
Defines functions nfd_ism getSubsetOfData ism.matrix ism.xts ism.nfd ism.crss_nf ism.crssi ism

Documented in ism ism.crssi ism.crss_nf ism.matrix ism.nfd ism.xts

#' Apply the Index Sequential Method
#' `ism()` applies the Index Sequential Method to a single trace of data to 
#' create multiple traces. `ism()` will work on matrices, [xts], [nfd], 
#' [crss_nf], and [crssi] objects. `ism_get_site_matrix()` is a deprecated 
#' precursor to this function that only works on `xts` objects.
#' `ism()` will determine if the data are annual or monthly (or contain both for
#' objects inheriting from `nfd`), and will act accordingly. The time step can
#' be forced by using `is_monthly`, but that is only necessary for matrices. 
#' If `is_monthly` is used with an `nfd` type object that contains annual and
#' monthly data, an error will occur.
#' @param x An R object. `ism()` is implemented for matrices, [xts], [nfd], 
#'   [crss_nf], and [crssi] objects.
#' @param n_years_keep The number of years of data to keep. This must be <= the
#'   number of years of data that exists in `x`. 
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to subsequent methods.
#' @return `ism()` returns an object of the same class as `x`, but with more
#'   traces, and potentially trimmed to the number of years specified by 
#'   `n_years_keep`.
#' @examples 
#' # monthly data, that will create a 48x4 xts matrix
#' t1 <- xts::xts(1:48, zoo::as.yearmon("Jan 2000") + seq(0,47)/12)
#' ism(t1)
#' # annual data that will create a 5 x 6 matrix
#' t2 <- xts::xts(1:6, zoo::as.yearmon("Dec 2000") + 0:5)
#' ism(t2, n_years_keep = 5)
#' @export
ism <- function(x, n_years_keep = NA, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname ism
ism.crssi <- function(x, n_years_keep = NA, ...)
  sac_year_type <- x[["sac_year_type"]]
  scen_number <- x[["scen_number"]]
  scen_name <- x[["scen_name"]]
  args <- list(...)
  if (exists("is_monthly", where = args))
    stop("is_monthly should not be passed to crssi as it contains monthly and annual data.")
  x <- suppressMessages(as_crss_nf(x))
  x <- ism.crss_nf(x, n_years_keep, ...)
  sac_year_type <- ism(sac_year_type, n_years_keep, ...)
  # rbuild crssi
  x[["sac_year_type"]] <- sac_year_type
  x[["n_trace"]] <- n_trace(x)
  x[["scen_number"]] <- scen_number
  if (!is.null(scen_name))
    x[["scen_name"]] <- scen_name
  class(x) <- c("crssi", class(x))

#' @export
#' @rdname ism
ism.crss_nf <- function(x, n_years_keep = NA, ...)
  x <- ism.nfd(x, n_years_keep, ...)
  class(x) <- c("crss_nf", "nfd")

#' @export
#' @rdname ism
ism.nfd <- function(x, n_years_keep = NA, ...)
  # check that n_trace == 1; ISM does not really make sense otherwise
    n_trace(x) == 1, 
    msg = paste0("x has ", n_trace(x), " traces of data.\n", 
                 "Cannot apply ISM to more than 1 trace.")
  # check that years and months overlap, strictly, if monthly and annual data
  # exist
  if (has_annual(x) && has_monthly(x)) {
      msg = paste0(
        "x has annual and monthly data that do not overlap 'exactly'.\n",
        "Try using `nfd_trim()` first."
    args <- list(...)
    if (exists("is_monthly", args))
      stop("is_monthly should not be passed to ism when the object contains annual and monthly data.")
  # for each flow_space/time_step, get the ism matrix
  mon_int <- nfd_ism(x, "intervening", "monthly", n_years_keep, ...)
  mon_tot <- nfd_ism(x, "total", "monthly", n_years_keep, ...)
  ann_int <- nfd_ism(x, "intervening", "annual", n_years_keep, ...)
  ann_tot <- nfd_ism(x, "total", "annual", n_years_keep, ...)
  # take all flow_space/time_step matrices and create a new nfd_object
  new_nfd(mon_int, mon_tot, ann_int, ann_tot, attr(x, "year"))

#' @export
#' @rdname ism
ism.xts <- function(x, n_years_keep = NA, ...)
    ncol(x) == 1, 
    msg = "ism() can only be applied to one column of data."
  args <- list(...)
  is_monthly <- args[["is_monthly"]]
  if (is.null(is_monthly) || isTRUE(is.na(is_monthly))) {
    is_monthly <- TRUE
    # if the number of rows is the same as the number of years, it is annual 
    # data
    if (xts::periodicity(x)[["scale"]] == "yearly") {
      is_monthly <- FALSE
  if (is.null(n_years_keep) || isTRUE(is.na(n_years_keep))) {
    if (is_monthly)
      n_years_keep <- nrow(x) / 12
      n_years_keep <- nrow(x)
  } else {
    if (is_monthly)
      tmp <- nrow(x) / 12
      tmp <- nrow(x)
      n_years_keep <= tmp,
      msg = '`n_years_keep` is more than the number of years in `x`'
  # make the data not an xts object so we can call ism.matrix
  x_mat <- zoo::coredata(x)
  x_mat <- ism(x_mat, n_years_keep, is_monthly)
  # now convert back to xts object with monthly time step
  ism_xts <- xts::xts(x_mat, order.by = zoo::index(x)[1:nrow(x_mat)])

#' @param is_monthly Boolean. `TRUE` if data are monthly. `FALSE` if data are 
#'   annual. See *Details*.
#' @export
#' @rdname ism
ism.matrix <- function(x, n_years_keep = NA, is_monthly, ...)
    ncol(x) == 1, 
    msg = "ism() can only be applied to one column of data."
  if (is_monthly) {
      nrow(x) %% 12 == 0, 
      msg = "Matrix must include full years of data, i.e., divisible by 12."
      nrow(x) >= 24,
      msg = "Must have at least 2 years of data to apply ISM."
    if (is.na(n_years_keep)) {
      n_years_keep <- nrow(x) / 12
    } else {
      assert_that(n_years_keep <= nrow(x) / 12)
    num_traces <- nrow(x) / 12
  } else {
      nrow(x) >= 2,
      msg = "Must have at least 2 years of data to apply ISM."
    if (is.na(n_years_keep)) {
      n_years_keep <- nrow(x)
    } else {
      assert_that(n_years_keep <= nrow(x))
    num_traces <- nrow(x)
  zz <- rbind(x, x) # now can easily loop through the data for ISM
  ism_matrix <- simplify2array(
    lapply(seq(num_traces), getSubsetOfData, zz, n_years_keep, is_monthly)

# returns subset of a data
# assumes monthly data
getSubsetOfData <- function(startYear, zz, nYrs, monthly)
    startI <- startYear * 12 - 11
    zz <- zz[startI:(nYrs * 12 + startI - 1)]
  } else{
    # annual data
    zz <- zz[startYear:(nYrs + startYear - 1)]

nfd_ism <- function(x, flow_space, time_step, n_years_keep = NA, ...)
  # grab trace 1 data
  # loop/apply by column, ism.xts
  # this will return a matrix that is time x traces
  tmp <- tryCatch(
    nfd_get_trace(x, 1, flow_space, time_step), 
    error = function(e) NULL, 
    finally = NULL
  if (is.null(tmp)) return(NULL)
  # list. Each entry is 1 site. Each matrix is time x trace
  y <- lapply(seq(n_sites(x)), function(i) {
    ism(tmp[,i], n_years_keep, ...)
  # need to convert to list where each entry is a trace and each matrix
  # is time x site
  # ncol gets the number of traces after ism is applied
  y <- lapply(seq(ncol(y[[1]])), function(nt) {
    site_mat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seq(n_sites(x)), function(ns) {
    colnames(site_mat) <- sites(x)
BoulderCodeHub/CRSSIO documentation built on July 2, 2023, 5:15 p.m.