.GEN3_GRAPHQL <- "https://gen3.theanvil.io/api/v0/submission/graphql/"
.GEN3_FLATQL <- "https://gen3.theanvil.io/guppy/graphql/"
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom httr add_headers http_error http_status
.query_graphql <-
token <- .BEARER_TOKEN()
header <- add_headers(Authorization=paste("Bearer", token))
response <- POST(.GEN3_GRAPHQL, body = body, encode="json", header)
if (http_error(response)) {
status <- http_status(response)
msg0 <- paste0(names(status), ": ", unlist(status, use.names = FALSE))
msg1 <- content(response)$errors
"query failed:\n",
paste0(msg0, collapse = "\n"), "\n",
strwrap(content(response)$errors, indent = 2, exdent = 4),
collapse = "\n"
call. = FALSE
content(response, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
#' @rdname query
#' @title Discover and query Gen3 resources
#' @description `projects()` returns projects available to the
#' currently authenticated user
#' @return `projects()` returns a tibble with project_id, id, and
#' study_description. There are as many rows as there are projects
#' accessbile to the current user.
#' @examples
#' ## Authenticate first; prefer authentication with credentials
#' response <- tryCatch(authenticate(), error = identity)
#' if (inherits(response, "error")) {
#' ## perhaps credentials are cached...
#' cache <- tools::R_user_dir("Gen3", "cache")
#' credentials <- file.path(cache, "credentials.json")
#' stopifnot(
#' `no credentials file, cannot authenticate` = file.exists(credentials)
#' )
#' authenticate(credentials)
#' }
#' projects()
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate "%>%"
#' @export
projects <-
v <- values(
"project", "project_id", "id", "study_description",
"_subjects_count", "_sequencings_count",
.n = 0L
v %>%
mutate(study_description = trimws(.data$study_description))
#' @rdname query
#' @description `schema()` returns all type names (objects) defined in
#' the Gen3 schema. Type names form the basis of queries.
#' @param as `character(1)` either `"brief"` (default) or `"full"`.
#' For `schema()`, `"brief"` filters on type names that start with
#' a lower-case letter (this ad hoc criterion seems to identify
#' type names that are useful to the user). `"full"` returns all
#' type names defined in the schema.
#' @return `schema()` returns a tibble with with a single columm
#' (`"name"`) corresponding to the type names available in Gen3.
#' @examples
#' schema()
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr rename bind_cols filter "%>%"
#' @export
schema <-
function(as = c("brief", "full"))
as <- match.arg(as)
body <- '{"query":"{__schema { types{name} } }"}'
content <- .query_graphql(body)
types <- fromJSON(content)[[c("data", "__schema", "types")]]
tbl <-
as_tibble(types) %>%
rename(type_name = "name")
brief = tbl %>% filter(substr(.data$type_name, 1, 1) %in% letters),
#' @rdname query
#' @description `fields()` returns fields defined on the type name. A
#' field has associated values that can be retrieved by queries.
#' @param type_name `character(1)` name of the type to be queried.
#' @param as
#' for `fields()`, `"brief"` returns fields that do not start with
#' an underscore. `"full"` returns all fields.
#' @return `fields()` returns a tibble with columns `type_name`,
#' `field` (name of corresponding fields in type name) and `type`
#' (type of field, e.g., String, Int).
#' @examples
#' fields("subject")
#' @export
fields <-
function(type_name, as = c("brief", "full"))
as <- match.arg(as)
q <- sprintf(
'{__type(name: "%s") { fields { name type { name } } } }',
myl <- list(query=q)
body <- toJSON(myl, auto_unbox=TRUE)
content <- .query_graphql(body)
fields <- fromJSON(content)[[c("data", "__type", "fields")]]
tbl <-
bind_cols(type_name = type_name, as_tibble(fields)) %>%
mutate(type = unlist(.data$type)) %>%
rename(field = "name")
brief = tbl %>% filter(!startsWith(.data$field, "_")),
#' @rdname query
#' @description `values()` returns values corresponding to fields of
#' `type_name`. Each row represents a record in the database.
#' @details Generally, GraphQL `schema()` fields starting with '_',
#' e.g., '_subjects_count', are returned with the leading '_'
#' replaced by '.', e.g., '.subjects_count'.
#' @param ... `character(1)` field(s) to be queried.
#' @param .n integer(1) number of records to retieve. The special
#' value `.n = 0` retrieves all records.
#' @return `values()` returns a tibble with type_name and field names
#' as columns, with one row for each record queried.
#' @examples
#' values("subject", "id", "sex")
#' @importFrom dplyr rename_all
#' @export
values <-
function(type_name, ..., .n = 10)
`no fields specified` = length(list(...)) >= 1L,
if (is.infinite(.n))
.n <- 0L
cols <- unlist(list(...))
q <- sprintf(
'{ %s( first:%d ) { %s } }',
paste(..., collapse = " ")
myl <- list(query = q)
body <- toJSON(myl, auto_unbox=TRUE)
content <- .query_graphql(body)
subject <- fromJSON(content)[[c("data", type_name)]]
as_tibble(subject)[,cols] %>%
rename_all(~ sub("^_", ".", .))
#' @rdname query
#' @description `query_graphql()` allows arbitrary queries against the
#' graphql database.
#' @param query character(1) valid graphql query to be evaluated by
#' the database.
#' @return `query_graphql()` returns JSON-like list-of-lists following
#' the structure of the query, but with terminal data.frame-like
#' collections simplified to a tibbles.
#' @examples
#' query <- '{
#' subject(
#' project_id: "open_access-1000Genomes"
#' first: 0
#' ) {
#' id
#' sex
#' population
#' submitter_id
#' }
#' }'
#' result <- query_graphql(query)
#' result
#' @export
query_graphql <-
body <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", query)
json <- toJSON(list(query = body), auto_unbox = TRUE)
content <- .query_graphql(json)
result <- fromJSON(content)[["data"]]
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