
renderPDF <- function (
  keep_tex = FALSE, # passed from 'cleanup_aux_files'
  convert_header_levels = c(5,6),
  literasee_template = "sgp_report",
  pdf_template = "default",
  bibliography = "default",
  csl = "default",
  pandoc_args = NULL) {

  ###   Determine .Rmd/.md inputs

  #  rmd_input is same as rmd_input in renderMultiDocument, or has full YAML
  rmd_input <- sub("-Knitted.Rmd", ".Rmd", sub(file.path("Markdown", "raw_knitted", ""), "", input))

  #  Use HTML rendered .md file if it exists
  input.md <- file.path("HTML", "markdown", gsub(".Rmd", ".md", rmd_input, ignore.case=TRUE))
  if (!file.exists(input.md)) {
    input.md <- input

  ### Initial checks of alternative css and/or pandoc template

  ##  Check pandoc template
  if (pdf_template != "default") {
    if (!file.exists(pdf_template)) {
      stop("The pdf_template file that you've specified can't be found in the file path provided.")
  } else pdf_template <- system.file("rmarkdown", "templates", literasee_template, "resources", "pdf_report.tex" , package = "Literasee")

  ##  Check csl file
  if (!is.null(csl)) {
    if (csl != "default") {
      if (!file.exists(csl)) {
        stop("The csl file that you've specified can't be found in the file path provided.")
      } else csl <- paste("--csl", csl)
    } else csl <- paste("--csl", system.file("rmarkdown", "content", "bibliography", "apa-5th-edition.csl" , package = "Literasee"))

  ###  pandoc args
  if(number_sections) pdf_number_sections <- "--number-sections" else pdf_number_sections <- NULL

    if(any(grepl("--highlight-style", pandoc_args))) {
      highlight <- pandoc_args[grepl("--highlight-style", pandoc_args)]
      pandoc_args <- pandoc_args[!grepl("--highlight-style", pandoc_args)]
    } else {
      highlight <- "--highlight-style tango"
    if(any(grepl("--pdf-engine", pandoc_args))) {
      latex_engine <- pandoc_args[grepl("--pdf-engine", pandoc_args)]
      pandoc_args <- pandoc_args[!grepl("--pdf-engine", pandoc_args)]
    } else {
      latex_engine <- "--pdf-engine pdflatex"
  } else {
    highlight <- "--highlight-style tango"
    latex_engine <- "--pdf-engine pdflatex"
  }  #  END 'Initial checks'

  ###   Create PDF from .md output file

  ###  Get YAML from .Rmd file (as character vector)
  file <- file(rmd_input) # original rmd_input file
  rmd.text <- read_utf8(file) # , getOption("encoding")
  # Valid YAML could end in "---" or "..."  - test for both.
  rmd.yaml <- rmd.text[grep("---", rmd.text)[1]:ifelse(length(grep("---", rmd.text))>=2, grep("---", rmd.text)[2], grep("[.][.][.]", rmd.text)[1])]

  ###   Create .md file taylored for conversion to .pdf

  if (!dir.exists(file.path("PDF", "markdown"))) {
    dir.create(file.path("PDF", "markdown"), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)

  ###  Get .md file rendered from .rmd for html output
  file <- file(input.md)
  md.text <- read_utf8(file)

  ###   Check SGP_Report validity of markdown text
  if (any(grepl("<!-- HTML_Start", md.text))) {
    if (length(grep("<!-- HTML_Start", md.text)) != length(grep("<!-- LaTeX_Start", md.text))){
      stop("There must be equal number of '<!-- HTML_Start' and '<!-- LaTeX_Start' elements in the .Rmd file.")

  ###   Combine rmd.yaml and md.text so that HTML tags get reformated too.
  if (any(grepl("<!--SGPreport-->", md.text))) {
  	start.index <- grep("<!--SGPreport-->", md.text)
  	md.text <- c(rmd.yaml, md.text[start.index:length(md.text)])
  } else md.text <- c(rmd.yaml, md.text)

  ###   Reformat HTML Code to LaTeX
  tmp.latex.eqn <- list()
  for(j in grep("[{]55pt[}]", md.text)) {
  	if (grepl(" [\\][\\] ", md.text[j])) tmp.latex.eqn[[j]] <- "multline" else tmp.latex.eqn[[j]] <- "equation"
  	md.text[j] <- gsub(".*[{]55pt[}]", paste("\\\\begin{", tmp.latex.eqn[[j]], "}", sep=""), md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("[$][$]", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("[$][$]", paste("\\\\end{", tmp.latex.eqn[[j]], "}", sep=""), md.text[j])

  for(j in grep("<sup>th</sup>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("<sup>th</sup>", "$^{th}$", md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("<sup>st</sup>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("<sup>st</sup>", "$^{st}$", md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("<sup>rd</sup>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("<sup>rd</sup>", "$^{rd}$", md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("<br></br>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("<br></br>", "\\\\", md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("<em>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("<em>", "\\\\emph{", md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("</em>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("</em>", "}", md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("<strong>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("<strong>", "\\\\bf{", md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("</strong>", md.text)) md.text[j] <- gsub("</strong>", "}", md.text[j])

  ##  Clean up LaTeX tables
  for(j in grep("\\label[{]my[}]", md.text)) {
    md.text[j] <- gsub("[{]my[}]", paste("{table", strsplit(strsplit(md.text[j], "[*][*]Table ")[[1]][2], ":[*][*]")[[1]][1], "}", sep=""), md.text[j])
  for(j in grep("\\caption[{][*][*]Table", md.text)) {
    md.text[j] <- gsub(":[*][*]", ":}", gsub("\\caption[{][*][*]Table", "\\caption*{\\\\textbf{Table", md.text[j]))
  for(j in grep("[*][*]Table", md.text)) { # ztable doesn't have \caption
    md.text[j] <- gsub("\\\\end", "}\\\\end", gsub(":[*][*]", ":}", gsub("[*][*]Table", "\\\\caption*{\\\\textbf{Table", md.text[j])))

  ##  Scrub HTML code
  while(any(grepl("<!-- HTML_Start", md.text))) {
    html.index <- grep("<!-- HTML_Start", md.text)[1]
    latex.index<- grep("<!-- LaTeX_Start", md.text)[1]
    if (grepl("%", md.text[latex.index+1])) latex.index <- latex.index+1
    md.text <- md.text[-(html.index:latex.index)]

  md.text <- gsub("<!-- LaTeX_Start", "", md.text)
  md.text <- gsub("LaTeX_End -->", "", md.text)

  ##  Get rid of random latex(...) comments
  for(j in grep("%latex", md.text)) md.text[j] <- ""

  ##  Use implicit_figures in pandoc - move header (5 & 6) caption titles into markdown position :: i.e. ![{here}](img...)
  for (header.level in rev(convert_header_levels)) {
    header <- paste(paste(rep("#", header.level), collapse=""), "")
    index <- grep(header, md.text)

    for (i in index) {
      if(grepl("[[][]]", md.text[i+1])){
        md.text[i+1] <- gsub("[[][]]", paste("[", trimWhiteSpace(gsub(".*:[*][*]", "", gsub(header, "", md.text[i]))), "]", sep=""), md.text[i+1])
        md.text[i] <- ""
      } else {
        if(grepl("[[][]]", md.text[i+2])){
          md.text[i+2] <- gsub("[[][]]", paste("[", trimWhiteSpace(gsub(".*:[*][*]", "", gsub(header, "", md.text[i]))), "]", sep=""), md.text[i+2])
          md.text[i] <- ""

  ###   Write out *-pdf.md tailored file to disk
  pdf_md_path <- file.path("PDF", "markdown", gsub(".Rmd|.md", "-pdf.md", rmd_input))
  writeLines(md.text, pdf_md_path)

  ### system() call to pandoc

  ### Find pandoc - preference goes to Rstudio version (for now)
  #   my.pandoc <- ifelse(grepl("PANDOC", toupper(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC"))), Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_PANDOC"), rmarkdown:::find_program("pandoc"))
  my.pandoc <- rmarkdown::pandoc_exec()
  my.pandoc_citeproc <- pandoc_citeproc() # Taken from rmarkdown:::pandoc_citeproc

  if(nchar(my.pandoc)==0) stop(
    "The program 'pandoc' was not found. Check 'Sys.getenv(\"RSTUDIO_PANDOC\")'.  If necessary,
      please install pandoc directly or a version of Rstudio (>=v0.98.932) that also contains it.")

  ### Bibliography
  if(!is.null(bibliography)) {
    if (bibliography == "default") {
      biblio<-paste("--filter", my.pandoc_citeproc, "--bibliography",
                    system.file("rmarkdown", "content", "bibliography", "Literasee.bib" , package = "Literasee"))
    } else {
      if(file.exists(bibliography)) {
        biblio <- paste("--filter", my.pandoc_citeproc, "--bibliography", bibliography)
      } else stop("'bibliography:' file not found.")
  } else biblio <- NULL

  syst.call <- paste(my.pandoc, pdf_md_path, "--to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers --output ",
                     file.path("PDF", gsub(".Rmd|.md", ".pdf", rmd_input, ignore.case=TRUE)), biblio, " ", csl, "--template ",
                     pdf_template,  pdf_number_sections, highlight, latex_engine, pandoc_args)
  message(paste("\n\t Rendering PDF with system call to pandoc:\n\n", syst.call, "\n\n\tIntermediate file used: ", input.md, "\n"))

  if (keep_tex) system(paste(my.pandoc, pdf_md_path, "--to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers --output ", file.path("PDF", "markdown", gsub(".Rmd|.md", ".tex", rmd_input, ignore.case=TRUE)), biblio, " ", csl, "--template ", pdf_template,  pdf_number_sections, highlight, pandoc_args))
  if (!keep_tex & file.exists(file.path("PDF", gsub(".Rmd", ".tex", rmd_input, ignore.case=TRUE))))	file.remove(file.path("PDF", paste(gsub(".Rmd", "", rmd_input, ignore.case=TRUE), c("tex", "aux", "log", "out"), sep=".")))
}### End renderPDF
CenterForAssessment/Literasee documentation built on July 2, 2023, 6:21 p.m.