
Defines functions symbolicMoments

Documented in symbolicMoments

#t2 lognormal: überprüfen, ob mean wohldefiniert
#v1 was passiert bei falschen werten für mean, cov bei gamma?
#t1 References: LakatosCo2015
#t2 DESCRIPTION: Englisch korrigieren

#' Symbolic calculation of moments
#' Compute the moments of a multivariate variable 
#' \eqn{X = (X_1, ..., X_n)}{X = X[1], ..., X[n]}
#' and return the formula as quoted expression.
#' @param mean vector or list with expected values. Entry \code{mean[[i]]} should
#' contain a value for \eqn{E(X_i)}{E(X[i])}.
#' @param cov matrix or nested list. Entry \code{cov[i][j]} (or \code{cov[[i]][[j]]} 
#' respectivly) should contain a value for the covariance \eqn{Cov(X_i, X_j)}{Cov(X[i], X[j])}.
#' @param var optional. If \code{n = 1}, \code{cov} would only
#' contain one entry - the variance \eqn{Var(X)}. This value can be passed
#' to parameter \code{var} instead of \code{cov}.
#' @param missingOrders numeric vector or matrix. Each row gives the order
#' of a moment that shall be calculated.
#' @param distribution string specifying the (multivariate) distribution
#' of X. The following values are possible: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"zero"} sets all moments to 0,
#' \item \code{"normal"} calculates the moments of a centralized multivariate normal distribution,
#' \item \code{"lognormal"} calculates the raw moments of a multivariate lognormal distribution,
#' \item \code{"gamma"} calculates the raw moments of a multivariate gamma distribution,
#' \item \code{"NA"} sets all moments to NA.
#' } 
#' @param simplify bool indiciating if the resulting expressions should be simplified.
#' Function \code{\link[Deriv]{Simplify}} from package \pkg{Deriv} is used for simplification.
#' @return A list where each element is a quoted expression.
#' The i-th element of this list gives a formula for the
#' moment whose order is given in the i-th row of \code{missingOrders}.
#' If \code{simplify = TRUE}, the returned value may as well be a vector or number.
#' @note The calculation of the central moments of a multivariate \bold{normal} distribution
#' is based on function \code{\link[symmoments]{callmultmoments}} of package \pkg{symmoments}.
#' If the calculation for a  multivariate \bold{gamma} distribution leads to NaNs, 
#' then the values of cov and mean do not fit to a gamma distribution.
#' All entries of cov should be positive and the diagonals should be large
#' with respect to the other entries. More specifically, the inequations 
#' \deqn{\texttt{mean[i]} > \sum_{k \neq i} \frac{mean[k]\cdot cov[i,k]}{cov[i,i]}}{
#' mean[i] > sum_(k != i) mean[k]*cov[i,k]/cov[i,i]}
#' should be satisfied for all i in 1:n.
#' @example inst/examples/symbolicMoments.R
#' @importFrom symmoments callmultmoments
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all str_remove_all
#' @importFrom spray linear
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @importFrom Deriv Simplify
#' @aliases symbolicmoments symbolicmoment symbolicMoment
#' @export
symbolicMoments <- function(distribution, missingOrders, 
                            mean = NA, cov = NA, var = NA, 
                            simplify = TRUE){
  # definitions
    missingOrders <- matrix(missingOrders, nrow = 1)
  n <- ncol(missingOrders)
  missingMoments <- rep(list(NA), nrow(missingOrders))
  # zero: all moments = 0
  if(distribution == "zero"){
    missingMoments <- rep(list(0), nrow(missingOrders))
      missingMoments <- simplify2array(missingMoments)
  # zero: all moments = NA
  if(distribution == "NA"){
    missingMoments <- rep(list(NA), nrow(missingOrders))
      missingMoments <- simplify2array(missingMoments)
  # validate cov
    cov <- var
    cov <- apply(cov, 1, as.list)
  stopifnot(n == length(cov))
  for(i in 1:n){
    for(j in 1:n)
      if(cov[[i]][[j]] != cov[[j]][[i]])
        stop("The covariance matrix 'cov' should be symmetric.")
  # normal: calculation with package symmoments (if sum(order) is even)
  if(distribution == "normal"){
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(missingOrders))){
      order <- as.numeric(missingOrders[i, ])
      if(sum(order) %% 2 == 1){
        missingMoments[[i]] <- 0
        moment <- symmoments::callmultmoments(order) # calculation of the moment
        names(moment$coefficients) <- NULL
        cnames <- colnames(moment$representation)
        cindexes <- lapply(stringr::str_extract_all(cnames, "[[:digit:]]"), 
        momFormula <- list()
        for(j in seq_along(moment$coefficients)){
          factors <- lapply(1:(n*(n+1)/2), function(r){
            power <- moment$representation[j, r]
            if(power != 0) 
          factors[vapply(factors, is.null, logical(1))] <- NULL
          factors <- Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)*.(b)), factors)
          momFormula <- append(momFormula,
        momFormula <- Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)+.(b)), momFormula)
        missingMoments[[i]] <- momFormula
  # lognormal
  if(distribution == "lognormal"){ 
    sigma <- lapply(rep(NA, n), list) #t2 besser direkt mit raw moments
    mu <- list()
    for(i in seq_len(n)){
      for(j in seq_len(i)){
        sigma[[i]][[j]] <- bquote(
          log(.(cov[[i]][[j]]) + .(mean[[i]])*.(mean[[j]])) - 
            log(.(mean[[i]])) - log(.(mean[[j]]))
        sigma[[j]][[i]] <- sigma[[i]][[j]]
      mu[[i]] <- bquote(
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(missingOrders))){
      order <- as.numeric(missingOrders[i, ])
      summand1 <- lapply(1:n, function(i) bquote(.(order[i])*.(mu[[i]])))
      summand1 <- Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)+.(b)), summand1)
      summand2 <- lapply(1:n, function(i) lapply(i:n, function(j){ 
        if(i == j) 
      summand2 <- Reduce(c, summand2) # flatten the nested list
      summand2 <- Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)+.(b)), summand2)
      missingMoments[[i]] <- bquote(exp(.(summand1)+0.5*.(summand2)))
  # gamma
  if(distribution == "gamma"){
    if(n == 1){
      beta <- bquote(.(cov[[1]][[1]])/.(mean[[1]]))
      alpha <- bquote(.(mean[[1]])^2/.(cov[[1]][[1]]))
      for(i in seq_len(nrow(missingOrders))){
        order <- as.numeric(missingOrders[i, ])
        missingMoments[[i]] <- bquote(
      # define parameters beta and A
      beta <- lapply(1:n, function(i) bquote(.(cov[[i]][[i]])/.(mean[[i]])))
      A_indexes <- as.data.frame(t(cbind(utils::combn(1:n, 2), 
                                         matrix(rep(1:n, each = 2), nrow = 2))))
      A <- list()
      for(r in seq_len(nrow(A_indexes))){
        i <- A_indexes[r, 1]
        j <- A_indexes[r, 2]
        if(i != j){
          A <- append(A, bquote(.(cov[[i]][[j]])/(.(beta[[i]])*.(beta[[j]]))))
          sum_indexes <- which(rowSums(apply(A_indexes,2,match,i,nomatch = 0)) == 1)
          sum <- Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)+.(b)), A[sum_indexes])
          A <- append(A, bquote(.(mean[[i]])^2/.(cov[[i]][[i]]) - .(sum)))
      # calculate moments
      for(i in seq_len(nrow(missingOrders))){
        order <- as.numeric(missingOrders[i, ])
        polynomials <- list()
        for(j in 1:n){
          poly_indexes <- rowSums(apply(A_indexes,2,match,j,nomatch = 0)) >= 1
          polynomials <- append(polynomials, 
            list(spray::linear(as.numeric(poly_indexes), 1)^order[j]))
        polynomials <- Reduce('*', polynomials)
        summands <- list()
        for(r in seq_len(nrow(polynomials$index))){
          row <- polynomials$index[r, ]
          factors <- list(polynomials$value[r])
          for(k in seq_along(row)){
            if(row[k] == 1)
              factors <- append(factors, bquote(.(A[[k]])))
            if(row[k] > 1)
              factors <- append(factors, 
          product <- Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)*.(b)), factors)
          summands <- append(summands, product)
        sum <-  Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)+.(b)), summands)
        result <- append(sum, lapply(seq_along(beta), function(j) 
          bquote(.(beta[[j]])^.(order[j])))) # times beta^order
        missingMoments[[i]] <- Reduce(function(a,b) bquote(.(a)*.(b)), result)
    stop("Distribution '", distribution, "' is not implemented.")
    missingMoments <- lapply(missingMoments, function(m){
      string <- stringr::str_remove_all(pattern = "\"", string = format(m))
    missingMoments <- simplify2array(missingMoments)
CharlotteJana/momcalc documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 7:21 a.m.