
Defines functions autoplot_climatology_map

Documented in autoplot_climatology_map

#' Wrapper function to calculate and visualize climatology of indices
#' This function calls the function  \code{\link{calc_index}} and plots the mean, median, min, max or standard deviation of the index values over the whole time series in a map. It can be used for either gridded or station data or a combination of both. \cr
#' To see some example outputs of this function, look at the vignette "autoplot-functions" accesible through the package help main page or by typing \cr
#'  \emph{vignette("autoplot-functions",package="ClimIndVis")} into the console.
#' @param plot_value Climatological value to plot. One of the following character strings: "mean", "median", "min", "max", "sd" (=standard deviation), or "relsd" (sd/abs(mean)) and "percentile". For percentile, the parameter perc has to be defined, also see parameter perc. Default = "mean".
#' @inheritParams plot_doc
#' @param col Array of colors for plotting of length 3 or longer (must be a valid arguments to \code{\link[grDevices]{col2rgb}}). Length of array is adjusted to number of levels. If not provided, package default colors for index are used. Default="default".
#' @param perc Integer value between 0 and 100 for percentile to be calculated. Only if plot_value="percentile".
#' @section Output:
#' This function returns one plot per temporal aggregation whch is covered by the data( e.g. if aggt="seasonal" it would return 4 graphics, one for each season).
#' If output is not NULL or "dev.new" the graphics are directly saved in the user specified directory (\emph{plotdir}) with the following filename structure: \cr
#'     \emph{plotname} // index name // plot_value // aggregation // years // \emph{output} \cr e.g.: \cr
#'     \emph{plotname}"_dry_days_mean_MAM_1981-2010.png \cr
#' @section Details:
#' Please note that calculating the mean does not make sense for indices based on the number of days above/below a quantile threshold (e.g. tn10p,tn90p)
#' When using ensemble data, the plot value is calculated over the whole ensemble (i.e. ensemble mean/min/max/... over all ensemble members and the whole time period).
#' @examples
#' data(object_st, object_grid)
#' autoplot_climatology_map(
#'       dat_grid = object_grid, dat_p = object_st,
#'       index = "tnn", index_args = list(aggt = "seasonal", selagg = "JJA"),
#'       plot_value = "min" ,  selyears = c(2000:2010))
#' data(object_hc_grid)
#' index_args=list(aggt = "dates", start_days = "0000-01-15", end_days = "0000-04-15")
#' autoplot_climatology_map(
#'       dat_grid = object_hc_grid,
#'       index = "dd", index_args = index_args,
#'       plot_value = "min" , selyears = c(2000:2010))
#' @family autoplot_functions
#' @export

autoplot_climatology_map <-function(
  dat_grid, dat_p,
  index, index_args = list(),  plot_value = "mean", perc=NULL, selyears = NULL, NAmaxClim = 20,
  col = "default",
  title = "", plot_title = TRUE, plot_args = list(),
  output = NULL, plotdir, plotname="") {

  # 1. checks: --------------------------------------------------

  grid <- ifelse(missing(dat_grid), 0, 1)
  points <- ifelse (missing(dat_p), 0, 1)
  if (index_args$aggt=="xdays") stop("aggt=xdays is not implemented yet for autoplot functions")
  ## check input--------------------------------------------------
  if(!is.null(plot_args$topo)) check_topo(plot_args$topo)
  if(plot_value=="percentile" & is.null(perc) ) stop("for plot_value=percentile argument perc has to be provided ")
  if(plot_value=="percentile")  { if (perc<0 & perc>100) stop("perc needs to be a value between 0 and 100")}
    plot_args$mask <-dat_grid$mask[[indexvar]]

  # 2. calculate index --------------------------------------------------
  index_args$trend = FALSE
  ind_dat = lapply(dat, function(dd) do.call("calc_index", c(list(dd, index = index), index_args)))
  if(is_index_special(index) & !is.null(selyears)){
  ## 2.2 calculate plot value and  check NAs---------------------------------------------------
  if(plot_value=="relsd"){ plot_fun<-function(x,na.rm=FALSE,...) stats::sd(x,na.rm=na.rm)/abs(mean(x,na.rm=na.rm))*100
  } else if (plot_value == "percentile") {
    plot_fun<-function(x,na.rm=TRUE,...) climdex.pcic::climdex.quantile(x,perc/100)
    }else plot_fun=plot_value

  ppval = lapply(ind_dat, function (ii) apply(ii$index,
    c(1:length(ii$index_info$idims))[-which(is.element(ii$index_info$idims, c("year", "ens")))],
    plot_fun, na.rm = TRUE) )
  pNA = lapply(ind_dat, function (ii) apply(ii$index,
    c(1:length(ii$index_info$idims))[-which(is.element(ii$index_info$idims, c("year", "ens")))],
    function(x) sum(is.na(x))*100/length(x)) )
  # set values with more than NAmaxClim missing values to NA
  phelp = mapply(function (ii, yy) {ii[which(yy>NAmaxClim)] = NA
  return(ii)}, ppval, pNA, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  # 3. Plot --------------------------------------------------


  for (aa in 1:ifelse(aggl,length(ind_dat[[1]]$index_info$aggnames),1)){

    pdat=lapply((names(phelp)), function(ii){
        } else ret=phelp[[ii]]
      } else ret=NULL

      plot_args$mask_NA <- array(NA,dim=dim(pdat$dat_grid))
      plot_args$mask_NA[is.na(pdat$dat_grid)] <- 1
    }      # define mask

    ## call plot function
    if (plot_value=="percentile") plot_value=paste0(perc,"percentile")
    if (plot_value=="relsd") plot_args$units="%"
    if(grid == 1 & points == 1){
      #plot grid and points
      do.call("plot_map_grid_points", c(list(g_dat = pdat$dat_grid, g_lon = ind_dat$dat_grid$lon, g_lat = ind_dat$dat_grid$lat,
        p_dat = pdat$dat_p, p_lon = ind_dat$dat_p$lon, p_lat = ind_dat$dat_p$lat, p_col_info = "same"), plot_args))
    } else if (grid == 1 & points == 0){
      plot_args[c("p_col", "p_col_center")] = NULL
      do.call("plot_map_grid_points", c(list(g_dat = pdat$dat_grid, g_lon = ind_dat$dat_grid$lon, g_lat = ind_dat$dat_grid$lat), plot_args))
    } else if (grid == 0 & points == 1){
      do.call("plot_map_grid_points", c(list(p_dat = pdat$dat_p, p_lon = ind_dat$dat_p$lon, p_lat = ind_dat$dat_p$lat,
        p_col_info = "cbar", p_legend = "cbar"), plot_args))
  }# end aa

} # end of function
Climandes/ClimIndVis documentation built on Oct. 24, 2021, 10:52 a.m.