
context("dbWork: runIDs organization")

#--- Inputs
dbpath <- tempdir()
flock <- tempfile(pattern = "rSFSW2lock", tmpdir = normalizePath(dbpath))
runsN_master <- 25L
include_YN <- rep(TRUE, runsN_master)
include_YN[c(1, 10, 24:25)] <- FALSE
expN <- 4L
runsN_total <- runsN_master * expN
runIDs_total <- seq_len(runsN_total)
runIDs <- runIDs_total[rep(include_YN, times = expN)]
sim_size <- list(runsN_master = runsN_master, runsN_total = runsN_total,
  expN = expN)
time_set3 <- c(50, 75, 125)
verbose <- FALSE

test_update <- function(i, dbpath, flock = NULL, verbose) {
  is_inwork <- dbWork_update_job(dbpath, i, "inwork", verbose = verbose)

  if (is_inwork) {
    todos <- dbWork_todos(dbpath)

    if (any(i == todos)) {
      dbWork_update_job(dbpath, i, "failed", verbose = verbose)

    } else {
      dbWork_update_job(dbpath, i, "completed", time_s = .node_id,
        verbose = verbose)

  } else {

expect_dbWork_check <- function(x, len, sum) {
  expect_s3_class(x, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(dim(x), c(len, 3L))
  expect_identical(colnames(x), c("completed", "failed", "inwork"))
  if (prod(dim(x)) > 0)
    expect_equal(sum(x), sum)

pretend_sim <- function(cl, runIDs, dbpath, flock, verbose) {

  temp <- if (is.null(cl)) {
      sapply(runIDs, test_update, dbpath = dbpath, flock = flock,
        verbose = verbose)

    } else {
      parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl, runIDs, test_update,
        dbpath = dbpath, flock = flock, verbose = verbose)

  # ELSE IF (not error)
  times <- dbWork_timing(dbpath)
  if (!(length(times) == length(runIDs))) {
    stop("not all runs completed or some failed")
  } else {

#--- Unit tests
test_that("dbWork: mock simulation in parallel", {
  # Skip these tests on CIs and CRAN because parallel code
  # will (likely) fail on CIs and on CRAN, e.g.,
  #  - travis  on July 21, 2017: "Error in .check_ncores(length(names)) :
  #    10 simultaneous processes spawned"


  # Only run these tests in parallel if not on cran, if not on travis, and if
  # not on appveyor
  do_parallel <- !identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "false") &&
    !(identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("TRAVIS")), "true") ||
    identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("APPVEYOR")), "true"))

  .node_id <- 0L

  if (do_parallel) {

    # Parallel setup
    temp <- max(2L, min(10L, parallel::detectCores() - 2L))
    ncores <- if (is.finite(temp)) temp else 2L
    cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(ncores)
    temp <- parallel::clusterApply(cl, seq_len(ncores),
      function(i) assign(".node_id", i, envir = globalenv()))
    parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl, iseed = 127)

    parallel::clusterCall(cl, fun = pkgload::load_all,
      path = pkg_temp_dir(), reset = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)

  } else {
    fail("dbWork: mock simulation in parallel: cannot run in parallel!")

  # Init
  unlink(flock, recursive = TRUE)
  expect_true(setup_dbWork(dbpath, sim_size, include_YN))
  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs)

  #--- Error due to locked database
  if (utils::packageVersion("rSFSW2") <= "2.5.5") {
    # This should fail with
    #Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
    #  100 nodes produced errors; first error: rsqlite_query_send: could not
    #  execute1: database is locked
    expect_error(pretend_sim(cl, runIDs, dbpath, flock = NULL, verbose))
  } else {
    # PR #256 introduced code to prevent such failures
    expect_silent(pretend_sim(cl, runIDs, dbpath, flock = NULL, verbose))

  #--- No error expected because dbWork is run with file locking
  # Init
  unlink(file.path(dbpath, "dbWork.sqlite3*"))
  unlink(flock, recursive = TRUE)
  expect_true(setup_dbWork(dbpath, sim_size, include_YN))

  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs)
  expect_s3_class(pretend_sim(cl, runIDs, dbpath, flock, verbose), "table")

  #--- Clean up
  if (do_parallel) {

  unlink(file.path(dbpath, "dbWork.sqlite3*"))
  unlink(flock, recursive = TRUE)

test_that("dbWork: access and manipulation functions", {
  # Init
  unlink(file.path(dbpath, "dbWork.sqlite3*"))
  unlink(flock, recursive = TRUE)
  expect_true(setup_dbWork(dbpath, sim_size, include_YN))

  # Testing 'dbWork_todos' and 'dbWork_Ntodo'
  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs)
  expect_identical(dbWork_Ntodo(dbpath), length(runIDs))

  # Testing 'dbWork_timing'
  #   - expect length 0 because no runID is completed and timed
  expect_length(dbWork_timing(dbpath), 0)
  #   - set runIDs along 'time_set3' as complete with specified timing
  for (k in seq_along(time_set3)) {
    expect_true(dbWork_update_job(dbpath, runIDs[k], "completed",
      time_s = time_set3[k], verbose = verbose))
    #   - expect timings for the completed runIDs
    expect_identical(dbWork_timing(dbpath), time_set3[seq_len(k)])
  #   - compare aggregated timing
  timing <- dbWork_timing(dbpath)
  agg_timing <- dbWork_agg_timing(dbpath)
  expect_equivalent(agg_timing["mean"], mean(timing))
  expect_equivalent(agg_timing["sd"], sd(timing))
  expect_equivalent(agg_timing["n"], length(timing))

  # Testing 'dbWork_report_completion'
    100 * length(timing) / length(runIDs))

  # Testing 'dbWork_check_run' (part 1 of 2)
  temp <- dbWork_check_run(dbpath, runIDs = runIDs[seq_along(time_set3)])
  expect_dbWork_check(temp, length(time_set3), length(time_set3))

  # Testing 'dbWork_redo'
  #   - incorrect runIDs arguments doesn't change dbWork
  expect_true(dbWork_redo(dbpath, runIDs = c(NULL, numeric(), -Inf, Inf, NA,
    NaN, FALSE, TRUE, "a", -1, runsN_total + 1)))
  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs[-seq_along(time_set3)])
  #   - attempt to reset runIDs which haven't completed yet
  expect_true(dbWork_redo(dbpath, runIDs = runIDs[-seq_along(time_set3)]))
  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs[-seq_along(time_set3)])
  #   - reset previously set runIDs along 'time_set3'
  expect_true(dbWork_redo(dbpath, runIDs = runIDs[seq_along(time_set3)]))
  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs)

  # Testing 'dbWork_check_run' (part 2)
  temp <- dbWork_check_run(dbpath, runIDs = runIDs[seq_along(time_set3)])
  expect_dbWork_check(temp, length(time_set3), 0L)
  #   - incorrect runIDs arguments returns a 0-row data.frame
  temp <- dbWork_check_run(dbpath, runIDs = c(NULL, numeric(), -Inf, Inf, NA,
    NaN, FALSE, TRUE, "a", -1, runsN_total + 1))
  expect_dbWork_check(temp, 0L, 0L)

  # Testing 'dbWork_clean'
  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs)
  expect_identical(dbWork_todos(dbpath), runIDs)

#--- Clean up
# remove "dbWork.sqlite3", "dbWork.sqlite3-shm", "dbWork.sqlite3-wal"
unlink(file.path(dbpath, "dbWork.sqlite3*"))
Burke-Lauenroth-Lab/rSFSW2 documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 5:20 p.m.