
Defines functions query_namcast_archive nam218_download nam218_nc_open nam218_browse nam218_url nam_query query_latest_forecast query_nam218_analysis_historical query_nam218_analysis query_nam218_forecast query_nam218_other query_nam218 top_url decompose_uri nam218_time

Documented in decompose_uri nam218_browse nam218_download nam218_nc_open nam218_time nam218_url nam_query query_latest_forecast query_nam218 query_namcast_archive top_url

# http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/on388/tableb.html#GRID218
# Grid over the Contiguous United States (used by the 12-km NAM Model) (Lambert Conformal)
# Nx 	614
# Ny 	428
# La1 	12.190N
# Lo1 	226.514E = 133.459W
# Res. & Comp. Flag 	0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
# Lov 	265.000E = 95.000W
# Dx 	12.19058 km
# Dy 	12.19058 km
# Projection Flag (bit 1) 	0 (not biPolar)
# Scanning Mode (bits 1 2 3) 	0 1 0
# Lat/Lon values of the corners of the grid
# (1,1) 	12.190N, 133.459W
# (1,428) 	54.564N, 152.878W
# (614,428) 	57.328N, 49.420W
# (614,1) 	14.342N, 65.127W
# Pole point
# (I,J) 	(347.668, 1190.097)

# example thredds
# https://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/dodsC/namanl/200807/20080704/namanl_218_20080704_1200_000.grb

#' From a two vectors of forecast period ('ftime') and forecast
#'  ahead ('ahead') determine the number of seconds to the forecast period from
#'  midnight
#' @export
#' @param ftime one or more forecast periods in hhhh
#' @param ahead one or more ahead forecast times in hhh
#' @return numeric number of seconds into a day
nam218_time <- function(
    ftime = c("0000", "0600", "1200", "1800"),
    ahead = c('000', '001', '003', '006')){

    stopifnot(length(ftime) == length(ahead))

    f <- as.numeric(substring(ftime, 1, 2)) +
         as.numeric(substring(ftime, 3,4))/60
    a <- as.numeric(ahead)

    (f + a) * 3600

#' Decompose a NAM218 filename into constituent parts.
#' The directory name is not retained.
#' @export
#' @param x character vector
#' @return a tibble with the following
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{D POSIXct date}
#'  \item{Y character year as YYYY}
#'  \item{m character month as mm}
#'  \item{d character day as dd}
#'  \item{p character forecast period in hours as HHHH, aka 'ftime'}
#'  \item{a character forecast time ahead in hours as hhh, aka 'ahead'}
#'  \item{n character name of parameter}
#'  \item{f character the basename of the input file}
#' }
decompose_uri <- function(x = c(

    f <- basename(x)
    ss <- strsplit(gsub(".grb", "", f, fixed = TRUE), "_", fixed = TRUE)
    D <- sapply(ss, '[[', 3)  # YYYYmmdd
    Y <- substring(D, 1,4)
    m <- substring(D, 5, 6)
    d <- substring(D, 7, 8)
    p <- sapply(ss, '[[', 4)  # HHHH
    a <- sapply(ss, '[[', 5)  # hhh
    t <- nam218_time(p,a)
    D <- as.POSIXct(paste(D, "00:00:00"), "%Y%m%d", tz = "UTC")
    tibble::data_frame(D, Y, m, d, t, p, a, f)


#' Retrieve the top level catalog URL
#' @export
#' @param what character specifies 'analysis' or 'forecast', "analysis-historical", 'current-forecast', 'archived-forecast'
#'  'forecast' and 'archived-forecast' are the same thredds catalog but here for backward compatibility
#'  'current-forecast' is actually a pointer NOMADS (not NCEP) which fuddles me
#'  'analysis' points to a thredds catalog
#' @return character URL
top_url <- function(what = c("analysis", "forecast", "archived-forecast", "analysis-historical")[1]){

        'analysis'   = "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/model-namanl/catalog.xml",
        'analysis-historical'   = "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/model-namanl-old/catalog.xml",
        'forecast' = 'https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/model-nam218/catalog.xml',
        'archived-forecast'   = "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/model-nam218/catalog.xml",
        'current-forecast'    =  "https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/dods/nam.xml",
        stop("what must be 'analysis', 'forecast', 'analysis-historical', 'archived-forecast' or 'current-forecast'") )

#' Run a query for NAM-218 datasets
#' @export
#' @param what character specifies 'analysis', 'analysis-historical' or 'forecast'
#' @param day either POSIXct or an 8 character day (YYYYmmdd)
#' @param ftime 4 character forecast period time stamp ('0000', '0006', etc.) or NA
#' @param ahead 3 character cycle timestamp ('000' now cast, '003 three hours ahead, etc) or NA
#' @param form character, either "uri" or "node"
#' @param root_path charcater, used as the root path if \code{form} is 'uri'
#' @return list of DatasetRefClass (possibly empty or NULL) or a character vector of URLs
query_nam218 <- function(what = c("analysis", "forecast")[1],
    day = c('20060601', format(Sys.Date() - ifelse(what == 'analysis', 4, 0), format = "%Y%m%d"))[1] ,
    ftime =  c(NA, '0000', '0600','1200','1800')[1],
    ahead = c(NA, '000', '003', '006', '084')[1],
    form = c("uri", "node")[2],
    root_path = "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/dodsC"){

    if (FALSE){
        what = c("analysis", "forecast", "analysis-historical")[3]
        day <- switch(what,
          "analysis" =  format(Sys.Date() - 4, format = "%Y%m%d"),
          "analysis-historical" = '20180704',
          format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y%m%d"))
        ftime =  c(NA, '0000', '0600','1200','1800')[1]
        ahead = c(NA, '000', '003', '006', '084')[1]

    what <- tolower(what[1])
    topuri <- top_url(what)

    if (inherits(day, "POSIXt") || inherits(day, "Date")){
      day <- format(day[1], format = "%Y%m%d")
    day <- gsub("[-/]", "", day)

    Top <- thredds::get_catalog(topuri)
    if (rlang::is_empty(Top)) return(Top)

    # Here we split by request, this may be a historical accident or good planning, but
    # the organization of the data has changed over time, so it feels better to make the
    # actual work opaque by request type, even if the currently all do the exact same thing.
    if (what == 'analysis-historical'){
      DD <- query_nam218_analysis_historical(Top, day, ftime, ahead)
    } else if (what == "analysis"){
      DD <- query_nam218_analysis(Top, day, ftime, ahead)
    } else if (what %in% c("forecast", "current-forecast")){
      DD <- query_nam218_forecast(Top, day, ftime, ahead)
    } else {
      DD <- query_nam218_other(Top, day, ftime, ahead)

    if (tolower(form[1]) == 'uri'){
      DD <- file.path(root_path[1],
                      sapply(DD, function(D) {D$get_url()}) )


query_nam218_other <- function(Top,
                                  day = format(Sys.Date()-4, format = "%Y%m%d"),
                                  ftime = NA,
                                  ahead = NA){

  yyyymm <- substring(day[1], 1,6)
  C1 <- Top$get_catalogs(yyyymm)[[yyyymm]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C1)) return(C1)

  C2 <- C1$get_catalogs(day)[[day]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C2)) return(C2)

  DD <- C2$get_datasets()
  if (rlang::is_empty(DD)) return(DD)

  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ftime))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.4i_", as.numeric(ftime))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]
  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ahead))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.3i.grb", as.numeric(ahead))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]

query_nam218_forecast <- function(Top,
                                  day = format(Sys.Date()-4, format = "%Y%m%d"),
                                  ftime = NA,
                                  ahead = NA){

  yyyymm <- substring(day[1], 1,6)
  C1 <- Top$get_catalogs(yyyymm)[[yyyymm]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C1)) return(C1)

  C2 <- C1$get_catalogs(day)[[day]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C2)) return(C2)

  DD <- C2$get_datasets()
  if (rlang::is_empty(DD)) return(DD)

  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ftime))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.4i_", as.numeric(ftime))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]
  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ahead))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.3i.grb", as.numeric(ahead))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]

query_nam218_analysis <- function(Top,
                                  day = "20211110",
                                  ftime = NA,
                                  ahead = NA){
  yyyymm <- substring(day[1], 1,6)
  C1 <- Top$get_catalogs(yyyymm)[[yyyymm]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C1)) return(C1)

  C2 <- C1$get_catalogs(day)[[day]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C2)) return(C2)

  DD <- C2$get_datasets()
  if (rlang::is_empty(DD)) return(DD)

  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ftime))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.4i_", as.numeric(ftime))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]
  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ahead))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.3i.grb", as.numeric(ahead))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]

query_nam218_analysis_historical <- function(Top,
                                             day = '20180704',
                                             ftime = NA,
                                             ahead = NA){
  yyyymm <- substring(day[1], 1,6)
  C1 <- Top$get_catalogs(yyyymm)[[yyyymm]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C1)) return(C1)

  C2 <- C1$get_catalogs(day)[[day]]
  if (rlang::is_empty(C2)) return(C2)

  DD <- C2$get_datasets()
  if (rlang::is_empty(DD)) return(DD)

  # example names
  # "namanl_218_20150101_0000_000.grb" "namanl_218_20150101_0000_001.grb"
  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ftime))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.4i_", as.numeric(ftime))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]
  if (length(DD) > 0){
    if (!all(is.na(ahead))){
      pattern <- sprintf("_%0.3i.grb", as.numeric(ahead))
      ix <- mgrepl(pattern, names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
      if (any(ix)) DD <- DD[ix]

#' Query the latest forecast datasets
#' @export
#' @param ftime character, the forecast time to retrieve
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{NA this disable filtering and gets the lot for the day}
#'  \item{'latest' get just the latest (the default)}
#'  \item{'0000', '0600', '1200''1800' one or more specific hours}
#'  }
#' @param ahead character, the 'forecast ahead' times as hhh.  This makes the
#'  most sense when the value of ftime points to one time, such as 'latest',
#'      '0600', etc.
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item{NA if NA, the default then all are returned}
#'  \item{ any combination of 000, 001, 002, etc}
#'  }
#' @return a list of DatasetRefClass, possibly empty or NULL
query_latest_forecast <- function(
    ftime = c(NA, 'latest', '0000', '0600', '1200', '1800')[2],
    ahead = c(NA, '000', '006', '084')[1]){

    if (FALSE){
        ftime = NA
        ahead = NA

    #topuri <- "https://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/nam218/catalog.xml"

    topuri <- top_url(what = 'forecast')

    Top <- thredds::get_catalog(topuri)
    if (is.null(Top)) return(Top)

    CC <- Top$get_catalogs()
    if (is.null(CC)) return(CC)

    # the last should be the yyyymm directory we seek
    C1 <- CC[[length(CC)]]$get_catalog()
    if (length(C1) == 0) return(C1)

    C2 <- C1$get_catalogs()
    if (length(C2) == 0) return(C2)

    # presumably the latest by yyyymmdd
    C3 <- C2[[length(C2)]]$get_catalog()

    DD <- C3$get_datasets()
    if (is.null(DD)) return(DD)

    dd <- decompose_uri(sapply(DD, '[[', 'url'))

    # now we filter by name
    # ftime = NA then get them all
    # latest = filter by the 'p' field
    # 0000, 0600, ... filter by one or more of those
    if (!any(sapply(ftime, is.na))){
        if ('latest' %in% ftime){
            mx <- sprintf("%0.4i", max(as.numeric(dd[['p']])) )
            dd <- dd %>%
                dplyr::filter(.data$p %in% mx)
            DD <- DD[ dd[['f']] ]
        } else {
            dd <- dd %>%
                dplyr::filter(.data$p %in% ftime)
            DD <- DD[ dd[['f']] ]
    if (!any(sapply(ahead, is.na))){
        dd <- dd %>%
            dplyr::filter(.data$a %in% ahead)
        DD <- DD[ dd[['f']] ]

#' Run a query for NAM-218 datasets
#' @export
#' @param what character specifies 'analysis' or 'forecast'
#' @param day either POSIXct or an 8 character date (YYYYmmdd)
#' @param time 4 character forecast period time stamp ('0000', '0006', etc.)
#' @param ahead 3 character cycle timestamp ('000' now cast, '003 three hours ahead, etc)
#' @return DatasetsRefClass or NULL
nam_query <- function(what = c("analysis", "forecast")[1],
    day = c('20060601', format(as.POSIXct(Sys.time(), format = "%Y%m%d")))[1] ,
    time = c(NA, '0000', '0600','1200','1800')[3],
    ahead = c(NA, '000', '003', '006', '084')[1]

    if (FALSE){
        what = c("analysis", "forecast")[1]
        day = format(Sys.Date()-1, "%Y%m%d")
        time = c(NA, '0000', '0600','1200','1800')[3]
        ahead = c(NA, '000', '003', '006', '084')[1]

    what <- tolower(what[1])
    topuri <- top_url(what)
    # topuri <- switch(what,
    #     'analysis' = "https://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/namanl/catalog.xml",
    #     'forecast' = "https://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/nam218/catalog.xml",
    #     stop("what must be 'analysis' or 'forecast'") )
    #topuri <- switch(what,
    #    #'analysis'  = "https://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/namanl/catalog.xml",
    #    #'forecast'  = "https://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/nam218/catalog.xml",
    #    'analysis'   = "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/namanl/catalog.html",
    #    'forecast'   = "https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/thredds/catalog/nam218/catalog.html",
    #    stop("what must be 'analysis' or 'forecast'") )
    if (inherits(time, 'numeric')) time <- sprintf("%0.4i", time[1])
    if (inherits(ahead, 'numeric')) ahead <- sprintf("%0.3i", ahead[1])

    Top <- thredds::get_catalog(topuri)
    CC <- Top$get_catalogs()
    if (inherits(day, "POSIXt")) day <- format(day[1], format = "%Y%m%d")
    yyyymm <- substring(day[1], 1,6)
    C1 <- CC[[yyyymm]]$get_catalog()
    C2 <- C1$get_catalogs()[[day]]
    C3 <- C2$get_catalog()
    DD <- C3$get_datasets()
    if (!is.na(time[1])){
        if (!is.na(ahead[1])){
            ix <- grepl(paste0("_", time[1],'_',ahead[1], "_"), names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
            if (any(ix)) {
                x <- DD[ix][[1]]
                    } else {
                x <- NULL
        } else {
            ix <- grepl(paste0("_", time[1],'_'), names(DD), fixed = TRUE)
            if (any(ix)) {
                x <- DD[ix][[1]]
                    } else {
                x <- NULL

#' Retrieve a URL for various resources
#' @export
#' @param X DatasetsRefClass object
#' @param what character - one of following
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{OPeNDAP for ncdf::nc_open()}
#'  \item{OPeNDAP_form for httr::BROWSE() OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form}
#'  \item{HTTPServer for utils::download.file()}
#'  \item{WCS not sure what one does with this}
#'  \item{WMS ditto}
#'  \item{NetcdfServer for httr::BROWSE() NetCDF Subset Service for Grids (interactive)}
#'  }
#' @return character, URL
nam218_url <- function(X,
    what = c("OPeNDAP",     # for ncdf::nc_open()
        "OPeNDAP_form",     # for httr::BROWSE() OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form
        "HTTPServer",       # for utils::download.file()
        "WCS",              # not sure what one does with this
        "WMS",              # ditto
        "NetcdfServer")[1]  # for httr::BROWSE() NetCDF Subset Service for Grids (interactive)

    #stopifnot(inherits(X, 'DatasetsRefClass'))
    wh <- tolower(what[1])
        #> orig
            # OPENDAP  thredds -> dodsC
            # http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/dodsC/catalog/namanl/200606/20060601/namanl_218_20060601_0000_000.grb
        "opendap"  =  sub("catalog", "dodsC", X$url, fixed = TRUE),
            # OPENDAP form
            # http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/dodsC/namanl/200606/20060601/namanl_218_20060601_0000_000.grb.html
        "opendap_form" = paste0(sub("catalog", "dodsC", X$url,fixed = TRUE), ".html"),
            # http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/fileServer/namanl/200606/20060601/namanl_218_20060601_0000_000.grb
        "httpserver" = sub("catalog", "fileServer", X$url, fixed = TRUE),
            # http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/wms/namanl/200606/20060601/namanl_218_20060601_0000_000.grb?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities
        "wms"  =  paste0(sub("catalog", "wms", X$url,fixed = TRUE),
        "netcdfserver" =  paste0(gsub("catalog", "ncss/grid", X$url, fixed = TRUE),
        "" )

#' Browse the OPeNDAP resources online
#' @export
#' @param X DatasetsRefClass object
#' @param what character, which format do you prefer?
#' @return the value of httr::BROWSE
nam218_browse <- function(X, what = c("opendap_form", "netcdfserver")[1]){
    stopifnot(inherits(X, 'DatasetsRefClass'))
    uri <- nam218_url(X, what = what[1])

#' Retrieve a ncdf4 object - only if ncdf4 package is available
#' @export
#' @param X DatasetsRefClass object
#' @return value returned by ncdf4::nc_open()
nam218_nc_open <- function(X){
    stopifnot(inherits(X, 'DatasetsRefClass'))
    ncdf4::nc_open(nam218_url(X, "opendap"))

#' Download a GRIB file
#' @export
#' @param X DatasetsRefClass object
#' @param dest the destination file name, if not provided then it is borrowed from X
#' @return value returned by utils::download.file()
nam218_download <- function(X, dest = NULL){
    stopifnot(inherits(X, 'DatasetsRefClass'))
    if (is.null(dest)) dest <- basename(X$url)
    utils::download.file(nam218_url(X, "httpserver"), dest = dest, mode = 'wb')

#' Query the namcast resources for archived forecasts (different than analyses)
#' @export
#' @param uri, the base uri for NOMADS NCEP DODS NAM server
#' @param day POSIXct or character in the form of 'YYYYmmdd', Default to today()
#' @param ftime character or numeric, on or more of the forecast time one or
#'  more of [0, 6, 12, 18]
#' @param ahead 3 character cycle timestamp ('000' now cast, '003 three hours ahead, etc)
#' @return character vector of uri
query_namcast_archive <- function(
    day = '20150115',
    ftime = c(0,6,12,18),
    ahead = c(0,6),
    uri = top_url("archived-forecast")){

    if (FALSE){
        day = '20180101'
        ftime = c(0,6,12,18)
        ahead = c(0,6)
        uri =  top_url("archived-forecast")
    d <- as.POSIXct(paste(day, "00:00:00"), format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S", tz = "UTC")
    Ym <- format(d, "%Y%m")
    Ymd <- format(d, "%Y%m%d")
    if (is.numeric(ftime) && (max(ftime) <= 18)) ftime <- ftime * 100
    ftime <- sprintf("_%0.4i", as.numeric(ftime))
    atime <- sprintf("_%0.3i", as.numeric(ahead))
    pat <- as.vector(sapply(ftime, function(f) paste0(f, atime)))

    Top <- try(thredds::get_catalog(uri))
    if (inherits(Top, 'try-error')){
        cat("unable to read path:", uri)

    CC <- Top$get_catalogs()
    if (!all(Ym %in% names(CC))){
        cat("date not found in catalog:", day, "\n")
    Cat <- CC[[Ym]]$get_catalog()
    CC <- Cat$get_catalogs()
    if (!all(Ymd %in% names(CC))){
        cat("date not found in catalog:", day, "\n")
    Cat <- CC[[Ymd]]$get_catalog()
    dd <- Cat$get_datasets()
    ix <- mgrepl(pat, names(dd))
    sapply(dd[ix], '[[', 'url')
BigelowLab/namanl documentation built on Nov. 15, 2021, 3:11 p.m.