
Defines functions ui_solid_box ui_row make_columns ui_date_range ui_header_row ui_picker_program

Documented in make_columns ui_date_range ui_header_row ui_picker_program ui_row ui_solid_box

#' @title A pickerInput that provides active programs to select from
#' @param inputId \code{(namespaced character)} A character vector wrapped in `ns` from the parent environment.
#' @inherit shinyWidgets::pickerInput params return
#' @param inputId \code{(character)} Automatically namespace with ID `'project'` if non specified.
#' @inheritDotParams shinyWidgets::pickerInput
#' @param add_options \code{(list)} of options to add to existing defaults

#' @export

ui_picker_program <- function(
  label = "Select Program",
  inputId = rlang::caller_env()$ns("program"),
  choices = programs, 
  selected = NULL,
  multiple = TRUE,
  options = shinyWidgets::pickerOptions(liveSearch = TRUE,
                                        liveSearchStyle = 'contains',
                                        actionsBox = TRUE),
  add_options) {
  if (!missing(add_options))
    options <- purrr::list_modify(options, !!!do.call(shinyWidgets::pickerOptions, add_options))
    label = label,
    inputId = inputId,
    choices = choices,
    options = options,
    multiple = multiple,
    selected = selected,

#' @title The UI Header output
#' @param outputId \code{(namespaced character)} A character vector wrapped in `ns` from the parent environment.
#' @inheritParams bs4Dash::box
#' @return A fluidrow containing a minimizable box with the header
#' @export

ui_header_row <-
  function(outputId = rlang::caller_env()$ns("header"),
           width = 12,
           headerBorder = FALSE) {
      style = "padding: .1rem 1.25rem;",
      width = width,
      headerBorder = headerBorder

#' @title A date range picker with sensible defaults
#' @inherit shiny::dateRangeInput params return
#' @inheritDotParams shiny::dateRangeInput
#' @export

ui_date_range <- function(
  inputId = rlang::caller_env()$ns("date_range"),
  label = "Date Range",
  start = Sys.Date() - lubridate::days(7),
  end = Sys.Date(),
  min = rm_dates()$meta_HUDCSV$Export_Start,
  width = 300,
  ) {
    inputId = inputId,
    label = label,
    start = start,
    end = end,
    min = min,
    width = width,

#' @title Make columns from assorted shiny.tag elements
#' Sorts shiny.tags into columns based on the maximum number of columns (`max_cols`) per row
#' @param x \code{(shiny.tags)}
#' @param max_cols \code{(logical/integer)} Either `TRUE` **Default** for a default of 4 columns per row, `FALSE` for no columns, or an integer indicating the max number of columns. 
#' @return \code{(list(s))}
#' @export

make_columns <- function(x, max_cols = TRUE, fn = list(bs4Dash::box, bs4Dash::column)[[1]]) {
  max_cols <- purrr::when(isTRUE(max_cols),
                          . ~ 4, 
                          ~ max_cols)
  if (max_cols) {
    ld <- nrow(x)
    rows <- x |> 
      dplyr::mutate(.g = rep(1:ld, each = max_cols, length.out = ld)) |> 
      dplyr::group_by(.g) |> 
      dplyr::group_split(.keep = FALSE)
    out <- purrr::map(rows, ~{
      .cols <- .x
      .width = 12 %/% max_cols
              purrr::pmap(.cols, ~ {
                .args <- rlang::dots_list(..., .named = TRUE)
                .lgl <- names(.args) %in% rlang::fn_fmls_names(fn)
                .args <- append(.args[.lgl], unname(.args[!.lgl]))
                            width = .width
  } else 
    out <- x

#' @title A default full width row box.
#' @inheritParams bs4Dash::box
#' @return A full-width \link[bs4Dash]{box} nested in a row
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ui_row(tags$p("Hi"))
ui_row <- function(...,
                       title = NULL,
                       footer = NULL,
                       status = NULL,
                       solidHeader = FALSE,
                       background = NULL,
                       width = 12,
                       height = NULL,
                       collapsible = TRUE,
                       collapsed = FALSE,
                       closable = FALSE,
                       maximizable = FALSE,
                       icon = NULL,
                       gradient = FALSE,
                       boxToolSize = "sm",
                       elevation = NULL,
                       headerBorder = TRUE,
                       label = NULL,
                       dropdownMenu = NULL,
                       sidebar = NULL,
                       id = NULL,
                       box = TRUE
                       ) {
  .dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
  .args <- list(title = title,
                footer = footer,
                status = status,
                solidHeader = solidHeader,
                background = background,
                width = width,
                height = height,
                collapsible = collapsible,
                collapsed = collapsed,
                closable = closable,
                maximizable = maximizable,
                icon = icon,
                gradient = gradient,
                boxToolSize = "sm",
                elevation = elevation,
                headerBorder = headerBorder,
                label = label,
                dropdownMenu = dropdownMenu,
                sidebar = sidebar,
                id = id)
  if (UU::is_legit(.dots)) {
    out <- shiny::fluidRow(class = "ui_row", eval(
        purrr::when(box, . ~ bs4Dash::box, ~ shiny::tagList),
        !!!purrr::when(box,. && UU::is_legit(.dots) ~ append(.args, .dots), . ~ .args,  ~ .dots)
  } else
    out <- NULL

#' @title A default full width row box.
#' @inheritParams bs4Dash::box
#' @return A \link[bs4Dash]{box} with solid header
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ui_solid_box("Hi")
ui_solid_box <- function(...,
                       title = NULL,
                       footer = NULL,
                       status = NULL,
                       solidHeader = TRUE,
                       background = NULL,
                       width = 12,
                       height = NULL,
                       collapsible = TRUE,
                       collapsed = FALSE,
                       closable = FALSE,
                       maximizable = FALSE,
                       icon = NULL,
                       gradient = FALSE,
                       boxToolSize = "sm",
                       elevation = NULL,
                       headerBorder = TRUE,
                       label = NULL,
                       dropdownMenu = NULL,
                       sidebar = NULL,
                       id = NULL) {
  if (!missing(id))
    id = purrr::when(id, 
                     stringr::str_detect(., "^dq\\_box\\_", negate = TRUE) ~ paste0("dq_box_", .),
                     ~ .)
  .dots <- rlang::dots_list(...)
  if (UU::is_legit(.dots)) {
    out <- shiny::fluidRow(class = "ui_row", eval(
        title = title,
        footer = footer,
        status = status,
        solidHeader = solidHeader,
        background = background,
        width = width,
        height = height,
        collapsible = collapsible,
        collapsed = collapsed,
        closable = closable,
        maximizable = maximizable,
        icon = icon,
        gradient = gradient,
        boxToolSize = "sm",
        elevation = elevation,
        headerBorder = headerBorder,
        label = label,
        dropdownMenu = dropdownMenu,
        sidebar = sidebar,
        id = id,
  } else {
    out <- NULL

fun_arg_maker <- function(fn) {
  rlang::fn_fmls(fn) |> purrr::imap_chr(~paste0(.y, ifelse(!is.null(.x), paste0(" = ", .x), ""),",")) |> cat(sep = "\n")

fun_arg_pass <- function(fn) {
  rlang::fn_fmls(fn) |> purrr::imap_chr(~paste0(.y, " = ",.y,",")) |> cat(sep = "\n")

#' @title Construct a list from various elements
#' @description The `icon` is placed before `text`. Any additional arguments will be added after `text`.
#' @param x \code{(data.frame)} with a **Required** `text` column and **Optional** `style` & `icon` columns
#' @param ... named elements with which to make a data.frame.
#' @param ordered \code{(logical)}  Whether the list should be ordered `<ol>`
#' @return \code{(shiny.tag)}
#' @export

ui_list <- function(x, ..., l_style = NULL, ordered = FALSE) {
  if (missing(x))
    x <- tibble::tibble(...)
    purrr::when(ordered, . ~ shiny::tags$ol, shiny::tags$ul),
    style = l_style,
    !!!(x |>
          purrr::pmap( ~ {
            .x <- list(...)
            rlang::exec(shiny::tags$li, style = .x$style, .x$icon, .x$text,!!!.x[!names(.x) %in% c("text", "icon", "style")])

#' @title Iterative generate output functions
#' @param x \code{(list)} of items to iterate over
#' @param fn \code{(fn)} output function to apply
#' @param outputId \code{(character)} The namespace ID (1,2,3 will be appended for each iteration)
#' @param header_names \code{(logical)} Whether to create \link[shiny]{h4} headers above each item using the name
#' @param ns \code{(function)} ns function from the enclosing shiny context
#' @param ... Further arguments passed on to `fn`
#' @return \code{(shiny.tag.list)}
#' @export

iterate <- function(x, fn, outputId, env = rlang::caller_env(), output, ..., rc = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()) {
  is_ui <- missing(output)
  if (UU::is_legit(x)) {
    if (rlang::is_list(x))
      .x <- x
      .x <- list(x)
    if (is_ui) {
      out <- list()
    } else {
      out <- output
    for (i in seq_along(.x)) {
      if (UU::is_legit(names(.x)))
        out[[paste0("header", i)]] <- h4(names(.x[i]))
      .args <- list(
        purrr::when(is_ui, . ~ env$ns(paste0(outputId, i)), ~ .x[[i]]),
      out[[paste0(outputId, i)]] <- do.call(fn, .args, envir = env)
  if (is_ui)
    do.call(tagList, out)

#' @title Iterative generation of icons
#' @description Generates a list of icons based on the provided parameters using `shiny::icon`.
#' @param name \code{(character)} The name(s) of the icon(s) to generate.
#' @param class \code{(character, optional)} Additional CSS class(es) to apply to the icon(s).
#' @param lib \code{(character)} The library from which to source the icon(s). Default is "font-awesome".
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link[shiny]{icon}}.
#' @return A \code{tibble} with a column of generated icons as \code{shiny::icon} objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate icons with default parameters
#' ui_icons(name = c("home", "user", "cog"))

ui_icons <- function(name, class = NULL, lib = "font-awesome", ...) {
  tibble::tibble(name = name, class = class, lib = lib, ...) |> 
  purrr::pmap(~do.call(shiny::icon, list(...)))

simpleCard <- function(..., style = NULL, width = 4) {
  shiny::tags$div(class = glue::glue("col-12 col-md-{width}"),
                  shiny::tags$div(class = "card",
                                  if (!is.null(style))
                                    style = style,
                                  shiny::tags$div(class = "card-body",

icons = list(vet_active = ui_icons(name = c("check", "times",
                                          "question-circle", "exclamation-triangle"),
                                   style = glue::glue_data(list(color = c("teal", "tomato", "grey", "goldenrod"), fontsize = "150%"), "color: {color}; font-size: {fontsize}")) |> rlang::set_names(c("pass", "fail", "unknown", "alert")))

#' @title Create a bootstrap 4 Alert box
#' @param style \code{(character)} Inline style parameters to add
#' @inherit bs4Dash::bs4Card params return
#' @export

bs4Alert <- function(..., status = "primary", style = NULL, id = NULL, width = 6) {
  status <- UU::match_letters(status, n = 2, bs4Dash:::validStatuses)
   shiny::tags$div(class = paste0("alert alert-",status), role = "alert", ..., style = paste0("margin: 6px 5px 6px 15px;", ifelse(grepl(";$", style), style, paste0(style, ";"))), id = id)
COHHIO/RminorElevated documentation built on Nov. 14, 2024, 6:28 p.m.