
A project aiming to develop novel methods for finding recombination hotspots with a novel HMM-based approach.

Joint work w. Berklund, Terkelsen and Hobolth @BIRC (Aarhus Uni)

Overview of code:

Project Roadmap

  1. Implement basics of HMM:

    1. Sampler [done]
    2. Likelihood computation (via forward algorithm) [done]
  2. Work on maximum likelihood estimator

    1. Implement ML estimation of recombination rate [done]
    2. Test performance and power of method [initial testing done]
    3. Explore improvements to ML algorithm, if necessary (e.g. use a Baum–Welch/EM- type algorithm instead of Newtonian method currently employed) [currently not under consideration]
  3. Search for hotspots

    1. Implement scanning algorithm [next step]
    2. Test on simulated data
    3. Apply to real data

Cronjaeger/HotBirdHMM documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:01 p.m.