validateDataRasch <-function (vars, data)
y = eval(parse(text = paste(data, "[,", paste(deparse(vars),
collapse = ""), "]", collapse = "", sep = "")))
res = sapply(y, BSky.is.wholenumber)
# we use BSkyall to ingore NAs as we let the IRM model functions handle them
finres=sapply(as.data.frame(res), BSkyall )
if (!all(finres,na.rm=TRUE))
cat("One or more variables contain floating point values (values with decimal places), please re-run the analysis with integer values. You can use Data->Compute with the round function under the Math tab to round variables.")
res = sapply(y, checkDichotomous10s)
if (all(res)) {
else {
checkDichotomous10s <-function(x)
y =as.character(na.omit(unique(x)))
# y=eval( parse( text=paste("as.character(na.omit(unique(", data, "[,", paste(deparse(vars),collapse=""), "])))", collapse="", sep="")))
# if (y ==c("0","1") || y == c("1", "0"))
if (identical(y, c("0","1")) || identical(y, c("1","0")))
validateDataPartialCredit<- function (vars, data)
y = eval(parse(text = paste(data, "[,", paste(deparse(vars),
collapse = ""), "]", collapse = "", sep = "")))
res = sapply(y, BSky.is.wholenumber)
# we use BSkyall to ingore NAs as we let the IRM model functions handle them
finres=sapply(as.data.frame(res), BSkyall)
if (!all(finres,na.rm=TRUE))
cat("One or more variables contain floating point values (values with decimal places), please re-run the analysis with integer values. You can use Data->Compute with the round function under the Math tab to round variables.")
res = sapply(y, checkPolychotomous)
if (any(res)) {
res = sapply(y, checkLevelsStart0)
if (all(res)) {
else {
cat("All variables in a Partial Credit Model must have a level or value of 0, if using a different scale that does not start from 0, please recode your data using Data->Recode")
else {
cat("At least one of the variables being analyzed to create a Partial Rating Scale model must be polychotomous. If all variables are dichotomous, try running a Simple Rasch Model")
checkPolychotomous <-function(x)
y =as.character(na.omit(unique(x)))
# y=eval( parse( text=paste("as.character(na.omit(unique(", data, "[,", paste(deparse(vars),collapse=""), "])))", collapse="", sep="")))
# if (y ==c("0","1") || y == c("1", "0"))
# if (length(y) >2 & "0" %in% y)
if (length(y) >2)
checkLevelsStart0 <- function(x)
y =as.character(na.omit(unique(x)))
# y=eval( parse( text=paste("as.character(na.omit(unique(", data, "[,", paste(deparse(vars),collapse=""), "])))", collapse="", sep="")))
# if (y ==c("0","1") || y == c("1", "0"))
if ("0" %in% y)
validateDataRatingScale <-function (vars, data)
alllevelsequal = TRUE
y = eval(parse(text = paste(data, "[,", paste(deparse(vars),
collapse = ""), "]", collapse = "", sep = "")))
res = sapply(y, BSky.is.wholenumber)
# we use BSkyall to ingore NAs as we let the IRM model functions handle them
finres=sapply(as.data.frame(res), BSkyall )
if (!all(finres,na.rm=TRUE))
cat("One or more variables contain floating point values (values with decimal places), please re-run the analysis with integer values. You can use Data->Compute with the round function under the Math tab to round variables.")
res = sapply(y, checkPolychotomous)
if (any(res)) {
res = sapply(y, checkLevelsStart0)
if (all(res)) {
count = 1
i = 1
res = lapply(y, unique)
res = lapply(res, na.omit)
res = lapply(res, sort)
initial = res[[1]]
for (i in 1:count) {
if (!identical(initial, res[[i]])) {
alllevelsequal = FALSE
if (!alllevelsequal) {
cat("The levels of all the variables used to create the model are not identical")
else {
cat("All variables in a Partial Credit Model must have a level or value of 0, if using a different scale that does not start from 0, please recode your data using Data->Recode")
else {
cat("At least one of the variables being analyzed to create a Partial Rating Scale model must be polychotomous. If all variables are dichotomous, try running a Simple Rasch Model")
BSkyPrintifitClass<-function (x, visible = TRUE, ...)
pvalues <- 1 - pchisq(x$i.fit, x$i.df - 1)
coef.table <- cbind(round(x$i.fit, 3), x$i.df - 1, round(pvalues,
3), round(x$i.outfitMSQ, 3), round(x$i.infitMSQ, 3),
round(x$i.outfitZ, 2), round(x$i.infitZ, 2))
colnames(coef.table) <- c("Chisq", "df", "p-value", "Outfit MSQ",
"Infit MSQ", "Outfit t", "Infit t")
rownames(coef.table) <- names(x$i.fit)
if (visible) {
# cat("\nItemfit Statistics: \n")
# print(coef.table)?
# cat("\n")
BSkyFormat(coef.table,singleTableOutputHeader = "Itemfit Statistics" )
BSkySummary.tam.mml <-function (object, file = NULL, ...)
tam_osink(file = file)
latreg <- FALSE
if (class(object) == "tam.latreg") {
latreg <- TRUE
object$irtmodel <- "tam.latreg"
TAM:::tam_print_package_rsession(pack = "TAM")
TAM:::tam_print_computation_time(object = object)
cat("Multidimensional Item Response Model in TAM \n\n")
irtmodel <- object$irtmodel
cat("IRT Model", irtmodel)
cat("Number of iterations=", object$iter, "\n")
ctr <- object$control
if (ctr$snodes == 0) {
cat("Numeric integration with", dim(object$theta)[1],
"integration points\n")
if (ctr$snodes > 0) {
if (ctr$QMC) {
cat("Quasi Monte Carlo integration with", dim(object$theta)[1],
"integration points\n")
if (!ctr$QMC) {
cat("Monte Carlo integration with", dim(object$theta)[1],
"integration points\n")
cat("\nDeviance=", round(object$deviance, 2), "\n")
cat(" Log likelihood=", round(object$ic$loglike, 2), "\n")
cat("Number of persons=", object$nstud, "\n")
cat("Number of persons used=", object$ic$n, "\n")
if (!is.null(object$formulaA)) {
cat("Number of generalized items=", object$nitems, "\n")
cat("Number of items=", ncol(object$resp_orig), "\n")
else {
cat("Number of items=", object$nitems, "\n")
cat("Number of estimated parameters=", object$ic$Npars, "\n")
if (!latreg) {
cat(" Item threshold parameters=", object$ic$Nparsxsi,
cat(" Item slope parameters =", object$ic$NparsB,
cat(" Regression parameters =", object$ic$Nparsbeta,
cat(" (Co)Variance parameters=", object$ic$Nparscov, "\n\n")
res <- TAM:::tam_summary_print_ic(object = object)
cat("EAP Reliability\n")
obji <- round(object$EAP.rel, 3)
cat("Covariances and Variances\n")
if (object$G > 1) {
a1 <- stats::aggregate(object$variance, list(object$group),
object$variance <- a1[, 2]
obji <- round(object$variance, 3)
if (object$G > 1) {
names(obji) <- paste0("Group", object$groups)
cat("Correlations and Standard Deviations (in the diagonal)\n")
if (object$G > 1) {
obji <- sqrt(object$variance)
else {
obji <- stats::cov2cor(object$variance)
diag(obji) <- sqrt(diag(object$variance))
if (object$G > 1) {
names(obji) <- paste0("Group", object$groups)
tam_round_data_frame_print(obji = obji, digits = 3)
cat("Regression Coefficients\n")
tam_round_data_frame_print(obji = object$beta, digits = 5)
TAM:::summary_tam_print_latreg_stand(object = object, digits_stand = 4)
if (!latreg) {
#cat("Item Parameters -A*Xsi\n")
obji <- object$item
temp<- BSky_tam_round_data_frame_print(obji = obji, from = 2, to = ncol(obji),
digits = 3, rownames_null = FALSE)
BSkyFormat(temp,singleTableOutputHeader="Item Parameters -A*Xsi")
if (!is.null(object$formulaA)) {
# cat("\nItem Facet Parameters Xsi\n")
obji <- object$xsi.facets
xsi99 <- sum(object$xsi == 99)
if (xsi99 > 0) {
cat("\nSome item xsi parameters are not estimable ")
cat(" which is indicated by values of 99\n\n")
if (object$PSF) {
cat("\nA pseudo facet 'psf' with zero effects with all zero effects\n")
cat("was created because of non-unique person-facet combinations.\n\n")
temp <-BSky_tam_round_data_frame_print(obji = obji, from = 3,
digits = 3)
BSkyFormat(temp,singleTableOutputHeader="Item Facet Parameters Xsi")
if ((object$maxK > 2) | (object$printxsi)) {
# cat("\nItem Parameters Xsi\n")
obji <- object$xsi
temp<- BSky_tam_round_data_frame_print(obji = obji, from = 1,
digits = 3)
BSkyFormat(temp,singleTableOutputHeader="Item Parameters Xsi")
if (object$irtmodel %in% c("efa")) {
cat("\nStandardized Factor Loadings Oblimin Rotation\n")
if (object$irtmodel %in% c("bifactor1", "bifactor2",
"efa")) {
if (irtmodel == "efa") {
cat("\nStandardized Factor Loadings (Schmid Leimann transformation)\n")
obji <- object$B.SL
else {
cat("\nStandardized Factor Loadings (Bifactor Model)\n")
obji <- object$B.stand
BSky_tam_round_data_frame_print(obji = obji, digits = 3)
meas <- object$meas
cat("\nDimensionality/Reliability Statistics\n\n")
cat("ECV=", round(meas["ECV"], 3), "\n")
cat("Omega Asymptotical=", round(meas["omega_a"],
3), "\n")
cat("Omega Total=", round(meas["omega_t"], 3), "\n")
cat("Omega Hierarchical=", round(meas["omega_h"],
3), "\n")
if (object$maxK == 2) {
cat("Omega Total (GY)=", round(meas["omega_tot_diff"],
3), "\n")
cat(" Omega Total GY (Green & Yang, 2009) includes item difficulties\n")
cat(" and estimates the reliability of the sum score.\n")
tam_csink(file = file)
BSky_tam_round_data_frame_print <-function (obji, from = 1, to = ncol(obji), digits = 3, rownames_null = FALSE)
obji <- tam_round_data_frame(obji = obji, from = from, to = to,
digits = digits, rownames_null = rownames_null)
BSkySummaryeRm <-function (object, ...)
#cat("Results of", object$model, "estimation: \n")
#cat("Call: ", deparse(object$call), "\n")
cat("Conditional log-likelihood:", object$loglik, "\n")
cat("Number of iterations:", object$iter, "\n")
cat("Number of parameters:", object$npar, "\n")
X <- object$X
X01 <- object$X01
mt_vek <- apply(X, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
ci <- stats::confint(object, "eta")
if (object$model %in% c("RM", "RSM", "PCM"))
if (is.null(object$call$W)) {
temp <-"Item (Category) Difficulty Parameters (eta):"
else {
temp <-paste("Item (Category) Parameters (eta):Based on design matrix W =",
#temp <- "Item (Category) Parameters (eta):Based on design matrix W =", deparse(object$call$W))
#cat("Basic Parameters eta")
temp = "Basic Parameters eta"
temp = paste(temp, " with 0.95 CI:")
coeftable <- as.data.frame(cbind(round(object$etapar, 3),
round(object$se.eta, 3), round(ci, 3)))
colnames(coeftable) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "lower CI",
"upper CI")
rownames(coeftable) <- names(object$etapar)
# print(coeftable)
ci <- stats::confint(object, "beta")
# cat("\nItem Easiness Parameters (beta) with 0.95 CI:\n")
coeftable <- cbind(round(object$betapar, 3), round(object$se.beta,
3), round(ci, 3))
colnames(coeftable) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "lower CI",
"upper CI")
rownames(coeftable) <- names(object$betapar)
BSkyFormat(coeftable,singleTableOutputHeader="Item Easiness Parameters (beta) with 0.95 CI:")
BSkyall <- function(x)
all(x, na.rm=TRUE)
BSky.is.wholenumber <-function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
#if (is.na(x))
abs(x - round(x)) < tol
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