
Defines functions .add_h5 normImages

# Utility functions for CytoImageList and Image class objects -----------------

#' @title Getting and setting the channel and image names
#' @name CytoImageList-naming
#' @description
#' Methods to get and set the names of individual channels or the names of
#' individual images.
#' @section Setting and getting the channel names:
#' In the following code, \code{x} is a \linkS4class{CytoImageList}
#' object containing one or multiple channels. The channel
#' names can be replaced by \code{value}, which contains a character vector of
#' the same length as the number of channels in the images.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{channelNames(x)}}{Returns the names of all channels stored in
#' \code{x}}
#' \item{\code{channelNames(x) <- value}}{Replaces the channel names of
#' \code{x} with \code{values}. For this, \code{value} needs to have the same
#' length as the number of channels in \code{x}}
#' }
#' @section Setting and getting the image names:
#' Here, \code{x} is a \linkS4class{CytoImageList} object. The element
#' names can be replaced by \code{value}, which contains a character vector of
#' the same length as the number of images. In case of the CytoImageList object,
#' elements are always images.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{names(x)}}{Returns the names of all images stored in \code{x}}
#' \item{\code{names(x) <- value}}{Replaces the image names of
#' \code{x} with \code{value}. For this, \code{value} needs to have the same
#' length as \code{x}}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data("pancreasImages")
#' # Get channel and image names
#' channelNames(pancreasImages)
#' names(pancreasImages)
#' # Set channel and image names
#' channelNames(pancreasImages) <- paste0("marker", 1:5)
#' names(pancreasImages) <- paste0("image", 1:3)
#' @aliases
#' channelNames channelNames<-
#' channelNames,CytoImageList-method
#' channelNames<-,CytoImageList-method
#' names,CytoImageList-method
#' names<-,CytoImageList-method
#' @docType methods
#' @author
#' Nils Eling (\email{nils.eling@@dqbm.uzh.ch})

#' @export
    signature = signature(x="CytoImageList"),
    definition =  function(x){
    if(length(dim(x[[1]])) == 2L){
    } else {

#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply
#' @importFrom EBImage Image
#' @importFrom methods validObject
    signature = signature(x="CytoImageList"),
    definition = function(x, value){

    if (is(x[[1]], "Image")) {
        # Image needs to be expanded to store channel names
        if(length(dim(x[[1]])) == 2L){
            x <- S4Vectors::endoapply(x, function(y){
                cur_Image <- Image(y, dim = c(dim(y)[1], dim(y)[2], 1))
                dimnames(cur_Image) <- c(dimnames(y), NULL)

        x <- S4Vectors::endoapply(x, function(y){
            if (is.null(value)) {
                dimnames(y)[[3]] <- NULL
            } else {
                dimnames(y)[[3]] <- as.character(value)
    } else {
        # Image needs to be expanded to store channel names
        if(length(dim(x[[1]])) == 2L){
            x@listData <- lapply(x, function(y){
                cur_Image <- y
                dim(cur_Image) <- c(dim(cur_Image)[1], dim(cur_Image)[2], 1)
                dimnames(cur_Image) <- c(dimnames(y), NULL)

        x@listData <- lapply(x, function(y){
            if (is.null(value)) {
                dimnames(y)[[3]] <- NULL
            } else {
                dimnames(y)[[3]] <- as.character(value)



#' @export
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
    signature = signature(x="CytoImageList"),
    definition = function(x){

#' @export
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod as validObject
    signature = signature(x="CytoImageList"),
    definition = function(x, value){
        .Object <- callNextMethod()
        .Object <- as(.Object, "CytoImageList")

#' @title Manipulating CytoImageList objects
#' @name CytoImageList-manipulation
#' @description Methods to change pixel values in CytoImageList objects. In the
#' following sections, \code{object} is a \linkS4class{CytoImageList} object
#' containing one or multiple channels.
#' @section Image scaling:
#' In some cases, images need to be scaled by a constant
#' (e.g. 2^16-1 = 65535) \code{value} to revert them back to the original
#' pixel values after reading them in.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{scaleImages(object, value)}}{Scales all images in the
#' \linkS4class{CytoImageList} \code{object} by \code{value}. Here \code{value}
#' needs to be a single numeric or a numeric vector of the same length as
#' \code{object}.}
#' }
#' @section Image normalization:
#' Linear scaling of the intensity values of each \linkS4class{Image} contained
#' in a \linkS4class{CytoImageList} \code{object} to a specific range. Images
#' can either be scaled to the minimum/maximum value per channel or across all
#' channels (default \code{separateChannels = TRUE}). Also, images can be scaled
#' to the minimum/maximum value per image or across all images (default
#' \code{separateImages = FALSE}). The latter allows the visual comparison of
#' intensity values across images.
#' To clip the images before normalization, the \code{inputRange} can be set.
#' The \code{inputRange} either takes NULL (default), a vector of length 2
#' specifying the clipping range for all channels or a list where each
#' named entry contains a channel-specific clipping range.
#' Image normalization also works for images stored on disk. By default,
#' the normalized images are stored as a second entry called "XYZ_norm"
#' in the .h5 file. Here "XYZ" specifies the name of the original entry.
#' By storing the normalized next to the original images on disk, space
#' usage increases. To avoid storing duplicated data, one can specify
#' \code{overwrite = TRUE}, therefore deleting the original images
#' and only storing the normalized images. However, the original images
#' cannot be accessed anymore after normalisation.
#' \code{normalize(object, separateChannels = TRUE, separateImages = FALSE,
#' ft = c(0, 1), inputRange = NULL, overwrite = FALSE)}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{object}:}{A CytoImageList object}
#' \item{\code{separateChannels}:}{Logical if pixel values should be normalized
#' per channel (default) or across all channels.}
#' \item{\code{separateImages}:}{Logical if pixel values should be normalized
#' per image or across all images (default).}
#' \item{\code{ft}:}{Numeric vector of 2 values, target minimum and maximum
#' intensity values after normalization (see \code{\link[EBImage]{normalize}}).}
#' \item{\code{inputRange}:}{Numeric vector of 2 values, sets the absolute
#' clipping range of the input intensity values (see
#' \code{\link[EBImage]{normalize}}). Alternatively a names list where each
#' entry corresponds to a channel-specific clipping range.}
#' \item{\code{overwrite}:}{Only relevant when images are kept on disk. By
#' specifying \code{overwrite = TRUE}, the normalized images will overwrite
#' the original images in the .h5 file, therefore reducing space on disk.
#' However, the original images cannot be accessed anymore after normalization.
#' If \code{overwrite = FALSE} (default), the normalized images are added as
#' a new entry called "XYZ_norm" to the .h5 file.})
#' }
#' @return A CytoImageList object containing the manipulated Images.
#' @examples
#' data(pancreasImages)
#' # Scale images to create segmentation masks
#' cur_files <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "cytomapper"),
#'                         pattern = "mask.tiff", full.names = TRUE)
#' x <- loadImages(cur_files)
#' # Error when running plotCells(x)
#' # Therefore scale to account for 16 bit encoding
#' x <- scaleImages(x, 2^16 - 1)
#' plotCells(x)
#' # Default normalization
#' x <- normalize(pancreasImages)
#' plotPixels(x, colour_by = c("H3", "CD99"))
#' # Setting the clipping range
#' x <- normalize(x, inputRange = c(0, 0.9))
#' plotPixels(x, colour_by = c("H3", "CD99"))
#' # Setting the clipping range per channel
#' x <- normalize(pancreasImages,
#'                 inputRange = list(H3 = c(0, 70), CD99 = c(0, 100)))
#' plotPixels(x, colour_by = c("H3", "CD99"))
#' # Normalizing per image
#' x <- normalize(pancreasImages, separateImages = TRUE)
#' plotPixels(x, colour_by = c("H3", "CD99"))
#' @seealso \code{\link[EBImage]{normalize}} for details on Image normalization
#' @aliases
#' scaleImages scaleImages,CytoImageList-method normalize
#' normalize,CytoImageList-method
#' @docType methods
#' @author Nils Eling (\email{nils.eling@@dqbm.uzh.ch})

#' @export
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply mendoapply
    signature = signature(object="CytoImageList"),
    definition = function(object, value){
        if (!all(is.numeric(value))) {
            stop("'value' must be numeric.")

        if (length(value) != 1L && length(value) != length(object)) {
            stop("'value' must either be a single numeric or",
                  " of the same length as 'object'.")

        if (length(value) == 1L) {
             cur_out <- endoapply(object, function(y){y * value})
        } else {
             cur_out <- mendoapply(function(y, k){y * k}, object, value)


#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importFrom EBImage combine abind
normImages <- function(object, separateChannels = TRUE, separateImages = FALSE,
                ft = c(0, 1), inputRange = NULL, overwrite = FALSE){

    if (!is.logical(separateChannels) ||
        length(separateChannels) > 1L ||
        is.na(separateChannels)) {
        stop("'separateChannels' only takes TRUE or FALSE.")
    if (!is.logical(separateImages) ||
        length(separateImages) > 1L ||
        is.na(separateImages)) {
        stop("'separateImages' only takes TRUE or FALSE.")
    if (!is.list(inputRange) &&
        !is.null(inputRange) &&
        length(inputRange) != 2) {
        stop("'inputRange' takes a vector of length 2, a list or NULL.")

    # Type of objects
    is_image <- is(object[[1]], "Image")

    # Number of frames
    if (is_image) {
        nf <- numberOfFrames(object[[1]])
    } else {
        nf <- numberOfFrames(as.array(object[[1]]))

    # Number of images
    ni <- length(object)

    if (is.list(inputRange)) {

        if (is.null(channelNames(object))) {
            stop("Please set the 'channelNames' of the CytoImageList object.")

        if (!all(names(inputRange) %in% channelNames(object))) {
            stop("The names of 'inputRange' should correspond to the",
            "'channelNames' of the CytoImageList object.")

        cur_inputRanges <- vector(mode = "list",
                                length = length(channelNames(object)))
        names(cur_inputRanges) <- channelNames(object)
        cur_inputRanges[names(inputRange)] <- inputRange

        if (separateImages) {

            object <- endoapply(object, function(y){

                cur_names <- dimnames(y)

                if (is_image) {
                    y <- lapply(names(cur_inputRanges), function(i){
                            EBImage::normalize(y[,,i], separate = TRUE,
                                               ft = ft, 
                                            inputRange = cur_inputRanges[[i]])
                    y <- combine(y)
                    dimnames(y) <- cur_names
                } else {
                    z <- lapply(names(cur_inputRanges), function(i){
                        EBImage::normalize(as.array(y[,,i]), separate = TRUE,
                                           ft = ft, 
                                           inputRange = cur_inputRanges[[i]])
                    z <- combine(z)
                    dimnames(z) <- cur_names

                    y <- .add_h5(y, z, overwrite, suffix = "_norm")


        } else {

            cur_range <- cur_inputRanges[unlist(lapply(cur_inputRanges,

            cur_r <- lapply(names(cur_range), function(x){
                quantile(unlist(lapply(getChannels(object, x), quantile,
                                        probs = c(0, 1))), c(0, 1))
            names(cur_r) <- names(cur_range)

            cur_inputRanges[names(cur_r)] <- cur_r

            object <- endoapply(object, function(y){

                cur_names <- dimnames(y)

                if (is_image) {
                    if (nf == 1) {

                        y <- EBImage::normalize(y,
                                            separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                            inputRange = cur_inputRanges[[1]])

                    } else {

                        y <- lapply(names(cur_inputRanges), function(i){
                                            separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                            inputRange = cur_inputRanges[[i]])
                        y <- combine(y)


                    dimnames(y) <- cur_names
                } else {
                    if (nf == 1) {

                        z <- EBImage::normalize(as.array(y),
                                            separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                            inputRange = cur_inputRanges[[1]])

                    } else {

                        z <- lapply(names(cur_inputRanges), function(i){
                                             separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                             inputRange = cur_inputRanges[[i]])
                        z <- combine(z)


                    dimnames(z) <- cur_names
                    y <- .add_h5(y, z, overwrite, suffix = "_norm")


    } else {

        if (separateImages) {

            object <- endoapply(object, function(y){
                if (is_image) {
                    y <- EBImage::normalize(y, separate = separateChannels,
                                            ft = ft, inputRange = inputRange)
                } else {
                    z <- EBImage::normalize(as.array(y), 
                                            separate = separateChannels,
                                            ft = ft, inputRange = inputRange)
                    y <- .add_h5(y, z, overwrite, suffix = "_norm")

        } else {

            # Finding the maximum and minimum values
            if (separateChannels && is.null(inputRange)) {
                if (nf == 1) {
                    cur_range <- vapply(object, function(i){
                        quantile(i, probs = c(0, 1))
                    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2))
                    cur_range <- quantile(cur_range, c(0, 1))
                } else {
                    cur_range <- vapply(seq_len(nf), function(i){
                        cur_r <- vapply(getChannels(object, i),
                                            quantile(x, c(0,1))
                                        }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2))
                        quantile(cur_r, c(0, 1))
                    }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2))
            } else if(!separateChannels && is.null(inputRange)) {
                cur_range <- vapply(object, function(i){
                    quantile(i, probs = c(0, 1))
                }, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2))
                cur_range <- quantile(cur_range, c(0, 1))

            if (separateChannels) {

                object <- endoapply(object, function(y){

                    cur_names <- dimnames(y)

                    if (is_image) {
                        if (nf == 1) {

                            if (!is.null(inputRange)) {
                                cur_range <- inputRange
                            } else {
                                cur_range <- as.numeric(cur_range)

                            y <- EBImage::normalize(y,
                                                    separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                                    inputRange = cur_range)

                        } else {

                            if (!is.null(inputRange)) {
                                y <- EBImage::normalize(y, separate = TRUE, 
                                                        inputRange = inputRange)
                            } else {
                                y <- lapply(seq_len(nf), function(i){
                                        separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                        inputRange = as.numeric(cur_range[,i]))
                                y <- combine(y)


                        dimnames(y) <- cur_names
                    } else {
                        if (nf == 1) {

                            if (!is.null(inputRange)) {
                                cur_range <- inputRange
                            } else {
                                cur_range <- as.numeric(cur_range)

                            z <- EBImage::normalize(as.array(y),
                                                    separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                                    inputRange = cur_range)

                        } else {

                            if (!is.null(inputRange)) {
                                z <- EBImage::normalize(as.array(y), 
                                                        separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                                        inputRange = inputRange)
                            } else {
                                z <- lapply(seq_len(nf), function(i){
                                        separate = TRUE, ft=ft,
                                        inputRange = as.numeric(cur_range[,i]))
                                z <- combine(z)

                        dimnames(z) <- cur_names

                        y <- .add_h5(y, z, overwrite, suffix = "_norm")


            } else {
                object <- endoapply(object, function(y){
                        inputRange <- as.numeric(cur_range)

                    if (is_image) {
                        y <- EBImage::normalize(y, separate = FALSE,
                                                ft=ft, inputRange = inputRange)
                    } else {
                        z <- EBImage::normalize(as.array(y), separate = FALSE,
                                                ft=ft, inputRange = inputRange)
                        y <- .add_h5(y, z, overwrite, suffix = "_norm")




#' @export
    signature = signature(object = "CytoImageList"),
    definition = normImages)

# Function to handle h5 files
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5delete h5ls
.add_h5 <- function(cur_obj, new_obj, overwrite, suffix){

    cur_file <- path(cur_obj)

    cur_name <- paste0(sub("\\.[A-Za-z0-9]*", "", basename(cur_file)), suffix)

    if (overwrite) {
    } else {
        # Check if entry already exists
        # If so, delete it
        if (cur_name %in% h5ls(cur_file)$name) {
            h5delete(cur_file, cur_name)

        if (paste0(".", cur_name, "_dimnames") %in% h5ls(cur_file)$name) {
            h5delete(cur_file, paste0(".", cur_name, "_dimnames"))

                   filepath = cur_file,
                   name = cur_name,
                   with.dimnames = TRUE)
BodenmillerGroup/SingleCellMapper documentation built on July 2, 2024, 4:31 p.m.