
#' jobsByIndustry Creates a Chart showing the Total estimated jobs by sector for
#'   a place and for Colorado
#' Uses State Demography Office data to create a chart compaing jobs by major sector
#' for a selected place, compared to Colorado.
#' @param fips is the fips code for the county being examined
#' @param ctyname  This parameter puts the name of the county in the chart
#' @param curyr The maximum year value, from CurYr
#' @param base is the abse text size for the ggplot2 object and codemog_theme(), defaults to base = 10
#' @return  ggplot graphic and data file
#' @export
jobsByIndustry <- function(fips, ctyname, curyr, base=10){
  options(warn=-1)  # Suppressing warning messages produced by VennDiagram
  #Reading data
  pw <- {

  # loads the PostgreSQL driver
  drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
  # creates a connection to the postgres database
  # note that "con" will be used later in each connection to the database
  con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "dola",
                   host = "", port = 5433,
                   user = "codemog", password = pw)
  rm(pw) # removes the password

  # Read data files
  f.jobsPL <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM estimates.jobs_by_sector WHERE (area_code = ", as.character(as.numeric(fips)),
                                     " AND population_year = ", as.character(curyr), ");"))
  f.jobsST <- dbGetQuery(con, paste0("SELECT * FROM estimates.jobs_by_sector WHERE (area_code = 0 AND population_year = ",
                                     as.character(curyr), ");"))

  #closing the connections

  f.jobsPL$total_jobs <- if_else($total_jobs),0,f.jobsPL$total_jobs)
  f.jobsPL$sector_name <- gsub("&nbsp;","",f.jobsPL$sector_name)
  f.jobsPL$sector_id <- if_else(nchar(f.jobsPL$sector_id) == 4,paste0("0",f.jobsPL$sector_id), f.jobsPL$sector_id)

  # Assigning and extracginf major Categories
  f.jobsPL$sector_agg <- if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "01000",1,
                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "02000",1,
                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "03000",1,
                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "04000",1,
                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "05000",1,
                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "06000",1,
                                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "07000",1,
                                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "08000",1,
                                                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "09000",1,
                                                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "10000",1,
                                                                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "10150",1,
                                                                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "11000",1,
                                                                                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "11025",1,
                                                                                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "11050",1,
                                                                                                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "12000",1,
                                                                                                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "12015",1,
                                                                                                                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "13000",1,
                                                                                                                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "13015",1,
                                                                                                                                                                         if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "14000",1,
                                                                                                                                                                                 if_else(f.jobsPL$sector_id == "15000",1,0))))))))))))))))))))

  f.jobsPLMain <- f.jobsPL[which(f.jobsPL$sector_agg == 1),]

  # Updating category names
  f.jobsPLMain$sector_name <- if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Accommodation and food","Accomodation and Food Services",
                                      if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Admin and waste","Adminstration and Waste Services",
                                              if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Arts","Arts, Entertainment and Recreation",
                                                      if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Education","Educational Services",
                                                              if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Finance activities","Finance and Insurance",
                                                                      if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Health Services","Healthcare and Social Assistance",
                                                                              if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Management of companies and enterprise","Management of Companies",
                                                                                      if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Other services, except public administration","Other Services",
                                                                                              if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Professional and business services","Professional and Technical Services",
                                                                                                      if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Real estate","Real Estate and Rental and Leasing",
                                                                                                              if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Wholesale trade","Wholesale Trade",
                                                                                                                      if_else(f.jobsPLMain$ sector_name == "Transportation and warehousing","Transportation and Warehousing",f.jobsPLMain$sector_name

  f.jobsPLMain <- f.jobsPLMain %>%
    mutate(PLTotal = sum(total_jobs),
           total_c = comma(round(total_jobs,digits=0)),
           prop_jobs = (total_jobs/PLTotal)*100,
           pct_jobs = percent(prop_jobs))

  f.jobsPLMain$geoname <- ctyname
  f.jobsPLMain <- f.jobsPLMain[which(f.jobsPLMain$prop_jobs > 0),]  # removing blank categoies
  f.jobsPLMainFin <- f.jobsPLMain[,c(4,5,10,11,12)]

  f.jobsChart <- f.jobsPLMainFin

  f.jobsChart$sector_name <- factor(f.jobsChart$sector_name, levels=f.jobsChart$sector_name[order(f.jobsChart$prop_jobs)], ordered=TRUE)

  pltTitle <- paste0(as.character(curyr)," Share of Jobs by Industry")
  subTitle <- ctyname  #The is the county Name...
  axs <- setAxis(f.jobsChart$prop_jobs) <- ggplot(f.jobsChart, aes(x=sector_name, y=prop_jobs)) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge", fill= "#6EC4E8")+
    geom_text(mapping=aes(x=sector_name, y=prop_jobs, label=pct_jobs),
              hjust = -0.5, size = 4,
              position = position_dodge(width = 1),
              inherit.aes = TRUE) +
    scale_y_continuous(limits=c(axs$minBrk,axs$maxBrk), breaks=axs$yBrk, expand = c(0, 0), label=percent)  +
    theme_codemog(base_size=base) + coord_flip() +
    labs(title = pltTitle,
         subtitle = subTitle,
         caption = captionSrc("SDO",""),
         x = "Job Sector",
         y = "Percentage") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=18),
          panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "gray50"),
          panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
          axis.text = element_text(size=12),
          panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "gray80"))

  # Building Output data

  f.jobsFin <- f.jobsPLMainFin
  f.jobsFin <- f.jobsFin[order(f.jobsFin$sector_id),]
  f.jobsFin <- f.jobsFin[,c(2,4,5)]
  names(f.jobsFin) <- c("Job Sector", paste0("Number of Jobs: ",ctyname), paste0("Percentage of Jobs: ",ctyname))

  outList <- list("plot" =,"data"= f.jobsFin)

ColoradoDemography/ProfileDashboard documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:08 a.m.