#' sFFLHD object that gives a batch of points at a time.
#' @field D numeric. The number of dimensions for the design. Must be set.
#' @field L numeric. The number of points in each batch, also the number of
#'  levels of each dimension. Must be set.
#' @field maximin logical. Should maximin distance be used to space out points?
#' TRUE by default. Only used while lb <= 100, not worth it once the boxes
#' are very small.
#' @field a numeric. A root of L that determines the intermediate stages.
#' Is automatically set to smallest possible value, which is recommended.
#' @field b integer. The batch number.
#' @field nb integer. The number of points selected so far.
#' @field lb numeric. Current levels of the small grid.
#' @field Lb numeric. Current levels of the intermediate grid.
#' @field Xb matrix. Current design matrix, continuous from 0 to 1.
#' @field Vb matrix. Small grid design.
#' @field Mb matrix. Intermediate grid design.
#' @field Wb matrix. Big grid design.
#' @field A1 matrix. The first OA slice.
#' @field r integer. Used to keep track of loop index.
#' @field p integer. Used to keep track of loop index.
#' @field Ar matrix. Current Ar.
#' @field stage integer. Current stage.
#' @field vii integer. Used to keep track of location in stage 2.
#' @field Fslices list. A list of slices.
#' @field FF1.1 matrix. Temporary matrix used to generate slices.
#' @field Mb.store matrix. Temporary storage of Mb.
#' @field v.shuffle integer. A storage value for storing order.
#' Requires extra optimization.
#' @return A sFFLHD object
#' @export sFFLHD
#' @exportClass sFFLHD
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom conf.design factorize
#' @importFrom DoE.base oa.design
#' @examples
#' s <- sFFLHD$new(D=2,L=3)
#' s$get.batch()
#' s <- sFFLHD$new(D=2,L=4)
#' s$get.batch()
sFFLHD <- setRefClass('sFFLHD',
  fields = list(D='numeric',L='numeric',
                maximin = 'logical',
                b='integer',nb ='integer',lb ='numeric',Lb ='numeric',
                Xb = 'matrix',Vb = 'matrix',Mb = 'matrix',Wb = 'matrix',
                A1 = 'matrix',r = 'integer',p = 'integer',Ar = 'matrix',
                stage = 'integer',vii = 'integer',Fslices = 'list',
                FF1.1 = 'matrix',Mb.store='matrix',v.shuffle = 'integer',
                seed = 'numeric'
  methods = list(
    get.batch = function() {
      if (length(seed) > 0) {
        seed <<- seed + 1
      if (length(stage)==0) { # initialize everything
      if (stage == 1L) { # still first stage, already initialized, get batch
      } else  if(stage==2L){ # steps 4 and 5 in algorithm
      } # end stage 2 else
      stop('Only stage 1 and 2')
    }, # end get.batch
    stage0 = function() { # Do steps 0 and 1
      if (length(D) != 1 | length(L) != 1) {stop('D and L must be specified')}
      if (as.integer(D) != D) {stop("D must be integer")}
      if (as.integer(L) != L) {stop("L must be integer")}
      # if (D == 1) {stop("Doesn't work in 1 dimension")} # Now it does mostly
      if (length(a)==0) {
        a.fac <- factorize(L)
        if(all(a.fac==a.fac[1])) {a <<- a.fac[1]}
        else {a <<- L}
        #message(paste('Setting a to',a))
      if (min(abs(c(log(L,a)%%1, log(L,a)%%1-1))) > 1e-6) {
        stop('a must be an integer root of L')
      b <<- 0L
      nb <<- 0L
      lb <<- as.integer(L)
      Lb <<- as.integer(L)
      Vb <<- matrix(NA,nrow=0,ncol=D)
      Mb <<- matrix(NA,nrow=0,ncol=D)
      Wb <<- matrix(NA,nrow=0,ncol=D)
      Xb <<- matrix(NA,nrow=0,ncol=D)
      stage <<- 1L # stage 1 is step 2, stage 2 is step 4
      # make sure D,L,a are all set REMOVED since D and L are already checked, and a should be good
      # if (length(D)==0 | length(L)==0 | length(a)==0) {
      #   stop('D, L, and a must be set when creating new object')
      # }

      # get first OA
      # browser()

      # Don't just create design because sometimes it tries to do
      #  a massive full factorial instead with 1e8 entries, which is stupid
      # OA <- try(DoE.base::oa.design(nruns=L^2, nfactors=D+1, nlevels=L, columns="min3"))

      # Instead check for it first
      OA.avail <- DoE.base::show.oas(nruns=L^2, factors=list(nlevels=L, number=D+1), show=0)
      if (!is.null(OA.avail)) {
        OA <- DoE.base::oa.design(nruns=L^2, nfactors=D+1, nlevels=L, columns="min3")

      # If it wasn't available, then check other L to tell user what to try instead
      # if (inherits(OA, "try-error")) {
      else {
        #avail.oas <- DoE.base::show.oas(factors=list(nlevels=L, number=D+1))
        # Check L in 2 to 16
        avail.oas <- sapply(2:16,
               function(i) {
                 capture.output(av <- DoE.base::show.oas(nruns=i^2, factors=list(nlevels=i, number=D+1), show=0))

        if (all(!avail.oas)) {
          stop("No OA can be found for L in 2 to 16 for given D")
        } else {
          avail.Ls <- (2:16)[avail.oas]
          # nruns <- avail.oas$nruns[1]
          # message(paste0("Found OA but it requires ", nruns, " runs"))
          stop(paste("Try L one of",paste(avail.Ls, collapse=', '),"instead"))
        # OA <- DoE.base::oa.design(nruns=nruns, nfactors=D+1, nlevels=L, columns="min3")

      OA0.5 <- apply(as.matrix(OA),1:2,as.integer)
      OA1 <- OA0.5[sample(1:L^2),]
      OA2 <- OA1[,sample(1:(D+1))]
      OA3 <- OA2[order(OA2[,1]),]
      A1 <<- OA3[,2:(D+1), drop=F]
      r <<- 1L
      p <<- 1L
      # Set maximin TRUE if not given in
      if (length(maximin) == 0) {
        maximin <<- TRUE # Seems to work, slows it down a little bit
      # end initialization
    }, # end stage0 function
    stage1 = function() { # run steps 2 and 3
      if (p==1L) { # Get the Ar
        if(D==2) { # Had a problem when D==2, v was c(0,0,0,0) instead of c(0,0)
          v <- c(0,0)
        } else if (D==1) {
          v <- c(0)
        } else { # Only works for D > 2
          v <- c(0,0, ((r-1)%/%(L^((D-2-1):0))) %% L)
        Ar <<- sweep(A1,2,v,'+')%%L + 1 #now OAs start at 0, not sure if right, maybe add 1??????
      Arp <- Ar[((p-1)*L+1):(p*L), , drop=FALSE]
      if(nb+L > lb) { # Xb reached an LHD, increase small grid
        lb <<- lb * a
        Vb <<- ceiling(Xb*lb)
      # Add batch NB(G,eps,b)
      n1 <- nb+1
      n2 <- nb+L
      # Increment parameters
      b <<- b+1L
      nb <<- nb+as.integer(L)
      if(p == L) {
        r <<- r + 1L
        p <<- 1L
        if(r > L^(D-2)) {# if finished step 2, do step 3
          Lb <<- a*Lb
          Mb <<- floor(Xb * Lb) # + 1 # no longer adding 1
          stage <<- 2L
          vii <<- 1L
          r <<- 1L
          p <<- 1L
      } else{
        p <<- p + 1L
      return(Xb[n1:n2, , drop=FALSE])
    }, # end stage1 function
    stage2 = function() { # run steps 4 and 5
      if (vii==1L & r==1L & p==1L) { # If first time through, set values
        FF1.1 <<- a*floor(Mb/a)
        Mb.store <<- Mb
        v.shuffle <<- sample(1:(a^D-1))
      if (r==1L & p==1L) { # If new vii, set Fslices for it
        v <- (v.shuffle[vii]%/%(a^((D-1):0))) %% a

        # Messed things up around here trying to get D=1 to work, shouldn't affect D>=2 though
        if (D>1 && (L^(D-2)*(Lb/a/L)^D != (nrow(Mb.store)/L^2))) {
          stop("Something is wrong here, change it back to old version #85205")
        FFv <- FF1.1 + sweep(Mb.store,2,v,'+')%%a # ; print(c(L^(D-2)*(Lb/a/L)^D, nrow(Mb.store)/L^2)); #;browser()
        # Fslices1 <- split_matrix(FFv,nsplits=L^(D-2)*(Lb/a/L)^D) # Old, correct version for D>=2. Changed to try to get D=1.
        Fslices1 <- split_matrix(FFv,nsplits=nrow(Mb.store) / L^2) # This is correct except for maybe D=1

        Fslices <<- lapply(Fslices1,split_matrix,L)
      if (nb+L > lb) { # increase grid if reached LHS
        lb <<- a*lb
        Vb <<- ceiling(Xb*lb)
      # Add batch NB(G,eps,b)
      NB(G=Fslices[[r]][[p]] + 1)
      n1 <- nb+1
      n2 <- nb+L
      # new batch has been added
      b <<- b + 1L
      nb <<- nb + as.integer(L)
      # increment loop parameters
      p <<- p + 1L
      if (p > length(Fslices[[r]])) {
        p <<- 1L
        r <<- r + 1L
        if (r > length(Fslices)) {
          r <<- 1L
          vii <<- vii + 1L
          if (vii > a^D-1) {
            vii <<- 1L
            if (nrow(Mb) >= Lb ^ D) {
              Lb <<- a * Lb
              Mb <<- floor(Xb * Lb)
            } else {
              print('probably an error 52033895')
      return(Xb[n1:n2, , drop=FALSE])
    }, # end stage2 function
    NB = function(G,eps=NULL) {
      # Add batch NB(G,eps,b)
      if(is.null(eps)) {eps <- matrix(runif(L*D),L,D)}
      #n1 <- nb+1
      #n2 <- nb+L
      # need to create blank rows to be filled in for all matrices
      Vb <<- rbind(Vb, matrix(NA, L, D))
      Mb <<- rbind(Mb, matrix(NA, L, D))
      Wb <<- rbind(Wb, matrix(NA, L, D))
      Xb <<- rbind(Xb, matrix(NA, L, D))  # Add +1 to these 4 b/c of next line
      for (i in 1:L) { # CHANGING TO +1, seems necessary but not in paper
        for (j in 1:D) {
          Q <- setdiff((lb*(G[i,j]-1)/Lb+1):(lb*(G[i,j]+1-1)/Lb-1+1),Vb[,j])
          N <- length(Q)
          e1 <- ceiling(eps[i,j]*N)
          e2 <- e1-eps[i,j]*N # The remainder, should be random between 0 and 1
          e <- Q[e1]
          if(length(e) == 0) stop("No options Error #23833")
          if(e > lb | e < 1) stop("Error #39100")
          Vb[nb+1+i-1,j] <<- e
          Mb[nb+1+i-1,j] <<- G[i,j] - 1
          Wb[nb+1+i-1,j] <<- floor(L * G[i,j] / Lb)
          Xb[nb+1+i-1,j] <<- (e - e2) / lb
        # If maximin, optimize to space them out
        # Don't do it on first point
        # Or when lb is big, not worth it then
        if (maximin && (b > 0 | i > 1) && lb <= 100) {
          optim.func <- function(xx) {
            -min(rowSums(sweep(Xb[1:(nb+i-1),,drop=FALSE], 2, (Vb[nb+i,]-xx)/lb)^2))
          # don't let it get exactly in any corner, might end up in wrong square
          opt.out <- optim(rep(.5,D), optim.func,
                           lower=rep(1e-4, D), upper=rep(1-1e-4, D),
                           method="L-BFGS-B", control=list(factr=1e9))
          Xb[nb+i,] <<- (Vb[nb+i,]-opt.out$par)/lb
    }, # end stage3 function
    get.batches = function(num) { # get multiple batches at once
      if (num < 1 || abs(num - as.integer(num)) > 1e-8) {
        stop(paste0("Can only get positive integer number of batches, not ", num))
      out <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=D)
      for (i in 1:num) {out <- rbind(out,get.batch())}
    }, # end get.batches function
    get.batches.to.golden = function() {
      if (length(Lb) == 0) { # Need this in case no batches have been taken yet
                             #  since Lb will be numeric(0) and give issue
        b1 <- get.batch()
        b2 <- get.batches((Lb^max(D,2)-dim(Xb)[1])/L) # Add max for D=1
        rbind(b1, b2)
      } else {
        get.batches((Lb^max(D,2) - dim(Xb)[1]) / L) # Add max for D=1
    } # end get.batches.to.golden function
CollinErickson/sFFLHD documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:28 p.m.