
## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

## ----load libraries, results="hide", message = FALSE, warning=FALSE-----------


## ----simulation setup---------------------------------------------------------
#ground truth
groundTruth = data.frame(element = 1:200, meanEffect = c((1:100)/100,rep(0,100))) #targeting 200 elements, half of which do nothing

#guide - element map; 5 guides per element; gid is the guide ID
guideMap = data.frame(element = rep(groundTruth$element, 5), gid = 1:(5*nrow(groundTruth)), NT=FALSE, mean=rep(groundTruth$meanEffect, 5))
guideMap = rbind(guideMap, data.frame(element = NA, gid = (1:1000)+nrow(guideMap), NT=TRUE, mean=0)); # 1000 non-targeting guides

guideMap$abundance = rpois(n=nrow(guideMap), lambda=1000); #guide abundance drawing from a poisson distribution with mean=1000
guideMap$cells = rpois(n=nrow(guideMap), lambda=guideMap$abundance); #cell count drawing from a poisson distribution with mean the abundance from above

#create observarions for different guides, with expression drawn from normal(mean=mean, sd=1)
cellObservations = data.frame(gid = rep(guideMap$gid, guideMap$cells))
cellObservations = merge(cellObservations, guideMap, by="gid")
cellObservations$expression = rnorm(n=nrow(cellObservations), mean=cellObservations$mean);

#create the bin model for this experiment - this represents 6 bins, each of which are 10%, where A+B+C catch the bottom ~30% and D+E+F catch the top 30%; in an actual experiment, the true captured fractions should be used here. 
binBounds = makeBinModel(data.frame(Bin=c("A","B","C","D","E","F"), fraction=rep(0.1,6)))
  # in reality, we shouldn't assume this distribution is exactly normal - we can re-assign expression bin bounds based on quantiles 
  # of the actual simulated expression distribution.  If you run the next two lines, the answer will improve slightly, but the 
  # resulting graphs will look slightly different than those below.
  # correct for the actual distribution
  binBounds$binStartZ = quantile(cellObservations$expression, probs = binBounds$binStartQ);
  binBounds$binEndZ = quantile(cellObservations$expression, probs = binBounds$binEndQ);

# select some examples to inspect for both
exampleNT = sample(guideMap$gid[guideMap$NT],10);# non-targeting
exampleT = sample(guideMap$gid[!guideMap$NT],5);# and targeting guides

#plot the select examples and show the bin structure
p = ggplot(cellObservations[cellObservations$gid %in% c(exampleT, exampleNT),], 
  aes(x=expression, group=gid, fill=NT))+geom_density(alpha=0.2) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = sort(unique(c(binBounds$binStartZ,binBounds$binEndZ))),colour="gray") + 
  theme_classic() + scale_fill_manual(values=c("red","darkgray")) + xlab("Target expression") + 
  scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim=c(min(cellObservations$expression), max(cellObservations$expression)))+ 
  geom_segment(data=binBounds, aes(x=binStartZ, xend=binEndZ, colour=Bin, y=0, yend=0), size=5, inherit.aes = FALSE); 

## ----simulate sorting cells---------------------------------------------------
#for each bin, find which cells landed within the bin bounds
for(i in 1:nrow(binBounds)){
  cellObservations[[as.character(binBounds$Bin[i])]] = 
    cellObservations$expression > binBounds$binStartZ[i] & cellObservations$expression < binBounds$binEndZ[i];

#count the number of cells that ended up in each bin for each guide
binLevelData = cast(melt(cellObservations[c("gid","element","NT",as.character(binBounds$Bin))], 
  id.vars=c("gid","element","NT")), gid + element + NT + variable ~ ., fun.aggregate = sum)

#plot the cells/bin for each of our example guides
p = ggplot(binLevelData[binLevelData$gid %in% exampleNT,], aes(x=Bin, group=Bin, y=cells)) +
  geom_boxplot(fill="darkgray")+geom_line(data=binLevelData[binLevelData$gid %in% exampleT,], 
    aes(group=gid), colour="red")+  theme_classic()  + xlab("Expression bin") + 
  ylab("Captured cells/bin")  + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)); print(p)

## ----simulate sequencing------------------------------------------------------
#get the total number of cells sorted into each of the bins
totalCellsPerBin = cast(binLevelData,Bin ~ ., value="cells", fun.aggregate = sum)

#add bin totals to binLevelData
binLevelData = merge(binLevelData, totalCellsPerBin, by="Bin")

#generate reads for each guide per bin, following a negative binomial distribution
#n=number of observations; size= total reads per bin; prob= probability of not getting a read at each drawing
binLevelData$reads = rnbinom(n=nrow(binLevelData), size=binLevelData$totalCells*10, 
  prob=1- binLevelData$cells/binLevelData$totalCells)

#plot the distribution of reads for each example guide
p = ggplot(binLevelData[binLevelData$gid %in% exampleNT,], aes(x=Bin, group=Bin, y=reads)) +
  geom_line(data=binLevelData[binLevelData$gid %in% exampleT,], aes(group=gid), colour="red")+  
  theme_classic()  + xlab("Expression bin") + ylab("Reads/bin")  + scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)); 

## ----simulate unsorted cells--------------------------------------------------
binReadMat = cast(binLevelData, element+gid+NT ~ Bin, value="reads")

#pretend we sequence the unsorted cells to similar coverage as above:
guideMap$NS = rnbinom(n=nrow(guideMap), size=sum(guideMap$cells)*10, 
  prob=1- guideMap$abundance/sum(guideMap$cells))
binReadMat = merge(binReadMat, guideMap[c("gid","NS")], by="gid")

binReadMat$screen="test"; # here, we're only doing the one screen - this simulation

## ----run MAUDE----------------------------------------------------------------
# get guide-level stats 
guideLevelStats = findGuideHitsAllScreens(unique(binReadMat["screen"]), binReadMat, binBounds)

#get element level stats
elementLevelStats = getElementwiseStats(unique(guideLevelStats["screen"]),
  guideLevelStats, elementIDs="element",tails="upper")

## ----plor effects-------------------------------------------------------------
elementLevelStats = merge(elementLevelStats, groundTruth, by="element")

p = ggplot(elementLevelStats, aes(x=meanEffect, y=meanZ, colour=FDR<0.01)) + geom_point()+
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope=1) + theme_classic() + scale_colour_manual(values=c("darkgray","red")) + 
  xlab("True effect") + ylab("Inferred effect"); print(p)

## ----effets zoom in-----------------------------------------------------------
p = ggplot(elementLevelStats, aes(x=meanEffect, y=meanZ, colour=FDR<0.01)) + geom_point()+
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope=1) + theme_classic() + scale_colour_manual(values=c("darkgray","red")) + 
  coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0,0.1),ylim = c(0,0.1)) + xlab("True effect") + ylab("Inferred effect"); 
Carldeboer/MAUDE documentation built on March 27, 2022, 8:50 p.m.