
Defines functions .resources .showOrganismDbSpecificItems .getKeyRowWithOrgDbAndTxDb .getTxDbByClass .getOrgDbByClass .showGeneralSubObject .showTxDb .showOrgDb .showGODb .getDbObjs .getDbObjNames .loadOrganismDbiPkg OrganismDb MultiDb .extractPkgsAndCols .cantFindResourceMsg

Documented in MultiDb OrganismDb

## general functions go here:

## Still need to define my object in AnnotationDbi

## MultiDb class Objects
## What is the big idea?
## A: A generic container linking several AnntoationDb objects
## These objects will contain a list of resources along with theprimary
## (package name and hence the name of the object that gets made when that
## package loads) and foreign keys for each resource.  The foreign key is to
## be listed as a keytype.  The basic notion is that these objects will allow
## us to write select() methods etc. that join contents of multiple databases.
## The relevant select ,cols, keys and keytypes methods should all call the
## base methods for each of the relevant packages, and then cat them together.
## Results should come back to the users and the object itself ought to be
## able to call select on each of the tables, and then merge it to the rest
## based on the foreign keytype etc.

## For OrganiosmDb:
## So lets start with an object where we have a slot for an OrgDb and also a
## slot for a GODb, then lets add in a slot for a TxDb.  Since
## AnnotationDbi does not know about TxDbs, I will have to define the
## base class here (with the aim of creating a new software package to hold
## this stuff later on.

## require(AnnotationDbi)
## require(GenomicFeatures)

## I need an initialize method just to allow me to do things like
## require(GO.db) etc.

## class union so that I can have TxDb OR a null value
setClassUnion("TxDbORNULL", c("TxDb", "NULL"))

## Original class
MultiDb <-
                            txdbSlot="TxDbORNULL", ## optional slot

OrganismDb <- setClass("OrganismDb", contains="MultiDb")

.cantFindResourceMsg <- function(pkg){
    (paste0("The '", pkg, "' object is required but not ",
            "found. Please either install it (if it's from ",
            "a package) or ensure that it's loaded to the ",
            "search path."))

## helper for extracting pkgs and cols as a vector
.extractPkgsAndCols <- function(gd){
  setNames(as.vector(gd[,3:4]), as.vector(gd[,1:2]))

## Constructors (not intended to be called by end user as it takes a
## very specific graphInfo object) (conceptually, the graphInfo is a
## seed object).

## Eventually, we will only use this internally (and it will have a
## differnt name like 'genericMultiDb').  And specific containers that
## do more for end users and take less specific inputs will be exposed
## to end users.

MultiDb <- function(dbType=NULL, graphInfo, ns=NULL, ...){
  ## make graphData into a graphNEL
  ## TODO: validate graphData -- required columns?
  gd <- graphInfo$graphData
  ## Then make actual graph
  graph <- ftM2graphNEL(gd[,1:2], edgemode="undirected")
  ## ## We should try to call require on all the supporting packages.
  ## pkgs <- unique(names(.extractPkgsAndCols(gd)))
  ## for (pkg in pkgs)
  ##     .initPkg(pkg, dbType, ns=ns)

  ## Then call loadDb on all unloaded resources
  resources <- graphInfo$resources
  txdb <- NULL ## default value is NULL 
  for(i in seq_along(resources)){
      name <- names(resources[i])
      if(!nzchar(resources[i]) && exists(name)){
          obj <- get(name)
      }else if(!nzchar(resources[i]) && !exists(name)){
          ## library(name, character.only=TRUE) (should be loaded by deps/user)
          obj <- get(name, envir=loadNamespace(name))
          obj <- loadDb(resources[i])
      if(class(obj)=='TxDb'){txdb <- obj} ## stash it if it's a TxDb
  ## Then make the object.
  new("MultiDb", ..., keys=gd, graph=graph, txdbSlot=txdb,

## TODO: add to this so that we populate the TxDb slot (which we also need to add)
OrganismDb <- function(dbType=NULL, graphInfo, ns=NULL, ...){
    mdb <- MultiDb(dbType=NULL, graphInfo, ns=NULL, ...)
    new("OrganismDb", mdb, ...)    

## Convenience function that will load a package.
## IOW, there will be a call to this in zzz.R
.loadOrganismDbiPkg <- function(pkgname,
  ns <- asNamespace(pkgname)
  ## No longer any need for rules about where to find things...
  ## .addLocalPkgsToNamespace(pkgname, graphInfo, ns)
  obj <- OrganismDb(pkgname, graphInfo, ns)
  assign(pkgname, obj, envir=ns)
  namespaceExport(ns, pkgname) 

## Some getter methods to access the slots
setGeneric("keyFrame", function(x) standardGeneric("keyFrame"))
setMethod("keyFrame", "MultiDb",

setGeneric("dbGraph", function(x) standardGeneric("dbGraph"))
setMethod("dbGraph", "MultiDb",

## Then some helpers to process some of these results a bit
.getDbObjNames <- function(x){
  gd <- keyFrame(x)

.getDbObjs <- function(x){
  dbs <- .getDbObjNames(x)
  setNames(lapply(dbs, .makeReal, x=x), dbs)

## Show method (I am not really sure what to put here)
setMethod("show", "MultiDb",
        cat("class:", class(object), "\n")
        cat("Annotation resources:\n")
        objs <- .getDbObjNames(object)
        cat("Annotation resource relationships:\n")
        kf <- keyFrame(object)
        cat("Listed resources should each have their own show methods.\n")

## Better show method

## library(Homo.sapiens);Homo.sapiens

## helpers for displaying kinds of objects
.showGODb <- function(obj,name){
    meta <- metadata(obj)
    cat('# Includes GODb Object: ', name,'\n')
    cat('# With data about: ', meta[meta$name=='GOSOURCENAME',2],'\n')
    ##    cat('GO data last updated: ', meta[meta$name=='GOSOURCEDATE',2],'\n')
    ## cat('\n')

.showOrgDb <- function(obj,name){
    meta <- metadata(obj)
    cat('# Includes OrgDb Object: ', name,'\n')
    cat('# Gene data about: ', meta[meta$name=='ORGANISM',2],'\n')
    cat('# Taxonomy Id: ', meta[meta$name=='TAXID',2],'\n')
    ##    cat(': ', meta[meta$name=='GOSOURCEDATE',2],'\n')
    ##    cat(': ', meta[meta$name=='GOSOURCEDATE',2],'\n')
    ##    cat(': ', meta[meta$name=='GOSOURCEDATE',2],'\n')
    ## cat('\n')

.showTxDb <- function(obj,name){
    meta <- metadata(obj)
    cat('# Includes TxDb Object: ', name,'\n')
    cat('# Transcriptome data about: ', meta[meta$name=='Organism',2],'\n')
    cat('# Based on genome: ', meta[meta$name=='Genome',2],'\n')
    ##   cat(': ', meta[meta$name=='GOSOURCEDATE',2],'\n')
    ## cat('\n')

## helper for choosing display for correct subObjects
.showGeneralSubObject <- function(obj, name){
    cls <- class(obj)

.getOrgDbByClass <- function(objs){
    objs[lapply(objs, class) %in% 'OrgDb']  
.getTxDbByClass <- function(objs){
    objs[lapply(objs, class) %in% 'TxDb']  

.getKeyRowWithOrgDbAndTxDb <- function(objs, odb){
    orgDbName <- names(.getOrgDbByClass(objs))
    txDbName <- names(.getTxDbByClass(objs))
    fKeys <- odb@keys
    orgIdx <- grepl(orgDbName, fKeys[,1]) | grepl(orgDbName, fKeys[,2])
    txIdx <- grepl(txDbName, fKeys[,1]) | grepl(txDbName, fKeys[,2])
    idx <- orgIdx & txIdx

.showOrganismDbSpecificItems <- function(objs, odb){
    ## extract foreign gene keys for OrgDb and TxDb:
    keyRow <- .getKeyRowWithOrgDbAndTxDb(objs, odb)
    ## match names with keys like this:
    orgDbName <- names(.getOrgDbByClass(objs))
    if(grep(orgDbName, keyRow)==1){
        orgKey <- keyRow[c(1,3)]
        txKey <- keyRow[c(2,4)]
    }else if(grep(orgDbName, keyRow)==2){
        orgKey <- keyRow[c(2,4)]
        txKey <- keyRow[c(1,3)]
    cat('# The OrgDb gene id',orgKey[2],'is mapped to the TxDb gene id',

## This could become the method for MultiDb objects too.
## But in that case I might want more general elements.
## A better plan is probably to just reuse some of these helpers in
## the other method (when you can)
setMethod("show", "OrganismDb",
        ## 1st get the objects
        objs <- .getDbObjs(object)
        ## loop along and switch the display based on the class
        mapply(.showGeneralSubObject, objs, names(objs))
        ## This is the part that is truly OrganismDb specific (right now)
        .showOrganismDbSpecificItems(objs, odb=object)

## For people who need ALL the metadata:
setMethod("metadata", "MultiDb",
        objs <- .getDbObjs(x)
        res <- data.frame()
        for(i in seq_len(length(objs))){
            meta <- metadata(objs[[i]])
            res <- rbind(meta,res) ## inneficient (but i is normally <= 4)
        ## Then get rid of any rows that are repeated
        d <- duplicated(res[,1])
        dupNames <- unique(res[d,1])
        res <- res[!(res[,1] %in% dupNames),]
        message("Only unique values are returned by this metadata method.  For individual metadata values that may share a key, such as the Db type, be sure to call metadata on the individual objects. \n")

## resources returns the contents of the resources slot (simple accessor)
.resources <- function(x){
setMethod("resources", "MultiDb", function(x){.resources(x)})

## this is for MultiDb (I should be able to save everything)
## And I just want a saveDb and loadDb methods as I am
## Specifically: they should both have readable
## databases in hand for all resources (and error if not) and they
## should save the object (not the data it depends on) while making
## sure that the database info is present (if needed).
## saveDb/loadDb methods which checks to the constructor etc. so that
## we always build the object and save it correctly.  Martin proposed
## that I tell users to do TxDb(odb) <- saveDb(TxDb,
## file='TxDb.sqlite').  Martins idea kind of already happens (but
## without the friendly check/warnings if you call save() on the
## object...
## And Herve proposed this (which I think is even more user friendly
## (I suspect martin will agree): saveDb(odb, file=<dir>), where 'dir'
## is the name of a directory where all the relevant sqlite files will
## be saved alongside of an object.Rda file (which will contain a
## MultiDb with corrected paths).  This object will then get found by
## loadDb and allow absolute saving no matter what...

## setMethod("saveDb", "MultiDb", function(..., file){ .saveMultDb(x, file)})

## Rules for these kinds of packages:
## 1/2) There must be a select interface implemented.

## 1) You cannot have more than one example of each field that can be retrieved from each type of package that is included.  So basically, all values for cols must be unique across ALL supporting packages.  You cannot combine resources together if the cols are not unique.  So if one package has a cols value that is "FOO", you cannot add any other packages that have a value of "FOO" for their cols.

## 2) You cannot have more than one example of each object type.  So you cannot have two org packages (for example).

## 3) You cannot have cycles in the graph.  Or maybe you can, but it is a bad idea because it can generate unpredictable results when the algorithm for walking along the tree nodes is used to interpolate nodes.  IOW, whenever the algorithm has to traverse a cycle the route it takes will be consistent, but may not be the route that the user intended).

## Some older stuff that I suspect I can toss out post-refactor:

## ## helpers to get all supporting libs loaded
## ## .initPkg needs to:
## ## 1) see if the package is on the search path?
## ## 2) if not on search path, try to see if it's installed (and load if needed).
## ## 3) emit an appropriate warning in either case. 
## ## NOTE:
## ## This function deliberately does not use my .biocAnnPackages()
## ## function because I have no way of knowing if someone else
## ## has made a custom one or is using one from another repos. etc.
## .initPkg <- function(pkg, OrganismDbPkgName, ns=NULL){
## ##    message("pkg is:", pkg)
## ##    message("OrganismDbPkgName is:", OrganismDbPkgName)
##     if(!exists(pkg)){ ## IOW there is no object
##         if(suppressWarnings(!library(pkg,
##                                      character.only = TRUE,
##                                      logical.return=TRUE))){
##             if(!is.null(OrganismDbPkgName)){
## ##    message("The '", pkg, "' pkg is now trying to load from 'inst/extdata/'.")
##                 pkgPath <- system.file("extdata", paste0(pkg,".sqlite"),
##                            package=OrganismDbPkgName)
## ##    message("SEARCHING this path:", pkgPath)
##                 msg <- .cantFindResourceMsg(pkg)
##                 tryCatch(loadDb(pkgPath),
##                          error = function(e){stop(wmsg(msg))} )
##             }
##         }
##     }
## }

## ## helper that is just used for those resources that are not separate
## ## packages, but which need to have loadDb called (and be sealed into
## ## the namespace for the OrganismDb object)
## .addLocalPkgsToNamespace <- function(pkgname, graphData, ns){
##     pkgs <- unique(names(.extractPkgsAndCols(graphData)))
##     xsts <- sapply(pkgs, exists)
##     pkgs <- pkgs[!xsts]
##     ## then get the ones that we don't already have and seal to the namespace.
##     for(pkg in pkgs){
##         msg <- .cantFindResourceMsg(pkg)
##         pkgPath <- system.file("extdata", paste0(pkg,".sqlite"),
##                                package=pkgname)
##         tryCatch({assign(eval(pkg), loadDb(pkgPath))},
##                   error = function(e){stop(wmsg(msg))} )
##         assign(pkg, get(eval(pkg)), envir=ns)
##         namespaceExport(ns, pkg)
##     }
## }
## ## TODO: namespace looks like it doesn't need to be passed around (just referrered to be name with asNamespace())
## ## So instead of passing that around, just get it (as needed) and add things to it in each place.
## ## lose the list (pkgVals)
## ## And get sorted why I have this bug with not being able to export an OrgDb (when I was doing that just a little bit ago)...
Bioconductor/OrganismDbi documentation built on May 4, 2024, 4:45 p.m.