#' @rdname plotWindow
#' @export
plotWindowProportion <- function(labData, idColName, labItemColName,
dateColName, indexDate = last, gapDate = c(30, 90, 180, 360), topN = 10,
labData <- as.data.table(labData)
# "LAB" <- unlist(strsplit(deparse(substitute(labItemColName))," [+] "))
setnames(labData,deparse(substitute(idColName)), "ID")
setnames(labData,deparse(substitute(labItemColName)), "LAB")
setnames(labData,deparse(substitute(dateColName)), "Date")
labData <- labData[,c("ID", "Date", "LAB"), with = FALSE]
labData[, "Date"] <- base::as.Date(format(labData[, Date]))
if(deparse(substitute(indexDate)) == "all"){
dataWindow <- unique(labData[, -"Date"])
pplCount <- length(unique(dataWindow[,ID]))
sumData <- dataWindow[, .(`Missing Rate` = 1 - (.N/pplCount)) , by = c("LAB")]
sumData <- sumData[order(`Missing Rate`,decreasing = TRUE)][1:topN,]
sumData[,"LAB"] <- as.factor(sumData[,LAB])
missingGraph <- ggplot(sumData, aes(x = LAB, y = `Missing Rate`))+
geom_bar(position="dodge",stat = "identity")
return(list(missingRate = sumData, graph = missingGraph))
if(deparse(substitute(indexDate)) == "first"){
setorderv(labData, c("ID", "Date"))
dataWindow <- labData[, gap := Date - head(Date, 1), by = c("ID")][, paste0("", gapDate) := lapply(gapDate , function(x) as.numeric(floor(gap/x) + 1))][, -c( "Date")]
}else if (deparse(substitute(indexDate)) == "last"){
setorderv(labData, c("ID", "Date"))
dataWindow <- labData[, gap := Date - tail(Date, 1), by = c("ID")][, paste0("", gapDate) := lapply(gapDate, function(x) as.numeric(ceiling(gap/x) - 1))][, -c( "Date")]
}else if (length(indexDate)==1L){
setorderv(labData, c("ID", "Date"))
dataWindow <- labData[, gap := Date - base::as.Date(indexDate), by = c("ID")][, paste0("", gapDate) := lapply(gapDate, function(x) ifelse(gap >= 0, floor(gap/x)+1, floor(gap/x)))][, -c( "Date")]
setorderv(labData, c("ID", "Date"))
dataWindow <- merge(labData, indexDate,
all.x = TRUE)[,gap := Date - base::as.Date(indexDate), by = c("ID")][, paste0("", gapDate) := lapply(gapDate, function(x) ifelse(gap >= 0, floor(gap/x)+1, floor(gap/x)))][, -c("Date")]
dataGap <- unique(melt(dataWindow[,-c("gap")], id.vars = c("ID", "LAB"), variable.name = "Gap"))
totalWindowDT$Gap<-factor(totalWindowDT$Gap,levels = levels(dataGap$Gap))
dataGap <- dataGap[, .(withValue= sum(!is.na(value))),
by = c("ID", "LAB", "Gap")]
sumGap <- dataGap[,.(`By Individual` =(totalIndividuals-.N)/totalIndividuals,
`By Window` =(sum(NWindow)-sum(withValue))/sum(NWindow),
by = c("LAB", "Gap")]
sumLong <- melt(sumGap[,-c("nIndividuals","total","withValuen")],
variable.name = "Method", value.name = "Proportion", id.vars = 1:2)
missingGraph <- ggplot(sumLong, aes(x = Gap, y = Proportion, fill = Method))+
xlab('Gap') + ylab('Missing Rate') +
geom_bar(position="dodge",stat = "identity")+
facet_wrap( ~ LAB, scales = "free")
return(list(missingData = sumLong, graph = missingGraph))
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