  args <- list(
    "gene_id" = gene_id,
    "expression_data_sorted" = expression_data_sorted,
    "expression_data_sorted_ids" = expression_data_sorted_ids,
    "id_select_vector" = id_select_vector,
    "id_translation_df" = id_translation_df,
    "target_expression_data" = target_expression_data,
    "organism" = organism,
    "ontology" = ontology,
    "enrichment_cutoff" = enrichment_cutoff,
    "significance" = significance,
    "go_amount" = go_amount,
    "filter_pvals" = filter_pvals)

  # these functions calculate score between target expression of target gene
  # vs the rest of the desired protein coding genes.  this is either a
  # correlation metric or a geometrical metric.
  # after score is calculated, these scores are enriched.
  enrichment_result <- NULL
  enrichment_result <- switch(method,
    "pearson" =  .predict_pearson(args),
    "spearman" = .predict_spearman(args),
    "kendall" = .predict_kendall(args),
    "fisher" = .predict_fisher(args),
    "sobolev" = .predict_sobolev(args),
    "combine" = .predict_combined(args)
  if (length(enrichment_result) > 0 & nrow(enrichment_result) > 0) {
    # number the rownames and return the enrichment results.
    rownames(enrichment_result) <- c(seq_len(nrow(enrichment_result)))
    # set all factors to strings.
    factor_index <- vapply(enrichment_result, is.factor, logical(1))
    enrichment_result[factor_index] <- lapply(enrichment_result[factor_index], 
    if (verbose) {
      message("Calculation time (in seconds):")
      message(difftime(Sys.time(), starttime, units = "secs"))
  } else {
    message("Could not find any similar genes!")
    return (NULL)

#' GAPGOM internal - Ambiguous/prediction functions
#' These functions are ambiguous/standardized functions that help make the
#' enrichment analysis steps more streamlined. Most measures have their own
#' specific way of their scores being calculated. For this, they have their own
#' function clauses.
#' @section Notes:
#' These functions are internal functions and should not be called by the user.
#' @return output is different on a case-to-case basis
#' @name ambiguous_functions
#' @keywords internal

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.ambiguous_score_rev_sort <- function(score_df) {
  # reverse sorts the score column
  if (length(score_df) == 0) {
  } else {
    return(score_df[rev(order(score_df[, 2])), ]) 

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.ambiguous_score_sort <- function(score_df) {
  # sorts the score column
  if (length(score_df) == 0) {
  } else {
    return(score_df[order(score_df[, 2]), ])

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.ambiguous_enrichment <- function(args, ordered_score_df) {
  # run the enrichment analysis function.
  enrichment_result <- .enrichment_analysis(

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.ambiguous_method_origin <- function(df, methodname) {
  # add used_method column
  if (length(df) != 0) {
    df[, "used_method"] <- rep(
      methodname, nrow(df))

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
#' @importFrom stats cor
.predict_pearson <- function(args) {
  score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data_sorted, 
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_enrichment(args,
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_method_origin(enrichment_result, "pearson")

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
#' @importFrom stats cor
.predict_spearman <- function(args) {
  score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data_sorted, 
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_enrichment(args,
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_method_origin(enrichment_result, "spearman")

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
#' @importFrom stats cor
.predict_kendall <- function(args) {
  score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data_sorted, 
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_enrichment(args,
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_method_origin(enrichment_result, "kendall")

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.predict_fisher <- function(args) {
  score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data_sorted, 
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_enrichment(args,
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_method_origin(enrichment_result, "fisher")

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
.predict_sobolev <- function(args) {
  score_df <- .ambiguous_scorecalc(args, args$expression_data_sorted, 
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_enrichment(args,
  enrichment_result <- .ambiguous_method_origin(enrichment_result, "sobolev")

#' @rdname ambiguous_functions
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
.predict_combined <- function(args) {
  # Run enrichment for each method
  predict_methods <- c(.predict_pearson, .predict_spearman, .predict_kendall, 
                       .predict_sobolev, .predict_fisher)
  combined_enrichment <-
    lapply(predict_methods, function(method) {
  combined_enrichment <- do.call("rbind", combined_enrichment)

  if (length(combined_enrichment) == 0) {
  # and keep the rows with the lowest corrected P-values.
  combined_enrichment <- ddply(combined_enrichment,
                               .(GOID), function(x)
                                 x[which.min(x$FDR), ]
  # Order p-values on lowest > bigest
  enrichment_result <- combined_enrichment[order(
    as.numeric(combined_enrichment$FDR)), ]
Berghopper/GAPGOM documentation built on July 2, 2020, 11:57 p.m.