exportGeneNets: Create gene interaction networks for all significant gene...

Description Usage Arguments Author(s)

View source: R/gene_nets.R


Creates for every gene set present in one or more gene set networks a gene interaction network. This network shows all known or predicted protein-protein interactions between all genes in the gene set. Each network is written out to a file in GraphML format, with the extension .net.xml. Additionally, a file called gene_net_styles.viz.xml is created as well. This file contains for each gene set network a Cytoscape visualisation style which can be used to overlay the original expression data on top of the gene set-specific interaction network for. See the vignette for more details.


exportGeneNets(topTables, networks, collection, string, outDir,
  geneSetIDs = NULL, fields = c(geneID = "ENTREZID", symbol = "SYMBOL",
  logFC = "logFC", p = "adj.P.Val"))



A named list object containing one or more data frames. The names should be the same as those of networks argument. Each data frame should contain the expression analysis data used as input for the corresponding network in the networks arguments. They should at least contain four columns listing the NCBI Entrez Gene identifier, the gene symbol, the observed log-fold change and the (adjusted) p-value of each gene. See the description of the fields argument for details.


A named list object containing one or more gene set networks as returned by the setRankAnalysis function, based on the data in the topTables argument.


The gene set collection object used to create the gene set networks in the networks argument.


An igraph object containing a species-specific protein-protein interaction network from which to retrieve. You can use the SetRankTools set of scripts to generate this object for your species of interest.


The directory where to write the output files. If this directory doesn't exist, it will be created.


The list of gene set identifiers for which to create gene interaction networks. When omitted, the union of all gene sets found in the networks argument will be used.


A named vector of strings specifying the column names of the data frames in the topTables argument.


Cedric Simillion

C3c6e6/SetRank documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:12 a.m.