
Defines functions hruGroupWaterSummary

Documented in hruGroupWaterSummary

#' Summarize daily CRHM water outputs by HRU group
#' @description Calculates daily totals of water storages and fluxes for groups of HRUs,
#' for models \emph{without} sub-basins.
#' @param dailyWater Required. The output from the \code{simpleDailyWater} command.
#' @param vars Optional. Variable column numbers to be used (not including the datetime).
#' The default value \option{all}
#' selects all columns.
#' @param prjFile Required. The CRHM model .prj file.
#' @param HRUgroups Required. This can be either a vector or list. If a vector, it
#' contains strings used to group the
#' selected HRU names in the .prj file. If a list, it contains vectors of the HRU
#' numbers to be grouped. See the examples
#' for both usages.
#' @param basinMean Required. This refers to how the daily water values were
#' calculated by \code{simpleDailyWater}. If \code{TRUE}
#' then the aggregated water depths/volumes are computed over the whole basin.
#' If \code{FALSE} then the the aggregated
#' water depths/volumes are computed over area of the HRU groups.
#' @param quiet Optional. Suppresses display of messages, except for errors.
#' The default is TRUE. If you are calling this
#' function in an R script, you will usually leave quiet=TRUE (i.e. the default).
#' If you are working interactively, you will p#' robably want to set \code{quiet = FALSE}.
#' @param logfile Optional. Name of the file to be used for logging the action. Normally not used.
#' @return If successful returns a data frame containing each variable summarized
#' by each HRU group. The names of the variables are in the form:
#' \code{hruGroup.variable.group_total} or \code{hruGroup.variable.basin_total}.
#' If unsuccessful, returns an error.
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed fixed str_detect
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # First, calculate daily water values. In these examples, the water is
#' # in mm per HRU
#' #' b <- readOutputFile('Bologna1984_30y_output.txt', timezone='MST')
#' # get daily values without aggregation; values calculated w.r.t the HRU area
#' dailyHRU <- simpleDailyWater(b, prjFile = "Bologna1984_02.prj", basinMean = FALSE)
#' # summarize by groups of HRUs with similar names
#' daily_group <- hruGroupSummary(daily,
#'   prjFile = "Bologna1984_02.prj",
#'   HRUgroups = c("firn", "ice", "bl"), basinMean = FALSE
#' )
#' # summarize by named groups of HRUs with specified numbers
#' groups <- list(group1 = c(1, 2, 3), group2 = c(4, 5, 6))
#' daily_group <- hruGroupSummary(daily,
#'   prjFile = "Bologna1984_02.prj",
#'   HRUgroups = groups, basinMean = FALSE
#' )
#' }
hruGroupWaterSummary <- function(dailyWater, vars = "all", prjFile, HRUgroups, basinMean,
                                 quiet = TRUE, logfile = "") {
  # check parameters
  if (is.null(dailyWater)) {
    stop("No daily values specified")
  if (stop(dailyWater) == 0) {
    cat("Missing daily values")
  dailyWater_name <- deparse(substitute(dailyWater))

  # read in .prj file
  if (prjFile == "") {
    stop("No specified model .prj file")

  if (is.null(HRUgroups)) {
    stop("Missing HRU groups")
  if (is.null(basinMean)) {
    stop("basinMean not specified")

  # create output data frame
  groupSummary <- data.frame(dailyWater$date)
  names(groupSummary) <- "date"

  # get variables
  if (length(vars) == 1) {
    if (vars != "all") {
      var_cols <- seq(2, (ncol(dailyWater) - 1))
      dailyWater <- dailyWater
  else {
    var_cols <- vars + 1
    dailyWater <- dailyWater[, c(1, var_cols)]

  # create variable dataframe
  variable_name <- names(dailyWater)[-1]
  # dailyWater <- dailyWater[,-1]
  variable_count <- ncol(dailyWater)

  # get variables in daily water values
  variable_col <- seq(from = 2, to = (variable_count))

  hru_group_count <- length(HRUgroups)
  parsed <- str_split_fixed(variable_name, fixed("."), 3)
  variable_hru_num <- as.numeric(parsed[, 2])
  variable_name <- parsed[, 1]
  variables <- data.frame(variable_name, variable_col, variable_hru_num)
  var_name_types <- unique(variable_name)

  # figure out aggregation functions
  agg_functions <- rep.int("mean", variable_count)

  # instantaneous flow variables
  flow_vars <- str_detect(variables$units, fixed("m^3/s"))
  cols <- variable_col[flow_vars]
  agg_functions[cols] <- "mean"

  # depth/interval variables
  depth_vars <- str_detect(variables$units, fixed("/int"))
  cols <- variable_col[depth_vars]
  agg_functions[cols] <- "sum"

  prj <- readPrj(prjFile)

  # get dimensions
  model_dims <- prjDimensions(prj)
  hru_count <- model_dims[1]
  if (!quiet) {
    cat(hru_count, " HRUs found in ", prjFile, "
", sep = "")
  # get hru names from prj
  hru_name <- readPrjTextVals(prj, "hru_names", hru_count)
  hru_area <- readPrjNumVals(prj, "hru_area", hru_count)
  hru_num <- seq(from = 1, to = hru_count)

  # get HRUs to aggregate by

  if (!is.list(HRUgroups)) {
    # HRU names are specified

    # loop through HRU names
    for (i in 1:hru_group_count) {
      hru_group <- HRUgroups[i] # name to aggregate by

      # find all HRUs in prj with specified name
      group_hrus <- str_detect(hru_name, hru_group)
      group_hrus_num <- hru_num[group_hrus]
      group_hrus_name <- hru_name[group_hrus]
      group_hrus_area <- hru_area[group_hrus]
      group_hrus <- data.frame(group_hrus_num, group_hrus_name, group_hrus_area)

      # aggregate by each variable
      for (var_name in var_name_types) {
        # find columns to select
        # select by variable name
        selected_vars <- variables[variables$variable_name == var_name, ]

        # find col nums of selected HRUs
        var_hru <- merge(selected_vars, group_hrus, by.x = "variable_hru_num", by.y = "group_hrus_num")

        # check for situation where # of variable HRUs < # of selected HRUs
        # this happens for basin flows

        if (nrow(var_hru) == length(group_hrus_num)) {
          selected_hru_cols <- var_hru$variable_col

          dailyWater_group <- dailyWater[, selected_hru_cols]

          if (!basinMean) {
            # sum all values in group
            group_sum <- rowSums(dailyWater_group)
            groupSummary <- cbind(groupSummary, group_sum)
            names(groupSummary)[ncol(groupSummary)] <- paste(hru_group, ".",
                                                             var_name, ".group_total", sep = "")
          else {
            # apply hru weightings
            total_area <- sum(var_hru$group_hrus_area)
            var_hru$weighting <- var_hru$group_hrus_area / total_area
            dailyWater_group_weighted <- dailyWater_group * var_hru$weighting
            group_sum <- rowSums(dailyWater_group_weighted)
            groupSummary <- cbind(groupSummary, group_sum)
            names(groupSummary)[ncol(groupSummary)] <- paste(hru_group,
                                                             ".", var_name, ".basin_total", sep = "")
  else {
    # HRUs are specified in a list
    # find number of groups and their names - create names if necessary
    hru_group_count <- length(HRUgroups)
    group_names <- names(HRUgroups)
    if (is.null(group_names)) {
      if (!quiet) {
        cat("Group names missing; names will be assigned\n")
      group_nums <- seq(1:hru_group_count)
      group_names <- paste("group", group_nums, sep = "")

    # aggregate by each variable
    # loop through HRU names
    for (group_num in 1:hru_group_count) {
      group_hrus_num <- HRUgroups[[group_num]]
      group_name <- group_names[group_num]

      # find all HRUs in specified group
      group_hrus_name <- hru_name[group_hrus_num]
      group_hrus_area <- hru_area[group_hrus_num]
      group_hrus <- data.frame(group_hrus_num, group_hrus_name, group_hrus_area)

      for (var_name in var_name_types) {
        # find columns to select
        # select by variable name
        selected_vars <- variables[variables$variable_name == var_name, ]

        # find col nums of selected HRUs
        var_hru <- merge(selected_vars, group_hrus,
                         by.x = "variable_hru_num", by.y = "group_hrus_num")

        # check for situation where # of variable HRUs < # of selected HRUs
        # this happens for basin flows

        if (nrow(var_hru) == length(group_hrus_num)) {
          selected_hru_cols <- var_hru$variable_col

          dailyWater_group <- dailyWater[, selected_hru_cols]

          if (!basinMean) {
            # sum all values in group
            group_sum <- rowSums(dailyWater_group)
            groupSummary <- cbind(groupSummary, group_sum)
            names(groupSummary)[ncol(groupSummary)] <- paste(group_name, ".", var_name, ".group_total", sep = "")
          else {
            # apply hru weightings
            total_area <- sum(var_hru$group_hrus_area)
            var_hru$weighting <- var_hru$group_hrus_area / total_area
            dailyWater_group_weighted <- dailyWater_group * var_hru$weighting
            group_sum <- rowSums(dailyWater_group_weighted)
            groupSummary <- cbind(groupSummary, group_sum)
            names(groupSummary)[ncol(groupSummary)] <- paste(group_name, ".", var_name, ".basin_total", sep = "")

  # output results

  comment <- paste("hruGroupWaterSummary dailyWater:", dailyWater_name,
    " prjFile:", prjFile, " basinMean:", basinMean,
    sep = ""
  result <- logAction(comment, logfile)

  if (result) {
  } else {
CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.