
Defines functions PF_lm

Documented in PF_lm

#' Parameter Estimation Of Linear Regression Using Particle Filters

#' @description Estimation of the coefficients of a linear regression based on the particle filters algorithm (PF); given \code{Data1}, the function estimates the coefficients of the regression as the samples (particles) of coefficients that are more likely to occur. Optional, the standard deviation of the error term can also be estimated.
#' Synthetic data is generated in case no provided \code{Data1}.
#' @param Data1 matrix. The matrix containing the independent variables
#' @param Y numeric. The response variable
#' @param n integer. Number of particles, by default 500
#' @param sigma_l The value of the variance in the likelihood normal, 1 by default
#' @param sigma_est logical. If \code{TRUE} takes the last row of \code{initDisPar} as prior estimation of the standard deviation, see more in \emph{Details}
#' @param initDisPar matrix. Values a, b of the uniform distribution (via \code{runif}) for each parameter to be estimated, see more in \emph{Details}
#' @param lbd numeric. A number to be added and substracted from the priors when \code{initDisPar} is not provided
#' @details Estimation of the coefficients of a linear regression:
#' \eqn{Y = \beta_0  + \beta_1*X_1 + ... + \beta_n*X_n  + \epsilon},  (\eqn{\epsilon \sim N(0,1)})
#' using particle filter methods. The implementation follows An, D., Choi, J. H., Kim, N. H. (2013) adapted for the case of linear models.
#' The state-space equations are:
#' \eqn{(Eq. 1) X_{k} = a_0 + a_1 * X1_{k-1} + ... + a_n * Xn_{k-1}}
#' \eqn{(Eq. 2) Y_{k} = X_{k} + \epsilon,  \epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma)}
#' where, k = 2, ... , number of observations; \eqn{a_0, ... , a_n} are the parameters to be estimated (coefficients), and \eqn{\sigma = 1 }.
#' The priors of the parameters are assumed uniformly distributed. \code{initDisPar} is a matrix for which the number of rows is the number of independent variables plus one when \code{sigma_est = FALSE},
#' (plus one since we also estimate the constant term of the regression), or plus two when \code{sigma_est = TRUE} (one for the constant term of the regression, and one for the estimation of sigma).
#' The first and second column of \code{initDisPar} are the corresponding arguments \code{a} and \code{b} of the uniform distribution (\code{stats::runif}) of each parameter prior.
#' The first row of \code{initDisPar} is the prior guess of the constant term. The following rows are the prior guesses of the coefficients.
#' When sigma is estimated, i.e., if \code{sigma_est = TRUE} the last row of \code{initDisPar} corresponds to the prior guess for the standard deviation.
#' If \code{sigma_est = FALSE}, then the standard deviation of the likelihood is \code{sigma_l}.
#' If \code{sigma_est = TRUE}, the algorithm estimates the standard deviation of \eqn{\epsilon} together with the coefficients.
#' If \code{initDisPar} is missing, the initial priors are taken using \code{lm()} and \code{coeff()} plus-minus \code{lbd} as a reference.
#' The cumulative density function method is used for resampling.
#' In case no \code{Data1} is provided, a synthetic data set is generated automatically taking three normal i.i.d. variables, and the dependent variable is computed as in
#' \eqn{Y = 2 + 1.25*X_1 + 2.6*X_2 - 0.7*X_3 + \epsilon}
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' \code{stateP_res}: A list of matrices with the PF estimation of the parameters on each observation; the number of rows is the number of observations in \code{Data1} and the number of columns is \code{n}.
#' \code{Likel}: A matrix with the likelihood of each particle obtained on each observation.
#' \code{CDF}:  A matrix with the cumulative distribution function for each column of \code{Likel}.
#' \code{summ}:  A summary matrix with statistics of the estimated parameters.
#' @author Christian Llano Robayo, Nazrul Shaikh.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #### Using default Data1, no sigma estimation ####
#' Res <- PF_lm(n=1000L, sigma_est = FALSE)
#' lapply(Res,class) # Structure of returning list.
#' ###Summary of estimated parameters
#' Res$summ

#' par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) #Evolution of the estimated parameters
#' for (i in 1:4){
#' plot(apply(Res$stateP_res[[i]],1,mean), main = colnames(Res$summ)[i], col="blue",
#'       xlab =  "", ylab = "",type="l")
#' }
#' #### Using default Data1, with sigma estimation ####
#' Res2 <- PF_lm(n=1000L, sigma_est = TRUE)
#' lapply(Res2,class) # Structure of returning list
#' sumRes2 <- sapply(2:6, function(i)
#' ###Summary of estimated parameters
#' Res2$summ
#' par(mfrow=c(2, 3)) #Evolution of the estimated parameters
#' for (i in 1:5){
#' plot(apply(Res2$stateP_res[[i]],1,mean), main = colnames(Res2$summ)[i], col="blue",
#'        xlab =  "", ylab = "",type="l")
#' }
#' #### Using default Data1, given initDisPar ####
#' b0 <- matrix(c( 1.9, 2, # Prior of a_0
#'                 1, 1.5, # Prior of a_1
#'                 2, 3,   # Prior of a_2
#'                 -1, 0)  # Prior of a_3
#'                 ,ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE )
#' Res3 <- PF_lm(n=500L, sigma_est = FALSE, initDisPar = b0)
#' lapply(Res3,class) # Structure of returning list.
#' ###Summary of estimated parameters
#' Res3$summ

#' par(mfrow=c(2, 2)) #Evolution of the estimated parameters
#' for (i in 1:4){
#' plot(apply(Res3$stateP_res[[i]],1,mean), main = colnames(Res3$summ)[i], col="blue",
#'       xlab =  "", ylab = "",type="l")
#' }
#' @export
#' @references An, D., Choi, J. H., Kim, N. H. (2013). Prognostics 101: A tutorial for particle filter-based prognostics algorithm using Matlab. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 115, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2013.02.019
#' @references Ristic, B., Arulampalam, S., Gordon, N. (2004). Beyond the Kalman filter: particle filters for tracking applications. Boston, MA: Artech House. ISBN: 158053631X.
#' @references West, M., Harrison, J. (1997). Bayesian forecasting and dynamic models (2nd ed.). New York: Springer. ISBN: 0387947256.

PF_lm <- function(Y, Data1, n = 500L, sigma_l = 1, sigma_est = FALSE, initDisPar, lbd = 2){

  if (missing(Data1) & missing(Y)) # Example in case no data provided
    Data1 <- data.frame(MASS::mvrnorm(40, mu = rep(1,3), Sigma = diag(3), empirical = TRUE))
    eps <- stats::runif(40)
    Y <- 2 + 1.25*Data1[,1] + 2.6*Data1[,2] - 0.7*Data1[,3] + eps

  if (!is.data.frame(Data1) & !is.matrix(Data1))
    stop("Argument 'Data1' must be a data frame or matrix", call. = FALSE)

  if (length(n)>1)
    stop("Argument 'n' with length > 1", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.integer(n)) {
    n <- as.integer(round(n))

  if (length(sigma_est)>1)
    stop("Argument 'sigma_est' with length > 1", call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.logical(sigma_est))
    stop("Argument 'sigma_est' must be a logic", call. = FALSE)

  if (nrow(Data1) != length(Y))
    stop("Data1 and Y with different dimensions", call. = FALSE)

  Data1 <- data.frame(Data1)
  obs <- nrow(Data1)
  nv <- ncol(Data1)

  if (sigma_est == FALSE) {
      stop("Argument 'sigma_l' must be a number", call. = FALSE)

    if (missing(initDisPar)){
      initDisPar <-  cbind(stats::coef(stats::lm(Y ~ ., data = Data1)) - lbd,
                           stats::coef(stats::lm(Y ~ ., data = Data1)) + lbd)

    stateP <- mapply(stats::runif, initDisPar[,1], initDisPar[,2],
                     n = n, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) #Prior distributions/guess about parameters

    stateP_res <- stateP
    k <- 1
    likel <- numeric(n)
    cdf <- numeric(n)
    A <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = obs + 1)
    cdf_r <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = obs + 1)

    while (k <= obs){
      k <- k+1
      Yh <- t(as.matrix(cbind(1, Data1[k-1, ])) %*% t(sapply(stateP, cbind)))
      likel <- -log(stats::dnorm(Y[k-1], Yh, sigma_l))
      likel <- likel / sum(likel)
      likel <- 1 / (0.0001 + likel)
      likel <- likel / sum(likel)
      A[,k] <- likel
      cdf <- cumsum(likel)
      cdf <- cdf / max(cdf)
      cdf_r[,k] <- cdf
      stateP <- lapply(1:(nv + 1), function(j)
        sapply(1:n, function(i)
          gtemp(cdf, stateP[[j]])
      stateP_res <- mapply(rbind, stateP_res, stateP, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    sumRes <- sapply(1:(nv+1), function(i)
      summary(apply(stateP_res[[i]],1,mean))) # Summary of estimated parameters
    colnames(sumRes) <- paste0("b", 1:(nv+1)-1)

  else {

    if (missing(initDisPar)){
      initDisPar <- rbind(cbind(stats::coef(stats::lm(Y~., data = Data1)) - lbd,
                                stats::coef(stats::lm(Y~., data = Data1)) + lbd),

    stateP <- mapply(stats::runif, initDisPar[,1], initDisPar[,2],
                     n = n, SIMPLIFY = FALSE) #Prior distributions/guess about parameters
    stateP_res <- stateP
    k <- 1
    likel <- numeric(n)
    cdf <- numeric(n)
    A <- matrix(0, n, obs+1) #likelihood on each step
    cdf_r <- matrix(0, n, obs+1) #cumulative distribution on each step

    while (k <= obs){
      k <- k+1
      Yh <- t(as.matrix(cbind(1, Data1[k-1, ])) %*% t(sapply(stateP[-(nv+2)], cbind)))
      likel <- -log(stats::dnorm(Y[k-1], Yh, stateP[[nv+2]]))
      likel <- likel / sum(likel)
      likel <- 1 / (0.0001 + likel)
      likel <- likel / sum(likel)
      A[,k] <-  likel
      cdf <- cumsum(likel)
      cdf <- cdf / max(cdf)
      cdf_r[,k] <- cdf
      stateP <- lapply(1:(nv + 2), function(j)
        sapply(1:n, function(i)
          gtemp(cdf, stateP[[j]])
      stateP_res <- mapply(rbind, stateP_res, stateP, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

    # Summary of estimated parameters
    sumRes <- sapply(1:(nv+2), function(i) summary(apply(stateP_res[[i]],1,mean)))
    colnames(sumRes) <- c(paste0("b", 1:(nv+1)-1), "s_hat")


  list(stateP_res = stateP_res,
       Likel = A,
       CDF = cdf_r,
       summ = sumRes

ChrissCod/LMfilteR documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 1:06 p.m.