Man pages for ComputationalIntelligenceGroup/3DSomaMS
3DSomaMS: A univocal definition of the neuronal soma morphology using Gaussian mixture models

BN_clusteringClustering Gaussian Bayesian network
BN_structure_learningCompute the structure of the BN
characterize.soma3dCharacterize a single soma
cluster_simulationSimulation of new somas from a selected cluster
compute_meshes_volumesCompute the volume of meshes in a folder
convert_somas_to_PLYRead VRMLs of somas
MAQ_SCompute MAQ_S
read_binary_PLYRead binary PLY file
read_VRMLRead neuron from a VRML file
repair_somaRepair soma morphology
repair.soma3dRepair single soma from data
RMSE_computationCompute RMSE
segment.soma3dExtract single soma from data
segment_somasSegment somas
simulate_new_somasSimulation of new somas
simulation_3D_meshThree-dimensional representation of the simulated somas
soma_caracterizationCharacterize soma with ray tracing reeb graph
wilcoxon_RMSEWilcoxon test for RMSE
write_PLY_only_pointsWrite only the vertices of a mesh in a PLY file
ComputationalIntelligenceGroup/3DSomaMS documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:49 p.m.