#'Importing Tiff Files
#'Reads tiff also checks for if the image is a .tif or .tiff using .is_tiff()
#'@param fileName The image name
#'@param fileLoc the path from ~/ to the dir where the file is
tiff_import <- function(fileName,fileLoc){
if (!is.character(fileName) || length(fileName) != 1) {
return(stop("fileName must be a single character"))
if (!is.character(fileLoc) || length(fileLoc) != 1) {
return(stop("fileLoc must be a single character"))
.null(fileName, "fileName")
.null(fileLoc, "fileLoc")
tiffCheck <- .is_tiff(fileName)
notEmpty <- not_empty_file(filePath = fileLoc, fileName = fileName)
if (isTRUE(tiffCheck) & isTRUE(notEmpty)) {
else if (!isTRUE(tiffCheck)) {
return(stop(paste0("file", fileName, " is not a .tif or .tiff" )))
else if (!isTRUE(notEmpty)) {
return(stop(paste0("file", fileName, " is 0b/Empty")))
#'Checking For Bright Images
#'Using a logistic regression to find coefficients, uses the result to compute a probability
#'of the imageMatrix being #'bright (392 observations) with McFadden Pseudo- $R^2$ Value 0.2573778
#'@param imageMatrix imageMatrix points representing the brightness of that pixel
#'@param cutoffProbability The probability cut off for the decision of an imageMatrix being bright
#'@param beta0 The intercept of a logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#'@param beta1 The slope of the logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#'@param NADefault The default value set to NA's in the matrix
#'@return The decision of the image being bright (based off of the cutoffProbability)
bright <- function(imageMatrix, beta0 = -2.774327, beta1 = 51.91687, cutoffProbability = 0.5, NADefault = 0){
if (!is.matrix(imageMatrix)) {
return(stop("imageMatrix must be a matrix"))
na <- which(is.na(imageMatrix))
if (length(na) > 0) {
warning(paste0("NA's found in the matrix.. setting them to ", NADefault))
imageMatrix[na] <- NADefault
if (length(which(imageMatrix <= 1 & imageMatrix >= 0)) != length(imageMatrix)) {
warning("Shouldnt be pixels with brightness above 1...scaling by largest value and
taking abs value")
imageMatrix <- abs(imageMatrix)/max(abs(imageMatrix))
.null(imageMatrix, "imageMatrix")
aboveLen <- length(which(imageMatrix >= 0.80))
totalLen <- length(imageMatrix)
standardizedLen <- aboveLen/totalLen
decision <- exp(beta0 + beta1 * standardizedLen)/(1 + exp(beta0 + beta1 * standardizedLen))
if (decision >= cutoffProbability) {
bright = TRUE
else {
bright = FALSE
#' Finding Peaks for Image
#' Finds peaks in the row sums of an image matrix, used for finding starts of lines
#' that are horizontal
#' @param rowSums of the imported matrix from original picture
#' @param minDistance Minimum distance aloud between found peaks
#' @param maxPeakNumber Maximum peaks you are trying to find
#' @param percentFromEdge Percentage of the picture that you would like removed from edge
#' due to an over exposed picture or flares in scanning
#' if percentageLeftSide is unspecified uses percentage for both i.e left = 1 - right
#' @param percentEdgeForLeft the left percentage that you want to remove(default = NULL)
#' @param minPeakHeight minimum peak height required for a peak to be counted
#' Default is 5perc of the max(rowSums)
#' @param plots Plots the peaks on rowSums
#' @param StartEndplotLine If you want to see lines at start and ends of each peaks
#' (starts are green, ends are blue)
#' @return data frame of peaks, peak heights, starts and ends for each peak
find_peaks <- function(rowSums, minDistance, maxPeakNumber, percentFromEdge, percentEdgeForLeft = NULL,
minPeakHeight = (0.05*max(rowSums)), plots = TRUE, StartEndplotLine = TRUE) {
if (!is.vector(rowSums, mode = "numeric")) {
return(stop("rowSums must be a vector"))
#python code
scipy <- reticulate::import("scipy")
peaks <- scipy$signal$find_peaks(x = rowSums, height = minPeakHeight, distance = minDistance)
#end of python code
#reticulate::source_python(file = system.file("py", package = packageName()))
#peaks <- finding_peakspy(rowSums, minPeakHeight, minDistance)
peaks[[1]] <- peaks[[1]] + 1 # python index correction
peakInfo = data.frame(Index = peaks[[1]], Height = peaks[[2]]$peak_heights)
if (dim(peakInfo)[1] == 0) {
return(stop("No Peaks Found..."))
peaksNoEdge <- .edge_peaks_rm(peakInfo, rowSums, percentFromEdge, percentEdgeForLeft = percentEdgeForLeft)
foundPeaks <- .highest_peaks(peaksNoEdge, maxPeaksAllowed = maxPeakNumber)
ret <- .finding_Peak_Start_Ends(foundPeaks, rowSums)
if (plots == TRUE) {
.plot_peaks(ret, rowSums, StartEndLine = StartEndplotLine)
#'Searching For Keyword
#' Finds all files that contain a specific string, in this case for finding files
#' that contain a specific year. Default is to also look in symlinks for files, if a dir is not accessable
#' will return an warning to the user
#' @param path Where you would like the function to look.
#' @param keyword The word that you are trying to find in file names.
#' @return Vector with all paths for each item found with the keyword contained in it.
#' @export
find_paths_for_keyword <- function(path = "~/", keyword){
word = paste0("*", keyword, "*")
spath = vector()
symlinks <- as.character(fs::dir_ls(path = path , recurse = TRUE, type = "symlink"))
if (!identical(symlinks, character(0))) { #The character 0 is what is displayed if no symlinks show up
symL <- length(symlinks)
for (i in 1:symL) {
spath <- c(spath, as.character(fs::dir_ls(path = symlinks[i], glob = word, recurse = TRUE, type = "file", fail = FALSE)))
pathWithKeyword <- fs::dir_ls(path = path, glob = word, recurse = TRUE, type = "any")
allPathWithKeyword <- c(spath, pathWithKeyword)
if (length(allPathWithKeyword) == 0) {
return(stop("No files found with that name"))
#' Import and Process a .tiff or .tif image
#' @param imageName The name of the file
#' @param file_loc the path from ~/ to the dir where the file is
#' @param trimAmountTop Number of pixels off of top of image (usually for common flares)
#' @param trimAmountBottom Number of pixels off of bottom of image
#' @param beta0 The intercept of a logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#' @param beta1 The slope of the logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#' @param cutoffProbability The probability cut off for the decision of an imageMatrix being bright
#' @param NADefault The default value set to NA's found in the matrix
#' @param FilterBright Vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel,
#' which will be used to perform either delation or erosion, such as c(13,13)
#' @param FilterNonBright Vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel,
#' which will be used to perform either delation or erosion, such as c(8,8)
#' @param methodBright one of 'delation'(adds to image, making brights brighter), 'erosion' (subtracts from image brights darker)
#' @param methodNonBright one of 'delation'(adds to image, making brights brighter), 'erosion' (subtracts from image brights darker)
#' @param thresholdBright should be between 0 and 1 for normalized images Default = 0.8
#' @param thresholdNonBright should be between 0 and 1 for normalized images Default = 0.5
#' @return imageMatrix processed and trimed, in landscape orientation
#' @export
import_process_image <- function(imageName, file_loc, trimAmountTop = 100,
trimAmountBottom = 50, beta0 = -2.774327,
beta1 = 51.91687, cutoffProbability = 0.5,
NADefault = 0, FilterBright = c(13, 13),
FilterNonBright = c(8, 8),
methodBright = "delation",
methodNonBright = "delation",
thresholdBright = 0.8,
thresholdNonBright = 0.5){
imageRAW <- tiff_import(fileName = imageName, fileLoc = file_loc)
image <- .horizontal_image_check(imageRAW)
imagecut <- trim_top_bottom(image,
trimAmountTop = 100,
trimAmountBottom = 50) #takes off the usual flair spots
imageMatrix <- .process_image(imagecut,
cutoffProbability = cutoffProbability,
NADefault = NADefault,
beta1 = beta1, beta0 = beta0,
FilterBright = FilterBright,
FilterNonBright = FilterNonBright,
methodBright = methodBright,
methodNonBright = methodNonBright,
thresholdBright = thresholdBright,
thresholdNonBright = thresholdNonBright) # checks bright and processes returns processed
#' Image Blurring with Rollmean
#' uses rollMean from zoo to blurr image ( used to get rid of timing gaps)
#' @param imageMatrix the image matrix from import_process_image
#' @param topcut Top cutoff from .top_cut()
#' @param bottomcut Bottom cutoff from .bottom_cut()
#' @param fill Default "extend" see rollMean in zoo for details
#' @param k See rollMean() in zoo for details
#' @return rolled image matrix to user
#' @export
mean_roll_image <- function(imageMatrix, topcut, bottomcut, fill = "extend", k = 40){
imageWithoutTopBottom <- imageMatrix[-c(0:topcut, bottomcut:nrow(imageMatrix)), ]
vert <- t(imageWithoutTopBottom)
rolledImage <- t(zoo::rollmean(vert, k = k, fill = fill))
rolledImage[which(rolledImage != 0)] <- 1
#' Finding Envelopes for Two Traces
#' @param imageMatrix ImageMatrix from import_process_image()
#' @param returnType Either "MatrixScaled" used if you are manipulating with imageMatrix,
#' "PlottingScaled" used if you are plotting the imageMatrix with overlay of these lines
#' "RolledImageScaled" used if you are overlaying the rolled image with these lines
#' @param max_roc maximum rate of change allowed between two pixels on the line before deemed as noise
#' @param sepDist how far you want the envelope to be below the line you are tracing
#' @param maxNoise the length of creating points allowed before considered to be off of the trace
#' @param bottomCut a point that is the height of a horizontal line between the timing marks
#' and the bottom trace
#' @param rolledImage the image rolled by mean_roll_image()
#' @param improveTTopEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for top of the top envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param improveBTopEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for Bottom of the top envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param improveTBottomEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for top of the bottom envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param improveBBottomEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for bottom of the bottom envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param topCut Top cutoff between the date writing and the top trace
#' @param trimTop how much has been trimmed by TISI or TIS
#' @param trimBottom how much has been trimmed by TISI or TIS
#' @return list of all four envelopes
#' @export
find_envelopes <- function(imageMatrix, rolledImage, bottomCut, topCut, returnType,
sepDist = 10, max_roc = 25, maxNoise = 100,
improveTTopEnvelope = data.frame(x = NA, y = NA),
improveBTopEnvelope = data.frame(x = NA, y = NA),
improveTBottomEnvelope = data.frame(x = NA, y = NA),
improveBBottomEnvelope = data.frame(x = NA, y = NA),
trimTop = 0, trimBottom = 0){
# Top of Top Envelope
compensationFactor <- -1 *(nrow(imageMatrix) - bottomCut) - (trimBottom*2)
if (!is.na(improveTTopEnvelope$y[1])) {
improveTTopEnvelope$y <- improveTTopEnvelope$y + compensationFactor#- nrow(imageMatrix) + bottomCut - topCut - 50 # - (trimTop *2) - (trimBottom * 2) - compensation factor that was found
topEnv <- .envelopegapfiller(x = improveTTopEnvelope$x,
y = improveTTopEnvelope$y,
nCol = ncol(rolledImage))$y
topEnv <- .top_env(rolledImage = rolledImage, max_roc = max_roc,
sepDist = sepDist, maxNoise = maxNoise)
# Bottom of Top Envelope
if (!is.na(improveBTopEnvelope$y[1])) {
improveBTopEnvelope$y <- improveBTopEnvelope$y + compensationFactor#- nrow(imageMatrix) + bottomCut - topCut - 50 #- (trimTop *2) - (trimBottom * 2) compensation factor that was found
topLowerEnv <- .envelopegapfiller(x = improveBTopEnvelope$x,
y = improveBTopEnvelope$y,
nCol = ncol(rolledImage))$y
topLowerEnv <- .top_lower_env(rolledImage = rolledImage, max_roc = max_roc,
sepDist = sepDist, maxNoise = maxNoise)
# Top of Bottom Envelope
if (!is.na(improveTBottomEnvelope$y[1])) {
improveTBottomEnvelope$y <- improveTBottomEnvelope$y + compensationFactor#- nrow(imageMatrix) + bottomCut - topCut - 50 # - (trimTop *2) - (trimBottom * 2) compensation factor that was found
bottomUpperEnv <- .envelopegapfiller(x = improveTBottomEnvelope$x,
y = improveTBottomEnvelope$y,
nCol = ncol(rolledImage))$y
bottomUpperEnv <- .bottom_upper_env(rolledImage = rolledImage, max_roc = max_roc,
sepDist = sepDist, maxNoise = maxNoise)
# Bottom of Bottom Envelope
if (!is.na(improveBBottomEnvelope$y[1])) {
improveBBottomEnvelope$y <- improveBBottomEnvelope$y + compensationFactor#- nrow(imageMatrix) + bottomCut - topCut - 50 #compensation factor that was found
bottomEnv <- .envelopegapfiller(x = improveBBottomEnvelope$x,
y = improveBBottomEnvelope$y,
nCol = ncol(rolledImage))$y
bottomEnv <- .bottom_env(rolledImage = rolledImage, max_roc = max_roc,
sepDist = sepDist, maxNoise = maxNoise)
if (returnType == "MatrixScaled") {
topEnvelope <- bottomCut - topEnv
topLowerEnvelope <- bottomCut - topLowerEnv
bottomUpperEnvelope <- bottomCut - bottomUpperEnv
bottomEnvelope <- bottomCut - bottomEnv
else if (returnType == "PlottingScaled") {
topEnvelope <- nrow(imageMatrix) - bottomCut + topEnv
topLowerEnvelope <- nrow(imageMatrix) - bottomCut + topLowerEnv
bottomUpperEnvelope <- nrow(imageMatrix) - bottomCut + bottomUpperEnv
bottomEnvelope <- nrow(imageMatrix) - bottomCut + bottomEnv
else if (returnType == "RolledImageScaled") {
topEnvelope <- topEnv
topLowerEnvelope <- topLowerEnv
bottomUpperEnvelope <- bottomUpperEnv
bottomEnvelope <- bottomEnv
else {
stop("returnType is not correct, please look at documentation,
type can be RolledImageScaled, PlottingScaled, or MatrixScaled")
return(list(TopEnvelope = topEnvelope,
TopLowerEnvelope = topLowerEnvelope,
BottomUpperEnvelope = bottomUpperEnvelope,
BottomEnvelope = bottomEnvelope))
#' Create Trace
#' Takes a top and bottom trace on an isolated image and creates line, with MA smoothing
#' @param traceMatrix The matrix of an isolated trace
#' @param start Start line for the trace
#' @param end End line for the trace
#' @param topEnv The top envelope for the isolated trace Matrix
#' @param bottomEnv The bottom envelope for the isolated trace Matrix
#' @param thresh The threshold for the diff() as a cut off for allowed spikes
#' @param MARange The amount in each direction that the moving average will look at (added to the region value)
#' @param region The region that is smoothed by the moving average
#' @param loopNumber How many times it will go through this process, (to catch the new peaks from smoothing)
#' @return Matrix of the line, corrected for the matrix
#' @export
create_trace <- function(traceMatrix, start, end, topEnv, bottomEnv, thresh = 5, MARange = 6, region = 2, loopNumber = 4){
traceLine <- vector()
for (i in start:end) {
column <- traceMatrix[,i]
trace <- which(column == 1)
if (length(trace) > 0) {
top <- trace[1]
bottom <- trace[length(trace)]
middleOfTrace <- round((top + bottom) / 2)
else {
middleOfTrace <- round((topEnv[i] + bottomEnv[i]) / 2)
traceLine <- append(traceLine, middleOfTrace)
for (j in 1:loopNumber) {
jumpsUp <- which(abs(diff(traceLine)) >= thresh) # to catch the spikes
if (length(jumpsUp) > 0 ) {
jumpsUp <- jumpsUp + 1 # correction so we land on the jumps not the one before the jump
for (i in jumpsUp) {
if (i < MARange + region + 1) {
traceLine[i] <- mean(traceLine[0:(i + MARange)]) #MA smoothing
else if ((i + MARange + region) > length(traceLine)) {
traceLine[i] <- mean(traceLine[(i - MARange):length(traceLine)]) #MA smoothing
traceLine[(i - region):(i + region)] <- mean(traceLine[(i - region - MARange):(i + region + MARange)]) #MA smoothing on the region
return(nrow(traceMatrix) - traceLine) # no jumps, just returning the line no corrections
#' Find Cut Positions
#' Attempts to find a straight line between the timing marks and the traces(.bottom_image_cut)
#' and a straight line between the traces and the writing at the top of the images(.top_image_cut)
#' @param imageMatrix imported with import_process_image() or an equivilent
#' @param cutPercentage A bound for which the start and end is never found, could be a flare
#' on the sides of the scanned image
#' @param percentFromEdge used in find_peaks if you know there wont be a peak
#' in a region
#' @param percentEdgeForLeft passed into find peaks, if not specified (NULL), uses
#' percentFromEdge for both left and right sides, if specified, percentFromEdge
#' is defaulted to just the right side of the plot
#' @param shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros smallest gap allowed to be found to consider
#' the trace not intersecting the timing marks in pixels
#' @return list of the top and bottom cuts, warnings are returned if exist
#' @export
find_cuts <- function(imageMatrix, cutPercentage = 2, percentFromEdge = 2,
percentEdgeForLeft = NULL, shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros = 25){
imageSides <- .get_trace_start_ends(imageMatrix, returnMat = FALSE,
cutPercentage = cutPercentage) # two vertical lines for top and bottom est
imageWithoutSides <- imageMatrix[, -c(0:imageSides$Start, #takes away the sides found above
# finds top horizontal line
topCut <- tryCatch(.top_image_cut(imageMatrix = imageWithoutSides, percentFromEdge = percentFromEdge,
percentEdgeForLeft = percentEdgeForLeft), warning = function(w) w)
#finds bottom horizontal line
bottomCut <- tryCatch(.bottom_image_cut(imageMatrix = imageWithoutSides,
percentEdgeForLeft = percentEdgeForLeft,
percentFromEdge = percentFromEdge,
shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros = shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros),
warning = function(w) w)
return(list(TopCut = topCut, BottomCut = bottomCut )) # warnings are caught one level above
#' Isolation of Two Traces
#' Uses envelopes to create two different matrices with one trace on each
#' NOTE: make sure that your envelopes are scaled to your matrix
#' @param imageMatrix The processed Image matrix with import_process_image()
#' and trimmed if applicable
#' @param topLowerEnvelope Bottom envelope for the top trace (scaled to your matrix correctly)
#' @param topEnvelope Top envelope for the top trace (scaled to your matrix correctly)
#' @param bottomEnvelope Bottom envelope for the bottom trace (scaled to your matrix correctly)
#' @param bottomUpperEnvelope The top envelope for the second trace (scaled to your matrix correctly)
#' @return list of both isolated trace matrices
#' @export
isolate_traces <- function(imageMatrix, topEnvelope, topLowerEnvelope,
bottomUpperEnvelope, bottomEnvelope){
topTraceMatrix <- .isolating_trace(imageMatrix, topEnvelope,
bottomTraceMatrix <- .isolating_trace(imageMatrix, bottomUpperEnvelope,
return(list(TopTraceMatrix = topTraceMatrix, BottomTraceMatrix = bottomTraceMatrix))
#' Plotting Successful Digitization
#' @param imageMatrix Matrix for a certain image (scaled)
#' @param rolledImage Using mean_roll_image
#' @param topCut A point which indicates a horizontal line between the top text
#' and the first trace
#' @param bottomCut A point which indicates a horizontal line between the bottom trace
#' and the timing marks (if a line can be found)
#' @param topStartEnds Top trace start and ends for isolated trace
#' @param bottomStartEnds Bototm trace start and ends for isolated trace
#' @param topTrace Top trace matrix for the isolated trace
#' @param bottomTrace Bottom trace matrix for the isolated trace
#' @param max_roc Maximum rate of change allowed between two pixels on the line before deemed as noisee
#' @param sepDist How far you want the envelope to be below the line you are tracing
#' @param maxNoise The length of creating points allowed before considered to be off of the trace
#' @param pathToWorkingDir Which directory you want the image to end up in
#' @param imageName The name of the image (usually the file name)
#' @param plotEnv The envelope that you would like to put onto the plot
#' @param intersectionFlag If intersection is known to user, or is found with TISI or TIS,
#' will not plot full, will consider it to be a failed process plot
#' @return void
#' @export
plot_success <- function(imageMatrix, rolledImage, topCut, bottomCut, topStartEnds,
bottomStartEnds, topTrace, bottomTrace, plotEnv, maxNoise = 250,
max_roc = 35, sepDist = 10, pathToWorkingDir = "~/", imageName,
intersectionFlag = FALSE){
#Adjusting the length of the top and bottom trace to be the same as the imageMatrix
startTop <- vector()
startTop[0:(topStartEnds$Start - 1)] <- topTrace[1]
endTop <- vector()
endTop[0:length((topStartEnds$End + 1):ncol(imageMatrix))] <- topTrace[length(topTrace)]
startBottom <- vector()
startBottom[0:(bottomStartEnds$Start - 1)] <- bottomTrace[1]
endBottom <- vector()
endBottom[0:length((bottomStartEnds$End + 1):ncol(imageMatrix))] <- bottomTrace[length(bottomTrace)]
newTopTrace <- c(startTop, topTrace, endTop)
newBottomTrace <- c(startBottom, bottomTrace, endBottom)
#Scaling the envelopes for plotting Not sure why I put this in here...
# plotEnvelopes <- find_envelopes(rolledImage = rolledImage, imageMatrix = imageMatrix,
# bottomCut = bottomCut, returnType = "PlottingScaled",
# maxNoise = maxNoise, max_roc = max_roc, sepDist = sepDist)
plotEnvelopes <- plotEnv
if (isFALSE(intersectionFlag)) {
datePieces <- strsplit(as.character(Sys.time()), split = "-")
timePieces <- strsplit(datePieces[[1]][3], ":")
spaceRemove <- strsplit(timePieces[[1]][1], " ")
time <- as.character(paste0(datePieces[[1]][1], datePieces[[1]][2],
spaceRemove[[1]][1], spaceRemove[[1]][2],
timePieces[[1]][2], timePieces[[1]][3]))
grDevices::png(paste0(pathToWorkingDir, imageName,"-",time,"-plot", ".png"))
}else{# is an intersection so we consider it a fail process
datePieces <- strsplit(as.character(Sys.time()), split = "-")
timePieces <- strsplit(datePieces[[1]][3], ":")
spaceRemove <- strsplit(timePieces[[1]][1], " ")
time <- as.character(paste0(datePieces[[1]][1], datePieces[[1]][2],
spaceRemove[[1]][1], spaceRemove[[1]][2],
timePieces[[1]][2], timePieces[[1]][3]))
grDevices::png(paste0(pathToWorkingDir, imageName,"-",time ,"-FailToProcess", "-plot", ".png"))
graphics::lines(plotEnvelopes$TopEnvelope, col = "green")
graphics::lines(plotEnvelopes$TopLowerEnvelope, col = "yellow")
graphics::lines(plotEnvelopes$BottomUpperEnvelope, col = "green")
graphics::lines(plotEnvelopes$BottomEnvelope, col = "yellow")
graphics::lines(newTopTrace, col = "red")
graphics::lines(newBottomTrace, col = "red")
graphics::abline(h = (nrow(imageMatrix) - topCut), col = "red")
graphics::abline(h = (nrow(imageMatrix) - bottomCut), col = "red")
graphics::abline(v = topStartEnds, col = "green")
graphics::abline(v = bottomStartEnds, col = "orange")
grDevices::dev.off() #close png file
#' Plot for Fail Processed Images
#' @param imageMatrix Matrix for an image(scaled)
#' @param topCut A point which indicates a horizontal line between the top text
#' and the first trace
#' @param bottomCut A point which indicates a horizontal line between the bottom trace
#' and the timing marks (if a line can be found)
#' @param pathToWorkingDir Which directory you want the image to end up in
#' @param imageName The file name of the image
#' @return void
#' @export
plot_with_warnings <- function(imageMatrix, topCut, bottomCut, pathToWorkingDir,
#ifelse(!dir.exists( file.path(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess")), dir.create( file.path(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess")), FALSE)
#newPathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
# 2. Create a plot
datePieces <- strsplit(as.character(Sys.time()), split = "-")
timePieces <- strsplit(datePieces[[1]][3], ":")
spaceRemove <- strsplit(timePieces[[1]][1], " ")
time <- as.character(paste0(datePieces[[1]][1], datePieces[[1]][2],
spaceRemove[[1]][1], spaceRemove[[1]][2],
timePieces[[1]][2], timePieces[[1]][3]))
grDevices::png(paste0(pathToWorkingDir, imageName, "-" ,time, "-FailToProcess-Plot",".png"))
graphics::abline(h = (nrow(imageMatrix) - topCut), col = "green")
graphics::abline(h = (nrow(imageMatrix) - bottomCut), col = "green")
graphics::text("This Isn't Processed", x = 3000, y = 1500, col = "orange")
# Close the png file
#' Rough Trim for Sides
#' trims the right and left sides if the user knows where there will definitely not be any points
#' @param trimAmountLeft in percentage
#' @param trimAmountRight in percentage
#' @param image A matrix
#' @return the matrix without the specified bounds
#' @export
trim_sides <- function(image, trimAmountLeft = 2, trimAmountRight = 2){
leftPerc <- trimAmountLeft/100
rightPerc <- trimAmountRight/100
if (leftPerc > 1 || rightPerc > 1) {
return(stop("The percentage cant be over 100"))
if (leftPerc != 0 & rightPerc != 0) {
imageProcessed <- image[,-c(1:round((leftPerc*ncol(image))), (ncol(image) + 1 - round(rightPerc*ncol(image))):ncol(image))]
else if (leftPerc != 0) {
imageProcessed <- image[,-c(1:round((leftPerc*ncol(image))))]
else if (rightPerc != 0) {
imageProcessed <- image[,-c((ncol(image) + 1 - round(rightPerc*ncol(image))):ncol(image))]
#' Trim on top and bottom of the image in pixels for consistency
#' trims the top and bottom if the user knows where there will definitely not be any points
#' @param image A matrix
#' @param trimAmountTop Number of pixels
#' @param trimAmountBottom Number of pixels
#' @return the matrix without the specified bounds
#' @export
trim_top_bottom <- function(image, trimAmountTop = 100, trimAmountBottom = 50){
if (trimAmountTop + trimAmountBottom > nrow(image)) {
return(stop("You have trimmed all the image, peakse reduce trim amounts"))
if (trimAmountTop != 0 & trimAmountBottom != 0) {
imageProcessed <- image[-c(1:trimAmountTop, (nrow(image) - trimAmountBottom + 1):nrow(image)),]
else if (trimAmountTop != 0) {
imageProcessed <- image[-c(1:trimAmountTop),]
else if (trimAmountBottom != 0) {
imageProcessed <- image[-c((nrow(image) - trimAmountBottom + 1):nrow(image)),]
#' Envelope Starts and Ends
#' A better version of .get_image_starts_ends but meant for single traces that
#' are isolated on their own picture.
#' @param traceMatrix a single isolated trace, with only one trace(no timing on the plot)
#' @param thresh How far it will go before deciding were already past the numbers at start of traces
#' @param returnMatrix Will return the cut matrix if TRUE, if FALSE will return list of the Start and End
#' @param gapLengthCutoff How Large the gap between the text and the trace must be in order to consider that
#' point the new start, if gap is less then cutoff, will keep looking until it gets to the thresh value
#' @return list of the Start and End or cut matrix
#' @export
env_start_end <- function(traceMatrix, thresh = 300, gapLengthCutoff = 20, returnMatrix = TRUE){
startFound <- FALSE
endFound <- FALSE
indicatorStart <- FALSE
indicatorEnd <- FALSE
gapLength <- 0
#Starting at the left side
for (i in 1:ncol(traceMatrix)) {
if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) != 0 & isFALSE(startFound) & isFALSE(indicatorStart)) {
startFound <- TRUE
possibleStarts <- i
counter <- i
if (isTRUE(indicatorStart)) {
break # need this to exit for loop
#done the gap after the first found, seeing if the length is correct
else if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) != 0 & isFALSE(startFound) & isTRUE(indicatorStart)) {
possibleStarts <- i
if (gapLength > gapLengthCutoff) {
gapLength <- 0
possibleStarts <- counter
indicatorStart <- FALSE
startFound <- TRUE
else if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) == 0 & isTRUE(startFound)) {
if (counter + thresh > i) { #the new gap was found within the threshold limit
startFound <- FALSE
indicatorStart <- TRUE # this is the second time through the first part
#( therefore past the number at the first of the trace)
#the intermediate part, foun a first start and a second start, seeing how long it is
else if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) == 0 & isFALSE(startFound) & isTRUE(indicatorStart)) {
gapLength <- gapLength + 1
gapLength <- 0
#now starting at the other side of the image
for (j in 1:(ncol(traceMatrix) - 1)) {
i <- ncol(traceMatrix) - j
if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) != 0 & isFALSE(endFound) & isFALSE(indicatorEnd)) {
endFound <- TRUE
possibleEnds <- i
counter <- i
if (isTRUE(indicatorEnd)) {
break # need this to exit for loop
#done the gap after the first found, seeing if the length is correct
else if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) != 0 & isFALSE(endFound) & isTRUE(indicatorEnd)) {
possibleEnds <- i
if (gapLength > gapLengthCutoff) {
gapLength <- 0
possibleEnds <- counter
indicatorEnd <- FALSE
endFound <- TRUE
else if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) == 0 & isTRUE(endFound)) {
if (counter - thresh < i) { #the new gap was found within the threshold limit
endFound <- FALSE
indicatorEnd <- TRUE # this is the second time through the first part
#( therefore past the number at the first of the trace)
#the intermediate part, found a first start and a second start, seeing how long it is
else if (sum(traceMatrix[,i]) == 0 & isFALSE(endFound) & isTRUE(indicatorEnd)) {
gapLength <- gapLength + 1
if (isFALSE(returnMatrix)) {
return(list(Start = possibleStarts, End = possibleEnds))
else {
#' Intersection Check
#' Takes to envelope lines and checks to see if the lower is higher then the
#' upper
#' @param topEnv The top envelope of the comparison
#' @param bottomEnv The bottom envelope of the comparison
#' @param imageName Name of the image for the warning if cross
#' @param rmAmount The amount ignored from both the right and left sides
#' of the image where possible trace lines could intersect because of noise
#' This is to ensure that false intersections aren't found between the two traces
#' @return warning if there is an intersection
#' @export
intersection_check <- function(topEnv, bottomEnv, imageName, rmAmount = 300){
for (m in rmAmount:(min(c(length(bottomEnv), length(topEnv))) - rmAmount)) { #Checking for intersection between the two lines
if (topEnv[m] >= bottomEnv[m]) { # reversed because indexing is upsidedown for images
return(warning(paste0("There is an intersection at (", topEnv[m], ", ", m, ")")))
return(FALSE) # there is no intersection in the bounds
#' Trace Spike Check
#' Looks for abnormal spikes in the trace that wasn't smoothed out before
#' @param trace a single trace
#' @param spikeThreshold how big the difference has to be to be considered to be a spike
#' @return
#' @export
spike_check <- function(trace, spikeThreshold = 50){
if (length(which(abs(diff(trace)) > spikeThreshold)) > 0) {
return(warning("abnormal spike in the top trace"))
#' Triple Trace Checking
#' Using find_peaks, checks for three traces on the same Image, These can't be done
#' currently by this alg
#' @param imageMatrix Horizontal image processed
#' @param minDistance The min distance aloud between found peaks
#' @param thresholdHeight How separated the heights of the three peaks can be
#' @param thresholdDistance How far the timing lines can be from each other(
#' saves the cases when the peaks are same height as the timing traces)
#' @param percentFromEdge the distance alows from the edge of the image
#' @param topCut from .topCut() line between the text and the two traces
#' @param bottomCut from .bottomCut() line after traces before the two timing marks
#' @param threshCutImage how much different the peak heights have to be in the cut image
#' for the image to be considered to be a triple.
#' @return TRUE or FALSE for finding a triple or not
triple_check <- function(imageMatrix, topCut, bottomCut, minDistance = 50, percentFromEdge = 2, thresholdHeight = 200,
thresholdDistance = 250, threshCutImage = 500){
sums <- rowSums(imageMatrix)
tripleCheck <- find_peaks(sums, minDistance = minDistance, maxPeakNumber = 6,
percentFromEdge = percentFromEdge, plots = FALSE)
sumsCut <- rowSums(imageMatrix[-c(0:topCut, bottomCut:nrow(imageMatrix)), ])
cutCheck <- find_peaks(sumsCut, minDistance = minDistance, maxPeakNumber = 4,
percentFromEdge = percentFromEdge, plots = FALSE)
if (length(tripleCheck$Index) == 6) { # possible a triple so we check weather
#the timing peaks are close together in heights
#this can be an indication that there are possibly three traces on the image
if (tripleCheck$Height[5] - thresholdHeight <= tripleCheck$Height[4] &
tripleCheck$Height[4] <= tripleCheck$Height[5] + thresholdHeight &
tripleCheck$Height[5] - thresholdHeight <= tripleCheck$Height[6] &
tripleCheck$Height[6] <= tripleCheck$Height[5] + thresholdHeight) {
#checking that the three peaks are sufficiently close to eachother
if (tripleCheck$Index[5] - thresholdDistance <= tripleCheck$Index[4] &
tripleCheck$Index[4] <= tripleCheck$Index[5] + thresholdDistance &
tripleCheck$Index[5] - thresholdDistance <= tripleCheck$Index[6] &
tripleCheck$Index[6] <= tripleCheck$Index[5] + thresholdDistance) {
return(warning("Possible Triple Found"))
if (length(cutCheck$Index) == 4) { # possible a triple so we check weather
#the timing peaks are close together in heights ( for the cut image ( there will be four where there should be 2))
#this can be an indication that there are possibly three traces on the image
max <- max(cutCheck$Height)
count <- 0
for (i in 1:4) {
if (max + threshCutImage >= cutCheck$Height[i] &
max - threshCutImage <= cutCheck$Height[i]) {
count <- count + 1
# if two others are in that range then they are probabily a tripple set
if (count >= 3) {
return(warning("Possible Triple Found"))
return(FALSE) # this is if the other two dont return anything
#' TIS: Trace Identification Through Separation
#' Combines all other functions to allow the user to digitize one image.
#' All parameters are adjustable to allow for attempts to digitize more then one
#' type of image. Recommended to experiment with all individual functions, then set
#' parameters in this function to do the total digitiziation.
#' Beta 0 and Beta1 are required for the brightness, changes the method for the
#' image processing, if an image is bright, the parameters change to try and remove
#' the over exposure so the envelopes can be more accurate around a trace. These
#' can be found using a logistic regression with the predictor of the proportion of
#' pixels above 0.8 scaled by the total number of pixels. The user imput the response
#' variable, a decision of 0(not bright) and 1(bright) for a large number of images,
#' to "train" the algorithm what to decide.
#' @param imageName The name of the file
#' @param fileLoc Path from ~/ to the dir where the file is
#' @param pathToWorkingDir Path of where the plots should be saved to
#' @param HDVcheck For Magneto project only, use FALSE otherwise
#' @param plotPNG TRUE or FALSE if you want plots saved or just data returned
#' @param trimAmountTop Number of pixels removed from top of image (usually for common flares)
#' @param trimAmountBottom Number of pixels removed from bottom of image
#' @param beta0 The intercept of a logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#' Logistic regression on the decision if an image can be considered to be bright
#' based off of a user deciding bright or non bright on a large set of images
#' @param beta1 The slope of the logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#' @param cutoffProbability The probability cut off for the decision of an imageMatrix being bright
#' @param NADefault The default value to replace NA's found in the matrix
#' @param FilterBright Vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel,
#' which will be used to perform either delation or erosion, such as c(13,13)
#' @param FilterNonBright Vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel,
#' which will be used to perform either delation or erosion, such as c(8,8)
#' @param methodBright For bright images, choose 'delation'(adds to image, making brights brighter) or
#' 'erosion' (subtracts from image, making brights darker) to occur during processing
#' @param methodNonBright For non bright images, choose 'delation'(adds to image, making brights brighter) or
#' 'erosion' (subtracts from image, making brights darker) to occur during processing
#' @param thresholdBright should be between 0 and 1 for black and white pixels, where the Default = 0.8
#' anything over the threshold will be 1(white) and anything under will be turned to 0(black)
#' @param thresholdNonBright should be between 0 and 1 for black and white pixels, where the Default = 0.5
#' anything over the threshold will be 1(white) and anything under will be turned to 0(black)
#' @param trimAmountRight Percentage of the image that is guaranteed to not have
#' any trace in it(mostly used to remove over exposure from the scanning process)
#' @param trimAmountLeft Percentage of the image that is guaranteed to not have
#' any trace in it(mostly used to remove over exposure from the scanning process)
#' @param peakPercFromEdge Used in find_peaks if you know there won't be any relevant data in that region
#' for finding rowSum peaks. This percentage is removed from consideration in find_peaks
#' in a region (look at rowSums of the matrix to see the peaks for this parameter)
#' @param peakPercentFromEdgeLeftSide Passed into find peaks, if not specified (NULL), uses
#' peakPercFromEdge for both left and right sides. If specified, peakPercFromEdge
#' is defaulted to just the right side of the plot
#' (look at rowSums of the matrix to see the peaks for this parameter)
#' @param cutPercentage Usually the min of either trimAmountLeft or trimAmountRight
#' @param shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros Smallest gap allowed between the lower trace
#' and the timing marks, before the trace is considered to intersect with the timing marks
#' @param tripleCheckMinDistance Minimum distance allowed between found peaks from rowSums(). Ensures that the user
#' has max one point per peak (only used for magneto, make large if not needed)
#' @param tripleThresholdHeight How different the heights can be for three peaks
#' to be considered to be a triple set of peaks (only used for magneto, make 0 if not needed)
#' @param tripleThresholdDistance How far apart the peaks can be for the them to be
#' considered to be a set of triples (only used for magneto, make large if not needed)
#' @param threshCutImage Used in triple_check as a second way to check for triples,
#' takes the cut image(no timing or writing on the image) it then finds peaks and checks for 3 peaks(a triple)
#' Same definition as the tripleThresholdDistance but different value needed because different scale
#' @param OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes How far off of the trace you would like the envelope to be
#' used as a safety net to catch any parts of the trace that might not be detected
#' @param maxEnvelopeROC The max difference (rate of change) between any two points of the trace envelope before
#' the outlier point will be removed and considered to be noise, these are usually seen as jumps in the envelopes
#' @param maxNoise The max amount of points created off of the trace before the
#' envelope can be considered to be not filling in a gap but being off of the
#' trace entirely, will correct after this number
#' @param envelopeStartEndThreshold The default vertical start and end location for the trace lines,
#' if they aren't found automatically
#' @param intersetionRemoveAmount The amount ignored from both the right and left sides
#' of the image where possible trace lines could intersect because of noise
#' This is to ensure that false intersections aren't found between the two traces
#' @param CreateTraceThreshold During the final digitization lines of traces,
#' any difference found higher then the CreateTraceThreshold between any two points will be smoothed with a MA
#' @param MARange The amount of points in each direction that the moving average
#' will look at to calculate the MA on (added to the region value for the whole MARange)
#' @param region The number of points inside the MA that will be corrected to the MA value
#' @param loopNumber The amount of times the MA Smoothing will happen, to guarantee elimination of other peaks that could be
#' created from the MA
#' @param spikeThreshold The difference in height between two pixels in the final digitization lines
#' checks for abnormal spikes in the tracing algorithm, could be due to a jump from one trace to another
#' (anything above the threshold will be sent to warning)
#' @param k See rollMean() in zoo package for details
#' @param saveData allows the user to save the data to the working directory
#' @param gapLengthCutoff How large the gap between the writing at the start of the trace (seen in Fig 7)
#' and the actual start of the trace must be in order to consider that point the new start, if gap is less
#' then cutoff, will keep looking until it gets to the thresh value. If no writing on start of traces,
#' this can be set to 0.
#' @return
#' @export
TIS <- function(imageName, fileLoc, pathToWorkingDir = "~/",
HDVcheck = FALSE, plotPNG = TRUE, saveData = FALSE,
trimAmountTop = 100,
trimAmountBottom = 50, beta0 = -2.774327,
beta1 = 51.91687, cutoffProbability = 0.5,
NADefault = 0, FilterBright = c(13, 13),
FilterNonBright = c(8, 8),
methodBright = "delation",
methodNonBright = "delation",
thresholdBright = 0.8,
thresholdNonBright = 0.5, trimAmountLeft = 2, trimAmountRight = 2,
peakPercFromEdge = 2, peakPercentFromEdgeLeftSide = 25,
cutPercentage = 2, shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros = 25,
tripleCheckMinDistance = 50, tripleThresholdHeight = 200,
tripleThresholdDistance = 250, threshCutImage = 500,
OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes = 10, maxEnvelopeROC = 35, maxNoise = 250,
envelopeStartEndThreshold = 300, intersetionRemoveAmount = 1000,
CreateTraceThreshold = 5, MARange = 6, region = 2,
loopNumber = 4, spikeThreshold = 50, k = 40, gapLengthCutOff = 20){
traceWarnings <- vector()
typeCheck <- NULL # if you aren't using the HDV check
flag <- FALSE
intersectionFlag <- FALSE
rolledImage <- NULL
dirChangeFlag <- FALSE
if (isTRUE(HDVcheck)) {
# HDV Checking for Magnetograms ----------------------------------------------
typeCheck <- tryCatch(.hdv_check(imageName), warning = function(w) w)
if (inherits(typeCheck, "warning")) {
return(warning(typeCheck)) # will return the warning if an HDV is found
else {
# Process The Image ----------------------------------------------------------
imageMatrix <- tryCatch(import_process_image(imageName = imageName, file_loc = fileLoc,
trimAmountTop = trimAmountTop,
trimAmountBottom = trimAmountBottom, beta0 = beta0,
beta1 = beta1, cutoffProbability = cutoffProbability,
NADefault = NADefault, FilterBright = FilterBright,
FilterNonBright = FilterNonBright,
methodBright = methodBright,
methodNonBright = methodNonBright,
thresholdBright = thresholdBright,
thresholdNonBright = thresholdNonBright), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(imageMatrix, "error")) {
#takes off the usual flair spots
imageSideCut <- trim_sides(imageMatrix, trimAmountLeft = trimAmountLeft,
trimAmountRight = trimAmountRight)
imageCut <- trim_top_bottom(imageSideCut, trimAmountTop = trimAmountTop,
trimAmountBottom = trimAmountBottom)
# Find the Top and Bottom Cut for the Image -----------------------------------
topBottomCuts <- tryCatch(find_cuts(imageCut, percentFromEdge = peakPercFromEdge,
percentEdgeForLeft = peakPercentFromEdgeLeftSide,
cutPercentage = cutPercentage,
shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros = shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(topBottomCuts, "error")) {
topCut <- topBottomCuts$TopCut # line between the words and the top trace
bottomCut <- topBottomCuts$BottomCut # line between the timing traces and the bottom trace
if (inherits(topCut, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, topCut)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
flag = TRUE #wont process, but will put a plot out into the pwd
topCut <- 0
if (inherits(bottomCut, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, bottomCut)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
flag = TRUE #wont process, but will put a plot out into the pwd
bottomCut <- nrow(imageCut)
if (isFALSE(flag)) {
# Check for a Triple Set of Traces -------------------------------------------
tripleBool <- tryCatch(triple_check(imageMatrix = imageCut, topCut = topCut,
bottomCut = bottomCut, minDistance = tripleCheckMinDistance,
percentFromEdge = peakPercFromEdge, thresholdHeight = tripleThresholdHeight,
thresholdDistance = tripleThresholdDistance, threshCutImage = threshCutImage),
warning = function(w) w) #checking for triple trace images
if (inherits(tripleBool, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, tripleBool)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
flag = TRUE
# No Errors Found, Creating The Actual Traces --------------------------------
# else {
# Creating Envelopes ---------------------------------------------------------
# Gets rid of small gaps
rolledImage <- mean_roll_image(imageMatrix = imageCut, topcut = topCut,
bottomcut = bottomCut, fill = "extend", k = k) #to get a more consistent image
# Creates the matrix scaled envelope
matrixEnvelopes <- find_envelopes(imageMatrix = imageCut, rolledImage = rolledImage, bottomCut = bottomCut,
topCut = topCut,
returnType = "MatrixScaled", sepDist = OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes,
max_roc = maxEnvelopeROC, maxNoise = maxNoise)
# Creates the plotting scaled envelope for the return to the user
plotEnvelopes <- find_envelopes(rolledImage = rolledImage, imageMatrix = imageCut,
topCut = topCut,
bottomCut = bottomCut, returnType = "PlottingScaled",
maxNoise = maxNoise, max_roc = maxEnvelopeROC,
sepDist = OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes)
# Isolates both traces on their own plots
traceMatrices <- isolate_traces(imageCut, topEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$TopEnvelope,
topLowerEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$TopLowerEnvelope,
bottomUpperEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$BottomUpperEnvelope,
bottomEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$BottomEnvelope)
TopStartsEnds <- env_start_end(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$TopTraceMatrix,
returnMatrix = FALSE, thresh = envelopeStartEndThreshold,
gapLengthCutoff = gapLengthCutOff)
BottomStartsEnds <- env_start_end(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$BottomTraceMatrix,
returnMatrix = FALSE, thresh = envelopeStartEndThreshold,
gapLengthCutoff = gapLengthCutOff)
# Checking Envelopes for Intersections ---------------------------------------
intersection <- tryCatch(intersection_check(topEnv = matrixEnvelopes$TopLowerEnvelope,
bottomEnv = matrixEnvelopes$BottomUpperEnv,
imageName, rmAmount = intersetionRemoveAmount),
warning = function(w) w)
if (inherits(intersection, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, intersection)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
intersectionFlag <- TRUE
# Creating the Two Traces ----------------------------------------------------
topTrace <- create_trace(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$TopTraceMatrix,
start = TopStartsEnds$Start,
end = TopStartsEnds$End,
topEnv = matrixEnvelopes$TopEnvelope,
bottomEnv = matrixEnvelopes$TopLowerEnvelope,
thresh = CreateTraceThreshold,
MARange = MARange, region = region, loopNumber = loopNumber)
bottomTrace <- create_trace(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$BottomTraceMatrix,
start = BottomStartsEnds$Start,
end = BottomStartsEnds$End,
topEnv = matrixEnvelopes$BottomUpperEnvelope,
bottomEnv = matrixEnvelopes$BottomEnvelope,
thresh = CreateTraceThreshold,
MARange = MARange, region = region,
loopNumber = loopNumber)
# Checking for spikes in the traces ------------------------------------------
topTraceSpikeCheck <- tryCatch(spike_check(topTrace, spikeThreshold = spikeThreshold), warning = function(w) w)
bottomTraceSpikeCheck <- tryCatch(spike_check(bottomTrace, spikeThreshold = spikeThreshold), warning = function(w) w)
if (inherits(topTraceSpikeCheck, "warning") || inherits(bottomTraceSpikeCheck, "warning")) {
if (!is.null(topTraceSpikeCheck)) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, topTraceSpikeCheck)
if (isFALSE(intersectionFlag)){ # so we still get the full plot but it goes to the correct place
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
intersectionFlag <- TRUE
if (!is.null(bottomTraceSpikeCheck)) { # Sp we still get the full plot but it goes to the correct place
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, bottomTraceSpikeCheck)
if (isFALSE(intersectionFlag)){
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
intersectionFlag <- TRUE
# Plotting (if applicable) ---------------------------------------------------
time <- FALSE
if (isTRUE(plotPNG)){
if (isFALSE(flag)) {
time <- plot_success(imageMatrix = imageCut, rolledImage = rolledImage, topCut = topCut,
bottomCut = bottomCut, topStartEnds = TopStartsEnds, bottomStartEnds = BottomStartsEnds,
topTrace = topTrace, bottomTrace = bottomTrace, maxNoise = maxNoise, max_roc = maxEnvelopeROC,
sepDist = OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes, pathToWorkingDir = pathToWorkingDir, imageName = imageName,
intersectionFlag = intersectionFlag, plotEnv = plotEnvelopes) # adds fail to process dir on if intersection but keeps all info
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut, RolledImage = rolledImage,
PlotScaledEnvelopes = plotEnvelopes, TopTraceMatrix = topTrace,
TopTraceStartEnds = list(Start = TopStartsEnds$Start, End = TopStartsEnds$End),
BottomTraceMatrix = bottomTrace,
BottomTraceStartEnds = list(Start = BottomStartsEnds$Start, End = BottomStartsEnds$End),
Cuts = list(TopCut = topCut, BottomCut = bottomCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isTRUE(flag)) {
time <- plot_with_warnings(imageMatrix = imageCut, topCut = topCut, bottomCut = bottomCut
,pathToWorkingDir = pathToWorkingDir, imageName = imageName)
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut,
Cuts = list(TopCut = topCut, BottomCut = bottomCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isFALSE(flag)) {
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut, RolledImage = rolledImage,
PlotScaledEnvelopes = plotEnvelopes, TopTraceMatrix = topTrace,
TopTraceStartEnds = list(Start = TopStartsEnds$Start, End = TopStartsEnds$End),
BottomTraceMatrix = bottomTrace,
BottomTraceStartEnds = list(Start = BottomStartsEnds$Start, End = BottomStartsEnds$End),
Cuts = list(TopCut = topCut, BottomCut = bottomCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isTRUE(flag)) {
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut,
Cuts = list(TopCut = topCut, BottomCut = bottomCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isTRUE(saveData)) {
if (time == FALSE){
datePieces <- strsplit(as.character(Sys.time()), split = "-")
timePieces <- strsplit(datePieces[[1]][3], ":")
spaceRemove <- strsplit(timePieces[[1]][1], " ")
time <- as.character(paste0(datePieces[[1]][1], datePieces[[1]][2],
spaceRemove[[1]][1], spaceRemove[[1]][2],
timePieces[[1]][2], timePieces[[1]][3]))
saveRDS(totalReturn, file = paste0(pathToWorkingDir, imageName, "-",time, "Data.RDS"))
## dont need this right now, using multy processing in Digitization Computing#' TIS_automation
# @return
# @export
# TIS_automation <- function(DigitizationTODO, pathToDigitizationDir, keywordInImageName, ignoreErrorMessage = FALSE){
# # Dimension check on the DigitizationTODO Dataframe
# if (dim.data.frame(DigitizationTODO)[2] != 6) {
# Error <- "Your dataframe has the wrong dimentions, should be 6 columns with 3rd being TRUE or FALSE"
# return(stop(Error))
# }
# foundWithKeyword <- grep(keywordInImageName, x = DigitizationTODO$ImageName) # Find all images in DigitizationTODO
# #with that keyword
# for (i in foundWithKeyword) {
# if (DigitizationTODO$DigitizedYet[i] == "FALSE") { # Checking if digitized yet
# filePath <- as.character(DigitizationTODO$ImagePath[i])
# imageName <- as.character(DigitizationTODO$ImageName[i])
# ErrorMessage <- DigitizationTODO$ErrorWhenDigitized[i]
# if (is.na(ErrorMessage) || isTRUE(ignoreErrorMessage)) { # If there is an error message about the data (like there isn't any data)
# # Check for the year directory, if doesn't exist, it is created
# imagePWD <- .dir_Str(imageName = imageName, pathToWorkingDir = pathToDigitizationDir)
# # Do the digitization
# Digitization <- TIS(imageName = imageName, fileLoc = filePath, pathToWorkingDir = imagePWD, HDVcheck = TRUE)
# # Different outcomes for the digitization attempt
# if (length(Digitization$Warnings) == 0) { # no warnings, therefore a sucessfull digitization
# DigitizationTODO$DigitizedYet[i] = TRUE
# DigitizationTODO$DigitizationPath[i] = imagePWD
# DigitizationTODO$DigitizationName[i] = paste0(imageName, "-Digitized,RDS")
# saveRDS(Digitization, file = paste0(imagePWD, imageName, "-Digitized.RDS"))
# }
# else if (inherits(Digitization, "warning")) { #Should only happen if there is an HDV warning
# print(Digitization)
# DigitizationTODO$ErrorWhenDigitized[i] == Digitization
# }
# else {# there are warnings so, it is considered to be a failed to process not considered to be digitized yet
# print(Digitization$Warnings)
# DigitizationTODO$ErrorWhenDigitized[i] == Digitization$Warnings
# saveRDS(Digitization, file = paste0(imagePWD,"FailedToProcess/", imageName, "-FailToProcess-Data.RDS"))
# }
# }
# else {
# print("Skipping.. previous error when digitizing")
# print(DigitizationTODO$ErrorWhenDigitized[i])
# }
# }
# print("-----------")
# write.csv(DigitizationTODO, file = DigitizationTODOFileNameAndPath) # updates the .csv
# #after each digitization so that we won't loose any data
# }
# }
#' TISI: Trace Identification Through Separation for Improvement
#' Combines all other functions to allow the user to digitize one image. This function
#' allows for input of specific known envelopes set manually using the shiny application
#' along with this function.
#' All parameters are still adjustable like in TIS to allow for attempts to digitize more then one
#' type of image. Recommended to experiment with all individual functions, then set
#' parameters in this function to do the total digitization.
#' Beta 0 and Beta1 are required for the brightness, changes the method for the
#' image processing, if an image is bright, the parameters change to try and remove
#' the over exposure so the envelopes can be more accurate around a trace. These
#' can be found using a logistic regression with the predictor of the proportion of
#' pixels above 0.8 scaled by the total number of pixels. The user imput the response
#' variable, a decision of 0(not bright) and 1(bright) for a large number of images,
#' to "train" the algorithm what to decide.
#' @param imageName The name of the file
#' @param fileLoc Path from ~/ to the dir where the file is
#' @param pathToWorkingDir Path of where the plots should be saved to
#' @param HDVcheck For Magneto project only, use FALSE otherwise
#' @param plotPNG TRUE or FALSE if you want plots saved or just data returned
#' @param trimAmountTop Number of pixels removed from top of image (usually for common flares)
#' @param trimAmountBottom Number of pixels removed from bottom of image
#' @param beta0 The intercept of a logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#' Logistic regression on the decision if an image can be considered to be bright
#' based off of a user deciding bright or non bright on a large set of images
#' @param beta1 The slope of the logistic regression default is for magnetograms
#' @param cutoffProbability The probability cut off for the decision of an imageMatrix being bright
#' @param NADefault The default value to replace NA's found in the matrix
#' @param FilterBright Vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel,
#' which will be used to perform either delation or erosion, such as c(13,13)
#' @param FilterNonBright Vector specifying the dimensions of the kernel,
#' which will be used to perform either delation or erosion, such as c(8,8)
#' @param methodBright For bright images, choose 'delation'(adds to image, making brights brighter) or
#' 'erosion' (subtracts from image, making brights darker) to occur during processing
#' @param methodNonBright For non bright images, choose 'delation'(adds to image, making brights brighter) or
#' 'erosion' (subtracts from image, making brights darker) to occur during processing
#' @param thresholdBright should be between 0 and 1 for black and white pixels, where the Default = 0.8
#' anything over the threshold will be 1(white) and anything under will be turned to 0(black)
#' @param thresholdNonBright should be between 0 and 1 for black and white pixels, where the Default = 0.5
#' anything over the threshold will be 1(white) and anything under will be turned to 0(black)
#' @param trimAmountRight Percentage of the image that is guaranteed to not have
#' any trace in it(mostly used to remove over exposure from the scanning process)
#' @param trimAmountLeft Percentage of the image that is guaranteed to not have
#' any trace in it(mostly used to remove over exposure from the scanning process)
#' @param peakPercFromEdge Used in find_peaks if you know there won't be any relevant data in that region
#' for finding rowSum peaks. This percentage is removed from consideration in find_peaks
#' in a region (look at rowSums of the matrix to see the peaks for this parameter)
#' @param peakPercentFromEdgeLeftSide Passed into find peaks, if not specified (NULL), uses
#' peakPercFromEdge for both left and right sides. If specified, peakPercFromEdge
#' is defaulted to just the right side of the plot
#' (look at rowSums of the matrix to see the peaks for this parameter)
#' @param cutPercentage Usually the min of either trimAmountLeft or trimAmountRight
#' @param shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros Smallest gap allowed between the lower trace
#' and the timing marks, before the trace is considered to intersect with the timing marks
#' @param tripleCheckMinDistance Minimum distance allowed between found peaks from rowSums(). Ensures that the user
#' has max one point per peak (only used for magneto, make large if not needed)
#' @param tripleThresholdHeight How different the heights can be for three peaks
#' to be considered to be a triple set of peaks (only used for magneto, make 0 if not needed)
#' @param tripleThresholdDistance How far apart the peaks can be for the them to be
#' considered to be a set of triples (only used for magneto, make large if not needed)
#' @param threshCutImage Used in triple_check as a second way to check for triples,
#' takes the cut image(no timing or writing on the image) it then finds peaks and checks for 3 peaks(a triple)
#' Same definition as the tripleThresholdDistance but different value needed because different scale
#' @param OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes How far off of the trace you would like the envelope to be
#' used as a safety net to catch any parts of the trace that might not be detected
#' @param maxEnvelopeROC The max difference (rate of change) between any two points of the trace envelope before
#' the outlier point will be removed and considered to be noise, these are usually seen as jumps in the envelopes
#' @param maxNoise The max amount of points created off of the trace before the
#' envelope can be considered to be not filling in a gap but being off of the
#' trace entirely, will correct after this number
#' @param envelopeStartEndThreshold The default vertical start and end location for the trace lines,
#' if they aren't found automatically
#' @param intersetionRemoveAmount The amount ignored from both the right and left sides
#' of the image where possible trace lines could intersect because of noise
#' This is to ensure that false intersections aren't found between the two traces
#' @param CreateTraceThreshold During the final digitization lines of traces,
#' any difference found higher then the CreateTraceThreshold between any two points will be smoothed with a MA
#' @param MARange The amount of points in each direction that the moving average
#' will look at to calculate the MA on (added to the region value for the whole MARange)
#' @param region The number of points inside the MA that will be corrected to the MA value
#' @param loopNumber The amount of times the MA Smoothing will happen, to guarantee elimination of other peaks that could be
#' created from the MA
#' @param spikeThreshold The difference in height between two pixels in the final digitization lines
#' checks for abnormal spikes in the tracing algorithm, could be due to a jump from one trace to another
#' (anything above the threshold will be sent to warning)
#' @param k See rollMean() in zoo package for details
#' @param improvement TRUE or FALSE depending on if you are adding any of the improvement features,
#' causes TISI to ignore some check
#' @param saveData TRUE or FALSE if wanting a .RDS file saved to dir along with the image if plotPNG is TRUE
#' @param improveTopBottomCuts Vector of length two consisting of the two points as heights that will
#' become the new top and bottom cuts respectively
#' @param improveTTopEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for top of the top envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param improveBTopEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for Bottom of the top envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param improveTBottomEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for top of the bottom envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param improveBBottomEnvelope data.frame of col x and col y representing points for bottom of the bottom envelope pair
#' doesn't need to be a point for each column in original picture, will fill in the blanks
#' @param improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd Vector of length 2, start and end point respectively
#' @param improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd Vector of length 2, start and end point respectively
#' @param gapLengthCutoff How large the gap between the writing at the start of the trace (seen in Fig 7)
#' and the actual start of the trace must be in order to consider that point the new start, if gap is less
#' then cutoff, will keep looking until it gets to the thresh value. If no writing on start of traces,
#' this can be set to 0.
#' @return
#' @export
TISI <- function(imageName, fileLoc, pathToWorkingDir = "~/",
improvement = FALSE,
HDVcheck = FALSE, plotPNG = TRUE,
saveData = FALSE,
improveTopBottomCuts = NA,
improveTTopEnvelope = NA, improveBTopEnvelope = NA,
improveTBottomEnvelope = NA,
improveBBottomEnvelope = NA,
improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd = NA,
improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd = NA,
trimAmountTop = 100,
trimAmountBottom = 50,
trimAmountLeft = 2,
trimAmountRight = 2,
beta0 = -2.774327,
beta1 = 51.91687, cutoffProbability = 0.5,
NADefault = 0, FilterBright = c(13, 13),
FilterNonBright = c(8, 8),
methodBright = "delation",
methodNonBright = "delation",
thresholdBright = 0.8,
thresholdNonBright = 0.5,
peakPercFromEdge = 2, peakPercentFromEdgeLeftSide = 25,
cutPercentage = 2, shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros = 25,
tripleCheckMinDistance = 50, tripleThresholdHeight = 200,
tripleThresholdDistance = 250, threshCutImage = 500,
OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes = 10, maxEnvelopeROC = 35, maxNoise = 250,
envelopeStartEndThreshold = 300, intersetionRemoveAmount = 1000,
CreateTraceThreshold = 5, MARange = 6, region = 2,
loopNumber = 4, spikeThreshold = 50, k = 40, gapLengthCutoff = 20){
pathToWorkingDir <- .dir_Str_Improvement(imageName = imageName, pathToWorkingDir = pathToWorkingDir)
traceWarnings <- vector()
typeCheck <- NULL # if you aren't using the HDV check
flag <- FALSE
intersectionFlag <- FALSE
rolledImage <- NULL
dirChangeFlag <- FALSE
if (isTRUE(HDVcheck)) {
# HDV Checking for Magnetograms ----------------------------------------------
typeCheck <- tryCatch(.hdv_check(imageName), warning = function(w) w)
if (inherits(typeCheck, "warning")) {
return(warning(typeCheck)) # will return the warning if an HDV is found
else {
# Process The Image ----------------------------------------------------------
imageMatrix <- tryCatch(import_process_image(imageName = imageName, file_loc = fileLoc,
trimAmountTop = trimAmountTop,
trimAmountBottom = trimAmountBottom, beta0 = beta0,
beta1 = beta1, cutoffProbability = cutoffProbability,
NADefault = NADefault, FilterBright = FilterBright,
FilterNonBright = FilterNonBright,
methodBright = methodBright,
methodNonBright = methodNonBright,
thresholdBright = thresholdBright,
thresholdNonBright = thresholdNonBright), error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(imageMatrix, "error")) {
#takes off the usual flair spots
imageSideCut <- trim_sides(imageMatrix, trimAmountLeft = trimAmountLeft,
trimAmountRight = trimAmountRight)
imageCut <- trim_top_bottom(imageSideCut, trimAmountTop = trimAmountTop,
trimAmountBottom = trimAmountBottom)
# Find the Top and Bottom Cut for the Image -----------------------------------
if (!is.na(improveTopBottomCuts[1])){
if(is.vector(improveTopBottomCuts) & length(improveTopBottomCuts) == 2){
topCut <- nrow(imageCut) - improveTopBottomCuts[1] + 100 - 35
bottomCut <- nrow(imageCut) - improveTopBottomCuts[2] + 100 - 35 # this this might be 100 check
return(warning("wrong number of items in the
vector for top and bottom cuts improvment, should be length 2"))
topBottomCuts <- tryCatch(find_cuts(imageCut, percentFromEdge = peakPercFromEdge,
percentEdgeForLeft = peakPercentFromEdgeLeftSide,
cutPercentage = cutPercentage,
shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros = shortestAllowedSeqOfZeros),
error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(topBottomCuts, "error")) {
topCut <- topBottomCuts$TopCut # line between the timing traces and the bottom trace
bottomCut <- topBottomCuts$BottomCut # line between the words and the top trace
if (isFALSE(improvement) & inherits(topCut, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, topCut)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
flag = TRUE #wont process, but will put a plot out into the pwd
topCut <- 0
if (isFALSE(improvement) & inherits(bottomCut, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, bottomCut)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
flag = TRUE #wont process, but will put a plot out into the pwd
bottomCut <- nrow(imageCut)
if (isFALSE(flag)) {
# Check for a Triple Set of Traces -------------------------------------------
tripleBool <- tryCatch(triple_check(imageMatrix = imageCut, topCut = topCut,
bottomCut = bottomCut, minDistance = tripleCheckMinDistance,
percentFromEdge = peakPercFromEdge, thresholdHeight = tripleThresholdHeight,
thresholdDistance = tripleThresholdDistance, threshCutImage = threshCutImage),
warning = function(w) w) #checking for triple trace images
if (inherits(tripleBool, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, tripleBool)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
flag = TRUE
# No Errors Found, Creating The Actual Traces --------------------------------
# else {
# Creating Envelopes ---------------------------------------------------------
# Gets rid of small gaps
if (isTRUE(improvement) & inherits(topCut, "warning")){
topCut <- 0
if (isTRUE(improvement) & inherits(bottomCut, "warning")){
bottomCut <- ncol(imageCut)
rolledImage <- mean_roll_image(imageMatrix = imageCut, topcut = topCut,
bottomcut = bottomCut, fill = "extend", k = k) #to get a more consistent image
# Creates the matrix scaled envelope
matrixEnvelopes <- find_envelopes(imageMatrix = imageCut, rolledImage = rolledImage, bottomCut = bottomCut,
topCut = topCut,
returnType = "MatrixScaled", sepDist = OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes,
max_roc = maxEnvelopeROC, maxNoise = maxNoise,
improveTTopEnvelope = improveTTopEnvelope,
improveBTopEnvelope = improveBTopEnvelope,
improveTBottomEnvelope = improveTBottomEnvelope,
improveBBottomEnvelope = improveBBottomEnvelope,
trimTop = trimAmountTop, trimBottom = trimAmountBottom)
# Creates the plotting scaled envelope for the return to the user
plotEnvelopes <- find_envelopes(rolledImage = rolledImage, imageMatrix = imageCut,
bottomCut = bottomCut, returnType = "PlottingScaled",
topCut = topCut,
maxNoise = maxNoise, max_roc = maxEnvelopeROC,
sepDist = OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes,
improveTTopEnvelope = improveTTopEnvelope,
improveBTopEnvelope = improveBTopEnvelope,
improveTBottomEnvelope = improveTBottomEnvelope,
improveBBottomEnvelope = improveBBottomEnvelope,
trimTop = trimAmountTop, trimBottom = trimAmountBottom)
# Isolates both traces on their own plots
traceMatrices <- isolate_traces(imageCut, topEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$TopEnvelope,
topLowerEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$TopLowerEnvelope,
bottomUpperEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$BottomUpperEnvelope,
bottomEnvelope = matrixEnvelopes$BottomEnvelope)
# Creating the start and ends for the two traces ------------------------------
if (!is.na(improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd[1]) & length(improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd) == 2){
TopStartsEnds <- data.frame(Start = improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd[1],
End = improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd[2])
else if (!is.na(improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd[1]) & length(improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd != 2)){
warning("improveTopEnvelopeStartEnd should be a vector of two points")
else {
TopStartsEnds <- env_start_end(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$TopTraceMatrix,
returnMatrix = FALSE, thresh = envelopeStartEndThreshold,
gapLengthCutoff = gapLengthCutoff)
if (!is.na(improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd[1]) & length(improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd) == 2){
BottomStartsEnds <- data.frame(Start = improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd[1],
End = improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd[2])
else if (!is.na(improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd[1]) & length(improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd != 2)){
warning("improveBottomEnvelopeStartEnd should be a vector of two points")
else {
BottomStartsEnds <- env_start_end(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$BottomTraceMatrix,
returnMatrix = FALSE, thresh = envelopeStartEndThreshold,
gapLengthCutoff = gapLengthCutoff)
# Checking Envelopes for Intersections ---------------------------------------
if (isFALSE(improvement)){
intersection <- tryCatch(intersection_check(topEnv = matrixEnvelopes$TopLowerEnvelope,
bottomEnv = matrixEnvelopes$BottomUpperEnv,
imageName, rmAmount = intersetionRemoveAmount),
warning = function(w) w)
if (inherits(intersection, "warning")) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, intersection)
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
intersectionFlag <- TRUE
# Creating the Two Traces ----------------------------------------------------
topTrace <- create_trace(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$TopTraceMatrix,
start = TopStartsEnds$Start,
end = TopStartsEnds$End,
topEnv = matrixEnvelopes$TopEnvelope,
bottomEnv = matrixEnvelopes$TopLowerEnvelope,
thresh = CreateTraceThreshold,
MARange = MARange, region = region, loopNumber = loopNumber)
bottomTrace <- create_trace(traceMatrix = traceMatrices$BottomTraceMatrix,
start = BottomStartsEnds$Start,
end = BottomStartsEnds$End,
topEnv = matrixEnvelopes$BottomUpperEnvelope,
bottomEnv = matrixEnvelopes$BottomEnvelope,
thresh = CreateTraceThreshold,
MARange = MARange, region = region,
loopNumber = loopNumber)
# Checking for spikes in the traces ------------------------------------------
if (isFALSE(improvement)){
topTraceSpikeCheck <- tryCatch(spike_check(topTrace, spikeThreshold = spikeThreshold), warning = function(w) w)
bottomTraceSpikeCheck <- tryCatch(spike_check(bottomTrace, spikeThreshold = spikeThreshold), warning = function(w) w)
if (inherits(topTraceSpikeCheck, "warning") || inherits(bottomTraceSpikeCheck, "warning")) {
if (!is.null(topTraceSpikeCheck)) {
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, topTraceSpikeCheck)
if (isFALSE(intersectionFlag)){ # so we still get the full plot but it goes to the correct place
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
intersectionFlag <- TRUE
if (!is.null(bottomTraceSpikeCheck)) { # Sp we still get the full plot but it goes to the correct place
traceWarnings <- append(traceWarnings, bottomTraceSpikeCheck)
if (isFALSE(intersectionFlag)){
if (isFALSE(dirChangeFlag)) {
pathToWorkingDir <- paste0(pathToWorkingDir, "FailedToProcess/")
dirChangeFlag <- TRUE
intersectionFlag <- TRUE
# Plotting (if applicable) ---------------------------------------------------
time = FALSE
if (isTRUE(plotPNG)){
if (isFALSE(flag)) {
time <- plot_success(imageMatrix = imageCut, rolledImage = rolledImage, topCut = topCut,
bottomCut = bottomCut, topStartEnds = TopStartsEnds, bottomStartEnds = BottomStartsEnds,
topTrace = topTrace, bottomTrace = bottomTrace, maxNoise = maxNoise, max_roc = maxEnvelopeROC,
sepDist = OffsetDistanceForEnvelopes, pathToWorkingDir = pathToWorkingDir, imageName = imageName,
intersectionFlag = intersectionFlag, plotEnv = plotEnvelopes) # adds fail to process dir on if intersection but keeps all info
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut, RolledImage = rolledImage,
PlotScaledEnvelopes = plotEnvelopes, TopTraceMatrix = topTrace,
TopTraceStartEnds = list(Start = TopStartsEnds$Start, End = TopStartsEnds$End),
BottomTraceMatrix = bottomTrace,
BottomTraceStartEnds = list(Start = BottomStartsEnds$Start, End = BottomStartsEnds$End),
Cuts = list(TopCut = bottomCut, BottomCut = topCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isTRUE(flag)) {
time <- plot_with_warnings(imageMatrix = imageCut, topCut = topCut, bottomCut = bottomCut
,pathToWorkingDir = pathToWorkingDir, imageName = imageName)
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut,
Cuts = list(TopCut = bottomCut, BottomCut = topCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isFALSE(flag)) {
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut, RolledImage = rolledImage,
PlotScaledEnvelopes = plotEnvelopes, TopTraceMatrix = topTrace,
TopTraceStartEnds = list(Start = TopStartsEnds$Start, End = TopStartsEnds$End),
BottomTraceMatrix = bottomTrace,
BottomTraceStartEnds = list(Start = BottomStartsEnds$Start, End = BottomStartsEnds$End),
Cuts = list(TopCut = topCut, BottomCut = bottomCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isTRUE(flag)) {
totalReturn <- list(ImageCutMatrix = imageCut,
Cuts = list(TopCut = topCut, BottomCut = bottomCut),
Warnings = traceWarnings)
if (isTRUE(saveData)) {
if (time == FALSE){
datePieces <- strsplit(as.character(Sys.time()), split = "-")
timePieces <- strsplit(datePieces[[1]][3], ":")
spaceRemove <- strsplit(timePieces[[1]][1], " ")
time <- as.character(paste0(datePieces[[1]][1], datePieces[[1]][2],
spaceRemove[[1]][1], spaceRemove[[1]][2],
timePieces[[1]][2], timePieces[[1]][3]))
saveRDS(totalReturn, file = paste0(pathToWorkingDir, imageName,"-", time, "Data.RDS"))
return(c(totalReturn, newImageLoc = paste0(pathToWorkingDir, imageName,"-", time, "Data.RDS")))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.