
Defines functions krsa_ce_output_peptides

Documented in krsa_ce_output_peptides

#' It prepares a KRSA peptide file (log2 FC) to be used for creedenzymatic
#' Takes in the Z score table and output kinase with their scores
#' @param peptide_table a df of the log2 FC scores of peptides
#' @param metric which col to use as the score (totalMeanLFC, LFC, ... etc)
#' @param file_name file name and path to save file as txt tab delimited file
#' @return saved txt file to be used in creedenzymatic
#' @family helper functions
#' @export

krsa_ce_output_peptides <- function(peptide_table, metric, file_name) {
    peptide_table %>%
        dplyr::select(Peptide, {{ metric }}) %>%
        dplyr::rename(Score = {{ metric }}) %>%
        readr::write_delim(file = file_name)
CogDisResLab/KRSA documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 2:03 p.m.