
Defines functions distributeQli

Documented in distributeQli

#' Distributes incoming longwave radiation to shorter time interval
#' @name distributeQli
#' @description Downscales incoming longwave radiation to shorter time intervals,
#' based on the air temperatures, using the Stefan-Boltzmann law
#' \eqn{Q_{li}=\epsilon \sigma T^{4}}{}. The atmospheric emissivity \eqn{(\epsilon)}{}
#' is calculated from the longwave radiation and the temperature at the original time
#' intervals. The air temperatures are interpolated to the shorter intervals (if required),
#' and are then used to calculate the incoming longwave, using the longer-interval emissivities.
#' Finally, the downscaled longwave radiation is adjusted so that its mean values over the
#' original time intervals are the same as the original values.
#' @param QliObs Required. A \pkg{CRHMr} obs data frame containing incoming longwave
#' radiation in in W/m\eqn{^2}{^2}.
#' @param QliColnum Optional. The number of the columns (not including the datetime)
#' containing the incoming longwave values. Default is \code{1}.
#' @param tObs Required. A \pkg{CRHMr} obs data frame containing air temperatures.
#' The values may be in K or \eqn{^\circ}{}C (the function will detect and adjust).
#' @param tColnum Optional. The number of the columns (not including the datetime)
#' containing the air temperature values. Default is \code{1}.
#' @param timeStep Optional. The number of hours to be used as the downscaled time step.
#'  Default is \code{1}.
#' @param interpolationMethod Optional. The method to be used for interpolating the air
#' temperatures (if required). Currently supported methods are \option{linear} and
#' \option{spline}. The default is to use linear interpolation.
#' @param maxlength Optional. The maximum gap length to be interpolated. If not specified
#' (the default), then the maximum gap length permitted is twice the time interval of
#' the air temperatures.
#' @param quiet Optional. Suppresses display of messages, except for errors. If you are
#' calling this function in an \R script, you will usually leave \code{quiet=TRUE} (
#' i.e. the default). If you are working interactively, you will probably want to set
#' \code{quiet=FALSE}.
#' @param logfile Optional. Name of the file to be used for logging the action. Normally
#' not used
#' @return If successful, returns an obs data frame containing the downscaled incoming
#' longwave radiation (Qli) in W/m\eqn{^2}{^2}. If unsuccessful, returns an error.
#' @author Kevin Shook
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{emissivity}} \code{\link{longwave}} \code{\link{interpolate}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hourlyLongwave <- distributeQli(LWobs, 1, tobs, 1)
#' }
distributeQli <- function(QliObs, QliColnum = 1, tObs, tColnum = 1, timeStep = 1,
                          interpolationMethod = "linear",
                          maxlength = 0, quiet = TRUE, logfile = "") {
  # check parameters
  if (timeStep <= 0) {
    stop("Time step must be specified and > 0")

  if (nrow(QliObs) == 0) {
    stop("Missing Qli values")
  QliObsName <- deparse(substitute(QliObs))
  if (QliObsName == "") {
    stop("Must specify Qli dataframe")
  QliVarcol <- QliColnum + 1

  if (nrow(tObs) == 0) {
    stop("Missing t values")
  tObsName <- deparse(substitute(tObs))
  if (tObsName == "") {
    stop("Must specify air temperature dataframe")
  tVarcol <- tColnum + 1

  QliObs <- QliObs[, c(1, QliVarcol)]
  names(QliObs) <- c("datetime", "Qli")
  tObs <- tObs[, c(1, tVarcol)]
  names(tObs) <- c("datetime", "t")

  # convert air temps to K if required
  if (max(tObs$t) < 200) {
    tObs$t <- tObs$t + 273.15

  # get intervals
  QliInterval <- timestep.hours(QliObs[2, 1], QliObs[1, 1])
  tInterval <- timestep.hours(tObs[2, 1], tObs[1, 1])

  # merge datasets to find common time interval
  merged <- merge(QliObs, tObs, by = "datetime", all = TRUE)
  clean <- na.omit(merged)
  first.clean.datetime <- clean[1, 1]
  last.clean.datetime <- clean[nrow(clean), 1]
  clean$emissivity <- emissivity(clean$Qli, clean$t)

  if (tInterval > timeStep) {
    if (!quiet) {
      cat("Air temperatures will have to be interpolated")

    # generate time synthetic series from beginning to end
    cleanDatetime <- seq(
      from = first.clean.datetime,
      to = last.clean.datetime, by = timeStep * 3600

    # create dataframe and merge temps into it
    cleanDatetime <- data.frame(cleanDatetime)
    names(cleanDatetime) <- "datetime"
    temps <- merge(cleanDatetime, tObs, by = "datetime", all.x = TRUE)

    # interpolate air temps
    if (maxlength <= 0) {
      maxInterval <- tInterval * 2
    } else {
      maxInterval <- maxlength

    interpolatedTemps <- interpolate(temps,
      methods = interpolationMethod,
      maxlength = maxInterval, quiet = quiet,
      logfile = logfile

    tObs <- interpolatedTemps

  # repeat emissivities, so that they match the air temperatures
  repeatRatio <- QliInterval / timeStep
  repeatedEmissivities <- rep(clean$emissivity, each = repeatRatio)

  # calculate the appropriate datetimes
  datetimeOffset <- (QliInterval - timeStep) / timeStep
  firstDatetime <- first.clean.datetime - (datetimeOffset * 3600)
  lastDatetime <- last.clean.datetime
  downscaledDatetime <- seq(
    from = firstDatetime,
    to = lastDatetime, by = timeStep * 3600

  # create the emissivity dataframe
  emissivities <- data.frame(downscaledDatetime, repeatedEmissivities)
  names(emissivities) <- c("datetime", "emissivity")

  # merge the emissivities with the downscaled air temperatures
  downscaled <- merge(emissivities, tObs, by = "datetime")

  # calculate longwave radiation
  downscaled$lw <- longwave(downscaled$emissivity, downscaled$t)

  # now adjust Qli values so that their means are the same as the original values
  # add the original time steps
  originalDatetime <- data.frame(
    rep(clean$datetime, each = repeatRatio)
  names(originalDatetime) <- c("datetime", "originalDatetime")
  downscaled <- merge(downscaled, originalDatetime, by = "datetime")
  meanHourlyLongwave <- aggregate(downscaled$lw,
    by = list(downscaled$originalDatetime),
    FUN = "mean"

  names(meanHourlyLongwave) <- c("originalDatetime", "meanLW")
  correctionFactor <- clean$Qli / meanHourlyLongwave$meanLW
  cf <- data.frame(
    rep(correctionFactor, each = repeatRatio)
  names(cf) <- c("datetime", "correctionFactor")

  if (!quiet) {
    cat("longwave correction factor mean  = ", mean(cf$correctionFactor),
      " sd = ", sd(cf$correctionFactor), "", sep = "")

  downscaled <- merge(downscaled, cf)
  downscaled$Qli <- downscaled$lw * downscaled$correctionFactor
  downscaled <- downscaled[, c("datetime", "Qli")]

  # output log files
  obs.info <- CRHM_summary(downscaled)
  if (!quiet) {

  comment <- paste("distributeQli Qli_dataframe:", QliObsName,
    " t_dataframe:", tObsName,
    " methods:", interpolationMethod,
    " maxlength:", maxlength,
    sep = ""

  result <- logAction(comment, logfile)

  if (result) {
  } else {
CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.