
#' Blockbuster model of school estate deterioration
#' High level modelling of element and block objects through time that considers
#' repairs and rebuilding interventions on the condition of the modelled
#' building components. It is composed of many smaller functions that
#' deteriorate, rebuild and repair the components.

#' Outputs a list of data frames detailing the condition of the modelled blocks
#' and components at each timestep.  Information is stored at block and element
#' level. The states at each timestep and the final output are saved as files
#' specified by the \code{filelabel} and \code{path} parameters.  The saving of
#' outputs to disc is mandatory.  It saves memory space for large samples and
#' simulations and the final output is collated from the individual files rather
#' than being stored in memory.
#' At each timestep the components are degraded at the appropriate rates.
#' Inflation (set by the user using the \code{inflation} parameter) is then
#' applied to repair and rebuild costs.  After this, blocks are
#' rebuilt in an order determined by a cost benefit calculation which weighs the
#' cost of repairing all components in a block with the cost of rebuilding the
#' block. Once this is done, the model then decides on which components need
#' repairing.  Grade D components are repaired first, in order of descending
#' cost.  Then Grade C components are repaired and then, if the budget allows,
#' Grade B.
#' The degradation rates of a component are based on transition rates
#' from EC Harris and expert opinion within DfE.  Alternate transition rates can
#' be passed to the function using the \code{block.repair.costs} parameter after
#' manually editing the block_det_data object created by the library.
#' Repair costs per unit area for each component are pulled from a data table
#' internal to the package.  Repair costs can be manually passed to the
#' blockbuster function using the \code{block.repair.costs} argument, respecting
#' the format of the default parameter.
#' Rebuild costs per unit area are user-input as parameter
#' \code{block.rebuild.cost} and individiual block rebuild costs generated from
#' this and the GIFA (Gross Internal Floor Area) of the block.
#' The \code{rebuild.money} and \code{repair.money} arguments provide the
#' budgets for rebuilding and repairing during each timestep respectively.
#' @param element.data A data frame containing the element-level initial state.
#' @param block.data (optional) A data frame containing the block-level initial
#' state. If not supplied, this will be created from the element.data.
#' @param forecast.horizon A number. How many timesteps are to be simulated.
#' Default value is 1.
#' @param rebuild.money A vector of numbers indicating the available money to
#' spend on rebuilding blocks each timestep. Default value is zero.
#' @param repair.money A vector of numbers indicating the available money to
#' spend on repairing components each timestep. Default value is zero
#' @param block.rebuild.cost (optional) The unit cost (per m^2^) of rebuilding
#' blocks. Default value is 2000. This is required if the \code{block.data}
#' argument is not supplied.
#' @param inflation A vector of numbers indicating the inflation rate to apply
#' to repair and rebuild costs each timestep.  If a vector of length one is
#' supplied it will be used as the inflation rate for all timesteps. Default
#' is 1, i.e. no inflation.
#' @param save (optional) Logical. If \code{TRUE}, then
#' the block and element states are saved to disc at each timestep.
#' @param filelabel (optional) Character. The start of the file names used to
#' save the interim outputs. Default is \code{blockbuster_output}.
#' @param path (optional) Character. The path to the folder which stores the
#' outputs. If the folder this points to does not exist then the simulation will
#' fail. Default is \code{./output/}.
#' @param grade.order (Optional) A list of the three character strings \code{"D"},
#'  \code{"C"} and \code{"B"} in any order.  This determines the priority for
#'  repairs.  The first character gives the first grade that will be repaired.
#'  By default, D is repaired first, then C, then B.
#' @return A list.  Each list entry contains the block-level and
#' element-level objects that store the condition of the blocks and
#' components at each timestep, with the initial conditions stored in the first
#' list entry.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Run the Blockbuster Deterioration Model over 10 years, with no funds for
#' # rebuilding or repairing.
#' Blockbuster(simulated_elements, forecast.horizon = 10)
#' # Run the Blockbuster Deterioration Model over 10 years, with £1M for
#' # repairing each year.
#' Blockbuster(simulated_elements, forecast.horizon = 10, repair.money = 1e6)
#' }
Blockbuster <- function(element.data, block.data = NULL,
                        forecast.horizon = 1,
                        rebuild.money = 0,
                        repair.money = 0,
                        block.rebuild.cost = 2000,
                        inflation = 1,
                        save = FALSE,
                        filelabel = "blockbuster_output",
                        path = "./output/",
                        grade.order = c("E", "D", "C", "B")){

  # critical component list -------------------------------------------------
  # At some point this needs to be fed to the function as an argument
  # It is drawn from the CDC relative need model Severity Impact Rating

  critical_elements <- c(1826, 1827, 1828, 1829,

  # input integrity checks -------------------------------------------------
  message ("Checking inputs...")
  inputs <- input_checks(element.data,
  # inputs_checks may have changed some inputs (e.g. repeating single values)
  block.data <- inputs$block.data
  rebuild.money <- inputs$rebuild.money
  repair.money <- inputs$repair.money
  inflation <- inputs$inflation

  # set filepath
  savepath <- file.path(path)
  savefile <- file.path(path, filelabel)

  # save initial state ------------------------------------------------------

    message(paste0("Saving initial state to file: ", savefile))
    # set up output directory if necessary
    if(!dir.exists(savepath)) dir.create(savepath)

    # save initial state (this may seem odd since it is an input, but it is useful
    # to have the initial state saved as part of the complete output).
    saveRDS(element.data, file = paste0(savefile, "_element_0.rds"))
    saveRDS(block.data, file = paste0(savefile, "_block_0.rds"))

  # set up output list.
  message("Setting up output.")
  building_output <- vector("list", forecast.horizon + 1)
  element_output <- vector("list", forecast.horizon + 1)
  building_output[[1]] <- full_join(
    element_summarise_backlog(element.data, buildingid),
    element_summarise_area(element.data, buildingid)) %>%
    mutate_at(c("area", "backlog"), replace_na, 0) %>%
    mutate(year = 0)
  element_output[[1]] <- full_join(
    element_summarise_backlog(element.data, elementid),
    element_summarise_area(element.data, elementid)) %>%
    mutate_at(c("area", "backlog"), replace_na, 0) %>%
    mutate(year = 0)
  building_failures <- 0 # number of expected failed buildings (at least one critical component in E)
  rebuilds <- 0 # number of rebuilds performed in the year
  in_need <- length(which(block.data$ratio >= 1)) # number of blocks in need of rebuilding
  cost <- block.data %>% filter(ratio >= 1) %>% pull(block.rebuild.cost) %>% sum # cost of rebuilding in need blocks

  # LOOP ----
  for (i in 1:forecast.horizon){
    # deteriorate ----
    message(paste0("Deteriorating at time step ", i,"."))
    element.data <- Deteriorate(element.data = element.data)

    # update repair costs ----
    message("Updating element repair totals.")
    element.data <- UpdateElementRepairs(element.data)
    block.data <- UpdateBlockRepairs(block.data, element.data)

    # inflate all repair/rebuild costs ----
    message("Inflating rebuild and repair costs.")
    block.data <- InflateRebuild(block.data = block.data,
                                 inflation = inflation[i])

    block.data <- InflateRepairBlock(block.data = block.data,
                                     inflation = inflation[i])

    element.data <- InflateRepairElement(element.data = element.data,
                                         inflation = inflation[i])

    # rebuild ----
    message("Rebuilding blocks.")
    element.data <- Rebuild(element.data = element.data,
                            block.data = block.data,
                            rebuild.money = rebuild.money[i])
    rebuilds[[i+1]] <- attr(element.data, "No. of rebuilds")

    # update repair costs ----
    element.data <- UpdateElementRepairs(element.data)
    block.data <- UpdateBlockRepairs(block.data, element.data)

    # repair ----
    message("Repairing blocks.")
    element.data <- Repair(element.data = element.data,
                           repair.money = repair.money[i],
                           grade.order = grade.order)

    # update repair costs ----
    element.data <- UpdateElementRepairs(element.data)
    block.data <- UpdateBlockRepairs(block.data, element.data)

    # save current state ----
      message(paste0("Saving state at timestep ", i, " to file."))
      # save current state
      saveRDS(element.data, file = paste0(savefile, "_element_", i, ".rds"))
      saveRDS(block.data, file = paste0(savefile, "_block_", i, ".rds"))

    building_output[[i + 1]] <- full_join(
      element_summarise_backlog(element.data, buildingid),
      element_summarise_area(element.data, buildingid)) %>%
      mutate_at(c("area", "backlog"), replace_na, 0) %>%
      mutate(year = i)
    element_output[[i + 1]] <- full_join(
      element_summarise_backlog(element.data, elementid),
      element_summarise_area(element.data, elementid)) %>%
      mutate_at(c("area", "backlog"), replace_na, 0) %>%
      mutate(year = i)
    building_failures[i+1] <- buildings_expected_failures(element.data, critical_elements) %>% pull(Expected_building_failures)
    in_need[i+1] <- length(which(block.data$ratio > 1))
    cost[i+1] <- block.data %>% filter(ratio >= 1) %>% pull(block.rebuild.cost) %>% sum

    # LOOP END ----


  # OUTPUT ----
  message("Preparing output.")
  element <- bind_rows(element_output)
  building <- bind_rows(building_output)

  return(list("element summary" = element, "building summary" = building,
              element = element.data, block = block.data,
              "expected blocks with external wall at E" = building_failures,
              "Number of rebuilds" = rebuilds,
              "Number of buildings in need of rebuilding" = in_need,
              "Cost of rebuilding in need buildings" = cost))
DFE-Capital/Blockbuster-2 documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:23 a.m.