#### function to schedule a round robin tournament
#' Generate a round robin tournament schedule
#' Given a list of n team names, generate a program of n-1 Rounds
#' where each team plays each other team precisely once. If n is
#' odd the teams are augmented by a dummy team <Bye>.
#' @param teams Either an interger specifing the number of teams,
#' or a character string vector giving their names
#' @param alphabetical logical: should the teams be alphabetically
#' ordered, if necessary?
#' @param reorder logical: within each round should the games be
#' listed in alphabetical order of the "Home" team?
#' @return A 3-dimensional (n/2 x 2 x (n-1)) array giving the
#' entire tournament
#' @export
#' @examples
#' (Season2019 <- round_robin(NRL))
#' summary(Season2019)
#' summary(Season2019, "travel")
round_robin <- function(teams, alphabetical = TRUE, reorder = FALSE) {
if(is.numeric(teams) && length(teams) == 1 && teams > 0) {
teams <- paste0("Team", format(1:ceiling(teams)))
stopifnot(is.character(teams) && length(teams) > 0)
stop("duplicated team names are not allowed")
if(alphabetical) teams <- sort(teams)
odd <- length(teams) %% 2 == 1
teams <- c("<Bye>", teams)
teams <- format(teams)
n <- length(teams)
round <- cbind(teams[1:(n/2)], teams[n:(n/2+1)])
colnames(round) <- c("Home", "Away")
rownames(round) <- paste("Match", format(1:nrow(round)))
Res <- structure(vector("list", n-1),
names = paste("Round", format(seq_len(n-1))))
Res[[1]] <- round
if(n > 2) {
ij <- rbind(cbind(2:nrow(round), 1), cbind(nrow(round):1, 2))
ji <- rbind(ij[-1,,drop = FALSE], ij[1,,drop = FALSE])
for(i in 2:(n-1)) {
round[ji] <- round[ij]
r <- round
if(!odd && (i %% 2 == 0))
r[1, 1:2] <- r[1, 2:1]
Res[[i]] <- r
if(reorder) {
for(j in seq_along(Res))
Res[[j]][] <- as.vector(Res[[j]][order(Res[[j]][, 1]), ])
class(Res) <- "round_robin"
#' @rdname round_robin
#' @export
print.round_robin <- function(x, ...) {
y <- lapply(x, data.frame, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
cat(paste0("\n", names(y)[i], ":\n"))
#' @rdname round_robin
#' @export
summary.round_robin <- function(object, type = c("venue", "travel"), ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if(type == "travel") {
rounds <- format(seq_along(object))
for(i in seq_along(object)) {
object[[i]] <- cbind(Round = rounds[i], object[[i]])
g <- do.call(rbind, object)
if(any(byes <- grepl("^<Bye> *$", g))) {
dim(byes) <- dim(g)
i <- which(byes, arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"]
g <- g[-i,]
if(type == "venue") {
f <- factor(col(g), levels = 1:2, labels = colnames(g))
table(Team = g, Venue = f)
} else {
# g <- data.frame(g, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
# gather(key = Venue, value = Team, Home, Away) %>%
# within(Venue <- format(substring(Venue, 0, 1),
# justify = "right",
# width = nchar(rounds[1]))) %>%
# spread(key = Round, value = Venue)
Home <- cbind(g[, c("Round", "Home")], Venue = "Home")
Away <- cbind(g[, c("Round", "Away")], Venue = "Away")
g <- rbind(Home, Away)
colnames(g)[2] <- "Team"
g <- within(data.frame(g, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), {
Venue <- format(substring(Venue, 0, 1),
justify = "right",
width = nchar(rounds[1]))
teams <- with(g, sort(unique(Team)))
rounds <- with(g, sort(unique(Round)))
out <- matrix(NA_character_, length(teams), length(rounds))
dimnames(out) <- list(Team = teams, Round = rounds)
ij <- with(g, cbind(match(Team, teams), match(Round, rounds)))
out[ij] <- g$Venue
# out <- as.matrix(g[, -1])
out[is.na(out)] <- format("*", width = nchar(rounds[1]),
justify = "right")
# rownames(out) <- g[["Team"]]
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