# Auxiliary function to get distribution, protologue, synonym and species number
getInfo <- function(df,
hybrid = hybrid,
synonyms = synonyms,
country = country,
gen_sp_nbr = gen_sp_nbr,
verbose = verbose,
dfsize = NULL) {
# Creating empty lists to save data of interest during all search
list_data <- get_tax_data(df,
synonyms = synonyms,
gen_sp_nbr = gen_sp_nbr,
verbose = verbose,
dfsize = dfsize)
# Try open a new connection for those lost during the first search
tf <- unlist(lapply(list_data[[1]], is.null))
if (any(tf)) {
list_data_temp <- get_tax_data(df[tf, ],
synonyms = synonyms,
gen_sp_nbr = gen_sp_nbr,
verbose = verbose,
dfsize = dfsize)
for (i in seq_along(list_data)) {
list_data[[i]][tf] <- list_data_temp[[i]]
# Filling with NA each list that has returned species search with NULL results
list_data <- lapply(list_data, .fill_NA)
if (gen_sp_nbr) {
# Extracting species number
df$species_number <- as.numeric(unlist(list_data[[6]], use.names = F))
# Extracting the protologue
df$publication <- NA
df$publication <- unlist(list_data[[5]], use.names = F)
df$status <- "Accepted"
# Extracting native and introduced distribution
df$native_to_country <- NA
df$native_to_botanical_countries <- NA
df$introduced_to_country <- NA
df$introduced_to_botanical_countries <- NA
begindiscol = 12
enddiscol = 15
n = 11
if (hybrid) {
begindiscol = 13
enddiscol = 16
n = 12
if (gen_sp_nbr) {
begindiscol = 10
enddiscol = 13
n = 9
for (i in begindiscol:enddiscol) {
df[[i]] <- unlist(list_data[[i-n]], use.names = F)
# Removing any non-ASCII chars from the columns of distribution data
df[[i]] <- iconv(df[[i]],
from = "UTF-8", to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT")
# Extracting synonyms
if (synonyms) {
df <- get_synonyms(df, list_data[[6]])
# Select specific columns of interest
if (gen_sp_nbr == FALSE &
hybrid == FALSE) {
df <- df %>% select("family",
if (gen_sp_nbr == FALSE &
hybrid == TRUE) {
df <- df %>% select("family",
if (gen_sp_nbr == TRUE &
hybrid == FALSE) {
df <- df %>% select("family",
if (gen_sp_nbr == TRUE &
hybrid == TRUE) {
df <- df %>% select("family",
# If a vector of country names is provided, then remove any taxon that does
# not occur in the given country. The temp vector is logical (TRUE or FALSE)
# and shows which taxon/row should be kept in the search given the provided
# country vector.
if (!is.null(country)) {
df <- country_filter(df,
country = country,
synonyms = synonyms,
verbose = verbose)
# Removing columns when 'gen_sp_nbr = FALSE'
if (gen_sp_nbr == FALSE) {
tf <- which(is.na(df$accepted_name) == TRUE)
if (length(tf) == length(df$accepted_name)) {
df <- df %>% select(-c("status", "accepted_name"))
# Secondary function to visit the POWO page of each species
get_tax_data <- function(df,
synonyms = synonyms,
gen_sp_nbr = gen_sp_nbr,
verbose = verbose,
dfsize = dfsize) {
l_uri <- length(df$powo_uri)
if (gen_sp_nbr) {
sp_nbr <- vector("list", length = l_uri)
dist_nat <- dist_nat_bot <- dist_intr <- dist_intr_bot <-
html <- tf_sp_nbr <- publ <- syns <-
vector("list", length = l_uri)
for (i in seq_along(df$powo_uri)) {
# The tryCatch function helps skipping error in for-loop
tf <- df$powo_uri == df$powo_uri[i]
gen <- df$genus[tf]
fam <- df$family[tf]
if (!is.na(df$powo_uri[i])) {
html[[i]] <- readLines(paste(df$powo_uri[i]), warn = F)
# Adding a counter to identify each running search.
if (gen_sp_nbr) {
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("Searching distribution and sp number of... ",
gen, " ",
fam, " ", i, "/",
} else {
if (verbose) {
ng <- gen
ng <- ng[!is.na(ng)]
ns <- df$species[tf]
ns <- ns[!is.na(ns)]
nf <- fam
nf <- nf[!is.na(nf)]
message(paste0("Searching distribution of... ",
ng, " ",
ns, " ",
nf, " ", i, "/",
# Extracting species number
if (gen_sp_nbr) {
tf_sp_nbr[[i]] <- grepl(">Includes\\s", html[[i]])
sp_nbr[[i]] <- gsub(".*>Includes\\s", "",
sp_nbr[[i]] <- gsub("\\sAccepted.+", "",
sp_nbr[[i]][grepl("\\sAccepted\\s", sp_nbr[[i]])])
# Extracting native and introduced distribution
dist_nat[[i]] <-
gsub(".*Native\\sto[:]<[/]h3>\\s+<p\\sclass[=]\"p\">\\s+", "",
paste0(html[[i]], collapse = ""))
dist_nat[[i]] <- gsub("\\s+<.+", "", dist_nat[[i]])
dist_nat[[i]] <- gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", dist_nat[[i]])
dist_intr[[i]] <-
gsub(".*Introduced\\sinto[:]</h3>\\s+<p\\sclass[=]\"p\">\\s+", "",
paste0(html[[i]], collapse = ""))
dist_intr[[i]] <- gsub("\\s+<.+", "", dist_intr[[i]])
dist_intr[[i]] <- gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", dist_intr[[i]])
# Extracting the protologue
publ[[i]] <- gsub(".*First\\spublished\\sin\\s+", "",
paste0(html[[i]], collapse = ""))
publ[[i]] <- gsub("\\s+</div>.+", "", publ[[i]])
publ[[i]] <- gsub("[&]amp;", "&", publ[[i]])
if (synonyms) {
# Extracting possible synonyms
syns[[i]] <- gsub(".*Has\\s[0-9]\\s+", "",
paste0(html[[i]], collapse = ""))
syns[[i]] <- gsub("+</span></li>(\\s){1,}</ul>(\\s){1,}</div>.+",
"", syns[[i]])
syns[[i]] <- gsub(".*taxon-section__content+", "", syns[[i]])
dist_nat_bot[[i]] <- dist_nat[[i]]
tf <- grepl("<", dist_nat_bot[[i]])
if (any(tf)) {
dist_nat_bot[[i]][tf] <- "unknown"
dist_intr_bot[[i]] <- dist_intr[[i]]
tf <- grepl("<", dist_intr_bot[[i]])
if (any(tf)) {
dist_intr_bot[[i]][tf] <- "unknown"
# Correcting list of countries that come with different regions.
dist_nat[[i]] <- botdiv_to_countries(dist_nat, i)
dist_intr[[i]] <- botdiv_to_countries(dist_intr, i)
# The function below will print any search error (e.g. site address of a
# specific genus is not opening for some reason).
}, error = function(e) {cat(paste("ERROR:", df$genus[tf], df$family[tf]),
conditionMessage(e), "\n")})
# Pause for 300 seconds right after every 500th search,
# because POWO website may crash when searching uninterruptedly.
if (i %% 500 == 0) {
if (synonyms == FALSE &
gen_sp_nbr == TRUE) {
list_data <- list(dist_nat, dist_nat_bot, dist_intr,
dist_intr_bot, publ, sp_nbr)
names(list_data) <- c("dist_nat", "dist_nat_bot", "dist_intr",
"dist_intr_bot", "publ", "sp_nbr")
if (gen_sp_nbr == FALSE &
synonyms == TRUE) {
list_data <- list(dist_nat, dist_nat_bot, dist_intr,
dist_intr_bot, publ, syns)
names(list_data) <- c("dist_nat", "dist_nat_bot", "dist_intr",
"dist_intr_bot", "publ", "syns")
if (gen_sp_nbr == FALSE &
synonyms == FALSE) {
list_data <- list(dist_nat, dist_nat_bot, dist_intr,
dist_intr_bot, publ)
names(list_data) <- c("dist_nat", "dist_nat_bot", "dist_intr",
"dist_intr_bot", "publ")
# Secondary function to synonyms and associated data
get_synonyms <- function(df, syns) {
temp_taxa <- df$kew_id
tf <- grepl("Synonym", syns)
for (i in which(tf == TRUE)) {
temp <- strsplit(syns[[i]], "heading-4")[[1]][-1]
temp <- strsplit(temp, "p-regular teal-link")
for (j in seq_along(temp)) {
temp[[j]][1] <- gsub("s<.+", "", temp[[j]][1])
temp[[j]][1] <- gsub(".+>", "", temp[[j]][1])
temp_uri <- temp_opus <- temp_syns <- as.vector("")
for (k in seq_along(temp[[j]][-1])) {
# Extracting a string between other two strings
temp_uri <- gsub(".*[:]names[:](.+)\"><em.*",
"\\1", temp[[j]][-1][k])
temp_opus <- ifelse(grepl("[)]$", temp[[j]][-1][k]),
"", temp[[j]][-1][k]),
"\\1", temp[[j]][-1][k]))
tf_opus <- grepl("ipni[.]org", temp_opus)
if(any(tf)) {
temp_opus[tf_opus] <- gsub(".*class[=]'p-s'>(.+),\\s.*",
"\\1", temp_opus[tf_opus])
tf_opus <- grepl("unknown\\spublication$|ipni[.]org", temp_opus)
if(any(tf)) {
temp_opus[tf_opus] <- "unknown publication"
temp_syns <- gsub(".*><em\\slang[=]\'la\'>(.+)</a>\\sin\\s<span.*",
"\\1", temp[[j]][-1][k])
temp_syns <- gsub("</em>|<em lang='la'>", "", temp_syns)
pos <- which(df$kew_id %in% temp_taxa[i] == TRUE)
df <- tibble::add_row(df, .after = pos)
df$family[pos+1] <- df$family[pos]
df$scientific_name[pos+1] <- temp_syns
df$genus[pos+1] <- gsub("\\s.*", "", temp_syns)
df$taxon_name[pos+1] <- flora::remove.authors(temp_syns)
df$accepted_name[pos+1] <- df$scientific_name[pos]
df$status[pos+1] <-temp[[j]][1]
df$publication[pos+1] <- temp_opus
df$kew_id[pos+1] <- temp_uri
df$powo_uri[pos+1] <- paste0("http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/",
# Secondary function to find related country for each botanical subdivision
botdiv_to_countries <- function(x, i) {
# Load botanical subdivisions
utils::data("botregions", package = "expowo")
temp <- strsplit(x[[i]], ", ")[[1]]
for (n in seq_along(temp)) {
tf <- botregions$botanical_division %in% temp[n]
if (length(botregions$country[tf]) == 0) {
# Use strtrim to limit the length of each character/botanical region
# because POWO has limited chars.
bot_temp <- strtrim(botregions$botanical_division, 20)
tf <- bot_temp %in% temp[n]
if (length(botregions$country[tf]) > 0) {
temp[n] <- botregions$country[tf]
} else {
if (any(!botregions$country[tf] %in% temp[n])) {
if (length(botregions$country[tf]) > 1) {
temp[n] <- paste(botregions$country[tf], collapse = ", ")
} else {
temp[n] <- botregions$country[tf]
temp <- sort(unique(temp))
x[[i]] <- paste(temp, collapse = ", ")
g <- grepl("<", x[[i]])
if (any(g)) {
x[[i]][g] <- "unknown"
# Secondary function to filter taxa in specific countries
country_filter <- function(df,
country = country,
synonyms = synonyms,
verbose = verbose) {
temp <- vector()
for (i in seq_along(df$native_to_country)) {
tt <- gsub("^\\s", "",
strsplit(df$native_to_country[i], ",")[[1]]) %in% country
if (any(tt)) {
temp[i] <- TRUE
} else {
temp[i] <- FALSE
for (i in seq_along(df$introduced_to_country)) {
tt <- gsub("^\\s", "",
strsplit(df$introduced_to_country[i], ",")[[1]]) %in% country
if (any(tt)) {
temp[i] <- TRUE
# The following conditions is just to show/print how the df will be
# subsetted according to the provided country vector.
if (verbose) {
if (any(temp)) {
tl <- list()
for (i in seq_along(country)) {
tv <- vector()
for (l in seq_along(df$native_to_country)) {
tv[l] <-
country[i] %in% gsub("^\\s", "",
strsplit(df$native_to_country[l], ",")[[1]])
if (length(which(tv == TRUE)) == 0) {
tl[[i]] <- FALSE
if (length(which(tv == TRUE)) != 0 &
length(which(tv == TRUE)) < length(tv)) {
tl[[i]] <- TRUE
if (length(which(tv == TRUE)) == length(tv)) {
tl[[i]] <- TRUE
cv <- country[unlist(tl)]
if (length(country[country %in% cv]) != length(country)) {
cat(paste("Your search returned taxa with distribution only in the
following countries:\n", "\n",
paste(country[country %in% cv], collapse = ", "), "\n",
"There is no taxa occurring in the countries below:\n",
paste(country[!country %in% cv], collapse = ", "), "\n",
"Check whether any taxon does not occur in the countries
above either because:\n",
"1. The taxon indeed does not occur in the provided
country vector;\n",
"2. The country name is written with any typo;\n",
"3. Any country name in the country vector is not written
in English language.\n", "\n"))
} else {
cat(paste("Your search returned an empty data frame either because:\n",
"1. No taxon occurs in the provided country vector;\n",
"2. The country vector has any typo;\n",
"3. Any country name in the country vector is not written in
English language."))
# Subset the searched genera according to the country vector.
if (verbose) {
if(length(df$genus[temp]) != length(temp)) {
cat(paste("Taxa listed below were removed from the original search
because they are not native to any of the given country
vector:\n", "\n",
if (synonyms) {
tf <- sub("^(\\S*\\s+\\S+).*",
"\\1", df$accepted_name) %in% df$taxon_name[temp]
temp[which(tf == TRUE)] <- TRUE
df <- df[temp, ]
} else {
df <- df[temp, ]
# Secondary function to fill with NA some lists that returned NULL results
.fill_NA <- function(x) {
temp <- lapply(x, is.null)
x[unlist(temp)] <- NA
temp <- lapply(x, function(x) length(x) == 0)
x[unlist(temp)] <- NA
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