
Defines functions has_vignettes default_articles_index has_vignette data_articles_index_section data_articles_index build_articles_index update_rmarkdown_html tweak_rmarkdown_html build_rmarkdown_format render_rmd build_articles

Documented in build_articles

#' Build articles
#' Each Rmarkdown vignette in \code{vignettes/} and its subdirectories is
#' rendered. Vignettes are rendered using a special document format that
#' reconciles \code{\link[rmarkdown]{html_document}()} with your pkgdown
#' template.
#' @section YAML config:
#' To tweak the index page, you need a section called \code{articles},
#' which provides a list of sections containing, a \code{title}, list of
#' \code{contents}, and optional \code{description}.
#' For example, this imaginary file describes some of the structure of
#' the \href{http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/articles.html}{R markdown articles}:
#' \preformatted{
#' articles:
#' - title: R Markdown
#'   contents:
#'   - starts_with("authoring")
#' - title: Websites
#'   contents:
#'   - rmarkdown_websites
#'   - rmarkdown_site_generators
#' }
#' Note that \code{contents} can contain either a list of vignette names
#' (including subdirectories), or if the functions in a section share a
#' common prefix or suffix, you can use \code{starts_with("prefix")} and
#' \code{ends_with("suffix")} to select them all. If you don't care about
#' position within the string, use \code{contains("word")}. For more complex
#' naming schemes you can use an aribrary regular expression with
#' \code{matches("regexp")}.
#' pkgdown will check that all vignettes are included in the index
#' this page, and will generate a warning if you have missed any.
#' @section Supressing vignettes:
#' If you want articles that are not vignettes, either put them in
#' subdirectories or list in \code{.Rbuildignore}. An articles link
#' will be automatically added to the default navbar if the vignettes
#' directory is present: if you do not want this, you will need to
#' customise the navbar. See \code{\link{build_site}} details.
#' @param pkg Path to source package. If R working directory is not
#'     set to the source directory, then pkg must be a fully qualified
#'     path to the source directory (not a relative path).
#' @param path Output path. Relative paths are taken relative to the
#'     \code{pkg} directory.
#' @param depth Depth of path relative to root of documentation.  Used
#'     to adjust relative links in the navbar.
#' @param encoding The encoding of the input files.
#' @param quiet Set to `FALSE` to display output of knitr and
#'   pandoc. This is useful when debugging.
#' @param vignettes_directory Name of vignettes directory (defaults to vignettes)
#' @export
build_articles <- function(pkg = ".", path = "docs/articles", depth = 1L,
                           encoding = "UTF-8", quiet = TRUE, vignettes_directory="vignettes") {
  old <- set_pkgdown_env("true")

  pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg, vignettes_directory)
  path <- rel_path(path, pkg$path)
  if (!has_vignettes(pkg$path, vignettes_directory)) {

  rule("Building articles")

  # copy everything from vignettes/ to docs/articles
  copy_dir(file.path(pkg$path, vignettes_directory), path)

  art.style <- sapply(file.path(path, pkg$vignettes$file_in), function(f) getYAML(f, element="style:"))

  # Render each Rmd then delete them
  articles <- tibble::tibble(
    input = file.path(path, pkg$vignettes$file_in),
    output_file = pkg$vignettes$file_out,
    depth = pkg$vignettes$vig_depth + depth,
    style = art.style
  data <- list(
    pagetitle = "$title$",
    if (!is.null(pkg[['meta']][['DESCRIPTION']][['Description']])) {
      description = pkg[['meta']][['DESCRIPTION']][['Description']]
    } else {
      description = as.character(read_desc()$get('Description'))
    keywords = getGitHubTopics(pkg[['meta']][['navbar']][['right']][[1]][['href']]),
    repo_name = tail(unlist(strsplit(pkg[['meta']][['navbar']][['right']][[1]][['href']], "/")), 1) 
  purrr::pwalk(articles, render_rmd,
    pkg = pkg,
    data = data,
    encoding = encoding,
    quiet = quiet

  ###  PDF
  if (any(art.style=="tufte")){
    pdfs <- articles[art.style=="tufte", 1:2]
    pdfs$output_file <- file.path("..", gsub(".html", ".pdf", pdfs$output_file))
    pdfs$includes <- sapply(pdfs$input, function(f) searchYAML(f))
    pdfs$pandoc_args <- lapply(pdfs$input, function(f) {
      tmp.bib <- searchYAML(f, "bibligraphy")
      if (!is.null(tmp.bib)) tmp.bib <- c("--bibliography", tmp.bib)

    sapply(pdfs$input, function(f) scrubPDF(f))

    .render.pdfs <- function(row) {
      tmp.format <- packagePages::tufte_book(
        latex_engine = "xelatex",
        keep_tex = !quiet,
        includes = pdfs$includes[[row]],
        pandoc_args = pdfs$pandoc_args[[row]],
        number_sections = TRUE
      rmarkdown::render(input = pdfs$input[row], output_file = pdfs$output_file[row], output_format = tmp.format, clean = FALSE)

    sapply(1:nrow(pdfs), function(f) .render.pdfs(f))

  purrr::walk(articles$input, unlink)

  build_articles_index(pkg, path = path, depth = depth)


render_rmd <- function(pkg,
                       strip_header = FALSE,
                       data = list(),
                       toc = TRUE,
                       depth = 1L,
                       encoding = "UTF-8",
                       quiet = TRUE,
                       style = style) {
  message("Building article '", output_file, "'")

  format <- build_rmarkdown_format(pkg, depth = depth, data = data, toc = toc, style = style, input = input, output_file = output_file)
  on.exit(unlink(format$path), add = TRUE)

  path <- callr::r_safe(
    function(...) rmarkdown::render(...),
    args = list(
      output_format = format$format,
      output_file = basename(output_file),
      quiet = quiet,
      encoding = encoding,
      envir = globalenv()
    show = !quiet

  update_rmarkdown_html(path, strip_header = strip_header, depth = depth,
    index = pkg$topics)

build_rmarkdown_format <- function(pkg = ".",
                                   depth = 1L,
                                   data = list(),
                                   toc = TRUE,
                                   style = style,
                                   input = input,
                                   output_file = output_file) {

  path <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")

  if (style=="vignette") {
    # Render vignette template to temporary file
      render_page(pkg, "vignette", data, path, depth = depth)

      path = path,
      format = rmarkdown::html_document(
        toc = toc,
        toc_depth = 2,
        self_contained = FALSE,
        theme = NULL,
        template = path,
        anchor_sections = TRUE

  if (style=="tufte") {
    data$pdffile <- basename(gsub(".html", ".pdf", output_file))
      render_page(pkg, "tufte", data, path, depth = depth)

    tmp.bib <- searchYAML(input, "bibliography")
    if (is.null(tmp.bib)) {
      tmp.bib <- c("--bibliography", system.file("rmarkdown", "content", "bibliography", "Literasee.bib" , package = "Literasee"))
    } else  tmp.bib <- c("--bibliography", tmp.bib)

      path = NULL,
      format = rmarkdown::html_document(
        css = "tufte.css",
        toc = toc,
        toc_float = TRUE,
        toc_depth = 2,
        self_contained = FALSE,
        template = path,
        pandoc_args = tmp.bib,
        anchor_sections = TRUE

tweak_rmarkdown_html <- function(html, strip_header = FALSE, depth = 1L, index = NULL) {
  # Automatically link funtion mentions
  autolink_html(html, depth = depth, index = index)

  # Tweak classes of navbar
  toc <- xml2::xml_find_all(html, ".//div[@id='tocnav']//ul")
  xml2::xml_attr(toc, "class") <- "nav nav-pills nav-stacked"
  # Remove unnused toc

  if (strip_header) {
    header <- xml2::xml_find_all(html, ".//div[contains(@class, 'page-header')]")
    if (length(header) > 0)
      xml2::xml_remove(header, free = TRUE)



update_rmarkdown_html <- function(path, strip_header = FALSE, depth = 1L,
                                  index = NULL) {
  html <- xml2::read_html(path, encoding = "UTF-8")
  tweak_rmarkdown_html(html, strip_header = strip_header, depth = depth,
    index = index)

  xml2::write_html(html, path, format = FALSE)

# Articles index ----------------------------------------------------------

build_articles_index <- function(pkg = ".", path = NULL, depth = 1L) {
    data = data_articles_index(pkg, depth = depth),
    path = out_path(path, "index.html"),
    depth = depth

data_articles_index <- function(pkg = ".", depth = 1L) {
  pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)

  meta <- pkg$meta$articles %||% default_articles_index(pkg)
  sections <- meta %>%
    purrr::map(data_articles_index_section, pkg = pkg, depth = depth) %>%

  # Check for unlisted vignettes
  listed <- sections %>%
    purrr::map("contents") %>%
    purrr::map(. %>% purrr::map_chr("name")) %>%
    purrr::flatten_chr() %>%
  missing <- !(pkg$vignettes$name %in% listed)

  if (any(missing)) {
      "Vignettes missing from index: ",
      paste(pkg$vignettes$name[missing], collapse = ", "),
      call. =  FALSE,
      immediate. = TRUE

    pagetitle = "Articles",
    sections = sections

data_articles_index_section <- function(section, pkg, depth = 1L) {
  if (!set_contains(names(section), c("title", "contents"))) {
      "Section must have components `title`, `contents`",
      call. = FALSE,
      immediate. = TRUE

  # Match topics against any aliases
  in_section <- has_vignette(section$contents, pkg$vignettes)
  section_vignettes <- pkg$vignettes[in_section, ]
  contents <- tibble::tibble(
    name = section_vignettes$name,
    path = section_vignettes$file_out,
    title = section_vignettes$title

    title = section$title,
    desc = markdown_text(section$desc, depth = depth, index = pkg$topics),
    class = section$class,
    contents = purrr::transpose(contents)

has_vignette <- function(match_strings, vignettes) {
  # Quick hack: create the same structure as for topics so we can use
  # the existing has_topic()
  topics <- tibble::tibble(
    name = vignettes$name,
    alias = as.list(vignettes$name),
    internal = FALSE
  sel <- select_topics(match_strings, topics)
  seq_along(vignettes$name) %in% sel

default_articles_index <- function(pkg = ".") {
  pkg <- as_pkgdown(pkg)

      title = "All vignettes",
      desc = NULL,
      contents = paste0("`", pkg$vignettes$name, "`")


has_vignettes <- function(path = ".", vignettes_directory="vignettes") {
  vign_path <- file.path(path, vignettes_directory)
  file.exists(vign_path) && length(list.files(vign_path))
CenterForAssessment/packagePages documentation built on May 31, 2022, 1:56 p.m.