## Miscellaneous bits and pieces of general usefulness
#' Construct basis vectors for Harmonic terms in a model
#' Convenience function for specifying harmonic terms in a model
#' The two functions \code{Annual} and \code{Hyear} do the same job
#' but are retained for compatibility purposes.
#' @param day,x time variable, assumed to be in elapsed days from a fixed origin
#' @param dates time variable, as a Date object or can be coerced to Date
#' @param theta angle expressed in radians
#' @param k the number of sine and cosine terms
#' @return A matrix of harmonc terms with \code{length(days)} rows and \code{2*k} columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#' head(Annual(0:364))
Annual <- function (day, k = 4) { ## day of the year, starting from 0
theta <- Arg(complex(argument = 2*base::pi*day/365.25))
X <- matrix(0, length(theta), 2 * k)
nam <- as.vector(outer(c("c", "s"), 1:k, paste, sep = ""))
dimnames(X) <- list(names(day), nam)
m <- 0
for (j in 1:k) {
X[, (m <- m + 1)] <- cos(j * theta)
X[, (m <- m + 1)] <- sin(j * theta)
is.ok <- Negate(is.na)
#' @rdname Annual
#' @export
Seasonal <- function(dates, k = 4) {
dates <- as.Date(dates)
stopifnot(all(is.ok(dates)), inherits(dates, "Date"))
theta <- 2*base::pi*(as.numeric(difftime(dates, as.Date("2000-01-01"), units = "days")))/365.25
theta <- Arg(complex(argument = theta))
Harm(theta, k = k)
#' @rdname Annual
#' @export
Harm <- function (theta, k = 4) {
X <- matrix(0, length(theta), 2 * k)
nam <- as.vector(outer(c("c", "s"), 1:k, paste, sep = ""))
dimnames(X) <- list(names(theta), nam)
m <- 0
for (j in 1:k) {
X[, (m <- m + 1)] <- cos(j * theta)
X[, (m <- m + 1)] <- sin(j * theta)
#' @rdname Annual
#' @export
Hyear <- function(x, k = 4) {
theta <- Arg(complex(argument = 2*base::pi*x/365.25))
Harm(theta, k = k)
#' Column product matrix
#' Forms all pairwise products of the columns of X and Y suitable for interaction
#' terms in linear modeld and their allies
#' @param X,Y Numeric matrices with the same number of rows
#' @return A matrix of products with \code{nrow(X)} rows and \code{ncol(X)*ncol(Y)} columns
#' @export
`%star%` <- function(X, Y) { ## all column-products
X <- as.matrix(X)
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
stopifnot(is.numeric(X), is.numeric(Y),
nrow(X) == nrow(Y))
XY <- matrix(NA, nrow(X), ncol(X)*ncol(Y))
k2 <- 0
for(j in 1:ncol(X)) {
k1 <- k2+1
k2 <- k2 + ncol(Y)
XY[, k1:k2] <- X[, j] * Y
## #' @import splines
## #' @export ns
## #' @export bs
## #' NULL
#' Special interaction function
#' Convenience function, mainly as a demonstration.
#' Used in WWR examples
#' @param day Day of year
#' @param sea Distance out to sea
#' @param k integer: two components
#' @return A matix for use in model specification
#' @export
twoWay <- function(day, sea, k = c(3,2)) {
Hyear(day, k[1]) %star% splines::ns(sea, k[2])
#' Extract the most typical value from a vector
#' Given a factor, character string vector, numeric vector or logical vector
#' extract a single "typical" value. Either the median or the most frequently
#' occurring value
#' @param x A suitable vector
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @return The "most typical" value as described
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data.frame(lapply(quine, mostFreq))
mostFreq <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname mostFreq
#' @export
mostFreq.character <- function(x, ...) {
tx <- table(x)
#' @rdname mostFreq
#' @export
mostFreq.factor <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname mostFreq
#' @export
mostFreq.logical <- function(x, ...) {
tx <- as.vector(table(x))
tx[2] > tx[1]
#' @rdname mostFreq
#' @export
mostFreq.numeric <- function (x, ...) {
median(x, na.rm = TRUE)
# myCairo <- function(name, width, height, ...)
# grDevices::cairo_pdf(filename = paste0(name, ".pdf"), height = height,
# width = width, family = "HersheySans",
# pointsize = 12)
#' @importFrom PBSmapping plotPolys
#' Reasonably high quality map of the Northern Prawn Fishery
#' Demonstration function
#' @param col colour for the mainland
#' @param axes logical: do you want axes?
#' @param las graphics parameter
#' @return as for \code{\link[graphics]{lines}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' NPF0()
#' text(Latitude ~ Longitude, roundTrip, Locality, col = "red", xpd = NA, pos = 2)
NPF0 <- function(col = alpha("#A67A5C", 0.5), axes = FALSE, las = 1) {
# stopifnot(requireData(PBSmapping))
xlim = c(126.85, 142.25), ylim = c(-17.85, -8.95), col = col,
axes = axes, projection = "LL", xlab = "", ylab = "", las = las)
#' @import rpart
#' One Standard Error Rule
#' Extract the Cp value needed to implement the 1-standard-error rule in
#' tree prunng for tree objexts
#' @param tree A tree object fitted with \code{\link[rpart]{rpart}}
#' @param f The number of standard errors (if not the default 1)
#' @param ... Presently ignored
#' @return A value suitable for specifying as the cp argument of \code{\link[rpart]{prune}}
#' @export
oneSERule <- function (tree, f, ...) {
# stopifnot(requireData(rpart))
#' @rdname oneSERule
#' @export
oneSERule.rpart <- function (tree, f = 1, ...) {
cp <- data.frame(tree$cptable) #$
imin <- with(cp, which(xerror == min(xerror))[1])
with(cp, CP[which(xerror <= xerror[imin] + f * xstd[imin])[1]])
#' Extract the out-of-bag error rate from a randomForest object
#' Convenience function
#' @param obj A classification object produced by \code{\link[randomForest]{randomForest}}
#' @param ... Presently ignored
#' @return The overall out-of-bag error rate, if available
#' @export
OOB <- function(obj, ...) {
# stopifnot(requireData(randomForest))
#' @rdname OOB
#' @export
OOB.default <- function(obj, ...)
stop(sprintf("No OOB method for objects of class %s currently exists.",
#' @rdname OOB
#' @export
OOB.randomForest <- function(obj, ...)
with(obj, {
here <- with(sys.status(), max(sys.parents))
if(type == "classification" && exists("confusion", frame = here))
err.rate[ntree, "OOB"] else NA
#' Time stamping functions
#' Convenience functions for time-stamping output or graphics
#' @return a character string giving the date or the precise time
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hist(~log(crim), Boston, binWidth(0.5), fill = pal_desert)
#' text("top right", right_now(), cex = 0.7, col = "steel blue")
today <- function() {
#' @rdname today
#' @export
right_now <- function() {
format(strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"),
format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%a)")
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