
Defines functions make.samatha.page render.page render.post knit.post write.html file.states get.site.state orphan.items check.pagesPosts check.layouts update.site refresh.site samatha

Documented in check.layouts check.pagesPosts file.states get.site.state knit.post make.samatha.page orphan.items refresh.site render.page render.post samatha update.site write.html

#' Contstuct a page from the individual elements
#' @name make.samatha.page
#' @param content the actual contents of the page
#' @param title the title of the page, used if your template uses it
#' @param layout which layout file should be used
#' @export
#' @return Object of class Samatha.Page
make.samatha.page <- function(content, title, layout){
  page.obj <- structure(list(content=content,

#' Render a page using the Samatha html dsl
#'  pages are stored in site/template/pages
#' @title Render a page using the Samatha html dsl
#' @name render.page
#' @description Renders a page according to its layout template
#' @export
#' @param site Absolute path to your Samatha site
#' @param pagename name of the R source file for the page to be rendered as html
#' @return Object of class Samatha.Page
#' An object of class Samatha.Page is a list containing at least the following components:
#' html         A character string of the html of a page
#' layout       The name of the layout file used to render the html
#' file         Name of the file to write the html to
#' title        title for the page
#' sourcefile   path to the source R or Rmd file for the page
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' render.post(site, "index.R", layout = "default")
#' }
render.page <- function(site, pagename){
    source(file.path(site, "template/pages", pagename), local = TRUE)
    page$html <- source(file.path(site, "template/layouts", page$layout), local=TRUE)$value
    page$file <- file.path(site, basename(site), str_replace(pagename, "\\.R", "\\.html"))
    page$sourcefile <- pagename
    page$tags <- ""

#' Render a post from an R markdown file
#' @name render.post
#' @description Render an .Rmd file into a page according to its layout template
#' post templates are stored in site/template
#' Better date functionality
#' @export
#' @param site Absolute path to your Samatha site
#' @param postname Name of the Rmd source for the post
#' @param layout The name of the layout file used to render the post
#' @param fig.path name of the directory in the site where figures (particularly R charts etc.) are to be kept
#' @return Object of class Samatha.Page
#' An object of class Samatha.Page is a list containing at least the following components:
#' html         A character string of the html of a page
#' layout       The name of the layout file used to render the html
#' file         Name of the file to write the html to
#' title        title for the page
#' sourcefile   path to the source R or Rmd file for the page
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' render.post(site, "My_first_post.Rmd", layout = "default", fig.path = "img")
#' } 
render.post <- function(site, postname, layout, fig.path, includetags){
    postnames <- str_match(postname, pattern = "([[:digit:]]{4}_[[:digit:]]{2}_[[:digit:]]{2})_(.*)")
    rmd.file <- file.path(site, "template/posts", postnames[1])
    md.file <- str_replace(rmd.file, "\\.Rmd", "\\.md")
    if(length(postnames) != 3 | ! str_detect(postnames[3], "\\.Rmd")){
        cat(sprintf("Bad post filename: %s", postnames[1]))
    fullFig.path <- file.path(site, basename(site), paste0(fig.path, "/"))
    # logic to only knit if necessary. i.e. no markdown file, or the Rmd has been updated compared to the md.
    if (file.exists(md.file)){
      md.mod <- file.info(md.file)["mtime"][1,1]
      rmd.mod <- file.info(rmd.file)["mtime"][1,1]
      if (difftime(md.mod, rmd.mod) < 0){
        knit.post(rmd.file, md.file, fullFig.path)
    } else {
      knit.post(rmd.file, md.file, fullFig.path)

    page.cont <- markdownToHTML(md.file, fragment.only = TRUE)
    page.tags <- extract.tags(md.file)
    tag.linklist <- tag.links(page.tags)
    if (includetags){
      tagstring <- paste0("Tagged in: ", paste0(tag.linklist, collapse=", "))
      page.cont <- paste0(page.cont, m("h5", tagstring))
    page.cont <- paste0(page.cont, m("h6", sprintf("Posted on %s", as.Date(postnames[2], format("%Y_%m_%d")))))
    page.cont <- str_replace_all(page.cont, 
                            paste0("img src=\"",file.path(site, basename(site), fig.path)), 
                            paste0("img src=\"/", fig.path))
    month.dir <- file.path(site, basename(site), "posts", 
                                       "_", "/"))
    dir.create(month.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    page <- list(content=page.cont, title=extract.title(md.file))
    post.obj <- structure(list(html = source(file.path(site, "template/layouts", layout), local = TRUE)$value,
                               content = page$content,
                               layout = layout,
                               file = file.path(month.dir, 
                                                str_replace(postnames[3], "\\.Rmd", "\\.html")),
                               title = page$title,
                               sourcefile = postname,
                               tags = extract.tags(md.file)),
                          class = "Samatha.Page")

#' knits an Rmd post to md
#' If a blog post involves a lot of heavy computation, it may be useful to be able to knit the Rmd to md first. This should be true whether using \code{samatha} with \code{initial=TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. 
#' @name knit.post
#' @param rmd.file the full path to the R markdown file to knit
#' @param md.file the full path to the markdown file output
#' @param fig.path the absolute figure path used by the samatha site
#' @return character md file name if successful, empty value otherwise
#' @export
knit.post <- function(rmd.file, md.file, fig.path){
  opts_chunk$set(fig.path = fig.path)
  knit(input =  rmd.file,
       output = md.file)

#' Writes the html content of a Samatha.Page object to 
#' the file specified in the file element. 
#' @name write.html
#' @param samatha.page an object of class Samatha.Page
#' @return logical FALSE if the object is not a Samantha.Page object, otherwise TRUE
write.html <- function(samatha.page){
    if(class(samatha.page) == "Samatha.Page"){
            file = samatha.page$file)
    } else {
        cat("Not a valid Samatha.Page object")

#' Gets modification times for a vector of files
#' @name file.states
#' @param files character vector of file paths
#' @return a named vector of modification times with file paths as namess
file.states <- function(files){
    setNames(file.info(files)$mtime, files)

#' Gets modification dates for all source and dest files in a site
#' @name get.site.state
#' @param site Absolute path to your Samatha site
#' @return {
#' a list of file states (as returned by file.states()) for the different elements of the site:
#'  "layouts", "source_pages", "source_posts", "dest_pages", "dest_posts"
#' }
get.site.state <- function(site){
    setNames(lapply(c("template/layouts", "template/pages", "template/posts", 
                      file.path(basename(site), "pages"), file.path(basename(site), "posts")), 
                        if(x == file.path(basename(site), "pages")){
                            upper <- list.files(file.path(site, basename(site)), full.names = TRUE)
                            upper <- upper[str_detect(upper, "\\.html$")]
                              file.states(list.files(file.path(site, x), 
                                                     recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)))
                        } else if(x == "template/posts"){
                            posts <- list.files(file.path(site, x), 
                                                recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
                            posts <- posts[str_detect(posts, "\\.Rmd$")]
                        } else {
                            file.states(list.files(file.path(site, x), 
                                                   recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE))
             c("layouts", "source_pages", "source_posts", "dest_pages", "dest_posts"))

#' find orphaned pages and posts
#' This function looks for pages and posts that don't have any associated source, and therefore need to be deleted
#' @name orphan.items
#' @param dest.items a character vector of things in the destination directory
#' @param source.items a character vector of things in the source directory
#' @return logical vector of things in dest.items that are not in source.items
orphan.items <- function(dest.items, source.items){
  if (length(dest.items)){
    !(dest.items %in% source.items)
  } else FALSE

#' check state of pages and posts
#' Checks the current state of pages and posts, i.e. whether they are compiled, or if the change date is newer than the compiled html
#' @name check.pagesPosts
#' @param state.source the modification dates of the source files
#' @param spp.ID the actual file names
#' @param state.dest the modification dates of the destination files
#' @param dpp.ID the actual destination file names
#' @return logical which files need to be recompiled
check.pagesPosts <- function(state.source, spp.ID, state.dest, dpp.ID){
  sapply(1:length(state.source), function(x){
    !spp.ID[x] %in% dpp.ID || state.source[x] > state.dest[which(dpp.ID == spp.ID[x])]

#' check layout files
#' @name check.layouts
#' @param lays layout files
#' @param states the states of all the files
#' @return logical are any layouts newer than files in states
check.layouts <- function(lays, states){
  # are any layouts newer than any files in states?
  for(l in lays){
    if(any(l > states)) return(TRUE)

#' Checks if source files were modified after the corresponding dest files
#' if :
#'  - layouts newer than any html files : rebuild everything - DONE
#'  - no corresponding html for source  OR source newer than html file : build
#'  - html files with no source : delete html
#'  - otherwise do nothing and return false
#'  todo - Error testing
#' @name update.site
#' @param site Absolute path to your Samatha site
#' @param site.state The value of get.site.state(site): modification times for elements of the site
#' @param post.layout The name of the layout file used to render posts
#' @param tag.layout The name of the layout file used to render subject tags
#' @param fig.path name of the directory in the site where figures (particularly R charts etc.) are to be kept
#' @return logical TRUE if site has been updated, FALSE otherwise
update.site <- function(site, site.state, post.layout, tag.layout, fig.path){
    sp <- catch_char_zero(str_replace(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$source_pages), 
                                          function(x) basename(x))),
                      "\\.R", "\\.html")) # source pages
    dp <- catch_char_zero(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$dest_pages), 
                              function(x) basename(x)))) # dest pages
    sb <- catch_char_zero(str_replace(str_replace(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$source_posts), 
                                                      function(x) basename(x))), 
                                  "\\.Rmd", "\\.html"),
                      "^[[:digit:]]{4}_[[:digit:]]{2}_[[:digit:]]{2}_", "")) # source blog posts
    db <- catch_char_zero(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$dest_posts), 
                              function(x) basename(x)))) # dest blog posts
    orphan.pages <- names(site.state$dest_pages[orphan.items(dp, sp)])
    orphan.posts <- names(site.state$dest_posts[orphan.items(db, sb)])
    if(length(orphan.pages) || length(orphan.posts)){
        for(f in c(orphan.pages, orphan.posts)){
        cat(paste0("Orphan files deleted:\n",paste(c(orphan.pages, orphan.posts), 
                                                   collapse = ", ")), "\n")
    if(check.layouts(site.state$layouts, c(site.state$dest_pages, site.state$dest_posts))){
        for(post in names(site.state$source_posts)) {
            write.html(render.post(site, basename(post), 
                                   layout = post.layout, 
                                   fig.path = fig.path))
        pages <- list.files(file.path(site, "template/pages"), recursive = TRUE)
        for(page in pages[str_detect(pages, "R$")]){
            write.html(render.page(site, page)) 
        cat("Full site rebuild after layout changes.\n")
    pages.tobuild <- names(site.state$source_pages[check.pages()])
        p2b <- str_match(pages.tobuild, "(template/pages/)(.+)")[,3]
        for(p in p2b){
            write.html(render.page(site, p)) 
        cat(paste0("Re/built pages:\n",paste(p2b, collapse = ", ")), "\n")
    posts.tobuild <- names(site.state$source_posts)[check.posts()]
        for(post in posts.tobuild) {
            write.html(render.post(site, basename(post), 
                                   layout = post.layout, 
                                   fig.path = figure.path))
        cat(paste0("Re/built posts:\n",paste(posts.tobuild, collapse = ", ")), "\n")

#' Refresh all posts and pages
#' if :
#'  - layouts newer than any html files : rebuild everything - DONE
#'  - no corresponding html for source  OR source newer than html file : build
#'  - html files with no source : delete html
#'  - otherwise do nothing and return false
#'  todo - Error testing
#' @name refresh.site
#' @param site Absolute path to your Samatha site
#' @param site.state The value of get.site.state(site): modification times for elements of the site
#' @param post.layout The name of the layout file used to render posts
#' @param tag.layout The name of the layout file used to render subject tags
#' @param fig.path name of the directory in the site where figures (particularly R charts etc.) are to be kept
#' @return logical TRUE if site has been updated, FALSE otherwise
refresh.site <- function(site, site.state, post.layout, tag.layout, fig.path, includetags){
    sp <- catch_char_zero(str_replace(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$source_pages), 
                                                          function(x) basename(x))),
                                      "\\.R", "\\.html")) # source pages
    dp <- catch_char_zero(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$dest_pages), 
                                              function(x) basename(x)))) # dest pages
    sb <- catch_char_zero(str_replace(str_replace(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$source_posts), 
                                                                      function(x) basename(x))), 
                                                  "\\.Rmd", "\\.html"),
                                      "^[[:digit:]]{4}_[[:digit:]]{2}_[[:digit:]]{2}_", "")) # source blog posts
    db <- catch_char_zero(as.character(sapply(names(site.state$dest_posts), 
                                              function(x) basename(x)))) # dest blog posts
    orphan.pages <- names(site.state$dest_pages[orphan.items(dp, sp)])
    orphan.posts <- names(site.state$dest_posts[orphan.items(db, sb)])
    if(length(orphan.pages) || length(orphan.posts)){
        for(f in c(orphan.pages, orphan.posts)){
        cat(paste0("Orphan files deleted:\n",paste(c(orphan.pages, orphan.posts), 
                                                   collapse = ", ")), "\n")
    for(post in names(site.state$source_posts)) {
        write.html(render.post(site, basename(post), 
                               layout = post.layout, 
                               fig.path = fig.path,
                               includetags = includetags))
    pages <- list.files(file.path(site, "template/pages"), recursive = TRUE)
    pages.tobuild <- names(site.state$source_pages)
        p2b <- str_match(pages.tobuild, "(template/pages/)(.+)")[,3]
        for(p in p2b){
            write.html(render.page(site, p)) 
        cat(paste0("Re/built pages:\n",paste(p2b, collapse = ", ")), "\n")
    posts.tobuild <- names(site.state$source_posts)
        for(post in posts.tobuild) {
            write.html(render.post(site, basename(post), 
                                   layout = post.layout, 
                                   fig.path = figure.path,
                                   includetags = includetags))
        cat(paste0("Re/built posts:\n",paste(posts.tobuild, collapse = ", ")), "\n")

#' Samatha: Runs an infinite loop, updating the site as necessary
#' This is the main command to update your site.  You can leave this running while you make edits to source files
#' @name samatha
#' @param site character absolute path to your Samatha site
#' @param rss boolean build rss page?
#' @param initial boolean if true, runs the whole engine once, rebuilding the whole site.  If false runs an infinite loop updating only where necessary
#' @export
samatha <- function(site, rss = TRUE, initial = FALSE){
    source(file.path(site, "template/config/config.R"), echo = TRUE, local = FALSE)
        site.state <- get.site.state(site)
        site.updated <- refresh.site(site = site, site.state = site.state, 
                                    post.layout = post.layout, tag.layout = tag.layout, 
                                    fig.path = figure.path, includetags=includetags)
        site.updated <- refresh.site(site = site, site.state = site.state, 
                                     post.layout = post.layout, tag.layout = tag.layout, 
                                     fig.path = figure.path, includetags=includetags)
        render.tagfiles(site, tag.layout = tag.layout)
            render.rss(site, domain = domain, rss.title = rss.title, 
                       rss.description = rss.description, rss.categories = rss.categories)
            rss.category(site, domain = domain, categories = rss.category.feeds)
    } else{
            site.state <- get.site.state(site)
            site.updated <- update.site(site = site, site.state = site.state, 
                                        post.layout = post.layout, tag.layout = tag.layout, 
                                        fig.path = figure.path)
                render.tagfiles(site, tag.layout = tag.layout)
                    render.rss(site, domain = domain, rss.title = rss.title, 
                               rss.description = rss.description, rss.categories = rss.categories)
                    rss.category(site, domain = domain, categories = rss.category.feeds)
DASpringate/samatha documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:16 p.m.