
Defines functions .exportName .getNames .getScore

#' Export interactions in BED12 format.
#' @param GIObject  A GInteractions object.
#' @param fn        A filename to write the object to
#' @param score     Which metadata column to export as score
#' Exports a GInteractions object to BED12 format, and writes to a specified file. If filename is not specified,
#' then a data.frame containing the information is returned.
#' Bed12 files provide a method for visualising interactions, it is not a good format for storing all of the data associated
#' with an interaction dataset, particularly for trans-chromosomal interactions, which can only be stored in the bed12 names
#' field.
#' @return invisible(1) if outputting to file or a data.frame containing all of the corresponding information
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hic_example_data)
#' export.bed12(hic_example_data, fn = tempfile(), score = 'counts')
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname export.bed12

setGeneric("export.bed12", function(GIObject, fn = NULL, score = "counts") {
#' @rdname export.bed12
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @importFrom rtracklayer export
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb
setMethod("export.bed12", c("GInteractions"), function(GIObject, fn = NULL, score = "counts") {
    bed <- asBED(GIObject, score)
    if (!is.null(fn)) {
        export(bed, fn, format = "bed")
    } else {
        blocks <- bed$blocks
        bed$blocks <- NULL
        strand_info <- as.character(strand(bed))
        strand_info[strand_info == "*"] <- NA
        df <- data.frame(seqnames = seqnames(bed), start = start(bed) - 1L, end = end(bed), names = bed$name, score = bed$score, strand = strand_info, 
            thickStart = bed$thickStart, thickEnd = bed$thickEnd, itemRgb = apply(col2rgb(bed$itemRgb), 2, paste, collapse = ","), blockCount = elementNROWS(blocks), 
            blockStarts = unlist(lapply(start(blocks), paste, collapse = ","), use.names = FALSE), blockSizes = unlist(lapply(width(blocks), 
                paste, collapse = ","), use.names = FALSE))

#' Export interactions in BED Paired-End format.
#' #' Exports a GInteractions object to BED-PE format, and writes to a specified file. If filename is not specified,
#' then a data.frame containing the information is returned. The value of the score parameter defines which field is used
#' to populate the score field.
#' @param GIObject A GInteractions object.
#' @param fn A filename to write the interactions data to
#' @param score Which metadata column to use as score
#' @return invisible(1) if outputting to file or a data.frame containing all of the corresponding information
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname export.bedpe
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hic_example_data)
#' export.bedpe(hic_example_data, fn = tempfile(), score = 'counts')
setGeneric("export.bedpe", function(GIObject, fn = NULL, score = "counts") {
#' @rdname export.bedpe
#' @export
setMethod("export.bedpe", c("GInteractions"), function(GIObject, fn = NULL, score = "counts") {
    score_vector <- .getScore(GIObject, score)
    if (is.null(score_vector)) 
        stop("Supplied score field not in element metadata.")
    output <- cbind(as.character(seqnames(anchorOne(GIObject))), start(anchorOne(GIObject)) - 1L, end(anchorOne(GIObject)), as.character(seqnames(anchorTwo(GIObject))), 
        start(anchorTwo(GIObject)) - 1L, end(anchorTwo(GIObject)), paste0("interaction:", seq_along(GIObject)), score_vector, as.character(strand(anchorOne(GIObject))), 
    if (!is.null(fn)) {
        write.table(output, fn, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
    } else {

#' Export interactions in a BEDPE-like format for use with ChiaSig
#' Exports a GInteractions object to BEDPE like format, (anchor specifications and a column for reads connecting them)
#' and writes to a specified file. If filename is not specified,
#' then a data.frame containing the information is returned. The value of the score parameter defines which field is used
#' to populate the score field.
#' @param GIObject A GInteractions object.
#' @param fn     A filename to write the interactions data to
#' @param score    Which metadata column to use as the score: counts or normalised
#' @return invisible(1) if outputting to file or a data.frame containing all of the corresponding information
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname export.chiasig
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hic_example_data)
#' export.chiasig(hic_example_data, fn = tempfile(), score = 'counts')
setGeneric("export.chiasig", function(GIObject, fn = NULL, score = "counts") {
#' @rdname export.chiasig
#' @export
setMethod("export.chiasig", c("GInteractions"), function(GIObject, fn = NULL, score = "counts") {
    score_vec <- .getScore(GIObject, score)
    if (is.null(score_vec)) 
        stop("Supplied score field not in element metadata.")
    output <- cbind(as.character(seqnames(anchorOne(GIObject))), start(anchorOne(GIObject)) - 1L, end(anchorOne(GIObject)), as.character(seqnames(anchorTwo(GIObject))), 
        start(anchorTwo(GIObject)) - 1L, score_vec)
    if (!is.null(fn)) {
        write.table(output, fn, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
    } else {

.getScore <- function(x, score) {
    if (score == "counts") 
        ans <- interactionCounts(x) else ans <- mcols(x)[[score]]
    if (is.null(ans)) 
        ans <- rep(0, length(x))

.getNames <- function(x) {
    if ("name" %in% colnames(mcols(x))) 
        names <- mcols(x)[["name"]] else names <- paste0("interaction_", seq_along(x))

#' Coerce to BED structure
#' Coerce the structure of an object to one following BED-like
#' conventions, i.e., with columns for blocks and thick regions.
#' @param x Generally, a tabular object to structure as BED
#' @param keep.mcols logical whether to keep non-BED12 columns in final
#'                   output (may cause problems with some parsers).
#' @param score character, which field to export as 'score' in BED12.
#'              Defaults to 'auto' which will choose score, then counts,
#'              if present, or fill column with zeros.
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to methods, see \code{\link[rtracklayer]{asBED}}
#' for details.
#' @return A `GRanges`, with the metadata columns `name`, `blockStarts` and
#'         `blockSizes` added.
#' @importFrom rtracklayer asBED
#' @importFrom IRanges PartitioningByWidth
#' @importFrom S4Vectors elementNROWS
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics relist
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @examples
#' data(hic_example_data)
#' asBED(hic_example_data)
setMethod("asBED", c("GInteractions"), function(x, keep.mcols = FALSE, score = "score", ...) {
    if (!is.null(names(x)) || !is.null(x$name)) 
        warning("Names will be dropped during BED12 export")
    x <- swapAnchors(x, mode = "order")
    is_trans <- as.vector(seqnames(regions(x))[x@anchor1] != seqnames(regions(x))[x@anchor2])
    a1_cis <- x@anchor1[!is_trans]
    a2_cis <- x@anchor2[!is_trans]
    a1_trans <- x@anchor1[is_trans]
    a2_trans <- x@anchor2[is_trans]
    scores <- .getScore(x, score)
    if (is.null(x$color)) {
        x$color <- "#000000"
    names <- .exportName(x, scores)
    cis_blocks <- relist(IRanges(start = c(rbind(rep(1L, length(a1_cis)), start(x@regions)[a2_cis] - start(x@regions)[a1_cis] + 1L)), 
        width = c(rbind(width(x@regions)[a1_cis], width(x@regions)[a2_cis]))), PartitioningByWidth(rep(2, length(a1_cis))))
    output_cis <- GRanges(seqnames = as.character(seqnames(x@regions)[a1_cis]), IRanges(start = start(x@regions)[a1_cis], end = end(x@regions)[a2_cis]), 
        name = names[!is_trans], score = scores[!is_trans], strand = ifelse(strand(x@regions)[a1_cis] == strand(x@regions)[a2_cis] & as.vector(strand(x@regions)[a1_cis]) %in% 
            c("+", "-"), as.vector(strand(x@regions)[a1_cis]), "*"), thickStart = start(x@regions)[a1_cis], thickEnd = end(x@regions)[a2_cis], 
        itemRgb = x$color[!is_trans], blocks = cis_blocks)
    trans_blocks <- relist(IRanges(start = rep(1, 2 * length(a1_trans)), width = c(width(x@regions)[a1_trans], width(x@regions)[a2_trans])), 
        PartitioningByWidth(rep(1, 2 * length(a1_trans))))
    output_trans <- GRanges(seqnames = c(as.character(seqnames(x@regions)[a1_trans]), as.character(seqnames(x@regions)[a2_trans])), IRanges(start = c(start(x@regions)[a1_trans], 
        start(x@regions)[a2_trans]), end = c(end(x@regions)[a1_trans], end(x@regions)[a2_trans])), name = rep(names[is_trans], 2), score = rep(scores[is_trans], 
        2), strand = c(as.character(strand(x@regions)[a1_trans]), as.character(strand(x@regions)[a2_trans])), thickStart = c(start(x@regions)[a1_trans], 
        start(x@regions)[a2_trans]), thickEnd = c(end(x@regions)[a1_trans], end(x@regions)[a2_trans]), itemRgb = rep(x$color[is_trans], 
        2), blocks = trans_blocks)
    extra_cols <- setdiff(colnames(mcols(x)), c("score", "name"))
    if (length(extra_cols) && keep.mcols == TRUE) {
        mcols(output_cis) <- cbind(mcols(output_cis), mcols(x)[!is_trans, extra_cols, drop = FALSE])
        mcols(output_trans) <- cbind(mcols(output_trans), rep(mcols(x)[is_trans, extra_cols, drop = FALSE], 2))
    return(sort(c(output_cis, output_trans)))

.exportName <- function(gi, score = 0) {
    paste0(seqnames(gi@regions)[gi@anchor1], ":", start(gi@regions)[gi@anchor1] - 1L, "..", end(gi@regions)[gi@anchor1], "-", seqnames(gi@regions)[gi@anchor2], 
        ":", start(gi@regions)[gi@anchor2] - 1L, "..", end(gi@regions)[gi@anchor2], ",", score)
ComputationalRegulatoryGenomicsICL/GenomicInteractions documentation built on April 16, 2022, 4:09 a.m.