
voorspellende_veranderlikes <-    c("respondent_address_town",

# hulpfunksie
wrapper <- function(x, ...) {paste(strwrap(x, ...), collapse = "\n")}

#' Single Report
#' Report per individual variable with subsection heading. 
#' @param x Data frame typically DES data
#' @param var Character vector containing the variable in x that you wish to plot
#' @param groep Character vector containing variable in x that grouping should be done by
#' @param groeplab Character vector containing a chosen lable for the graphs
#' @param out Logical that generates the desired output
#' @param stats Character vector that decides whether the index of the variable that 
#' needs to be 'predicted' should be determined
#' @param qs Data frame that contains a variable name, section, the question text and type 
#' @param qs_name Character vector referring to the question name
#' @param qs_text Character vector referring to the question text
#' @param drr Character vector containing the directory
#' @param druk Logical that determines whether the output will genarate a pdf and save it to the given directory
#' @param webify Logical whether to create an html document
#' @param verbose Logical to display function messages
#' @param wd Integer giving the target column for wrapping lines in the output
#' @param md Logical that formats summary results
#' @param chi.digits Numerical giving the number of decimal places or significant digits to be used after making 
#' use of the chi.2.eksp function
#' @param debug Logical that assigns voorspellende_veranderlikes, x and idx_temp to their corresponding names in the
#' global environment
#' @note The idea is to lapply a single report over the subsection and subsection_report lapply over the sections
#' @export

single_report <- function(x, 
                          var = c("een"), 
                          groep = NULL, 
                          groeplab =NULL, 
                          out = TRUE, 
                          stats = c("all", "basic")[1],
                          qs_name = "question.name", 
                          qs_text = "question.text",
                          drr = "~/tmp/", 
                          druk = FALSE, 
                          webify = FALSE, 
                          verbose = FALSE, 
                          wd = 15, 
                          md = TRUE, chi.digits = 4, debug = TRUE, 
                          varSizeN = "0.25",
                          levSizeN = "0.15",
  if(require(R.utils, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) == FALSE){ install.packages("R.utils"); library(R.utils) }
  if(require(reporttools, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) == FALSE){ install.packages("reporttools"); library(reporttools) }
  if(require(ggplot2, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) == FALSE){ install.packages("ggplot2"); library(ggplot2) }
  if(require(reshape2, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) == FALSE){ install.packages("reshape2"); library(reshape2) }
  if(require(gridExtra, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) == FALSE){ install.packages("gridExtra"); library(gridExtra) }
  if(require(pander, quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE) == FALSE){ install.packages("pander"); library(pander) }

  #z <- function() match("tableNominal2", ls(envir=.GlobalEnv))
  #if (is.na(z())) stop("Jy kort tableNominal2.R. Laai hom appart en probeer weer")

  # maak seker alles is daar
  if (length(var) > 1) message("Ek verkort var tot die eerste een")
  var = as.character(var)[1]
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) stop("x must be a data frame")
  if (!is.data.frame(qs)) stop("qs must be a data frame")
  if (!is.character(var)) stop("var must be coercible to a character")
  if (any(is.na(match(var, names(x))))) stop("var must be a variable in x ")
  if (any(is.na(match(groep, names(x))))) stop("groep must be a variable in x ")
  if (is.null(groep)) groep = 1
  if (is.null(groeplab)) groeplab = groep
  gp = x[,groep]
  if (all(is.na(gp))) message("\nGroep bestaan uit NAs. Dis 'n slegte idee. Kies dalk 'n ander groep\n")
  lb = capitalize(gsub("_|\\.", " ", var))
  if (identical(x[,var], gp)) groep = 1
  if (length(stats) > 1) {stats = "all"}

  chi2 <- NULL
  # teks wat vraag gee en aantal waarnemings (nobs en #NA)
  idx = na.omit(match(var, qs[,qs_name]))
  if (length(idx) != 0) vraagteks = as.character(qs[idx, qs_text])
  natab = table(is.na(x[,var]))["TRUE"]
  nobtab = table(is.na(x[,var]))["FALSE"]
  nna = ifelse(is.na(natab), 0, natab)
  vr = gsub("_|\\.", " ", var)
  vraagsin = ""
  if (nobtab != 0 & !is.na(nobtab)){
    if (length(idx) != 0){
      vraagsin = sprintf("The variable %s contains the responses to the question \\emph{%s}. It contains %i %s and %i missing %s" ,
                         vr, vraagteks, nobtab, ifelse(nobtab==1 ,"observation", "observations"), nna, ifelse(nna==1, "value.", "values."))
    } else {
      vraagsin = sprintf("The variable %s contains contains %i %s and %i missing %s" ,
                         vr, nobtab, ifelse(nobtab==1 ,"observation", "observations"), nna, ifelse(nna==1, "value.", "values."))

    # teks met verwysing na tabel met opsommende statestiek.
    verwyssin = sprintf("The summary results are shown in Table %s and Figure %s.",
                        ifelse(md == TRUE, paste("*",vr,"*",sep=""), paste("\\ref{tab:lb", vr, "}", sep = "")), ifelse(md == TRUE, paste("*",vr,"*",sep=""), paste("\\emph{", vr, "}", sep = "")) # of paste("\\ref{tab:lb", vr, "}", sep = "")

    num = is.numeric(x[, var])
    fc = is.factor(x[,var])
    ch = is.character(x[,var])

    # geen groep geval
    if (groep == 1){
      # numeriese geen groep geval
      if (num){
        p1 <- qplot(data = melt(x[,var]), geom="boxplot", xlab = var, x = var, y = value, main = wrapper(paste("Values of ", lb), width = wd)) + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.title=element_text(size=11,face="bold"))
        p2 <- qplot(data = data.frame(idx = 1:nrow(x), vr = x[,var]), x = vr  , fill = 1, geom="density",
                    main = wrapper(paste("Density of ", lb), width = wd), alpha = I(0.2)) + theme(legend.position="none") + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.title=element_text(size=11,face="bold"))
        p3 <- suppressWarnings(qplot(data = data.frame(idx = 1:nrow(x), vr = x[,var]), x = vr , fill = 1, geom="histogram",
                    xlab = var,  main = wrapper(paste("Histogram of ", lb), width = wd), alpha = I(0.9)) + theme(legend.position="none") + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.title=element_text(size=11,face="bold")))
        if (druk == TRUE) pdf(file = paste(drr,var,".pdf",sep=""), width = 12)
        pp = function(main = paste("Values and distribution of ", var)){
          grid.arrange(p1, p3, p2, nrow=2, ncol = 2, 
                       layout_matrix=rbind(c(1,2), c(3,3)), 
                       top = main)
        if (druk == TRUE) dev.off()
        if (var %in% names(x)) {
          vrs <- list(x[, var])
          tab <- function() {tableContinuous2(vars = vrs, cap = paste(lb, " "), lab = paste("lb",vr,  sep = ""), 
                                              longtable = FALSE, caption.placement="top", html = webify, comment = FALSE, 
                                              nams = gsub("_", " ", var), print.results = TRUE, table.placement = "!h")}

      # kategoriese geen groep geval
      if (fc|ch){
        p <- ggplot(data.frame(vr = x[,var]), aes(x=vr, fill = 1), alpha = I(1/2)) + labs(x = lb, y = "count") +
          geom_bar(position = "dodge") + 
          theme(legend.position="none") +
          ggtitle(wrapper(paste("Frequency distrubution of", var), width =2*wd )) +
          theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1)) + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.title=element_text(size=11,face="bold"))
        pp = function() grid.arrange(p, nrow = 1)
        if (druk == TRUE) ggsave(file = paste(drr,var,".pdf",sep=""), width = 12)
        if (var %in% names(x)) {
          vrs <- list(x[, var])
          tab <- function() {tableNominal2(vars = vrs, cap = paste(lb,"", sep=""), 
          lab = paste("lb", vr,  sep = ""), 
          levSizeN = levSizeN, cumsum = FALSE, longtable = FALSE, caption.placement="top", html = webify, varSizeN = varSizeN, 
          comment = FALSE, nams = gsub("_", " ", var), print.results = FALSE)}
        if (stats == "all") {
          # bepaal die indeks van die veranderlike wat 'voorspel' moet word
          idx_temp <- match(var, table = names(x), -1)
          if (idx_temp > 0) {
            # bepaal die indekse van die voorspellende veranderlikes, indien enige
            vidxx <- match(voorspellende_veranderlikes, names(x))
            vidxx <- vidxx[!is.na(vidxx)]
            if (length(vidxx) > 0) {
              chi2 <- chi.2.eksp(data = x, 
                                 out.idx = idx_temp, 
                                 min.length = 0, max.levels = 10, 
                                 ver.idx = vidxx, 
                                 p.cutoff = 100, 
                                 outdir = drr, out.df = TRUE, 
                                 verbose = FALSE, xlsx = FALSE, 
                                 net.name = "chi2eksp")
              if (!is.null(chi2)) {
                for (c in 1:ncol(chi2)) {
                  if (is.numeric(chi2[, c])) {
                    chi2[, c] <- round(x = chi2[, c], digits = chi.digits)
                dropidxx <- match(c("warnings", "outcome"), table = names(chi2), nomatch = NA)
                dropidxx <- dropidxx[!is.na(dropidxx)]
                if (length(dropidxx) > 0) chi2 <- chi2[, -dropidxx]
                print(kable(chi2, format = "pandoc", digits = 5), comment = FALSE)

    if (groep != 1){
      # numeriese groep geval
      if (num){
        p1 <- qplot(data = melt(data.frame(var = x[,var], group =gp)), geom="boxplot",
                    xlab = groeplab, x = group, y = value, main = wrapper(paste("Values of ", lb, " by ", groeplab), width = wd)) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.title=element_text(size=11,face="bold"))
        p2 <- qplot(data = data.frame(var = x[,var], group =gp), x = var , geom="density",
                    xlab = var, fill = group,  group = group, main = wrapper(paste("Density of ", lb, " by ", groeplab), width = wd), alpha = I(0.2)) + theme(legend.position="bottom") + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.title=element_text(size=11,face="bold"))
        if (druk == TRUE) pdf(file = paste(drr,var,".pdf",sep=""), width = 12)
        pp = function() grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 2, 
                                     top = wrapper(sprintf("Distribution of the variable %s", var), width = 2*wd))
        if (druk == TRUE) dev.off()
        if (var %in% names(x)) {
          vrs <- list(x[, var])
          tab <- function() {tableContinuous2(vars = vrs, group = gp, cap = paste(lb, "",sep=""), 
                                             lab = paste("lb",vr,  sep = ""), 
                                             longtable = FALSE, html = webify, caption.placement="top",comment = FALSE, 
                                             nams = gsub("_", " ", var), print.results = FALSE)}

      # kategoriese groep geval
      if (fc|ch){
        p <- qplot(data = data.frame(var = x[,var], group =gp), x = var, geom = "bar", xlab = lb,
                   facets = group ~ ., main = paste(lb, "by", groeplab), fill = 1) +
          theme(legend.position="none") +
          theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0)) + 
          theme(axis.text=element_text(size=9), axis.title=element_text(size=11,face="bold"))
        pp = function() grid.arrange(p, nrow=1)
        if (druk == TRUE) ggsave(p, file = paste(drr,var,".pdf",sep=""), width = 12)
        if (var %in% names(x)) {
          vrs <- list(x[, var])
          tab <- function() {tableNominal2(vars = vrs, group = gp, cap = paste(lb, "", sep=""), cumsum = FALSE, 
                                           lab = paste("lb", vr,  sep = ""), html = webify, longtable = FALSE, 
                                           caption.placement="top", varSizeN = varSizeN, levSizeN = levSizeN, comment = FALSE, 
                                           nams = gsub("_", " ", var), print.results = FALSE)}
        if (stats == "all") {
          # bepaal die indeks van die veranderlike wat voorspel moet word
          idx_temp <- match(var, table = names(x), -1)
          if (idx_temp > 0) {
            # bepaal die indekse van die voorspellende veranderlikes, indien enige
            vidxx <- match(voorspellende_veranderlikes, names(x))
            vidxx <- vidxx[!is.na(vidxx)]
            if (debug == TRUE) assign("voorspellende_veranderlikes", voorspellende_veranderlikes, envir = .GlobalEnv)
            if (debug == TRUE) assign("x", x, envir = .GlobalEnv)
            if (debug == TRUE) assign("idx_temp", idx_temp, envir = .GlobalEnv)
            if (length(vidxx) > 0) {
              chi2 <- chi.2.eksp(data = x, 
                                 out.idx = idx_temp, 
                                 min.length = 0, 
                                 max.levels = 10, 
                                 ver.idx = vidxx, 
                                 p.cutoff = 0.05, 
                                 outdir = drr, 
                                 out.df = TRUE, 
                                 verbose = FALSE, 
                                 xlsx = FALSE, 
                                 net.name = "chi2eksp")
              if (!is.null(chi2)) {
                for (c in 1:ncol(chi2)) {
                  if (is.numeric(chi2[, c])) {
                    chi2[, c] <- round(x = chi2[, c], digits = 5)
                dropidxx <- match(c("warnings", "outcome"), table = names(chi2), nomatch = NA)
                dropidxx <- dropidxx[!is.na(dropidxx)]
                if (length(dropidxx) > 0) chi2 <- chi2[, -dropidxx]
                print(kable(x = chi2, format = "pandoc", digits = chi.digits), comment = FALSE)
    # gepaste tabel en grafiek
    # model seleksie vir gekose veranderlikes

  if (verbose == TRUE) message(var)
  if (out == TRUE){
    do.call("cat", list(sprintf("%s", ifelse(md == TRUE, paste("\n## ", lb,"\n", sep=""), paste("\\subsection{",lb,"}", sep=""))),"\n",
                        ifelse(exists("vraagsin"), vraagsin, ""),"\n",
                        ifelse(exists("verwyssin"), verwyssin, ""), "\n",
                        if (exists("tab", mode = "function")) tab() else "", "\n"
    if (exists("tab", mode = "function")) tab()
    if (exists("pp", mode = "function")) pp() 

# maak funksie wat binne 'n seksie kyk of iets 'n Multi-opsie is.
# As dit is maak dan een multi-opsie tabel anders gaan deur en maak enkel tabelle met singe_report
Boshoffsmit/novaReport documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8 a.m.