
Defines functions n_zones_PCA

Documented in n_zones_PCA

## The function performs the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the number of
## dense zones obtained by varying the threshold on accumulation values obtained
## with the three methods of accumulation (TF, region, base).
## Input:
##    lists with the results of the dense_zones function using the TF,
##    region and base accumulation method (in this order) and varying the
##    thresholds on the considered accumulation values.
##    chr: optional argument, needed if the input is found with chr = "all";
##    a string or a vector containing strings with the name of the chromosome
##    (e.g., "chr1")
## Output: A list with a summary containing the standard deviation on each
## principal component, the proportion of variance explained by each principal
## component, the cumulative proportion of variance described by each principal
## component, and the loadings of each principal component. In addition, a plot
## with the variances of the principal components; a plot with the cumulate
## variances of the principal components; three plots with the loadings of the
## three principal components; a plot with the vector obtained, for each
## threshold value, as linear combination of the number of dense zones
## (after scaling) for each accumulation type, using as linear combination
## coefficients the loadings of the first principal component for the three
## accumulation types.

n_zones_PCA <- function(TF_zones, region_zones, base_zones, chr = NULL) {
    if (!is.list(TF_zones))
        stop("'TF_zones' must be an object of type 'list'.")
    if (!is.list(region_zones))
        stop("'region_zones' must be an object of type 'list'.")
    if (!is.list(base_zones))
        stop("'base_zones' must be an object of type 'list'.")
    if (TF_zones$acctype != "TF")
        stop("TF_zones must contain dense zones from TF accumulation type.")
    if (region_zones$acctype != "region")
    stop("region_zones must contain dense zones from region accumulation type.")
    if (base_zones$acctype != "base")
    stop("base_zones must contain dense zones from base accumulation type.")

    if (TF_zones$chr != "all" & TF_zones$chr == region_zones$chr &
        TF_zones$chr == base_zones$chr) {
        chr <- TF_zones$chr

    if (length(eval(parse(text = paste("TF_zones$zones_count$", chr,
                                    "$n_zones", sep = "")))) !=
        length(eval(parse(text = paste("region_zones$zones_count$", chr,
                                    "$n_zones", sep = "")))) ||
        length(eval(parse(text = paste("TF_zones$zones_count$", chr,
                                    "$n_zones", sep = "")))) !=
        length(eval(parse(text = paste("base_zones$zones_count$", chr,
                                    "$n_zones", sep = "")))) ||
        length(eval(parse(text = paste("region_zones$zones_count$", chr,
                                    "$n_zones", sep = "")))) !=
        length(eval(parse(text = paste("base_zones$zones_count$", chr,
                                    "$n_zones", sep = "")))))
        stop("The lengths of the three input dataframe are different,
            comparison not possible")

    ## dataframe with the number of zones for the three inputs
    n_zones <- data.frame(eval(parse(text = paste("TF_zones$zones_count$",
                        chr,"$n_zones", sep = ""))),
                        eval(parse(text = paste("region_zones$zones_count$",
                        chr,"$n_zones", sep = ""))),
                        eval(parse(text = paste("base_zones$zones_count$",
                        chr,"$n_zones", sep = ""))))
    ## scaled values of n_zones
    zone <- data.frame(scale(n_zones))
    names(zone)=c("TF_zones", "region_zones", "base_zones")
    ## PCA
    pca <- prcomp(zone)

    ## barplot with variances
    barplot(pca$sdev^2, main = "Variances of the principal components",
        ylab = "Variances", names.arg = c("Comp1", "Comp2", "Comp3"))
    ## plot with cumulate variances
    plot(cumsum(pca$sdev^2/sum(pca$sdev^2)), type = "l", main =
        "Cumulate variances of the principal components", ylab = "Contribute to
        total variance", xlab = "Number of components", xaxt = "n")
    axis(1, c(1, 2, 3))

    ## plots with loadings
    par(mfrow = c(3, 1))
    barplot(pca$rotation[, 1], ylim = c(-1, 1), names.arg = c("TF", "region",
        "base"), ylab = "Comp1")
    barplot(pca$rotation[, 2], ylim = c(-1, 1), names.arg = c("TF", "region",
        "base"), ylab = "Comp2")
    barplot(pca$rotation[, 3], ylim = c(-1, 1), names.arg = c("TF", "region",
        "base"), ylab = "Comp3")
    mtext("Loadings of the principal components", outer = TRUE)
    return(list(summary = summary(pca), loadings = pca$rotation))
DEIB-GECO/TFHAZ documentation built on July 29, 2023, 5:45 p.m.