
# Convert SQL tab delimited .txt to .RData --------------------------------
# purpose as above, take SQL query data as tab delimited file
# tidy and create some useful new variables

# GET DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------
# source("00_get_data.R")
# script currently empty, could be SQL call

# INPUT -------------------------------------------------------------------


block_data <- read_tsv(file  = "./data-raw/blockbuster_data.txt",
                       col_names = TRUE)  #  blockbuster_data_v3_MG

# LOOK AT DATA ------------------------------------------------------------
# dodgy encoding for first variable, thus repositioned in SQL query
#nrow(block_data) - sum(complete.cases(block_data))  #  dodgy rows, composition NULL
block_data_complete <- block_data %>%
  filter(complete.cases(.)) %>%
  mutate(timestep = as.integer(0), unit_area = double(1))  #  add time zero, unit_area
# ADD VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------
# compute the sum of repair costs by block, then append this on for tidy data
block_cost_sum <- block_data_complete %>%
  group_by(buildingid) %>%
  summarise(cost_sum = sum(cost))

block_data_complete <- block_data_complete %>%
  left_join(x = ., y = block_cost_sum, by = "buildingid")  #  where . passes data


# VARIABLE TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------------
to_correct <- c("site_ref", "block_ref",
                "element", "sub_element", "const_type",
                "const_type_accessible", "grade", "swimming_pool")
# Correct data type of variable
# use mutate_each_, which is the standard evaluation version, to change variable classes
block_data_correct_type <- block_data_complete %>%
  mutate_each_(funs(factor), to_correct)

# Add correct levels to grade, N for new, E for decommisioned
levels(block_data_correct_type$grade) <- list(N = "N", A = "A", B = "B",
                                              C = "C", D = "D", E = "E")

# TIDY DATA ---------------------------------------------------------------

blockbuster_pds <- block_data_correct_type %>%
  select(-1, -dfeno, -urn, -site_ref, -block_ref, -priority)  %>%  #  drop irrelevant yet sensitive columns
  blockbuster::areafy2() %>%  #  estimate unit_area variable at time zero using improved method
  as_tibble() %>%  #  reorder into appropirate hierarchy
  select(lano, siteid, buildingid, elementid, everything())

# CREATE R DATA -----------------------------------------------------------

devtools::use_data(blockbuster_pds, overwrite = TRUE)
DFE-Capital/blockbuster documentation built on May 26, 2019, 7:23 a.m.