
## TODO: deal with multiple maintainers more elegantly!
## TODO: write email function to request svn account from scicomp.

## I need to send emails to scicomp, new/older authors, as well as
## prospective authors.  These should all be functions if for no other
## reason than to allow their contents to be edited by all team
## members via svn.

## lets start with a function to send an email when the user already
## has a svn account.

## This just gets the contents for the Maintainer field
## (There might be multiple emails returned from here)
.extractEmails <- function(description){

## Email wrapper so that I don't have to do this more than once
## NOTE: for sendmailR (or even command line mail) to run, you must
## have set /etc/mailname.  Mine was set to: gamay.fhcrc.org
.sendEmailMessage <- function(email, msg, subject){
    fromEmail = getOption("fromEmail")
    sendmail(from=fromEmail, to=email,
             subject=subject, msg=msg)

## And for when we want to send multiple messages:
.sendEmailMessages <- function(emails, msgs, subject){
    for(i in seq_along(emails)){
        .sendEmailMessage(emails[i], msgs[i], subject)

## General purpose multiplier for functions that take authorName, packageName and that also have a function to define the message based on that.
.makeMessages <- function(authorNames, packageName, FUN, ...){
    msgs <- character()
    for(i in seq_along(authorNames)){
        msgs[i] <- FUN(authorName=authorNames[i], packageName, ...)

## email for NEW users.  This one will also create an email from the
## tarball, but this time we can't email them since we have to still
## put the email credentials in...

template <- function(path, ...) {
    template <- readFile(system.file(package = "BiocContributions", "extdata", path))
    res <- whisker::whisker.render(template, list(...))
    class(res) <- "template"

print.template <- function(x, ...) {

readFile <- function(file) {
    readChar(file, file.info(file)$size)
## 1st we need our new user greeting:
.makeMaintainerMsg <-
    function(authorName, packageName, userId = "<user.name>",
             password = "<password>", senderName)
        packageName = packageName,
        authorName = authorName,
        biocVersion = BiocInstaller:::BIOC_VERSION,
        userId = userId,
        password = password,
        senderName = senderName)

# TODO need a message for data packages

.writeOutEmailTemplates <- function(paths, msgs){
    for(i in seq_along(paths)){
        con <- file(paths[i])
        writeLines(text=msgs[i], con=con)

#' Email a new user their credentials
#' @param tarball the package tarball to email about
#' @param userId The SVN user ID for the maintainer
#' @param password The SVN password for the maintainer
#' @param senderName The name of the email sender for use in the signature
emailMaintainer <-
    function(tarball, userId = "user.id", password = "password",
             senderName = getOption("bioc_contributions_signature",
    description <- readDESCRIPTION(tarball)

    package <- description$Package
    emails <- .extractEmails(description)
    authorName <- paste(vapply(emails$given, "[[", "", 1), collapse=", ")

    msgs <- .makeMaintainerMsg(authorName=authorName, userId = userId,
                               packageName=package, password = password,
                               senderName = senderName)

    subject <- fmt(
        "Congratulations, {{package}} has been added to Bioconductor!",
        list(package = package))

    gmailr::mime(Subject = subject,
                 To = paste(unlist(unname(emails$email)), collapse=", "),
                 From = "packages@bioconductor.org",
                 body = msgs)

## email for new svn accounts.  This one takes a tarball and sends an
## email to scicomp at scicomp regarding new accounts.

.makeNewSvnUserRequestMsg <- function(emailsAndUserNames){
    msg <- paste("Hi scicomp,

Could you please create a new svn account on hedgehog for



    Marc", sep="")
    ## then return

.generateProposedUsername <- function(given, family){
    tolower(paste(substr(given, 1, 1), family, sep = "."))

## TODO: maybe I should modify this to take a SERIES of tarballs...
## BUT 1st I need to refactor my functions that access svn logs.
requestNewSvnAccountFromScicomp <- function(tarball, sendMail=FALSE){
    description <- readDESCRIPTION(tarball)

    emails <- .extractEmails(description)
    usernames <- .generateProposedUsername(emails$given, emails$family)

    ## generate emails and UserNames
    emailsAndUserNames <- paste(
                                      "\n\n  proposed username:",
                                collapse="\n\n AND \n\n")
    ## format msgs
    msg <- .makeNewSvnUserRequestMsg(emailsAndUserNames)
        ## send an email at this time.
        ## .sendEmailMessage(email="scicomp@fhcrc.org", msg=msg,
        ##                   subject="new svn account")
        email = getOption("fromEmail")
        .sendEmailMessage(email=email, msg=msg,
                          subject="new svn account")
        con <- file(paste(dir,"_svnRequest_<scicomp@fhcrc.org>_.txt",sep=""))
        writeLines(text=msg, con=con)

##  library(BiocContributions); tarball <- system.file("testpackages", "AnnotationHub_1.3.18.tar.gz", package="BiocContributions");

## requestNewSvnAccountFromSciComp(tarball)

## works

## requestNewSvnAccountFromSciComp(tarball, sendMail=FALSE)

## I need a tool for getting latest svn perms 

## Problem: the above requires a passphrase to access the content.
## I am going to email scicomp to see if they can help me square that away.

## this (old) extractor is for when you only want to know if someone has
## access to bioconductor or not. ## TODO; if we ever start to use
## this we will want to also load it to the zzz.R file etc.
.extractUsernamesFromAuthz <- function(){
    if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix"){
        stop("Sorry this function is only available from Unix")}    
    ## Just get the latest file  (this will require you
    ## to enter your passphrase
    permFile = getOption("permFile")
    cmd <- paste0('rsync ',permFile,' .')
        con <- file('bioconductor.authz')
        res <- readLines(con)
        cats <- c("^bioconductor-readers =","^bioconductor-write0 =")
        res <- res[ grepl(cats[1], res) | grepl(cats[2], res)  ]
        res <- unlist(strsplit(res, ","))
        res <- unique(sub(" ","",sub(cats[2],"",sub(cats[1],"",res))))

## This extractor is final word for knowing if an svn account exists at all...
## This is generally the conservative choice for most testing.
.extractUsernamesFromUsers <- function(){
    if(.Platform$OS.type != "unix"){
        stop("Sorry this function is only available from Unix")}    
    ## Just get the latest file  (this will require you
    ## to enter your passphrase
    ## usersFile = getOption("usersFile")
    ## cmd <- paste0('rsync ',usersFile,' .')
    ## system(cmd)
    tempDir <- get('tempDir', BiocContributions:::stash)
    usersFile <- file.path(tempDir, 'users') 
        con <- file(usersFile)
        res <- readLines(con)
        res <- strsplit(res, ":")
        res <- unique(unlist(lapply(res, function(x){x[1]})))
    ## unlink("users")

## TODO/Bug fix: change the arrangement so that the file above is
## extracted ONCE per call of the highest level function (and then the
## file handle is passed down).  This will get rid of the bug where we
## have to type in the passphrase every time that we have a new user
## name...  Once call per functions should really be more than enough.  In fact,
## better would be to call it only once when we first load the package!

## TODO: make helper for extracting data from getOption("userDbFile")
## This will allow checking to see if the email in the package is the
## same as the one we have on record.

## Check if a username exists in svn
## I need this to be a public and private way of looking at whether an
## svn user exists for Bioconductor.
## So all the above emails should use this check 1) make sure that a user exists

## These return TRUE or FALSE
.svnUserExists <- function(name){
    names <- .extractUsernamesFromUsers()
    ## now grep
    any(grepl(name, names))

.svnUsersExist <- function(names){
    unlist(lapply(names, .svnUserExists))

## these returns matches (so you can think about it better)
.svnUserMatcher <- function(name){
    names <- .extractUsernamesFromUsers()
    ## now grep
    names[grepl(name, names)]

svnUserMatches <- function(names){
    unlist(lapply(names, .svnUserMatcher))

## Check if a tarball is in svn yet or not.
## (for quickly assessing - a standalone function)
.existingSvnUsers <- function(tarball){
    description <- readDESCRIPTION(tarball)

    ## extract email from DESCRIPTION file
    emails <- .extractEmails(description)

    usernames <- .generateProposedUsername(emails$given, emails$family)

    res <- svnUserMatches(usernames)
                   package = description$Package,
                   people = emails,
                   svn = usernames,
                   matches = res
              class = "svn_match")

existingSvnUsers <- function(path = ".", pattern = ".tar.gz$"){
    res <- lapply(dir(path = path, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE), .existingSvnUsers)
    class(res) <- "svn_matches"

print.svn_match <- function(x, ...) {
    message("Package: ", x$package, "\n",
            "Maintainer: ", x$people, "\n",
            "Username: ", paste(x$svn, collapse = ", "), "\n",
            "Matches: ", paste(x$matches, collapse = ", "), "\n")

print.svn_matches <- function(x, ...) {
    lapply(x, print)

as.logical.svn_match <- function(x, ...) {
    length(x$matches) > 0

as.logical.svn_matches <- function(x, ...) {
    vapply(x, as.logical, logical(1))

##  example
##  library(BiocContributions); tarball <- system.file("testpackages", "AnnotationHub_1.3.18.tar.gz", package="BiocContributions");

## existingSvnUsers()

## TODO: make use of the above helpers in the other email functions (but ONLY after we get better access to the .authz file)

## helper for generating the stuff we put into the permissions file
## 1st: lets do the really annoying part at the end.
## then do the middle part, but don't worry about the 1st part.

## things to bear in mind:
## This will tell you what version you are using
## biocVersion()  ## BiocInstaller:::BIOC_VERSION
## You need to use this string to format the tedious part later

## You need to also make sure we are using devel in order to even try
## to use this function.  (non-devel is not permitted)
## this will tell if you are using devel or not
## isDevel <- function(){packageVersion("BiocInstaller")$minor %% 2 == 1}

## Helper to retrieve userName and packageName
.getPkgNameAndUser <- function(tarball){

    description <- readDESCRIPTION(tarball)

    emails <- .extractEmails(description)

    usernames <- .generateProposedUsername(emails$given, emails$family)

    finalUserNames <- paste(usernames, collapse=", ")
    ## get the answer
    res <- svnUserMatches(usernames)
    finalUserNames <-  paste(res, collapse=", ")
    ## Combine and return
    names(finalUserNames) <- description$Package

## helper for ONLY getting tarballs (used instead of dir())
.getTars <- function(path=".",suffix=".tar.gz$"){
        stop("You need to supply a path that contains tarballs: not an actual tarball...")
    res <- dir(path)

.printAssociations <- function(elem){
    paste0(names(elem), " = " , elem, "\n")

.printTediousStuff <- function(elem){
    pkg <- names(elem)
#    version <- biocVersion() ## re-enable this in fall 
    version <- "3.1" ## Till just before release (b/c we want 'version before')
    part1 <- strsplit(as.character(version),split='[.]')[[1]][1]
    part2 <- strsplit(as.character(version),split='[.]')[[1]][2]
#    part2 <- as.character(as.integer(part2) - 1) ## no longer needed?
    version <- paste0(part1,"_",part2) 
           " = rw\n\n",
           " = rw\n\n")

## helper to test if we are in devel
.isDevel <- function(){packageVersion("BiocInstaller")$minor %% 2 == 1}

## tarballs is a character vector of tarball paths.
generatePermissionEdits <- function(path = ".", pattern = "\\.tar\\.gz$"){
    ## start with tarballs in whatever dir we have here...
    tarballs <- dir(path = path, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)
    ## store the above in a list object
    data <- lapply(tarballs, .getPkgNameAndUser)
    ### For all packages in that list:

    ## write out association part (for each - helper2)
    message(paste(sapply(data, .printAssociations), collapse=""))
    ## write out the tedious part (for each - helper3)
    message(paste(sapply(data, .printTediousStuff), collapse=""))

## Output should look like:
## , y.shen, t.carroll, w.yang, f.zhang, j.schumann, a.waardenberg

## ASSIGN = y.shen
## ChIPQC = t.carrol, r.stark
## ABSSeq = w.yang
## FRGEpistasis = f.zhang
## flowCyBar = j.schumann
## CompGO = a.waardenberg
## Rariant = j.gehring

## [/trunk/madman/Rpacks/ASSIGN]
## @ASSIGN = rw

## [/branches/RELEASE_2_13/madman/Rpacks/ASSIGN]
## @ASSIGN = rw

## [/trunk/madman/Rpacks/ChIPQC]
## @ChIPQC = rw

## [/branches/RELEASE_2_13/madman/Rpacks/ChIPQC]
## @ChIPQC = rw

## [/trunk/madman/Rpacks/ABSSeq]
## @ABSSeq = rw

## [/branches/RELEASE_2_13/madman/Rpacks/ABSSeq]
## @ABSSeq = rw

## [/trunk/madman/Rpacks/FRGEpistasis]
## @FRGEpistasis = rw

## [/branches/RELEASE_2_13/madman/Rpacks/FRGEpistasis]
## @FRGEpistasis = rw

## [/trunk/madman/Rpacks/flowCyBar]
## @flowCyBar = rw

## [/branches/RELEASE_2_13/madman/Rpacks/flowCyBar]
## @flowCyBar = rw

## [/trunk/madman/Rpacks/CompGO]
## @CompGO = rw

## [/branches/RELEASE_2_13/madman/Rpacks/CompGO]
## @CompGO = rw

## [/trunk/madman/Rpacks/Rariant]
## @Rariant = rw

## [/branches/RELEASE_2_13/madman/Rpacks/Rariant]
## @Rariant = rw
Bioconductor/BiocContributions documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:48 a.m.