## matchPDict.R exports the following:
## - matchPDict
## - countPDict
## - whichPDict
## - vmatchPDict
## - vcountPDict
## - vwhichPDict
## These are all S4s defined for "subject", XString,
## XStringSet, XStringViews, MaskedXString
test_that("general match/count/whichPDict() behavior is as expected", {
all_codons <- mkAllStrings(DNA_BASES, 3L)
## non-pdict with matchPDict
p1 <- matchPDict(DNAStringSet("ATA"), d1)
expect_equal(as.integer(c(start(p1), end(p1))), c(5,7))
pd <- PDict(all_codons)
## pd against a DNAStringSet
p2 <- lengths(matchPDict(pd, d1))
v1 <- Views(d1, start=seq_len(length(d1)-2L), width=3)
pos_good <- which(all_codons %in% as.character(v1))
expect_true(all(p2[pos_good] > 0) && all(p2[-pos_good] == 0))
expect_equal(whichPDict(pd, d1), pos_good)
expect_equal(countPDict(pd, d1), p2)
## pd against an XStringViews object
p3 <- lengths(matchPDict(pd, codons(d1)))
pos_good <- which(all_codons %in% as.character(codons(d1)))
expect_true(all(p3[pos_good] > 0) && all(p3[-pos_good] == 0))
expect_equal(whichPDict(pd, codons(d1)), pos_good)
expect_equal(countPDict(pd, codons(d1)), p3)
## pd against a MaskedXString object
m1 <- Mask(length(d1), start=4, end=8)
d2 <- d1
masks(d2) <- m1
p4 <- lengths(matchPDict(pd, d2))
v2 <- Views(unmasked(d2), start=c(1,9,10), width=3)
pos_good <- which(all_codons %in% as.character(v2))
expect_true(all(p4[pos_good] > 0) && all(p4[-pos_good] == 0))
expect_equal(whichPDict(pd, d2), pos_good)
expect_equal(countPDict(pd, d2), p4)
## matchPDict() with AA, RNA, B
aa1 <- AAStringSet(c("DARC", "EGH"))
paa <- matchPDict(aa1, aa2)
expect_equal(c(unlist(startIndex(paa)), unlist(endIndex(paa))), c(8,10))
expect_equal(countPDict(aa1, aa2), c(0,1))
expect_equal(whichPDict(aa1, aa2), 2)
b1 <- BStringSet(c("DARC", "EGH"))
pb <- matchPDict(b1, b2)
expect_equal(c(unlist(startIndex(pb)), unlist(endIndex(pb))), c(8,10))
expect_equal(countPDict(b1, b2), c(0,1))
expect_equal(whichPDict(b1, b2), 2)
test_that("inexact PDict matching works", {
pdict <- PDict(c("acgt", "gt", "cgt", "ac"), tb.end=2)
d <- DNAString("acggaccg")
expect_equal(lengths(endIndex(matchPDict(pdict, d, max.mismatch=0))),
expect_equal(lengths(endIndex(matchPDict(pdict, d, max.mismatch=1))),
expect_equal(lengths(endIndex(matchPDict(pdict, d, max.mismatch=2))),
expect_equal(countPDict(pdict, d, max.mismatch=0), c(0,0,0,2))
expect_equal(countPDict(pdict, d, max.mismatch=1), c(1,0,2,2))
expect_equal(countPDict(pdict, d, max.mismatch=2), c(2,0,2,2))
test_that("vcount/vwhich/vmatchPDict() work", {
## canary tests for future changes
pdict <- PDict(c("acgt", "gt", "cgt", "ac"), tb.end=2)
d <- DNAString("acggaccg")
dss <- DNAStringSet(list(d,d))
dvv <- Views(d, start=rep(1,2), width=rep(length(d), 2))
# Disallowed cases
expect_error(matchPDict(pdict, dss), "please use vmatchPDict")
expect_error(vmatchPDict(pdict, d), "please use matchPDict")
expect_error(vmatchPDict(pdict, as(d, "MaskedDNAString")),
"please use matchPDict")
expect_error(vwhichPDict(pdict, d), "please use whichPDict")
expect_error(vwhichPDict(pdict, as(d, "MaskedDNAString")),
"please use whichPDict")
expect_error(vcountPDict(pdict, d), "please use countPDict")
expect_error(vcountPDict(pdict, as(d, "MaskedDNAString")),
"please use countPDict")
exp_out <- matrix(rep(c(0,2), times=c(6,2)), nrow=4L, byrow=TRUE)
expect_equal(vcountPDict(pdict, dss), exp_out)
expect_equal(vwhichPDict(pdict, dss), list(4,4))
expect_equal(vcountPDict(pdict, dvv), exp_out)
expect_equal(vwhichPDict(pdict, dvv), list(4,4))
exp_out[1,] <- 1
exp_out[3,] <- 2
expect_equal(vcountPDict(pdict, dss, max.mismatch=1), exp_out)
expect_equal(vwhichPDict(pdict, dss, max.mismatch=1),
expect_equal(vcountPDict(pdict, dvv, max.mismatch=1), exp_out)
expect_equal(vwhichPDict(pdict, dvv, max.mismatch=1),
exp_out[1,] <- 2
expect_equal(vcountPDict(pdict, dss, max.mismatch=2), exp_out)
expect_equal(vwhichPDict(pdict, dss, max.mismatch=2),
expect_equal(vcountPDict(pdict, dvv, max.mismatch=2), exp_out)
expect_equal(vwhichPDict(pdict, dvv, max.mismatch=2),
## this will fail when we implement it to remind me to add tests for it
expect_error(vmatchPDict(pdict, dss),
"vmatchPDict() is not ready yet", fixed=TRUE)
test_that("MIndex functionality works", {
## set up an MIndex object
s <- mkAllStrings(c("A", "T"), 2L)
names(s) <- s
pd <- PDict(s)
m <- matchPDict(pd, d)
exp_match_starts <- list(c(7,11), c(1,4,8), c(3,6,10), c(2,5,9))
expect_equal(length(m), 2^2)
expect_equal(names(m), names(s))
expect_equal(startIndex(m), exp_match_starts)
expect_equal(endIndex(m), lapply(exp_match_starts, \(x) x+1L))
expect_equal(elementNROWS(m), c(2,3,3,3))
expect_equal(m[[1L]], IRanges(start=c(7,11), end=c(8,12)))
expect_s4_class(as(m, "CompressedIRangesList"), "CompressedIRangesList")
expect_equal(start(unlist(m)), unlist(exp_match_starts))
ux <- extractAllMatches(d, m)
exp_ux <- rep(s, times=c(2,3,3,3))
expect_equal(start(ux), unlist(exp_match_starts))
expect_equal(as.character(ux), exp_ux)
### All old tests
## Helper functions ported from old tests
randomDNASequences <- function(n, w)
alphabet <- DNA_BASES
w <- rep(w, length=n)
sequences <- sapply(seq(1, n, length=n),
function(x) {
s <- sample(alphabet, w[x], replace=TRUE)
paste(s, collapse="")
msubseq <- function(x, ir)
## differs from subseq in the sense that several subsequences
## from the same sequence are extracted
## x: XString
## ir: IRanges
res <- vector("character", length = length(ir))
for (i in seq_along(res)) {
res[i] <- as.character(subseq(x, start=ir@start[i], width=width(ir)[i]))
## forced cast: chain of tools for DNAString seems interupted for
## some use cases (or I missed something)
test_that("matchPDict() works for constant width dictionary", {
l <- 150
dna_target <- randomDNASequences(1, l)[[1]]
W <- 20
L <- 6
ir <- successiveIRanges(rep(W, L), gapwidth = 1)
short_sequences <- msubseq(dna_target, ir)
# shuffle the sequences (so they are not in consecutive order)
o <- sample(seq_along(short_sequences))
dna_short <- DNAStringSet(short_sequences[o])
pdict <- PDict(dna_short)
res <- matchPDict(pdict, dna_target)
# mostly a sanity check
expect_equal(L, length(res))
for (i in seq_along(res)) {
m_start <- ir[o][i]@start
expect_equal(m_start, start(res[[i]]))
expect_equal(W, width(res[[i]]))
expect_equal(m_start + W - 1, end(res[[i]])) # mostly a sanity check
test_that("matchPDict() works for variable width dictionary", {
l <- 150
dna_target <- randomDNASequences(1, l)[[1]]
W <- 20
L <- 6
n_cut <- sample(0:5, L, replace=TRUE)
ir <- successiveIRanges(rep(W, L) - n_cut,
gapwidth = 1 + n_cut[-length(n_cut)])
short_sequences <- msubseq(dna_target, ir)
# shuffle the sequences (they are not in consecutive order)
o <- sample(seq_along(short_sequences))
dna_var_short <- DNAStringSet(short_sequences[o])
pdict <- PDict(dna_var_short,
tb.start=1, # can't these be
tb.width=min(width(dna_var_short))) # the default for
# variable width ?
res <- matchPDict(pdict, dna_target)
# mostly a sanity check
expect_equal(L, length(res))
iro <- ir[o]
for (i in seq_along(res)) {
expect_equal(start(iro)[i], start(res[[i]]))
expect_equal(width(iro)[i], width(res[[i]]))
expect_equal(end(iro)[i], end(res[[i]])) # mostly a sanity check
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