
#'Turn a function in the namespace into a module.
#'Will later add functions to upload module to figshare etc.
#'And add testing that the module name is unique.
#' @param object A function that will be made into a module file.
#' @param dir The directory to put the module into (defaults to the
#'      working directory).
#' @param type A string that defines the type of module. Possible module types
#'      are occurrence, covariate, process, model, diagnostic and output.
#' @param title A short description of the module.
#' @param description (required) A single string giving a full description of the module.
#' @param details (optional) A single string giving details of the module.
#' @param paras A list of the form 
#'    list(parameterName = 'Parameter description.',
#'    anotherParameter = 'Another descriptions.')
#'    This is required if the module takes non-default arguements
#' @param author (required) String giving the author(s) name(s)
#' @param email (required) String giving the correspondance address for the module (only give one address).
#' @param dataType Character vector required for all module types except 'covariate'.
#' Indicates the types of data that this module works with. Values can be any of
#' 'presence-only', 'presence/absence', 'presence/background', 'abundance' or 'proportion'. For a occurrence
#' model this should indicate the type of data that is returned and for other modules
#' should indicate the type of data they will work with. If the module works with
#' multiple types they can be supplied in a vector, e.g. c('presence-only',
#' 'presence/absence') 
#' @param check Logical indicating if the module should be run through checks
#' once it has been built. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return Name of the module. Outputs a file
#' @name BuildModule
#' @import methods
#' @import testthat
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export

BuildModule <- function(object, type, dir='.', title = '',  description = '',
                        details = '', author = '', email = '', paras = NULL,
                        dataType = NULL, check = TRUE){
  # Check object is a function
  if(!is(object, 'function')) stop('object must be a function')
  # Check type is known
  if(!tolower(type) %in% c('occurrence', 'covariate', 'process', 'model', 'diagnostic', 'output')){
    stop("type must be one of 'occurrence', 'covariate', 'process', 'model', 'diagnostic', 'output'")
  # Check dataType is known
    if(type != 'covariate') stop('dataType is needed for all modules except covariate modules')
  } else{
    if(any(!dataType %in% c('presence-only', 'presence/absence', 'presence/background', 'abundance', 'proportion'))){
      stop("dataType must be one of 'presence-only', 'presence/absence', 'presence/background', 'abundance' or 'proportion'")
  # Check only one email address is given
  if(length(email) > 1) stop('Please only give one email address for correspondence')
  # Collapse multiple authors
  authors <- paste(author, collapse = ', ')
  #Remove trailing '/' from dir
  dir <- gsub('/$', '', dir)
  # Is all meta information provided.
  if(title == '' | description == '' | authors == '' | email == '') {
    complete <- FALSE
  } else {
    complete <- TRUE

  # What are the default arguments for each module type
  defArgs <- list(occurrence = NULL, covariate = NULL, process = c('.data'),
                    model = c('.df'), output = c('.model', '.ras'))

  missingParas <- names(formals(object))[!names(formals(object)) %in% names(paras)]

  # Are all parameters documented (excluding defualt, zoon internal parameters).
  # If not give a warning.
  if(any(!missingParas %in% defArgs[[type]])){
    complete <- FALSE
    warning(paste('Information not complete. All arguments must be filled and',
      'all parameters documented before uploading module to Zoon repository.'))
  # To ensure consistancy make sure the default parameters
  # have been used. This also ensures the documentation
  # makes sense
  if(any(!defArgs[[type]] %in% names(formals(object)))){
    warning(paste('Your', type, 'module does not contain the default arguements',
            paste('[', paste(defArgs[[type]], collapse = ', '), ']', sep = ''),
            "See the vignette Building modules for more details."))
  # Add param statements for default arguements
  if(any(names(paras) %in% defArgs[[type]])){
    warning('Parameter descriptions for defaults [', defArgs[[type]],
            ']', ' ignored')
  paras <- AddDefaultParas(paras, type)

  type <- tolower(type)
  obj <- deparse(substitute(object))

  # Sort out parameter formating.
  paraNames <- names(paras)
  paraDocs <- paste(sapply(paraNames, function(x) paste("\n#'\n#' @param", x, paras[x])), collapse="")

  # Roxygen2 uses @ as a tag. So have to double it.
  email <- gsub('@', '@@', email)
  # Add Data type if required
  if(!is.null(dataType)) dataType <- paste0("\n#'\n#' @section Data type: ",
                                            paste(dataType, collapse = ', '))
  # Add place holder for the version as this will be decided
  # on submission to the website
  version <- "\n#'\n#' @section Version: 0"
  # Give this as the current date
  submitted <- paste("\n#'\n#' @section Date submitted: ", Sys.Date())
  docs <- paste0("#' @name ", obj,
                 "\n#'\n#' @title ", title,
                 "\n#'\n#' @description ", description,
                 "\n#'\n#' @details ", details,
                 "\n#'\n#' @family ", type,
                 "\n#'\n#' @author ", authors, ', ', '\\email{', email, '}',

  # get and format the source code
  src <- capture.output(dput(object))
  src[1] <- sprintf('%s <- %s', obj, src[1])
  src <- paste0(src, collapse = '\n')

  # get the file path and write to disk
  fpath <- paste0(dir, "/", obj, ".R")
  write(docs, file = fpath)
  cat(src, file = fpath, append = TRUE)
  # add a final line break
  cat('\n', file = fpath, append = TRUE)
  # Run checks if requested
    cat('Starting checks...')
Boodogs/zoon-clone documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:59 a.m.